The Experts, Science, Medicine––All Amazing, All
By Joan Swirsky
For thousands of years, going back to the Bible,
women have wept and grieved and pleaded to God over
their miscarriages. Indeed, it took all these
millennia for modern-day pharmaceutical companies to
develop solutions to this ongoing nightmare.
In the 1940s, they were happy to offer doctors the
ability to prescribe diethylstilbestrol (DES) to
prevent miscarriage. “You can tell them you would
give it to your wife,” the marketing mavens from Big
Pharma suggested to physicians.
And with good reason. This “miracle drug” worked! Women who had experienced no trouble conceiving but were plagued by constant miscarriages were now able to carry their babies to term and deliver quite “perfect” bundles of joy!
But then disaster hit with unspeakable horror. After
one or two years of watching their beautiful babies
smile and roll over and teethe and then walk and
speak and thrive, the little girls began developing
hideous vaginal cancers, and those who survived to
adulthood experienced higher-than-normal premature
births, miscarriages, and ectopic pregnancies.
The little boys, too, had horrible anomalies in
their urogenital tracts and are still being watched
for higher-than-average cases of testicular and
prostate cancers.
In 1971, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) took
DES off the market.
In 1957, another miracle medication, originally
marketed as a sleeping pill but also found to
prevent miscarriages, was developed in West Germany,
and soon found its way to America, where women
eagerly took the drug––approved by the FDA––and,
again, were thrilled to carry their babies to term.
But unlike DES, where the monstrous effects took
months to years to develop, the grotesque and tragic
effects of the new drug––Thalidomide––were obvious
from the moment of birth: children born with missing
arms and legs, eye and urinary tract anomalies,
heart problems, et al. The list of horrors went on
and on.
In 1960, the FDA approved the medication developed
by Dr. John Rock, a Harvard professor and
obstetrician-gynecologist with five children––along
with Drs. Gregory Pincus, C.M. Phang, and Selzo
Garcia––that was perhaps the most world-changing
medication in history––the Pill (aka the
birth-control pill), where for the first time ever
women could control reproduction.
But some women––either through negligence or
forgetfulness––still got pregnant while on The Pill,
and so it was not long before scientists developed
intrauterine devices (IUDs) that could be implanted
in the cervix and provide absolute sexual freedom
with no anxiety about forgetting to take a pill or
getting pregnant.
Among the most highly touted IUDs was the
FDA-approved Copper 7. But because of the horrific
incidences of sterility, pelvic inflammatory
disease, ectopic pregnancies and perforations of the
uterus, the much-vaunted Copper 7 was taken off the
market in January of 1986.
As the ‘60s progressed, newly empowered women did
not politely request but quite assertively demanded
help for the tortures they experienced during
menopause, when estrogen slowly diminishes in the
female body, resulting in hot flashes, mood swings,
loss of interest in sex, depression, et al.
Pharmaceutical companies were more than happy to
accommodate and promptly offered estrogen-rich
Hormone Replacement Therapy, although even the
National Institutes of Health acknowledged the controversial
history of HRT.
It took decades, but sure enough––after almost 40
years––a Wall Street Journal article in 2002
reported on the frighteningly high correlation
between HRT and breast cancer. Within days, one of
the most popular medications in the
world––Premarin––was taken off the market.
Indeed, dozens of FDA-approved medications––for both
women and men––have been widely prescribed but
ultimately taken off the market. They include
the antihistamine Seldane, the anti-inflammatory
Vioxx, the anti-heartburn/acid reflux Zantac, et al.
In fact. dozens of drugs have been pulled from the
market because of their horrific if not catastrophic
side effects, including cancers, strokes, heart
attacks, and death! Here
is a partial list.
Only three months into 2020, just when science and
medicine were at the apogee of their evolution, when
practically every body part––retina, heart, lung,
knee, hip, skin, fingers, et al.–– can
be replaced, when the fastest-growing
segment of our population is between 90
and 100, and when there are more individuals over
100 in America than ever before, along comes a virus
from China that in a matter of weeks shuts down the
But not to worry! We in America have “experts” to
rely on, to guide us, to reassure us that it would
only take a matter of weeks to “flatten the curve”
on the frightening escalation of what, in no time,
the same experts labeled the Covid-19 pandemic.
As it turned out, every one of their models and
projections and pronouncements and reassurances were
What they didn’t tell us about were the
ineffectual-but-fanatically-enforced mask mandates
and the non-FDA-approved “vaccines” that all “the
experts” insisted every member of society––including
infants––must be injected with, as well as the
second vaccine, the booster, and the third and even
fourth boosters––all of which did not flatten the
curve or keep fully-vaccinated and boostered people
out of the hospital with Covid!
What they also failed to tell us, as journalist and
author Devvy Kidd reported,
was that the FDA’s PCR test to determine the
presence of Covid was not a diagnostic test and not
reliable, as the CDC finally admitted.
It turned out that the Mt. Everest of information
the “experts” withheld from the public, aided and
abetted by their lapdogs in the media, were
startling facts about the vaccines themselves––all scrupulously
documented by writer Kelleigh Nelson––including
the prediction that “because of the jabs, the immune
system is dying. The result will be high incidences
in various countries of tuberculosis where it is now
dormant. Tumor cells are no longer under control
causing increased numbers of cancers––as
evidenced by pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole of Idaho––as
well as viruses, herpes, Epstein-Barr,
cytomegalovirus (CMV) which kills babies in the
womb, toxoplasmosis, and a horrifying number of
other illnesses.”
And was it true, as asserted by Sen. Scott Jensen
(R-MN), who is a medical doctor, that hospitals
received hefty payments per patient if they reported
that the diagnosis was Covid-19 on the patient’s
chart, and $35,000 for each patient if he or she was
on a ventilator? According to FactCheck.org, “The
figures cited by Jensen generally squared with estimated Medicare
payments for COVID-19 hospitalizations, based on
average Medicare payments for patients with similar
The net result:
Death by drowning…nope, Covid!
Death by bullet wound…nope, Covid!
Death by heart, lung, kidney failure…nope, Covid!
And was this simply a coincidence? “Possibly as a reward for
their efforts to conceal the true origin of
SARS-CoV-2,” Janet Levy detailed
in-depth, the scientists who went along
with Dr. Anthony Fauci’s ‘natural origins’ narrative
“received over $50 million in NIAID funding in 2020-
Mmmm…. isn’t it always about following the money?!
Then, to insult our intelligence even further, we
have dictatorial, egomaniacal martinets like Dr.
Anthony Fauci telling
us: “The attacks on me are attacks on
Isn’t this the right time for all of us to say: So
much for the science!
As journalist Tim Brown spelled out, only
two massive entities own all of the media
we see and hear every minute of every day. These
powerful and immensely wealthy forces believe in a
globalist vision in which they––the Masters of the
Universe––run the world, and we––mere grains of sand
on the vast beaches of life––are expected to admire,
believe, comply with and be grateful for whatever
they’re doling out.
These moguls, including economic and big-tech
powerhouses, hire media whores––I wrote about them here––to
disseminate their messages, and, as we’ve all
witnessed, to censor or often destroy the lives of
all those who disagree with them.
Nevertheless, TRUTH has a way of insinuating its way
or erupting its way into the public’s consciousness.
This is what happened when contradictory or negative
data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC),
from the World Health Organization (WHO), and from
“experts” like Dr. Fauci himself were published by
courageous media outlets, and frightening
information by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting
System (VAERS) made its way to the larger public.
And what was that frightening information?
Airline and military
pilots falling ill or dropping dead
midflight after being vaccinated.
Hundreds of healthy
athletes collapsing unexpectedly with heart problems, the
Covid vaccine being the greatest common denominator.
Attorney Tom Renz made
worldwide headlines after disclosing
explosive data from the Department of Defense’s DMED
database at Senator
Ron Johnson’s Second Opinion Hearing.
DMED is the official database of the 1.4-million
active-duty DoD servicemen, and it showed shocking
increases in medical conditions from the mRNA
“vaccines” after the military demanded injections
for all service members: Here are the data:
279% SPIKE in Miscarriages
487% SPIKE in Breast Cancer
1048% SPIKE in the Nervous System
155% SPIKE in Birth Defects
350% SPIKE in Male Infertility
369% SPIKE in Testicular Cancer
2181% SPIKE in Hypertension
664% SPIKE in Malignant Neoplasms
680% SPIKE in Multiple Sclerosis
551% SPIKE in Guillain-Barre Syndrome
468% SPIKE in Pulmonary Embolism
302% SPIKE in Tachycardia
452% SPIKE in Migraines
471% SPIKE in Female Infertility
437% SPIKE in Ovarian Dysfunction
269% SPIKE in Myocardial infarction
291% SPIKE in Bell’s palsy
467% SPIKE in Pulmonary Embolism
All the while, Dr. Fauci was declaring himself “the
science.” God help us all!
I am a longtime Registered Nurse, with years of
clinical experience and a lifetime of writing about
health-science-and-medical issues; the author and
co-author of 12 books (most of them about those
issues); and a longtime health-and-science writer
for The New York Times (for over 20 years) as well
as many other publications. There are no people on
earth I respect and admire more than medical doctors
and research scientists. I know the education,
training, long hours and personal sacrifices they
undergo before attaining their degrees and
well-deserved status. But there are always bad
apples in every profession, hence my contempt
expressed in this article for the frauds––including
in the media––and the fraudulence inflicted on
America during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Joan Swirsky is a New York-based journalist and
author. Her website is www.joanswirsky.com,
and she can be reached at joanswirsky@gmail.com