Common Sense Hijacked
for Obama Propaganda
By Gina Miller
sense is both a noun and an adjective. As a noun,
common sense—good judgment—is becoming a rare and
precious commodity in our world today, especially
from Washington politicians; thus, it describes
little of what comes out of our nation’s capital.
Yet, I have noticed that whoever it is that puts the
words in the mouth of Barack Obama (or whatever his
name is), has latched on to “common-sense” as an
adjective to describe what can only be regarded as
tyrannical, unconstitutional dictates that the
communist cabal controlling our federal government
is currently shoving in the faces of the American
Specifically, I have heard Obama using “common-sense” to describe his desire to gut our God-given right of self defense. He has also used the term to describe his wicked goal of turning our nation’s immigration policies out to pasture and turning criminal aliens into bona fide (Democrat-voting) American citizens. Who needs the rule of law when you have “common-sense” communist policies?
Tell me one common-sense thing that has come from the Obama administration and the Democrats and junior-Democrat Republicans in Congress. Just one. I can’t think of one either. When considering all the lawless legislation and extra-constitutional executive orders of the last four years (not that lawlessness is limited to the Obama regime by any means!), common sense is the very last thing that comes to mind.
We have seen policies and dictates that not only lack common sense, but that are malicious to the American Republic and the freedoms of the American people. Of course, this is by design, the point being “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Communists like Barack Obama are never happy as long as freedom exists, so they forever labor to squash it.
We have seen our boundless, monster federal government commandeer our nation’s health care system under the guise of providing “quality, affordable” health care for all. This is nonsense. “Obamacare,” socialized medicine, is not about health care. It’s about control of the people, just as all communist policies are. Not only that, but our nation cannot afford this evil scheme, and that, of course, is also part of the plan: bankrupt America, and then insist on stealing ever more “revenue” (that is, hard-earned income that belongs to the American people) to “pay for” the unconstitutional “Obamacare” and the lawless spending and borrowing by the goons in Washington. Where is the common sense in this?
Where, too, is the common sense in Obama’s destruction of our military? Where is the common sense in pushing open homosexuality on our troops? Where is the common sense in allowing women on front line combat? Where is the common sense in declaring that America is going to get rid of our nuclear weapons while the rest of the world (including criminal nations like North Korea and Iran) does no such thing?
Where is the common sense in allowing an illegal federal bureaucracy, the Nixon-approved Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to behave like some kind of hell-born retrovirus that attacks our nation’s own energy supplies with crippling, lawless “regulations” on energy companies and large businesses? Where is the common sense in the ruse that these regulations are designed to combat the tyrannical hoax of man-made global warming, when in reality, they are designed to strip Americans of their freedoms? How? By sticking American energy companies with outrageous and illegal penalties which drive energy prices sky-high, so that average Americans are having to spend even more of what little money Big Brother doesn’t already steal just to keep the lights on.
Where is the common sense in providing America’s war planes, tanks and billions of our dollars to our enemies in the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? We can thank the Senate quislings in the Republican Party, including my two Mississippi senators, Thad Cochran and Roger Wicker, for their go-along-to-get-along vote in support of that treasonous mandate of Obama, who is the highest-ranking Islamist sympathizer (at least) in our federal government.
I could go on ad nauseam asking where the common sense is in any of the policies and dictates of this administration, but you already know the answer: there is none. But, it is not a lack of common sense; it is the presence of enemies within our gates. The fact that Obama is using “common-sense” to deceptively describe his support for lawless legislation is no surprise: he is a liar, and there is no truth in him. He is an enemy of the United States of America and our national sovereignty. He is an enemy of our Constitution. He is an enemy of our military. He is an enemy of our God-given rights and freedoms. He is an enemy of free-market capitalism. And, perhaps most chillingly of all, he is an enemy of God—his words and deeds make this quite evident.
The anti-Christian, anti-American enemies are not only within our gates, but they are ruling our nation from the highest positions of power. Dark days are ahead for America and the world, but that in no way means that those of us with eyes to see—and true common sense—will stop shouting from the rooftops that we have a corrupt Congress and communist administration headed up by a godless, criminal fraud in the White House.