Et tu, Schu?
“Schumer is not a Shomer” were the words emblazoned
on dozens of placards that were held by some of the
12,000 people who flooded Times Square last week to
protest the “Death to America/Death to Israel” deal
that Barack Obama and his cronies made on July 14th
with––to this day, to this hour––a palpably
belligerent, anti-Western, anti-Semitic Iran.
Schumer, will you guard Israel or not?
The placards––and the demonstration in front of the
senator’s New York City office
the next day––were to implore him to stop evading
the subject with mealy-mouthed language (“I’ll go
through the agreement with a fine-tooth comb”) and
to reject the deal outright, vote against it in
Congress, and convince at least 13 of his colleagues
on the left to vote against the horrific deal.
Congress is now reviewing the deal and will vote on
September 17, in less than 50 days.
In short, to
block the Iran deal, 67 Senators need to vote
against it. 59 Senators are already committed to
doing just that. 14 are undecided. And Sen. Schumer
is one of them.
New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) said,
"We have listened to Senator Schumer for years and
how he takes every opportunity to explain the origin
of his name Schumer and what it means for him to be
a proud “Shomer”––which in Hebrew means protector.
Now is the time to live up to your claim and put
your words into action."
Last week, The New York Post
asked Sen. Schumer 10 key questions about Iran––including
if he had any input into the agreement, what he
thought of its 24-day advance notice for
inspections, and whether the deal raises new
concerns for Israel––none of which he has
answered to this day!
To Schumer’s lame statement that he is “studying the
issue,” the Post responded: “Studying the
issue? Please. There’s nothing to study: Just nix
the deal, Chuck….Schumer doesn’t need to `study’ the
deal. He needs to study his conscience.”
Personally, I can hardly remember a Sunday-night
news broadcast since Schumer was elected to the
Senate in 1998 when he wasn’t in front of the camera
proposing actions to keep his uber-left constituents
He was Chuckie-on-the-spot when it appeared that
Adidas might outsource production overseas, in a
plant where Schumer said 100 workers were at risk.
But for the past three years, as the ayatollahs have
menacingly threatened to annihilate Israel, deadly
silence from Schumer. One-hundred potential injuries
more important than over-six-million deaths!
He was an early and enthusiastic backer of the
national disaster known as Obamacare, and is a
reliable opponent of guns, an advocate of open
borders, and a full-throated supporter of abortion.
When the Planned Parenthood
medical ghouls
came out last week to reveal their sale of
infant body parts (and the
exquisite care taken to “crush” the
fetus in strategic places,
the better to preserve those parts), deadly silence
from Schumer. I guess the 1.2-million fetuses
destroyed each year in the U.S. are, in Schumer’s
mind, equal to over-six-million expendable Israelis,
not even worthy of mention.
But I digress. This article
is not to discuss the, ahem, value systems of
Schumer clams up
In June 2008––five months before Barack Obama began
to occupy the White House––Senator Schumer wrote an
op-ed in The Wall St. Journal, stating that
cooperative economic sanctions from the U.S.,
Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China could
topple Iran’s theocratic government.
Clearly, the passage of time and his current
position have changed his tune. Today, Schumer is
the third-ranking Democrat in the Senate, behind
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and Senate
Minority Whip Dick Durbin. But Schumer has his eyes
on a bigger prize, to replace Harry Reid in 2017.
So there you have it. Schumer’s dilemma is clear––to
be a loyal lackey to Barack Obama, the better not to
lose his potential position of power, or to be the
New York Jewish Senator he was in the past, a vocal
and impassioned supporter of Israel.
For a full three years, Senator Schumer has known
about every facet of the deal being made by the
JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) P(for
permanent members)5+1 group (the US, Russia, China,
Britain and France, plus Germany).
Schumer knew that when Obama said that the final
deal would only lift nuclear-related sanctions on
Iran, it was a lie–– but he said nothing.
Schumer knew that when Obama said “U.S. sanctions on
Iran for terrorism, human rights abuses, and
ballistic missiles will remain in place under the
deal,” it was a lie––but he said nothing.
Schumer knew that the promise to maintain sanctions
on ballistic missile development was a lie–––but he
said nothing.
Schumer knew that when Obama said the deal would
make it nearly impossible for Iran’s Revolutionary
Guard, police, intelligence services and
paramilitary groups to do business, it was a lie—but
he said nothing.
Schumer knew that Obama and Co. were keeping two
key parts of the deal
secret. As
spelled out by blogger Jeff Dunetz, the two
covert deals would be kept away from other nations
from Congress, and from the American people. They
include: (1) the inspection of the Parchin military
complex and other Iranian military sites which are
off-limits to nuclear inspectors under the
agreement, sites long suspected of harboring both
long-range ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons,
and (2) and Iran’s failure to disclose its past
nuclear-related military and procurement activities.
As the national president of the Zionist
Organization of America, Morton A. Klein, called the
deal disturbing. “The U.S. and other powers having
caved on every substantive issue which we were once
assured would be included in the eventual agreement,
like dismantling centrifuges,
shuttering certain nuclear facilities, free and
unfettered inspections, disclosure of past
nuclear-related military and procurements
activities, maintaining non-nuclear sanctions, and
so on…” Yep––he said nothing.
Schumer knew that the deal gave Iran 24 days to
allow any inspections of their nuclear facilities,
more than ample time to clean them up––but he said
Schumer knew that Barack Obama, in order to bypass
both the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Constitution he
loathes, would send the agreement straight to that
repository of socialists, communists, tin pot
dictators, and anti-Semites on First Avenue, the
United Nations, in order to make their approval
“binding” upon all U.N. members, including the
United States––but he said nothing.
Schumer knew that as a “signing bonus,” Iran––
already the world’s leading state sponsor of Islamic
terrorism, which has violated 20 international
treaties––is to receive $150-billion dollars in
sanctions relief, with which no one doubts they will
continue financing terrorist groups like ISIS and
Hamas and Hezbollah, destabilizing Sunni Arab
regimes, and calling incessantly for the death of
all Jews, the annihilation of Israel, and the utter
destruction of
America––but he said nothing.
Most egregious, Schumer knew the most malevolent
part of the deal, article 10, which promises to
protect the Iran nuclear program from sabotage and
attack, removing the last option Israel has to
protect herself. The U.S. actually promised to
intervene against Israel on Iran’s behalf! And
Senator Schumer said nothing! Sec. of State John
Kerry, the architect of this anti-American deal
(surprise, surprise!)
conceding to the Senate the other day that the
US would defend Iran’s nuclear program from Israeli
sabotage––but Schumer said nothing.
Silence, deafening silence, thundering silence,
craven silence, immoral silence––week after week
after month after month after year after year after
year! Such is the picture of the
abject lust for power, so overpowering that it
eclipses even a vestige of the character and moral
fiber that once existed.
A time of reckoning
Now is the time of reckoning,
writes Jonathan S. Tobin in Commentary magazine
For once, Schumer must choose. It is one thing for
those whose support for Israel has always been
secondary to their left-wing ideology or pro-Obama
partisanship (such as the J Street lobby or the
National Jewish Democratic Council) to endorse this
brazen act of appeasement. For Schumer, a man who
has staked his career on being the shomer (guardian)
of Israel’s security in Congress, it would be a
stunning betrayal that he would never live down.
Tobin then poses an ominous warning:
Even if [Schumer] chooses to vote in favor of a
resolution that seeks to nullify the pact, he may
also work behind the scenes to ensure that at least
34 Democrats back the president so as to ensure that
an Obama veto won’t be overridden.
Is there any doubt that Schumer––silent for three
long years on this doomsday deal–is more than
capable of this kind of treachery?
Rabbi Aryeh Spero, known as “America’s Rabbi,” is
the author of Push Back and Why Israel Matters to
You” and serves as the president of Caucus for
America. Like Tobin, he
questions Schumer’s seeming paralysis.
The Iran deal, he says, is Plan A for the
ultimate annihilation of Israel, annihilation
through active offense and by making Israel’s
defense impossible. To Iran, Mr. Obama has made the
most earth-shattering compromises in the annals of
history. Even Chamberlain did not provide Hitler
with a $150 billion to arm-up.
“This whole deal would go nowhere, be dead on
arrival, if the most powerful Democrat right now in
the Senate would announce it as DOA. That man is
Sen. Chuck Schumer. Where is he? No one knows what
he will do. Why should we be guessing? He should be
out there, at this moment, saying No to this accord.
Why should the Israelis have to live another moment
in fear and anxiety? Where is his compassion?
Schumer should stifle the accord now!
My friend Howard Bockner from Canada echoes the
rabbi’s sentiments.
The US and Europe are now in bed with Iran.
Israel––like the Jews in pre-war Europe––is
expendable. And if Israel is made expendable you can
be sure that Jews in the Diaspora will be next. That
has been Obama’s Plan A all along––installing the
Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt to cancel the
Israel-Egypt Treaty, which failed. So he doubled
down on Plan B––knocking out Israel’s nuclear
hegemony in the Middle East. He is also guaranteeing
US help to Iran against any sabotage of its nuclear
facilities, i.e., putting Israel into a straight
“However, this has not all played out. Saudi Arabia
and Egypt, now two allies of Israel, will shortly
get the bomb courtesy of the Russians (who don’t
care who they sell to). Turkey, Algeria, and
others will also be lining up for nukes, and the
possibility of these weapons falling into the hands
of non-state players will increase. Therefore, the
likelihood of a nuclear disaster is now much closer.
Plan A, indeed. There is no measuring the lengths
and depths Obama will go to when it comes to
defending his indefensible deal.
According to Lee Smith at Tablet magazine,
“Obama is using a dog-whistle. He’s hinting broadly
at anti-Semitic conceits—like dual loyalties,
moneyed interests, Jewish lobby—to scare off
Democrats tempted to vote against the [deal] because
they think it’s a bad deal. If they do come out
against the agreement—if they line up, for instance,
with the new organization AIPAC formed, Citizens for
a Nuclear Free Iran—to warn the public “about the
dangers of the proposed Iran deal,” then he’s going
to tar them as dual loyalists who are willing to
send Americans out to make war on behalf of Jewish
According to writer
Michael Ledeen, it is the mullahs who did not
sign the deal in Vienna. “They don’t want to make a
deal with the Great American Satan, even though they
do want the American concessions, above all the huge
sums of money we’ve promised them. Now comes Supreme
Leader Ali Khamenei…talking as if the agreement
itself is in question.”
Imagine that…Khamenei rejects the deal, but Schumer
has to “go through the agreement with a fine-tooth
You’d think that just as a practical matter,
Schumer’s choice would be easy. As Ari Lieberman
writes in Front Page magazine, “Schumer will be
around long after Obama is gone and will have to
deal with the mess that will inevitably occur
when Iran cheats—and let’s be clear, Iran
will cheat. From building secretive underground
centrifuge facilities at Fordow to illicit
procurement activities in Germany, the Islamic
Republic’s history is replete with a record of
cheating and fabrication.”
Military historian Victor Davis Hanson
warns of the perils of appeasement, be they to
countries, an Iran-obsessed resident of the White
House and his trusty lapdogs, or a squishy senator.
While members of the Obama administration are
high-fiving each other over a deal with the Iranian
theocracy, they should remember unchanging laws that
will surely haunt the U.S. later on.
First, appeasement always brings short-term
jubilation at the expense of long-term security.
British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was a
beloved peacemaker after the Munich Agreement of
1938 with Adolf Hitler but derided as a conceited
fool and naif by May 1940.
Second, the appeasement of autocrats always pulls
the rug out from under domestic reformers and
idealists. After the Western capitulation at Munich,
no dissenter in Germany dared to question the
ascendant dictatorship of Adolf Hitler.
Third, appeasers always wrongly insist that the only
alternative to their foolish concessions is war.
Just the opposite is true.
Fourth, beneficiaries grow to hate their appeasers.
We should remember that Hitler called his Munich
appeasers 1worms’ and pushed them even further.
Fifth, allies are always the big losers in
appeasement. Britain and France ensured the
destruction of third-party Czechoslovakia by
conceding to Hitler’s demands in 1938 — and doomed
Poland in 1939.
In 2015, we naively hail peace with honor, but by
2020, sadder and wiser, we will lament war and
What to do?
A lawsuit by Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch seeks to
block Barack Obama’s perfidious treaty with Iran
from being unconstitutionally ratified. The lawsuit
names U.S. Senators Marco Rubio and Bill Nelson and
Congressman Patrick Murphy, who all voted for the
bill, and Obama who signed it into law. These
representatives acted in disregard of their
obligations to uphold the U.S. Constitution.
The lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of Florida is posted at The U.S. Constitution
empowers a president to make a treaty only if
two-thirds of the U.S. Senate votes to ratify it. A
president is delegated no other power in the
Constitution to make any other form of international
agreement. The agreement, Klayman says, will
existentially endanger not only Israel but Europe
and the United States.
In addition to the Times Square rally and protest in
front of Sen. Schumer’s office, a groundswell of
concerned citizens is flooding the White House,
urging their elected representatives to vote AGAINST
the Iran Nuclear Accord.
Here is the Capitol Hill Switchboard number is:
Here is how to reach Senator Schumer’s office:
Here’s how to reach Congressman Steve Israel:
Suggestion: add the above two numbers to your
smartphone and make it a point to call them every
day until the vote. Takes two minutes!
Call your local Congressperson:
Contact your Senators and Representatives:
U.S. Senate: Senators of the 114th Congress
Contact your Representatives here:
U.S. House of Representatives Directory
Join the following organizations, which have been at
the forefront of defending Israel and holding
Schumer’s feet to the fire:
I didn’t mention Senator Kirsten Gillibrand because,
as the NY Post says, she is simply Schumer’s
“hapless little poodle.”
Jeffrey S. Wiesenfeld, a finance expert in NY City
who organized and emceed the Times Square rally,
said that he recently saw a picture of the
gone-missing Gillibrand on the a milk carton. He
exhorted the crowd to put pressure on Schumer to nix
the Iran deal. “Chuck, this is your moment! This is
your time to make the decision…or we will throw you
the hell out of office!”
I also didn’t mention Hillary Clinton, who could not
find it within her the other day to counter an
anti-Semitic question with a defense of Israel.
Except for her first run for the Senate in 2009,
when she pandered shamelessly for Jewish votes, she
has never been a friend of Jews or Israel, the
latest proof being that she endorsed the genocidal
Iran deal.
She is like Obama,
who has been known to say “I’ve got Israel’s
back.” How true. Both of them have put a big fat
target on Israel’s back, this one earmarked for
nuclear war heads!