With ObamaCare, We're All Criminals Now
By Gina Miller
website was never meant to work properly, and I am
sick of hearing people, especially on our side, harp
on it and gloat over it, as if this were a major
blunder by the Obama administration. It wasn’t
a blunder. It was a
slushy, billion-dollar calculated move. The
website was only a ruse, a smokescreen, to help
further their evil goal of forcing
command-and-control socialized medicine into the
faces of the formerly free American people. A
fully-functioning website would prematurely reveal
the grotesquely higher costs of this monstrous
poison pill, Obamacare—excuse me; the “Affordable”
Care Act—and, they didn’t want that to be known just
yet, so they bought more time with this website
“glitch” diversion.
As I have repeated ad nauseam in this column, America has been taken over by communists. This has been a roughly hundred-year campaign by the enemies of our blessed nation. We have allowed this to happen. We have become complacent and apathetic, taking our unprecedented freedoms for granted, trusting our leaders to do the right thing. We have turned away from God’s truth and morality, which has led to the devolution of our society to the point that our culture now stands neck-deep in a cesspool of Godless muck. Our “celebrities” now proudly announce to the world their homosexuality to the applause of their fellows in the seedy, irreverent media. These people would have been shamed by the public just a few short years ago when the moral sensibility of the general public was still on life support.
With the increasing level of immorality comes lawlessness, and where lawlessness grows, tyranny grows. It’s not just lawlessness that breeds tyranny, but the shabbiness of moral fiber in our leaders also spawns tyranny. We have seen this no more clearly in recent years than in Barack Obama (or whatever his name is), his administration and the Democrats and RINOs in Congress, the courts and federal bureaucracies. And, if there is anything that defines “tyranny,” it is the Obamacare legislation, a distinctly un-American, completely illegal law that not only dares to force Americans to buy a product, but also compels Americans to violate their consciences by forcing them to carry policies that fund abortion.
U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John “Quisling” Roberts’ twisted ruling (which was also illegal, because he changed the already-illegal law) does not make this law legitimate, no matter how many leftists declare otherwise. It is a very bad law, and it will have very bad consequences for our nation if it is not somehow undone. We are already starting to see this.
Because of this new, evil law, many Americans will become “criminals” as of January 1st (or whatever arbitrary, new deadline the real criminal Obama has set at his putrid whim), because many will refuse to comply with this wicked mandate. After all, are we supposed to endlessly bow down and submit to lawlessness from our own federal government? Is there a point at which we refuse to comply with their illegal dictates? Whatever the answer, there is a boiling movement to gather support for telling this administration to stick its illegal Obamacare law in its pipe and smoke it, to say, “We will not comply!”
Our federal government has long ago stepped out of its lawful, constitutional bounds and is now functioning in the realm of unconstitutional dictatorship. Since we have seen that the Republicans (who, with mouths full of guile, promised us they would kill Obamacare) have no will to stop this law, many Americans realize that it’s up to us to resist this tyranny. We have no representation in our representative Republic.
We have “social media.” Many of us are not willing to lie down and accept this atrocious Obamacare law, and while I know Facebook is a jolly treat for NSA types, it can also be a useful tool for networking patriots. The site is awash in anti-Obamacare pages, including an “event” page titled “I will not comply!” that invites Americans to publicly refuse to participate in this illegal law. As of this writing, more than 33,000 people have committed to it. Another page titled, “Majority Against ObamaCare,” currently has over 22,000 “likes.” I understand that some people may be afraid to associate their names with such pages, and that in itself is a testament to how powerful the tyranny in our nation has become. How could we have imagined that in the early 21st century, Americans would have the same fear of taking a public stand against the government that we have seen in people living under communist dictatorships around the world this past century?
We are between a rock and a hard place with this new law, and that is by devilish design, of course. Because of the outrageous Obamacare requirements for what must be covered by insurance policies, countless millions of Americans are losing the health insurance they already had, and many of them may not be able to afford new policies under the commie-care requirements of this new, legal atrocity.
While it would be nice to have it, I cannot afford health insurance. I’m certainly not alone in this. If I have to seek medical treatment, I must pay for it without insurance coverage. Although my husband and I make enough money to pay our bills and get by, we don’t make enough to comply with the Obamacare mandate to purchase health insurance, which would cost us anywhere from $600 to $2000 or more per month (and, no, we don’t take a dime of federal taxpayer money handouts of any kind).
The federal government has no legitimate authority to coerce us into buying health insurance—or any other product, for that matter—for the privilege of simply being citizens of the United States. Therefore, we will be “criminals,” as of January 1st, and I know we will be far, far from the only ones. We will not “embrace the suck.” We will resist the tyranny.