Suffocating Evil and the Descent of Tyranny
By Gina Miller
course it’s nearly impossible to keep up with the
malfeasance of the fiends who have taken over our
nation and wormed their way into all our
institutions. The daily barrage of
anti-American schemes and lawlessness is almost
enough to make the most seasoned patriot want to
check out. While some would say we can stop
this commie tsunami that’s washing over our nation,
I’m not sure we can. This doesn’t mean we give up
the fight, not at all! But, we must be able to
clearly assess where we are today in the United
States, surrounded by suffocating evil and
descending tyranny.
A nation that turns it back on God turns its face to Hell. There is no other option, no other place to turn. With Hell comes tyranny in all its ugly forms. Tyranny is the harsh, arbitrary rule of evil-inspired men, detached from the morality and freedom that come from the just laws and principles of God, upon which our nation was founded. We are seeing tyranny covering our nation today. We see it in a lawless despot of a “president” who knows he will not be held accountable for his many illegal actions. He acts with impunity as he changes laws to suit his wicked fancy while he ignores the foundational law of the land, the United States Constitution. Who will stop him?
We see tyranny in the sick-headed success of the militant homosexual movement. We see it in the rash of lawless federal judges who capriciously overturn the laws of sovereign states in forcing them to accept the abomination of same-sex “marriage,” a thing that can never truly be, because it is a lie from Hell that makes a mockery of God’s design for marriage.
We see tyranny in the flood of homosexual activists who are prevailing over the God-given rights of conscience and association of Christians. They are prevailing against common-sense, state-level religious freedom restoration acts that only reiterate these fundamental rights of conscience. We see the tyranny of the radical homosexual movement all across our land as these people bully companies into bowing to their twisted demands.
We see tyranny in the insanity of the outrageous man-made “global warming” ruse, the purpose of which is to ultimately crush private property rights, to strictly ration food, water and energy resources, and to severely curtail our freedom of movement—basically to make people poor, powerless slaves to tyrannical rulers who boldly lie when they claim this “green” scheme is to “save the environment.” It’s detestable!
We see tyranny in the evil “diversity” movement. The word diversity is closely related to the word divide. Divide and conquer is the not-so-hidden agenda of this movement. The forces of darkness behind this movement know that a house divided will not stand. In unity of mind and purpose, in dedication to freedom based on God’s laws, our nation prospered for more than two hundred years. America was proud to be called a “melting pot,” because people with diverse backgrounds came here and gladly assimilated into the American culture. Today, our nation is being flooded with illegal aliens and Middle Eastern “refugees” who are encouraged to bring their third-world customs and languages to America and to keep them alive rather than become part of the American culture.
The case of the junior high school principal in Texas who recently lost her job for telling students to speak English while in classrooms is an example of the tyranny of diversity. The same goes for the cases we have seen of public school officials forcing American kids to change or turn their American flag t-shirts inside out in order not to offend Mexican and other foreign students. These outrages, while anecdotal, are part of the monstrous push by the Left to divide our nation into antagonistic factions.
We see tyranny in the unconstitutional, strong-arm takeover of our healthcare system, in the communist Left’s destruction of our military, in the federal commandeering of our educational system with Common Core, in the militarization of our police forces across the nation and the explosion of their “no-knock” SWAT raids, in the federal government’s shredding of our right to be secure in our persons, houses, papers and effects from unreasonable searches and seizures, and in the feverish, “official” intolerance of anything related to Christ and Christianity in our military, public schools, government and the public square. Of course, I could on and on, but is there a solution to all this?
There are many of us who see all these things as evidence of the Lord turning America over to its own reprobation, of God’s judgment falling on the United States. After all, how long can we expect the Lord to leave His merciful hand of protection and blessing on a nation that collectively disdains Him and His Word, and instead celebrates sins that He calls an abomination to Him? This is a nation that has invested itself in the murder of around 60 million pre-born babies in the past forty years. No, I’m certain that we are indeed watching the fall of our nation, because of our many decades of wickedness and degeneracy.
There is one remedy that has a chance of stopping our relentless flight into darkest tyranny, and that is a large-scale humbling and repentance of sin with a return to God by the American people. Considering the generally Godless state of our society today, the debased culture we hold, the likelihood of this happening is remote. That shouldn’t stop those of us who are called by His name from hitting our knees in prayer and doing our best to walk free of sins in our own lives. I know I stumble daily, but if we are to have any hope at all of even slowing down the breathtaking evil and tyranny that are falling on America, we must each do what we can to beg for the Lord’s mercy on this undeserving nation.
Jesus told us these things must be. The end will come as it is written. But it’s horrible, utterly nightmarish, to watch this once-great and richly blessed nation falling under the weight of its own Godlessness.