Why Isn’t There a Vaccine for Bill Gates?
By Pennel Bird
Editor’s note: Author Pennel Bird has written a series of articles describing multi-billionaire Bill Gates’s transition from software pioneer to “globalist health sage.” Liberty Nation proudly publishes this extraordinary piece of reportage on Gates and his side-kick Dr. Anthony Fauci in full here. We hope you find it as enlightening as we did.
Ever since COVID-19 began to spread across the planet, Bill Gates has been a ubiquitous presence in world media, recently stating, “Normalcy only returns when we’ve largely vaccinated the entire global population.” But despite his best efforts, and those of an uncritical media, to curate an image of him as unassailably right on matters of world health, Gates has a dubious track record in that arena — fraught with some alarming failures about which the general public knows very little. The disinclination of the mainstream media to critique the multi-billionaire, who seems, ostensibly at least, motivated by purely philanthropic ends, is an obvious impediment to getting a complete picture of Gates’ designs on control of international health agendas.
In October 2019, Gates hosted Event 201 in New York City. According to its website, the exercise was a simulation “of an outbreak of a novel coronavirus transmitted from bats, to pigs, to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic.”
Oddly Prescient
A mere two months before COVID-19 metastasized from Wuhan, China, to infect the world, Event 201 gamed out the virulence, mortality, worldwide impacts, and global responses to a nearly identical coronavirus outbreak and invited a clutch of handpicked thought leaders to conjecture about a possibility that became a reality — in remarkably short order.
Then the virus hit. And faster than the disappearance of hugs and handshakes, Gates stepped down from both Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway boards to “dedicate more time to philanthropic priorities, including global health and education.” This was a moment for which he had positioned himself for 20 years or more. It was an unmissable opportunity for the creator of the world’s second-best computer — his time come ’round at last.
Gates wrote his own job description going forward: globalist sage on all matters Coronavirus. He repeatedly defended the World Health Organization (WHO) against the obviously true claims that both China and the WHO were derelict in their responses to the virus, and that WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom was an abject steward in the fight against the pandemic. Long after the WHO accepted the Chinese government’s false reports that there was no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission, assured the world there was “no need” for measures that “unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade,” failed to declare the Wuhan virus a pandemic until March 11, and praised China’s “new standard” in responding to the virus, Gates led the honor parade for the WHO, insisting to CNN’s Fareed Zakaria that the organization was not culpable for the Chinese government’s cover-up and that China “did a lot of things right.” Asked about China’s efforts to destroy information of its complicity in the Coronavirus spread, Gates demurred testily, calling it “a distraction” and insisting it was “not even time for that discussion.”
“Normalcy only returns when we’ve largely vaccinated the entire global population.”
Curious, That
To spitball a theory as to why Bill Gates the Science Guy would defend both the WHO and China so strenuously about their responsibility for the spread of a global pandemic is to wonder about the possibility of daisy-chained motivations — to wit: Gates has a stated goal to vaccinate every man, woman, and child on planet Earth with a future Coronavirus jab — he has called for seven billion doses of a currently nonexistent vaccine — and China’s authoritarian regime, which brooks no dissent whatsoever, is an ideal model to impose globally to ensure complete compliance with a mass vaccination campaign.
The WHO is the engine by which such a campaign would be made manifest, so it serves Gates’ ends to do touch-ups, hair, and make-up for the organization. And defending China has the added benefit of bolstering a global power with which President Donald Trump has picked a very public street fight — first about fair trade policies and intellectual theft and currently about its dereliction of duty concerning the Wuhan flu. China’s totalitarian control over its citizens and their access to information on the internet is elevated as a model for globalist control of world health going forward, the serial failures of the WHO are lower-cased, while Trump — who campaigned and won the presidency based in part on his deep suspicion of global elites — is undermined.
In service to his laser-focused endgame, the self-appointed global health czar fired on all burners. Gates wrote several op-eds and gave interview after interview throughout the first terrible months of 2020, fulfilling Rahm Emanuel’s rewrite of Saul Alinsky’s directive to “never let a crisis go to waste.” Urging Trump to stop “stoking rumors,” Gates threw cold water on hydroxychloroquine — a drug that has been safely used for more than 75 years to treat malaria and lupus, has few serious side effects, and has shown remarkable worldwide clinical and anecdotal success in treating Coronavirus, as demonstrated compellingly by infectious diseases specialist Didier Raoult, E.R. specialist Anthony Cardillo, and family doctor Vladimir Zelenko, to name but three. The stories of recovery using the drug are legion and astonishing. They include a Democrat lawmaker from Michigan, who credits hydroxychloroquine for saving her life but has now been censured by her party because she thanked Trump for speaking out about it; Tom Hanks’ wife, whose fevers finally subsided the day after she began using it; and Dr. Marc Siegel, who says the drug saved the life of his 96-year-old father, who within hours of expected death took the drug and “woke up the next day fine.”
But on March 23, not content to wait for the results of his own foundation’s hydroxychloroquine clinical trials, due at the end of May, Gates ignored the spoiler alert and projected that “the benefits will be modest at best,” the very definition of being damned with faint praise — via crystal ball or confirmation bias, take your pick. Gates’ very unscientific forecast about the results of scientific trials that were not yet completed is another tell as to his motivations. His calculated pessimism about hydroxychloroquine intentionally boot-heeled the success of the drug, already proven back in 2005 to successfully combat the coronavirus SARS, which is ten times more deadly than COVID-19. However, there is no benefit to Gates’ plans for world health if his hydroxychloroquine trials prove the drug safe and effective at fighting Coronavirus, none.
It doesn’t take an investigative journalist to glean that if an efficacious, inexpensive drug such as hydroxychloroquine (50 cents per pill) were to be work-horsed into general use, the argument for the magical vaccine that Gates is promising would be far less compelling, the vaccine itself far less lucrative, and the opportunities for comprehensive international vaccine compliance greatly diminished. And so, based on his inversion/perversion of all scientific principles, it is already possible to predict the results of Gates’ hydroxychloroquine trials.
Meh. At best.
Coronavirus panic provided the perfect opportunity for
Bill Gates to transition from tech billionaire to
global health sage. He has a plan to pull us out of
this mess, and no amount of hydroxychloroquine can
be allowed to get in the way – successful treatments
be damned. But Gates isn’t the only one who knows
what’s at stake. Anthony Fauci was a director at the
National Institutes of Health in 2005 when an NIH
study on hydroxychloroquine found it to be a “potent
inhibitor” of SARS coronavirus “with strong
anti-viral effects.” The study demonstrated that the
drug worked both prophylactically and
therapeutically to combat the illness.
This raises an important question: If the drug worked so well on one coronavirus – and was being used successfully by physicians throughout the world way back then, as it is now – why would Fauci and Gates act in tandem to quell any optimism about the treatment option for our current outbreak? Why would Fauci minimize the drug’s merely “anecdotal” success at fighting Coronavirus when, as the former director of the government body that proved its efficacy against SARS, he knew full well it was a coronavirus killer?
Show Me The Money
One reason might lie in the fact that the Gates Foundation gifted a $110 million grant to Anthony Fauci, and that the two men have a long-running association – and likely a shared agenda about world health. Both men have gloom and doomed their way through the pandemic even though, on March 26 in the New England Journal of Medicine, Fauci quietly adjusted the initial mortality models for American Coronavirus deaths from 2.2 million down to around 70,000. This was a diminution by orders of magnitude, which would result in COVID-19 deaths being “ultimately more akin to those of severe seasonal influenza, which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%,” according to Fauci. Naturally, no one in the media bothered to report this salient detail. Nor were the mainstream media diligent or honest enough to remember that the Hong Kong Flu of 1968 killed 100,000 Americans – but we didn’t lock down the planet, destroy the economy, incur the highest unemployment numbers since the Great Depression, and wait breathlessly for the mythical vaccine unicorn of salvation. And still we managed to hold Woodstock – the very antonym of social distancing.
The current pandemic has fortuitously provided the perfect global fear moment to sell this idea of mandatory worldwide vaccination of both children and adults.
The incurious Fourth Estate also regularly ignores even more recent mortality numbers from the 2017-2018 flu season, during which an estimated 80,000 Americans died of influenza, in favor of a narrative that this outbreak is without precedent. This same vacuum of thoughtful reporting existed in 2010. Back then, Gates declared the coming ten years “the decade of vaccines,” pledged $10 billion to the cause, and endorsed the Healthy People 2020 initiative to make adult vaccines compulsory by this year. The gentleman who chaired the “Leadership Council” for that Gates Foundation effort? Anthony Fauci.
REAL ID, Real Tyranny?
Healthy People 2020’s engine for compliance of adult vaccine uptake was meant to be the federal REAL ID Act, which was passed in 2005 and slated to be rolled out this year, though it has been pushed back to 2021 because of Coronavirus. Beginning next year, Americans who want to drive, travel, buy alcohol, get a job, get a mortgage, or pick up Journey reunion tickets at the will call window, will need to have a government-issued REAL ID that is linked to their social security number, so it can be tracked nationally and internationally.
The REAL ID Act gives the Department of Homeland Security the ability to expand its powers over who is allowed the ID, and the conjectures are that it will require proof of up to date adult vaccinations, according to newly established CDC guidelines. The current pandemic has fortuitously provided the perfect global fear moment to sell this idea of mandatory worldwide vaccination of both children and adults. Keep stoking fear – as the Pharma-funded mainstream media has always done – and people will throw caution to the wind and line up for a full battery of jabs, the vast majority of which no adults have had since early childhood. This was unthinkable even a few months ago.
So, running interference for China and the WHO and razing hopes about hydroxychloroquine weren’t even close to the top of Gates’ to-do list. Of greatest importance to him were the twin priorities of developing a Coronavirus vaccine faster than any other in human history and heralding to the world media its imminent and sacred arrival. Gates has worked his turf like a Hollywood PR guy, rarely missing an on-camera opportunity to run the trailer for his coming attraction – albeit with the wildly gesticulating arms of a roadside inflatable tube man. Often before he is even asked, Gates intones that life will not resume normally until we have a vaccine. He has assured us, based on exactly zero science, that it will be 18 months before we return to our previous lives – the very same amount of time Gates and others have predicted to produce a vaccine ready for use by 7.5 billion people.
The Hidden History Of Gates Medicine
There are several things Bill Gates isn’t saying in these many interviews, however, things that cast a shadow across his carefully stage-managed efforts to fashion himself the Coronavirus Superman, here to red cape earth during a pandemic we now understand to be as deadly as seasonal flu. One is that Gates is skipping animal trials because he’s so enthusiastic about getting the vaccine to market – an idea a first grader would recognize as terrible. Another is that there has never been a successful coronavirus vaccine developed – ever. And a third is that vaccines typically take years to develop and test for safety, and yet are often still ineffective, such as the seasonal flu vaccine which was 3% effective for children and 9% effective for adults last year and has a two-decade record of being around 38% effective – or roughly as reliable as the ’93 Toyota Corolla you still have, but never drive anymore. But software developer Bill Gates can apparently deliver results in a fraction of the time, conveniently omitting the fact that the Dengvaxia vaccine for Dengue Fever took 20 years to develop and still killed 14 Filipino children in its first trials, with another 600 deaths under investigation – following which, that country abandoned the vaccine.
What other lies of omission is the universal mandatory vaccine advocate, Bill Gates, delivering uncontested to his adoring media hand puppets? Gates never mentions that India “disinvited” the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation based on its onerous conflicts of interest with Big Pharmaceutical. This was actually incredibly polite of India, considering Gates has been accused of ethical violations in running secret safety trials of the HPV vaccines Cervarix and Gardasil on young Indian girls in remote provinces – charges that are still tied up in India’s Supreme Court. The curious case of the world’s second-richest man is themed around the idea that people are in thrall to money, power, intelligence, and success – all of which Bill Gates has in excess. This is why he’s never subject to any frank questioning in any interviews, such as why, despite his concerted efforts, India and Japan suspended their HPV vaccine programs in 2010 and 2013, respectively, after numerous alarming incidents of vaccine-related death and injury in both countries.
The Inconvenient Truth Left Unsaid
A legion of IQ-struck interviewers – none of whom have ever lobbed anything but softballs at Mr. Microsoft – obsequiously mollycoddles Gates. He has yet to be asked about the 2010 Gates Foundation-funded phase 3 trials of GSK’s experimental malaria drug that killed 151 African infants, according to the New England Journal of Medicine, and which caused adverse side effects including seizure, paralysis, and convulsions in over 1,000 additional children. To ask questions of him about such concerns might take away from Gates’ relentless burnishing of his “just another aw-shucks genius in nerdy glasses” persona – and so they are never broached.
Like negative space in a painting, the many things always left unsaid in these generally fawning interviews with Gates divert attention away from his troubling track record and toward his preferred narrative. The inconvenience of a 2017 study by Soren Mogensen that demonstrated a ten-fold increase in deaths of African girls immunized with the DTP vaccine administered by the WHO is one of them. Gates is one of the World Health Organization’s biggest donors, so he naturally worked hand in glove with the organization to aggressively ignore this alarming data – and refused to remove the deadly vaccine from the market. When inoculating tens of millions of African children a year with a dangerous jab, it appears collateral damage is an inevitable, regrettable, but necessary outcome.
Although he alluded to it in an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, Gates tends to skirt the question of contact tracing, which is a way to “trace” those who have had Coronavirus or potentially those who have been vaccinated for it – either a necessary bureaucratic innovation or an unsettling Orwellian encroachment on civil rights, depending on your perspective. Also apparently under consideration are “bio-sensitive” smart tattoos, originally developed by MIT and later funded by Gates, that would embed an invisible ink mark in the skin for those who’ve been vaccinated, which can only be seen under infra-red light from a cell phone app – something that is sure to delight Jewish families and other students of 20th century history.
Gates has either omitted entirely, or remarked casually on all the above, in the same off-hand way he discussed the idea of vaccines leading to a 10% reduction in world population in a 2010 TED Talk, without bothering to explain what he really meant – which, as his defenders energetically insist, was that improved vaccine uptake in third world countries would remedy the problem of families having to have so many children. Or something.
A month after his eyebrow-raising TED Talk, the Gates Foundation-funded WHO was forced to admit that it had been developing sterility vaccines for over a decade. So did Gates misspeak that day or was it rather more than a slip of the tongue? The Gates Foundation spends just $650 million of its $5 billion budget on clean water, hygiene, nutrition, and economic development, which is the most unequivocal testimony to his priorities and proof positive of his keynote theme that good health only comes in a syringe – something he should get cross-stitched on accent pillows in every one of his many homes.
Full Indemnity – Because Vaccines Are Totally Safe
But the one thing Bill Gates really doesn’t want you to know is that he is so concerned about the grievous vaccine injuries that will inevitably result from a fast-tracked vaccine with rushed safety trials administered to everyone on the planet that he asked for – and got – full indemnity for any injury, complication, or death resulting from the Coronavirus vaccine. This is the same total indemnity, by the way, that Big Pharmaceutical and every medical professional who administers their vaccines enjoy, including the CVS pharmacist who flu-jabbed you, then gave you a free $5 gift card. None of them can be sued if the vaccine causes injury or death – a unique carve-out in American history. And now, non-scientist Bill Gates – elected to nothing and without a medical background – gets the same sweetheart deal for his unformulated vaccine that he plans to give to Every. Human. Being. On. Earth.
This need for indemnity flies in the face of everything we are unendingly told by the mainstream media: “Vaccines are safe.” Even though a federally funded National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) exists and has paid out over $4 billion in claims against a mere 1% of total injuries, according to a Harvard study, why would one need indemnity for a vaccine that will be administered to everyone on the planet if it is so safe? And who would be able to grant such immunity? Surely it would have to be some senior official with many years of experience and a stellar reputation – but who?
Anthony Fauci – Who Else?
Fauci is effectively the bureaucratic Zelig of Government Health, popping up at critical inflection points throughout his half-century-long career. He has been head of the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) for the better part of 37 years – a run that is commensurate with that of J. Edgar Hoover over at the FBI. Whether it is best practice for one man to have that kind of power and influence over a federal institution over such a long period of time is worth asking about Fauci, as it is about Hoover – not that it would do much good at this point. As silent partners in a shared vision of global health, it only makes sense that Gates would continue to unfurl his grand plan for the planet without the liability concerns from which Fauci has provided him protection. One mustn’t worry too much about people suffering terrible vaccine injuries such as Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome (in Gates’ HPV trials) or dying by the thousands (in Gates’ DTP trials) when you’re trying to save the world – right?
Bill Gates And Anthony Fauci: Coronavirus Crusaders
They’ve become a dynamic duo of sorts, Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci – an alliance of silence on the many truths they’ve agreed to suppress about the Coronavirus pandemic and world health. One of these successfully obfuscated inconvenient truths is that Fauci funded the Wuhan Lab from which the virus possibly originated to the tune of nearly $4 million over the last five years to bankroll gain of function studies on coronaviruses. Gain of function studies were banned in the U.S. back in 2013 because they are dangerous. The possibilities for an accidental escape of a virus being manipulated to increase its super-virulence (gain of function) are incredibly high, and the catastrophic results of such a mistake are even higher still. The question of why scientists are trying to make viruses so virulent that they can spread across the globe in a relative heartbeat is difficult to fathom for the typical layperson and best left to great minds – such as Fauci and Gates – to answer. Privately.
Anthony Fauci, Smooth Political Operator
retrospectives of “America’s Doctor” Anthony
Fauci also conveniently elide over the fact that he
has been a skilled, if ruthless, political operator
throughout his matchless tenure in government –
although this is a near redundancy, as very few who
survive that long in a high-level bureaucracy do so
without being some degree of Machiavellian. In 1983,
Fauci maneuvered to purloin the discovery made by
Drs. Frank
Ruscetti and Judy Mikovits about the connection
between HIV and AIDS to allow his protégé, Robert
Gallo, to replicate, publish, and claim credit for
it. This was a clever machination that got Fauci
promoted to head of NIAID – and delayed potential
treatment for people living with AIDS by six months,
causing untold additional deaths from that terrible
Fauci may have proved himself a smooth political operator, and he may have pivoted 180% throughout this year on whether Coronavirus was a threat (no, then yes), whether we needed face masks (no, then yes), whether quarantines help (yes, then no), whether we should shake hands (no), have sex with strangers (yes), and on when we can open America again and send children back to school (after we flatten the curve, or … who knows?). Still, he is genial by all accounts, and America loves him. The fact that we have decided to effectively entrust one man and his billionaire benefactor to steer a course for our nation’s future doesn’t really occur to most of us. Liking Fauci means we give him the wheel – with Bill Gates riding shotgun.
The partnership of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci has America in thrall to a carefully controlled Coronavirus narrative – one designed to steer the country and world toward the treatment plan of universal vaccination. Gates has long positioned himself as the global superhero of health, yet it is increasingly obvious that the man behind the curtain is not all he may appear.
A month after his eyebrow-raising TED Talk, the Gates Foundation-funded WHO was forced to admit that it had been developing sterility vaccines for over a decade.
Fauci and Gates may be helixed together in this moment, like a strand of DNA. But with a net worth of over $90 billion, Mr. Microsoft doesn’t need a sidekick or a mini-me. Gates can save Earth all by himself, and that is exactly what he is bent on doing. So anyone waxing curious about why Gates is positioning himself and his Futurevaxx™ for worldwide implementation and market success should rest assured it isn’t about the money. Bill Gates is no Scrooge McDuck, bathing joyfully in his swimming pools of cash. Even though the windfall for such a vaccine could be in the neighborhood of $500 billion, Gates could be frozen in carbonite today and continue to make billions without it.
Using Fear To Attain Control
For Gates, this moment isn’t about money – it’s about control over world health. It’s about power. The acquisition of unimaginable wealth now looks to have not been a primary motivator for Bill Gates at all, but a necessary tool with which he has sought to build and impose his Planet Earth Fortress of Solitude – one we are all presently experiencing, stuck in our homes, our immune systems weakening daily as we are shuttered from the world.
As the scientific models for Coronavirus mortality that hastened international quarantines are proven spectacularly wrong, look for Bill Gates to step up his Chicken Little routine on your nightly newscast. He may be able to crush hope about treatments like hydroxychloroquine, but he’ll need to continue successfully scaring people enough to keep them indoors until the vaccine Hail Mary delivers them from evil.
With New York’s discovery that 66% of new COVID-19 cases are from people who sheltered in place and the USC peer-reviewed mid-April study proving the virus is far less deadly than was predicted, the prospect of the unelected Gates being able to foster and fuel fear internationally to get total buy-in for worldwide vaccination is dimming. Gates can only hope that the masses are never made aware of the fact that a 2018 lawsuit against the Departments of Health and Human Services, (DHHS), won by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of Children’s Health Defense and Del Bigtree of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), proved that the federal government has never done adequate safety testing on any of 30 vaccines required by the CDC – ever. This is the smoking gun that the government bodies entrusted to the safety of our children have been lying about vaccine safety for over 30 years. It was proven in a court of law and conceded by these same culpable agencies. Quietly.
The sound of crickets in our mainstream media that followed such a cast-iron bombshell as the fact that our government has, by its own admission, never adequately safety tested the vaccines they require our children to take, is no accident – and no surprise. Approximately 70% of advertising revenues in the mainstream media are paid for by Big Pharma. This strongly disincentivizes the media from reporting anything but great news about vaccines – a 50s technology that has never been improved upon and is akin to having a dial telephone with a curly cord in your Tesla. The CDC and our Departments of Health are also all in bed with Big Pharmaceutical, which sounds like warmed-over, late-60s, revolutionary cynicism – until you see proof of it. And there is no better proof than Julie Gerberding.
And The CDC
As Director of the CDC, Gerberding blocked the testimony of a CDC whistleblower, who claimed that he and other scientists destroyed evidence of a link between the MMR vaccine and dramatic increases in Autism in African American boys. Gerberding directly muzzled Dr. William Thompson, and after burying the truth, it was easy to exonerate Merck Pharmaceutical. This was a favor the company returned by making her president of its vaccine division a year later after she left the CDC – a move which yielded her more than $9 million in stock alone. But she was probably glad to get a fresh start. While Director of the CDC, Gerberding admitted to Sanjay Gupta on television that “vaccines can trigger autism in certain subsets of children” as they discussed the case of Hannah Poling. The Poling family won a multi-million-dollar case on Hannah’s behalf in the Vaccine Court, when the government conceded that vaccines “resulted in” her Autism.
Here was a vanishingly rare glitch in the matrix – the truth laid bare. But that was 2009. Nothing like it has ever been seen or heard again since in any media outlet, anywhere. As the most profitable and powerful industry in the history of the world, with a lobbying arm that effectively wields the hammer of God in Washington D.C., Big Pharma made sure of it. And now that Bill Gates has become the world’s largest vaccine producer, he is, effectively, the de facto Pharaoh of Pharma.
How all occasions do inform against us.
In the absence of God, science is now religion, and its priests may never be questioned, as that is heresy. It doesn’t matter that two former editors of the most prestigious medical journals in the world, The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine, have both decried the conflicts of interest and corruption of “much of the scientific literature” we revere unquestioningly as “no longer possible to believe,” with estimates that “perhaps half may simply be untrue.”
Scientist-by-proxy Bill Gates, however, knows that the great unwashed rarely question science, corrupted or not, and that wrapping himself in the red cape of “scientific consensus” and his “philanthropic priorities,” such as they are, confer total legitimacy on his various enterprises and his designs on control of world health. No, Gates isn’t a scientist – but he plays one on T.V. – and is therefore never to be gainsaid by science heretics, who either can’t understand or willfully misconstrue his bred-in-the-bone altruism and good intentions.
Gates sees himself as Superman, and he is buying your reverence and compliance with that fabulist distortion because he can. The truth is kryptonite for him, however – though he can probably buy that, too.