By Gina Miller
was sad to see the headline on the front page of our
local newspaper that reported on the impending
demise in committee of a couple of bills which would
have protected the lives of pre-born babies.
As the Sun Herald reported on Tuesday:
At least two bills affecting reproductive health will die in the Mississippi House because a chairman says he won’t bring them up for debate before today’s deadline.
House Judiciary B Committee Chairman Andy Gipson, R-Braxton, opposes abortion. But he told The Associated Press on Monday he won’t seek a vote on his own bill that would ban the procedure once a fetal heartbeat is detected. Republican Gov. Phil Bryant had pledged to sign the measure, House Bill 6, if it hit his desk.
A similar heartbeat bill died in a Senate committee last year and Gipson said he anticipated that would happen again.
Gipson said he also won’t bring up House Bill 819, the Protection of the Human Person Act, filed by Rep. Tracy Arnold, R-Booneville. The bill largely reflects a personhood initiative that state voters rejected in 2011, which would have defined life as beginning at fertilization.
… Gipson said he sees Arnold’s bill as a way to define “person” throughout Mississippi law if voters eventually add a personhood amendment to the state constitution.
“I don’t intend on bringing any personhood legislation up that doesn’t involve a vote of the people of Mississippi,” Gipson said.
In the November 2011 election, 58 percent of Mississippi voters rejected the personhood amendment. Opponents said they feared it would outlaw some types of birth control and severely restrict in vitro fertilization.
So, he doesn’t want to bring up any personhood legislation that does not involve a vote of the people of Mississippi, even though the people already voted to reject the personhood of pre-born babies in 2011. I see. Although conservatives value the principle of “the will of the people,” when the will of the people is utterly wrong, we have a big problem. Consider the will of the people who voted in this last election to legalize same-sex “marriage.” That bad decision could not be more wrong! And, so it is with popular votes that deny the reality of pre-born human life.
I remember the frenzied campaign leading up to that wrong-headed vote here in Mississippi. The pro-death, abortion champions were flooding our state with a misinformation campaign, declaring that this vote would outlaw contraception, when it would have done no such thing. However, if you consider abortion-inducing drugs to be “contraception,” then I guess we have a problem with the perceived definition of contraception. Not all contraception causes the killing of a fertilized egg, which is a tiny, pre-born baby, but the pro-death, abortion warriors don’t let truth get in the way of their deadly agenda.
When it comes to being brave in the face of the demands of our diseased popular “culture,” even so-called conservative politicians seem to have a hard go of it. After all, it does take guts to speak the truth about pre-born life in the face of vicious, hell-born hostility that is heaped on those of us who tell it like it really is. I understand politicians are under extreme pressure to “go with the flow” of modern, popular sentiment (even when it’s dead-wrong), but when it comes to the issue of pre-born life, we need people of great courage to stand, no matter what kind of wickedness is thrown their way. There are some things that are vitally important, and this is one of them.
Back when public education was not quite so infused with socialist-communist indoctrination instead of sound teaching, we were taught that human life begins at conception. The fertilized egg is a brand new human being. This has been commonly understood for ages, but since the evil advent of the abhorrent Roe versus Wade Supreme Court decision, a powerful miseducation movement has turned truth on its head to the point that too many people now believe that human life does not begin until the baby is physically separate from the mother’s body and able to operate a smart phone. This misperception has led to the barbaric killing of millions of mid-to-late-term pre-born babies.
I also noticed the term used to describe this issue in the newspaper story is “reproductive health.” “Reproductive health,” my big ol’ butt! This is not about “health” or “reproduction” when the baby is targeted for killing! But, we are dealing with the propaganda forces of the Left that are masters at deceptive language manipulation, and they have successfully programmed the younger generations in the colleges and public schools to accept that abortion is nothing more than a legitimate “choice.”
An example is found in the same Sun Herald story:
Oxford resident Cristen Hemmins, who campaigned against the personhood initiative, said lawmakers should stop trying to restrict abortion access. She said women should have affordable health care, including contraception. She also said the state should put greater emphasis on teaching sex education courses that give effective, detailed information about reproductive health.
This girl basically covered the bases of the ignorance with which we’re dealing, thanks to the lying Left. “Affordable health care, including contraception.” We see this has been branded on the minds of the less-informed among us. Abortion has nothing to do with “health care,” affordable or otherwise, and abortion as “contraception” is a thing born in hell. Further, if we had sex education courses that truly and honestly give “effective, detailed information about reproductive health,” then students would know that abortion brutally kills a human life.
What can we do but keep on doing what we can to win the hearts and minds of those who are in the dark? As our nation and world spiral down into the evil abyss of the very last days, it’s going to be a wicked, rough ride, but we must stand strong for the truth. No matter how terribly ugly things get, we know that God’s will is going to be done, and one day, Jesus will be back to set things right.