* 1st Amendment: The First Amendment to our constitution reads as follows: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. This first and most important amendment has been shredded in 2020 by government and the freedom of speech and press it was meant to protect. Without these freedoms, a free society is doomed. That's why our founding fathers made this amendment number one. It is the pillar on which the rest stand. Take a look at the first part: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…" Under cover of the China Virus scare, government officials, governors and the media have 'prohibited' the free exercise of religion. They have put in place regulations and edicts that have made the free exercise anything but that. Meanwhile allowing other gatherings and social events to take place. Riots and anarchy are fine as long as you call them 'peaceful protests'. How about the second part, "or abridging the freedom of speech…" The speech that is contrary to the left has been abridged by the MSM and high tech monopolies of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google. These entities have been colluding to filter out any speech which goes contrary to their socialist designs. A direct assault on the first amendment. Then we have, "or the right of the people peaceably to assemble…" Forget 'peaceably assemble'. Unless of course that assembly is a 'peaceful' riot or looting adventure. No family get togethers or picnics allowed unless you're burning down a police precinct in the process. The first amendment ends with, "and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Good luck with that one, petition the very entity that violated the very constitution it was sworn to uphold? Not happening. The blatant violation of the first amendment has led us to where we are our today, facing the greatest challenge to our republic at the hands of the thieves and criminals that have conspired to steal an election and disenfranchise most of the country. The founding fathers were very wise, the violation of the first amendment, and as a result the stealing of the election can be stopped through remedies put in place by the very constitution itself. That remedy can begin to take place on January 6th when the president of the senate, vice president Pence, counts or rejects electoral votes and challenges take place. It is then that we will find out whether this great republic stands or falls. May God Bless the U.S.A.! 12-29-2020 * Steal: Since before Trump even became president the deep state and career politicians have been attacking him. The reason was he wasn't one of them. He didn't have to run and give up his life of luxury and submit himself and family to the attacks he knew would come. He did it because he loves this country and didn't like the direction it was going in. The Obama years where an unknown empty vessel wanted to transform America was the straw that broke the camels back. Trump delivered on his promises to the American people and accomplished more in less than four years than most presidents could even imaging in eight. He's pulled us away from war and is bringing peace to the middle-east. All this while being attacked at every opportunity and being impeached for trying to look into the corruption of a presidential candidate who is in fact corrupt. That same corrupt politician is at the heart of the biggest election fraud in our history and so far is getting away with it, with the help of the main stream media and social media censorship and biased coverage. Even with all the hurdles he's had to endure, president Trump delivered for the American people and the American people delivered for him on election day. What transpired the days after was a bank robbery in plain daylight with dems and the media driving the getaway car. For the sake of our Republic this fraud cannot stand. It's up to the state legislatures to take back their constitutional authority and right the wrong that was done. It's also up to republican senators to show some spine and go along with the house republicans in protesting this obvious election fraud. Dem's have been at it for over four years, they cannot be allowed to get away with the steal now! 12-24-2020 Merry Christmas ![]() 12-23-2020 * Swamp: Washington swamp creatures, like the good little servants they are, lined up like sheep to vote for the disgraceful China virus relief bill. A $900 Billion monstrosity that only provides the struggling American worker $600 while sending billions overseas. Republicans and dems alike voted for this slap in the face of the American taxpayer. A 5,000 page plus pork laden grab bag of giveaways that no one had the time to read. Just like blinky says, just pass it so we can find out what's in it. We're in the middle of the biggest voter fraud in U.S. history and these idiots in congress pass this nonsense. Perhaps they know that if the American people are foolish enough to fall for the election fraud then they won't even notice this. President Trump is critical of the bill which means the MSM will be saying that he is against giving the American people $600 and ignore the billions in waste, including $10 million for gender programs in Pakistan. The list of waste is thousands of pages long. The American worker and small businesses need help from the economic hardships that government imposed lockdowns have caused. A relief bill should be just that, relief to the people affected and to the businesses crippled by it, not foreign giveaways and lobbyist pet projects. The most important thing facing us right now is the fraudulent election that, if it stands, will keep the swamp in business and continue to feed these creatures of the dark. Everything needs to be done to see that Trump gets another four years to finish the job he started! 12-21-2020 * Appeasement: The political class, including RINOs and spineless republicans, are lining up to kiss the ring of the chinese puppet. They are willing to accept a communist takeover without a single shot being fired. What about our founding fathers who gave it all for our liberty and all those in our armed forces to laid their life's down for our freedom, could we possibly just give it all away without a fight? This election wasn't a case of some small democrat election fraud, which we have seen in every election, it was an orchestrated, multi-state and international interference in our election system. On its face it's ludicrous that a creepy half-wit senile old swamp creature could possibly win any election, not even for dog catcher, so how can we believe he got more votes than any other person running for president in history? It's not believable because legally it would not have even been close, and it wasn't on election night, November 3rd. We saw the fraud, the steal or whatever you want to call it in real time. We heard the propaganda like we have for the last four years, why then are so many accepting it. It's not over, it can't be. The spineless supreme court turned its back on the American people and the constitution they swore to uphold. Weak kneed republicans have turned their backs on their constituents because they know conservatives don't riot and burn down their houses. They'll just go along and appease the dragon. If that same attitude was taken by at the birth of our republic we wouldn't have had a republic and these fools would not have their cushy jobs and have to sell their souls to the devil as they are doing now. January 6th will be the day of reckoning, we will then find out if there are enough republicans with the character to do what's right regardless of the propaganda machine that has brainwashed so many. Will they stand up for the truth and against the communist threat before us or will they cower and hope the dragon eats them last. The time of reckoning is fast approaching! 12-18-2020 * Spineless: A witness overheard a discussion in the supreme court chambers where chief justice Roberts was reportedly screaming saying that in the 2000 supreme court hearing of the election challenge in Florida that there weren't riots in the streets. If this is true, which sure sounds like it would be, it explains why the court did not take up the Texas case. It would also prove that the long democrat campaign to intimidate the court and others with violence in the streets, at the hands of antifa and blm, has paid off. If this proves to be the decision that leaves the election fraud in place and removes Trump from office, the court will have the destruction of our election system on their hands. They will have also surrendered their equal branch of government status with this spineless move. If our founders were this weak, there wouldn't have been a tea party in Boston and our independence from Britain would have been but a pipe dream. It takes courage to stand up to tyranny and corruption, it only takes spineless individuals to succumb to it. If it comes down to the January 6th electoral count in the congress we will find out if congress will also surrender or if they will stand up for the constitution and rule of law. Our freedom depends on it! 12-16-2020 * Judges: So far during the legal election challenges to the fraudulent presidential election, liberal judges, joined by spineless ones, have not decided on the merits of the cases but rather on the superficial excuses of lack of hindsight. The judges main arguments have been that if the election rules were changed in the swing states before the election that Trump lawyers and others challenging the results should have complained before not after the election. This is absurd chicken SH_T. Continuing with our bank analogy, this is tantamount to allowing a bank robber to go free because the security measures at the bank weren't fixed before the robbery. So what if the robbery took place, let's ignore that. Ignore the video evidence, the eye witnesses and the missing money, it's too late to do anything about it now. That's hogwash. Looks like the antifa and blm democrat supported riots had their desired affects, they have scared judges and politicians from standing up for the rule of law, the constitution and our election integrity. We now understand why Hindin' Joe was able to conduct a campaign from his basement, the fix was in. After all the failed attempts to bring Trump down they used the China virus scare to hide a massive mail-in fraud campaign. Along with the rigged dominion machines, with their programmed cheating algorithms, there was no way sleepy-creepy Joe could lose. Dominion machines have been shown to count fractions of ballots and flip ballots from Trump to Biden. Hundreds of thousands of mail in ballots were put through the system without any verification of signatures or the legitimacy of the ballot. A simple test which a researcher came up with would identify illegal mail-in ballots by showing that they were never folded. When a printed paper is folded it leaves forensic evidence of the fold. Ballots that don't show this evidence are therefore illegal since they were never mailed. Why hasn't this test been done? Bottom line is there was a huge red wave in this presidential election that gave republican wins all over, but left out the primary reason for the wave in swing states, president Trump. This fraud cannot stand! 12-14-2020 * Appeasement: By not accepting the Texas lawsuit, backed by almost half of the states, the supreme court is cutting their own throat. Every American citizen, and by extension, every state has standing in the abuse of election laws and outright violations of states constitutions and the constitution of the United States that took place this presidential election. An obvious fraudulent election aided and financed by a foreign government, China, and an anti-American globalist, George Soros, is exactly what the supreme should be standing up against. They are at this point in essence allowing an overthrow of our government by a foreign power and in doing so are surrendering their own power. If this fraud is allowed to stand democrats will stack the supreme court making the very justices that acquiesced, a party to their own destruction. Fortunately there's still hope that they will come to their senses and accept the individual lawsuits working their way up to them. The fraud in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin cannot stand. The MSM, Facebook, Twitter and Google are doing their best to censure and hide the incredible fraud that has taken place. The fraud is so obvious you would have to be a brainwashed fool not to see it. Even democrats are starting to see the light. A Biden and Trump race is like and octopus and a cheetah racing across a field, the only chance the octopus has is to stop the cheetah before the race begins. It's too late now for the octopus, the cheetah won. It's time for the 'puss' to crawl back under his rock! 12-10-2020 * SCOTUS: By now some 20 states have joined Texas in their lawsuit against Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia. It is a lawsuit based on the constitution and equal protection of the citizens of the United States. The outright unconstitutional acts that occurred in those swing states, and others, in this election is obvious, large scale and very dangerous. If allowed to stand our republic as we know it could be doomed to years of darkness. Unlike other lawsuits taking place in individual states, this lawsuit goes directly to the supreme court. It's not just a state by state constitutional matter, it's a matter of the U.S. Constitution and the integrity of our elections. As of this writing there are spineless republicans that are throwing in the towel saying absurd things like the supreme court will only fix the injustice going forward but will not retroactively change the result of this election. That's utter stupidity! It's like a bank robbery took place, the money is gone, the evidence is there, including incriminating video and sworn affidavits. Then the court steps in and says, yes a robbery took place but it's too late to stop it now, let's just make sure it doesn't happen again. Would we stand for that? Would that be a logical solution to the theft? No! This robbery cannot stand, for if it does, our country as we know it will no longer be, we'll be a third rate banana republic with communists at the helm. We must win, for our future and that of our children, Trump must triumph! 12-8-2020 * Video: The socialist left won't accept obvious fraud in this election, even when it's not only rampant but obvious. The common theme to the ignorant MSM and dems has been, there's no proof of fraud, then it was, maybe there was some fraud but not enough to overturn the election. Where's the proof? They do believe in videos, that is, if the video fits their point of view. When the George Floyd video surfaced there was no questioning what it was about or what happened before or after, it was immediately accepted as fact and riots ensued. When the Georgia ballot stuffing video surfaced it was immediately ignored or written off? It is obvious evidence of voter fraud before your eyes in video form and it's summarily dismissed. Poll workers, media and observers were sent home due to a supposed water main break while a skeleton crew stayed behind. Once the observers were gone suitcases full of ballots mysteriously appear from under a cloth covered table and were scanned multiple times by the remaining workers, with no observers allowed. This ballot dump coincides with a huge jump of illegal votes for Biden in the middle of the night, coincidence? Not a chance. Even faced with this damming video, the sworn affidavits of the observers that were kicked out and collaborating vote changes that took place, the video is being dismissed by the left and the deep state. If our republic is going to stand, in the end, facts must prevail! 12-7-2020 * Fraud: Numbers don't lie. Computers have become very advanced over the years but the basic function of the smallest electronics in a computer of any size are the AND/NAND and OR/NOR gates. These are simple electronic circuits that determine whether the output is a 0 or 1 in binary code which is the basic code of any computer. The results of any of these gates is always a 0 or 1, depending on the inputs, it's never a fraction as we've seen with the Dominion fraud machines. An AND gate is simply an electronic gate with two inputs and one output, both inputs have to be 1s for the output to be a 1, hence the name AND. A NAND gate is the opposite, if any of the 2 inputs is a 1 then the output is a 1, if both the inputs are 1 then the output is a 0. The OR and NOR gates are the opposite of the AND and NAND gates. These functions are the basis for Boolean Algebra which is the math of computer circuits. This may sound complicated if you've never seen it but the bottom line is computers are basically dumb machines that are only as good as their programing. Their basic functions are 0 or 1. Programing and advanced circuits make them do all the incredible things we see today. But certain functions should still be relegated to the simple function of 0 and 1. A vote or ballot is either for someone or not, it cannot be partially for someone and partially for someone else. Or for someone and changed in the programing for someone else. That programing goes against the basic function of the computer and is only intended to give you a desired or fraudulent outcome of what is a simple task. Does 1 + 1 equal 2 or 1.3764. There in lies one of the methods the fraudulent left used to defraud the American people of their votes for Trump! 12-3-2020 * Black-Holes: Dems, liberals, progressives, socialists, communists say they believe in science. In the 60's it was the science of the new ice age approaching and we were all going to freeze to death. In the 70's it was the science of acid rain and all the vegetation on earth was going to be destroyed and we were going to starve to death. In the 80's it was the science of global warming which was going to melt the glaciers causing the oceans to rise and drown everyone on the shorelines. In the 90's they were running out of scary words so when their latest exaggeration of global warming didn't materialize, they changed it to climate change. After all, climate by definition changes so they couldn't go wrong this time. Unfortunately for them the polar bears didn't die off, there are more of them now than at any time before. The glaciers didn't melt, some melt others are created, it's a natural thing, what a concept. They also believe in black-holes because science tells them to but in this case there's a big difference, black-holes do exist, we can't see them but we can see the affects they have on their surroundings, much as we can't see the wind but we know it is there by its affect on what it comes across. The same applies to God. We can't see Him but we can see and feel the affects he has on us. This presidential election is like a black-hole. We can't see one single instance of the outcome the aforementioned expect us to believe, but we can see the overwhelming evidence of the affect the Trump red-wave had across the country. Like a black-hole, it's affects on its surroundings proves its existence, Trump's victory in this election is scientifically a certainty! 12-1-2020 * Red-Wave: On November 3rd we saw a red-wave, it was demonstrated in the republican wins in the U.S. house, state houses and holding the senate, but what about the presidency? How can a red-wave led by president Trump not include Trump himself, is that possible? It's possible if you have massive election fraud, no voter identification and voting machines designed to switch votes by whomever is programing them. Why would a voting machine tally votes in fractions as has been demonstrated with these machines. A vote is a 1, not 1.2 or .8. The software instructions for the dominion machines show the loopholes built in were intended to be used to guarantee an election result. Dems had it programed but the vote for Trump was so overwhelming they had to stop counting and bring is massive amounts of fraudulent mail-in ballots. How can there be more mail-in ballots than ballots that were mailed out? How can you have faith in an election when you don't verify the voter is eligible to vote? Dems have been practicing their art of voter fraud for decades, the difference with this one is the vote for Trump was so overwhelming they had to go big and exaggerate their cheating. That exaggeration led them to being caught. There is no way in this world, other than cheating, that a worn out, senile, swamp creature hiding in his basement could have gotten more votes by far than any other presidential candidate in history, no way! 11-25-2020 * Happy Thanksgiving: Keep the faith. In the end, truth will triumph over evil! ![]() 11-24-2020 * Fire: Where's Hunter? This election has been a massive cover-up and censorship scheme by the MSM and Biden's to hide the truth from the American people. For now they have gotten away with complete censorship and denial of hard evidence in the Hunter/Joe payoff corruption scheme with Burisma and the Chinese. Just because you want to deny the obvious smoke, doesn't mean there's not a fire. The election fraud with mail-in ballots and software 'glitches' were not a coincidence, they were a coordinated and planned attack on our representative republic. With the dumbing down of election requirements like voter ID laws and reduced verification of signatures and therefore proof of legality, democrats have created the biggest voter fraud in American history. Every illegal vote means one legal vote was deemed worthless. That's stealing and cannot stand. There was and continues to be smoke every where you look in this election and yet dems and their MSM cronies look the other way, nothing to see here, just a little smoke but not enough to burn the house down, or is it? Where's Hunter, where's the fire? A house on fire left to burn cannot stand, the fire in this election, if left to burn, may well bring our house down! 11-23-2020 * Obvious: Voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election is obvious to anyone with any common sense. There was a red wave on election night, there's no other way to explain the GOP picking up 15 seats in the U.S. house. Republicans also had more senators up for re-election than democrats and when the runoff in Georgia is complete, they will have only lost 1 seat in the senate. They also picked up state legislatures. If you take a look at all that positive news how can you explain that Trump lost without massive fraud being committed, especially in swing states? It was Trump that inspired this red wave, you would have to be a gullible fool to believe a senile swamp creature beholden to the Chinese and Iran could have legally received more votes than Trump. Why was Trump up considerably in swing states the evening of the 3rd then behind in the morning? Why was signature verification disabled or severely degraded on hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots? Why were dominion voting machines stopped in the middle of the night then started again after hundreds of thousands of votes mysteriously appeared for Biden? These are not coincidences, they were part of a concerted pan to steal this election from Trump and the American people. This fraud cannot stand, for if it does, we will lose our country, it's that serious! 11-17-2020 * Violence: How many Trump supporters did you see interrupting, harassing and attacking Biden fraudulent 'win' rally's? None! Why then if Biden supposedly won do Marxist antifa and blm groups attack peaceful trump supporters when they rally? It's what they do, they're the fascists and anarchist. They can't win on ideas and policies so they have to resort to violence, intimidation and scare tactics. It's what Marxists do. The totally fake MSM even blamed Trump supporters for the violence. So in they opinion, when a victim gets sucker punch, the victim is at fault. There is no making send with these people of which FOX News has now joined. As it's been said before, Never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience! 11-16-2020 * Software: It is becoming clearer by the day that there was a concerted effort to steal the 2020 election with a two prong attack. The first of these was the use of massive mail-in ballot fraud to overwhelm the system. A deluge of mail-in ballots mailed to all without the voter asking for them or any verification of the egality of the voter. This was planed by the dems before the China virus but was made easier because of it. Once the mail-in ballot gets accepted by the poll workers all accountability goes out the window. There is no identification on the ballot of whether it was legal or not. This is one of the main reasons republican poll observers were not allowed to observe. This was an illegal act which should disqualify any ballot that was accepted while the observers where kept from doing their jobs. Swing states were the primary target for the fraud we've been witnessing. If the mail-in swindle wasn't enough they had their backup system in place, voting machines with software specifically built to change votes and outcomes according to their programing. Dominion voting machines with their servers in Germany were at the heart of this mirage. Their software comes with specific instruction on how to manipulate the count. Why would voting software show you how to change the results if it's just supposed to count the votes? It's not a glitch, it's an intentional feature, that's why they were used. This farce cannot stand. We cannot allow a presidential election to be stolen by a foreign country with accomplices of any party. The Biden/dem fraud machine must be stopped! 11-13-2020 * Re-Count: The problem with re-counts, there's no information on the ballots as to whose it was or where it came from. The verification of a legal ballot by a legal voter is done before the ballot is submitted. If bogus mail-in ballots are accepted by poll workers, who are instructed to accept them, the identifying information is discarded, the ballot is tabulated and the vote counted. A re-count will only re-count the illegal ballot, it cannot identify them. What a re-count can do is if there were software 'glitches' in the machines, a manual re-count will identify those. It is this possibility which we must depend on, Hammer-Scorecard was evident in the swing states in questions. It switches votes from one candidate to the other. Trump votes turn into Biden ones. If enough of these erroneous counts goes in Trumps favor then Trump will prevail and the country will be saved. It is obvious by the results of local elections, the house and referendums that Trump supporters outnumbered Biden libs, the top of the ticket was the outlier. That macro view shows that fraud was committed, now we depend on an honest audit of election results to show us what we already know! 11-12-2020 * DeFOXyfy: For a while now the dependable FOX News Channel has been drifting left, election night, November 3rd, cemented that change. An early call on the state of Arizona for Biden by the democrat head on the 'indecision' desk was the start of a nightmare. They called the election for Biden and have anointed him president-elect. No need for states to certify the votes and no attention to the obvious fraud on election night and the days since. An open mic on FOX's Sandra Smith showed their true colors. During an interview of a guest by co-host Trace Gallagher on election fraud Sandra was hear saying, with an puzzled look on her face, "What, we called the election!" You could see this turn to the left when lefty Chris Wallace moderated the first debate and was clearly in Biden's camp. But the final nail on the coffin for me was when Neil Cavuto while starting to show a press briefing by Kayleigh McEnany on election fraud he abruptly cuts away from the feed and says they won't cover it because they haven't shown proof of fraud. The briefing was to show proof and he cuts away and blames the lack of proof. What stupidity and biased bull is that? It's time to deFOXyfy, not more enriching a network who has let us down at the most important time of all. Newsmax here we come! 11-11-2020 * Thanks: In commemoration of the 11th hour, on the 11th day of the 11th month when World War I ended, we celebrate our veterans on this Veterans Day. The sacrifices that our veterans have made, and continue to make, in securing and preserving our freedom can never be fully paid. Thank you for your service! ![]() 11-10-2020 * Stealing: We all learned from the very beginning that stealing is wrong, then why is stealing an election right? The fraud that was committed in this election is blatant and obvious. How can thousands of mail -in ballots show up at a polling place at the same time with not a single one for Trump? That is a statistical impossibility yet it is accepted by the MSM and dems as fact. In 1947 Winston Churchill said, "The Russian Bolsheviks have discovered that truth does not matter so long as there is reiteration. They have no difficulty whatever in countering a fact by a lie which, if repeated often enough and loudly enough, becomes accepted by the people." Today the lie that Creepy-Basement Joe is president-elect is being repeated ad nauseum to brainwash people into believing it's a fact. It's far from it. On election night Trump was winning by large margins then magically in the middle of the night it all changed. How can it be when republicans picked up seats in the house and picked up state legislatures that trump didn't win? That makes no sense at all. Was that due to the hundreds of thousand of mail-in ballots that only had Biden selected on them and no one else? No down ballot selections? That would explain why dems lost states houses and seats in the congress. On a macro view that is evidence of the fraud the dem machine is trying to perpetrate. It's not going to work if justice is to prevail. In 2000 Gore was called the president-elect for 37 days until the supreme court ruled against the unlawful attempt to steal the election in Florida. The same will happen this time. If illegal ballots and late ballots are thrown out, Trump will prevail and so will the American dream of liberty and justice for all! 11-9-2020 * Coup: Dems and their MSM cohorts have been trying to destroy Trump since before his election in 2016. They conjured up the false Russia collusion to keep him from winning and if he won, as a way to cripple his administration. They failed. They also failed with the impeachment sham then came a gift from the Chinese, the China virus. This was a way to cripple the economy and defeat Trump, it also gave them a way to improve on their election fraud technics. They commit fraud in every election but now they had a way to do it on a massive scale, a mail-in ballot initiative using the China virus as a pretext. They could mass mail ballots to everyone regardless of whether they wanted one or not, regardless of whether they were alive or not, hell, even some pets got ballots. How many of those ballots were improperly counted? On election night, November 3rd, Trump was winning by a large margin in the states that had not been called, by Friday that lead disappeared as enough mail-in ballots where processed to change the election. Pennsylvania unconstitutionally extended the vote by three days allowing enough compromised mail-in ballots to swing the state to Biden. The dems and MSM have crowned Biden the winner without any state having certified their results, this silent coup cannot stand. Hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots had votes cast for Biden with no other selections on the ballot, how many people vote that way? What were the dem election official worried about when they refused to let republican observers actually observe and not just be present in the room? If there was nothing to hide why were they hiding the count? Even FOX news is now onboard with this farce but it will not stand. The co-equal branch of government, the judicial branch will force a recount or audit in the contested states or send it to congress where Trump will prevail. President Trump did not give up on us, we cannot give up on him! 11-5-2020 * Fraud: The left's skewed fake polls have been proven wrong again. In an effort to discourage Trump turnout they push polls that are exaggerated by double digits as the results in most places on Tuesday showed. If their polls were factual dems would have increased their lead in the house, taken over the senate and won the presidency with an overwhelming electoral majority. That didn't happen. Republicans increased their numbers in the house, held on to the senate and should win the White House again, if voter fraud can be stopped. Dems are experts at turning close races into wins. They move the goal post in the fourth quarter and magically come up with the votes they need to win. It happens every election. If the count takes long enough they win, funny how that works. In Pennsylvania an activist judge arbitrarily changed voting laws by allowing votes that come in 3 days after the set election day to be counted. Not post marked before election day and coming in late, but sent in late as well. In democrat controlled voting precincts there's always shenanigans going on. They make observers stand 20 to 30 feet away to observe the counting and verification of signatures. Not even superman can do that. The ballots with the easiest form of fraud are mail-in ballots, this year, the year of the Covid mail-in ballot, that's going to prove to be the way elections are manipulated. Mass mailing ballots to everyone is guaranteed to create voter fraud on it's own. When you couple that with biased vote counters, you exponentially increase the fraud. It's just a matter of counting until you have enough votes to win. Joseph Stalin, Russian communist dictator once said, "It is not the people who vote that count, but the people who count the votes." Now we know what he meant. This time though there's someone with backbone in the While House that will fight back. In the end, if justice and honesty prevail, Trump will be re-elected, as the fat lady signs! 11-3-2020 * V-Day: The vote is upon us, it's time to choose between freedom or socialism. Whether you'll be an individual with God given rights or a part of the collective with scraps that are doled out by an over bearing government. A choice between a strong president that has delivered on his promises and brought peace to the middle east or a demented swamp rat that is being used to usher in a Marxist hell to destroy the American dream. Faced with this choice it's incredible that anyone would choose Biden and the path of destruction. Businesses in liberal inner cities are not being boarded up because they think that Trump supporters will riot if Trump looses, they are boarding up because they know the radical left will. They are also boarding up because they know Trump will win and the left will fulfil their worst nightmare, the continued destruction of the inner cities. We need that big beautiful red wave to wash away the misery and scum that permeates todays liberal swamp rats. There's a reason why their name ends as it does, democRAT! 11-2-2020 * Red-Hat: Tomorrow will be a fateful day for our future. Will we choose capitalism and prosperity for all or will we go down the failed socialist path that has a history of misery throughout the world. A vote for Biden will take us down the socialist path and empower radical leftists, like the ones that have been engaging in riots, looting and anarchy in liberal cities throughout the country. A vote for Trump will continue to put America first and continue the successful policies that created the greatest economy we've ever had in 2019. It will assure a continuation of American greatness versus globalist mediocrity. We know that when you vote you cannot wear any campaign material or clothing that states a candidates name. But there is no law or regulation against wearing a red hat. A plain red hat or a red hat of a sports team like the Texas Rangers or the Washington Nationals. Any red hat will do and what that will show is the Trump support from those voting in person. It will keep the MSM from showing pictures of lines and claiming that exit polls show that Biden is winning. The lines of red hatted people will keep that from happening and it will encourage the Trump red wave that will be arriving tomorrow. Our future is at stake, God speed to president Trump! ![]() 10-30-2020 * China: If we go back to 2019 you can clearly see a booming economy with China on the run due to president Trump's new trade deals. He had China in the palm of his hands. You also had a week candidate in Joe Biden that was about to get his clock cleaned. Then all of a sudden, a mysterious new virus get unleased on the world. A China virus cooked up in a Wuhan biological lab. When introduced in the Wuhan community China restricted travel from Wuhan to other parts of China but not internationally. That was an intentional way of starting a pandemic that would circle the world and reah the U.S. All of a sudden, democrats had their golden goose. The Russia hoax and impeachment sham didn't work and in comes a gift made in China. The over reaction to the virus shut down the greatest economy we've had and crippled businesses across the board. It was Cinna's gift to their horse in the race, their boy Joe now had an excuse to run a campaign from his basement using the China virus as the central theme of his campaign strategy. He blames Trump for the slump in the economy, for the deaths and for not killing the virus. He lies about what he would have done differently, as he is known to do, his ideas are what Trump had already done. We are witnessing a one-trick pony swamp rat who is only hanging in because of the corrupt and censoring media that is protecting him. Anyone with an IQ above their shoe size can see Biden for what he is, a corrupt politician in a steady mental decline ready for the rocking chair and slurping on his pudding! 10-29-2020 * Wave: Could it be the beginning of the great red wave that Trump supporters have been expecting? Typically dems vote early, either by mail or during the early voting periods. Republicans tend to wait until election day, unless they are away from home, as with our military. Yesterday it was reported that in heavily democrat Miami-Dade country, Trump is leading by 6 percentage points over Biden. Similar numbers have been reported in other areas of Florida. This election is the most important in our lifetime and has the easiest choice as well. It's about choosing between capitalism or socialism, law and order or anarchy, honest government or corruption. It's also a choice of whether we will accept the corrupt fake news censorship media as the new norm or expect our media to return to their constitutional guaranteed right of freedom of the press. With that freedom should also come honesty and unbiased reporting. Get ready to ride that wave on Tuesday! 10-28-2020 * SCOTUS: Kamala vows revenge for the Amy Cony Barrett confirmation, the communist squad promises to pack the court and Biden wants to set up a commission to study it. Chuckie Schumer is all in, what this means is simply, if the dems control the senate and the white house they will add liberal justices to overwhelm the court and destroy the separation of powers, a basic building block of our republic form of government. The squad are members of the house, they know they carry much more weight than they deserve because they have the patsy corrupt media on their side. It used to be that progressive/socialist democrats used to hide their true intentions, not in todays world. They have the media propaganda and censorship machine on their side, the truth doesn't matter anymore, only what they continuously repeat as their 'truth' is what gets airplay. We saw the bias in the debates and we see it in everyday coverage of the candidates and the news. A world in which imaginary Russia collusion becomes real and a real tangible laptop with incriminating evidence because imaginary. It's and upside-down, mixed-up, confused, socialist-media world we're living in! 10-27-2020 * MSM: This is how far the fake news media has come, they report on fictional scenes from the idiot Borat movie but ignore a real laptop with real emails and a corroborating witness. The MSM's credibility is completely shot, no wonder they have lower approval ratings than hemorrhoids. We're heading towards the home stretch of the election so expect the MSM and their social media buddies to pull all the stops for Biden. As Biden continues to run for the senate against George W, hell need all the help he can get. Even the fake polls are starting to turn, there's just so much over sampling of democrats you can do. Only democrats with intense cases of TDS will be voting for creepy-sleepy corrupt Joe, the others will either stay home or vote for Trump. The choice between a robust economy with lower taxes and regulations or higher taxes and crippling regulations, mask mandates and shutdowns is clear. A vote for Trump is a vote for hope and prosperity, for Biden, it's a vote for doom, gloom and anarchy. November 3rd can't come soon enough! 10-26-2020 * Hiddin': Last week Hiddin' Biden's excuse for not being on the campaign trail was his debate prep, what is it this week? With eight days left to the election creepy-sleepy Joe is trying to coast to the finish line. His handlers know the more he is questioned the more likely he is to screw it up. Yesterday he confused president Bush with Trump calling Trump George while Jill sat by his side, she's used to his mental slips, par for the course. It's incredible to believe anyone can knowingly vote for a person whose mental capacity is so diminished and who has the energy level of a slug. Unless they know that Biden is just a place holder, once in office, if that calamity happens, he will be declared incompetent and replaced by socialist Kamala. That would be a nightmare scenario that will do incredible harm to our country. Only the red wave of American patriots can save us from that disaster, and the red wave is scheduled to arrive next Tuesday! 10-23-2020 * Fracked: To frack or not to frack, that is the question. In last nights debate president Trump was able to get hiddin' Biden to crack. When Trump questioned Biden about his making statements about shutting down fracking, Biden outright denied he ever said that and asked Trump to fact check him. In fact Biden is on video several times saying he would ban fracking and end fossil fuels. After his meds started to wear out, Biden admitted that he would end fracking and oil. Trump responded with, "That's a big statement!" By admitting his intent on eliminating oil and fracking Biden has unmasked himself, kiss Pennsylvania goodbye. He also showed to the millions watching that he's just a swamp rat politician that will say anything to get elected, just like he has for 47 years. Trump made a great point when he said that the reason he ran was because of people like Biden, career politicians that will say anything and do nothing. Trump is the opposite and that's why people love him. He keeps his word. He had a life of luxury with a successful busines empire, he didn't have to put himself through the vicious attacks that he and his family have endured for the last four years, he did it because of his love of country. Idiots like Biden keep spewing falsehoods about his taxes and ignore that he donates his $400,000 a year presidential salary. Last night we saw a decisive, strong president alongside a feeble, demented career politician, who by his own doing, is now fracked! 10-22-2020 * Confirmation: There is now confirmation from one of the email recipients in the email published by the NY Post that Joe Biden is the 'Big Guy' and that he was deeply involved in the deal with the Chinese. Tony Bobulinski was a former partner of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden and Joe’s brother Jim in the China deal. Bobulinski unloads his bill of accusations in blunt but precise language and detail. Bobulinski said, "My name is Tony Bobulinski. The facts set forth below are true and accurate; they are not any form of domestic or foreign disinformation. Any suggestion to the contrary is false and offensive. I am the recipient of the email published seven days ago by the New York Post which showed a copy to Hunter Biden and Rob Walker. That email is genuine." The email lad out equity positions and included a line that said 10 percent set-aside for 'the big guy'. It was to be held by 'H'. The H is Hunter according to Bobulinski. Even with this confirmation, Twitter, Facebook and the MSM is still censoring the story and protecting Biden. This on it's face is election interference and also providing cover from exposure to the general public of scheme by the then vice president to use his influence and power within the Obama Biden administration in exchange for the payoff. There is no other explanation since Biden didn't have anything else to offer but his political power. It is corruption, plain and simple, crimes were committed. And still the question remains, where's Hunter? 10-21-2020 * Smear: Biden's line of defense against his corruption is starting to take shape, it's all about blaming the imaginary smear campaign against him and his family. When the MSM is not censoring the stories and emails of the Biden corruption they are attacking the messenger. When it comes to stories about Trump, every thing is believed and amplified, when it comes to Biden, it's totally the opposite. There is no journalistic integrity here only biased coverage and outright collusion. The media has been in the tank for liberals all along, the difference now is they're not even trying to hide it anymore. Their brand is cooked, even a root canal is preferable to listening to their bull! 10-20-2020 * Russia: Shifty Schiff has so much Russia delusion in his brain that it makes his eyes bug out. He's a one trick pony, always brings Russia up as an excuse for Trump winning at anything. It has to be Russia collusion or Russian mis-information. It was suspected that Hunter Biden was selling influence and Hiddin' Biden was in on it for years now. When evidence comes out in the form of emails from Hunter's own laptop, Schiff, dems and the MSM blame Russia. They say Russia wants Trump to beat Biden. Let's see if this makes sense, during the Obama-Biden administration Russia invaded the Ukraine and annexed Crimea. What was the Obama-Biden response, send blankets and meals-ready-to-eat, MRE's to the Ukraine. Those lethal blankets could blind the Russian tanks while the meals could be used to clog the cannons, yep, that will do it. When Trump was elected he sent the Ukraine Javelin anti-tank missiles. He also sent Patriot missiles to eastern European countries like Poland so they could defend themselves against Russian aggression. That makes it obvious, Russia would rather support the one who has stood strong against them rather than the push-over Biden, only in a liberal mind can that make sense! 10-19-2020 * Truth: The more you try to hide the truth, the harder it becomes to do it. Twitter, Facebook, and the MSM have conspired to hide the truth about Biden's corruption from the American people, their actions will come back to haunt them. Their straight our lies and excuses for the blatant hypocrisy of their concealment is laughable on its face and dangerous in the desired outcome. It's a strategy that communist governments employ, it's what the Chinese communist party does, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela. It has no place in a free society where the 1st amendment to our constitution enshrines freedom of speech. Where freedom of speech is curtailed the seeds are planted for the destruction of a civil society. Without adhering to the building blocks that form this great republic, it all comes down like a house of cards. The truth will prevail, where there is reason left to expose it. After all the dust settles, in the end, there it will be, in plain sight, the truth! 10-16-2020 * Townhall: Last night's tale of two townhalls. Trump was attacked by a biased NBC host, Savannah Guthrie, saying things like 'You're not, like, someone's crazy uncle' while rudely interrupting him at every opportunity. She would ask a question and cut in before he could finish his answer, speaking of crazy, she came off like the crazy deranged liberal host that she is, she has a lot of company in that area. Meanwhile at the Biden townhall on ABC, his caretaker George Stephanopoulos, was handing Joe softballs and letting him answer. It was like he had the questions in advance and had prepared answers. Thirteen of the sixteen people in the ABC townhall were democrats and three were republicans, that's to be expected, par for the course. The big elephant in the room was the NY Post smoking gun revelations from emails about Hunter Biden and Joe's corruption and payoffs. Just like Facebook and Twitter have censored the story, so has ABC. Not a peep from Stephanopoulos. If the American people can't see through this hypocrisy then they deserve what they get, an old demented, crooked political swamp creature! 10-15-2020 * Censorship: As expected the bombshell revelation of Hunter Biden's emails confirming contacts between VP Biden and Burisma executives have been censored. The main TV networks, ABC, CBS and NBC gave the story 0 minutes of coverage yesterday. Facebook and Twitter censored the story and blocked accounts trying to link to the story including white house press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. Both Facebook and Twitter are protected by a law that dates back to 1996, Section 230. That law protects Internet entities from lawsuits for content on the platforms as long as they are neutral. Facebook and Twitter's continued censorship of conservative views as well as articles that run counter to their political views is in violation of the protection granted by Section 230. By showing the bias that they do they are no longer acting as a neutral platform, they have essentially become a publisher with distinct political opinions. With that in mind they should no longer receive the protection that Section 230 has provided them. Their censorship of the New York Post articles of the Biden corruption with regards to the Ukraine and China are in essence election interference coming within three weeks of our presidential election! 10-14-2020 * Hunter: The smoking gun in Biden's connection to Burisma has been brought into the open. A broken MacBook taken to a computer shop in Delaware has been found to have incriminating emails that show a connection between Hunter Biden, Burisma executives and VP Joe. Joe has stated unequivocally that he did not have any knowledge of his son Hunter's overseas dealings. Emails show that statement to be a bold faced lie. Biden admitted to withholding $1 billion in loan guarantees from the Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor that was investigating Burisma, the company that hired Hunter because of his connection to the vice president. They got their moneys worth. Biden's lies about not knowing about Hunter's dealings yet taking him on Air Force 2 on trips shows how he knows the media will cover for him while he blatantly shook down governments in exchange for monetary benefit to enrich himself and his family. If we had an unbiased media this would be the end of the Biden campaign, but since our media has TDS and is in the tank for Biden, crickets! 10-13-2020 * 56%: Left to his own creepy-sleepy Joe will self destruct. Yesterday in Ohio he said he was a proud democrat running for the senate. Not the first time he has forgotten what office he's running for. He also forgot Romney's name an just said that Mormon. When given the latest Gallop poll which asked if you were better off today than you were 4 years ago under Obama-Biden, 56% responded that they were better off now. Biden responded then they shouldn't vote for him. That's the smartest thing he's said all campaign. Bottom line is Joe is not up to prime time, his faculties are fading fast. If it wasn't for the media covering for him and constantly attacking Trump this race would not even be a race. The media whores who continually call Trump a racist cannot point to anything that would show that but ignore Biden's own words and history showing he is the racist. Hopefully enough democrats and people in the black community will see this in time to make the right choice on November 3rd! 10-12-2020 * Circus: The senate confirmation hearings or circus has begun. As expected the children of the senate (democrats) have deck their side of the room with pictures of people they claim would lose their health care because of pre-existing conditions if Obamacare is struck down in the supreme court. Congress has already struck down the main provision of Obamacare, the mandate/penalty/tax. President Trump has signed an executive order protecting people with pre-existing conditions. His health care proposals also have the protection built in so the dem circus surrounding this issue is mute, it's just their way of grandstanding the issue. Judges never discus their opinions on cases that may come before their court so this whole exercise is pointless showboating. Dems cannot argue against Barratt on her qualification so it's about Obamacare and the president putting forth the nomination during the election. The bottom line is the president continues to be president until the end of his term not until the election starts. It's his constitutional duty to nominate a replacement for Ginsburg specially during this election when it's possible there could be widespread mail-in ballot fraud. It would be like the 2000 elections hanging chads on steroids and it would be up to the supreme court to constitutionally rule on the outcome! 10-9-2020 * Desperation: Just think if Trump lost the first debate and Pence lost the VP debate then why are the dems and MSM spouting biased polls, stacking the debates and now playing games with the 25th amendment? It's because they are desperate. Trump separated Biden from the green new deal left by making him distance himself from it, Pence turned Harris' lies back in her smirking face, and anyone with any sense can see that the polls are rigged. The same polls that lied in 2016 are lying today and the same stupid people that believed them in 2016 are believing in them now. You over sample democrats by 10% then you say, wow Biden is wining by 10%, that shows you how stupid these people think Americans are. Granted, there are a lot of stupid people that keep falling for the same lies over and over again, even with the truth looking them straight in the face. They refuse to see it because their rage, hate and misery clouds their view. Hellen Keller once said, "The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but has no vision." Socialist dems today have no vision, for if they did, they would see that failed socialist policies of the past will only lead to failed socialist policies in the future. According to Albert Einstein, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." In other words, todays democrats are INSANE! 10-8-2020 * Pence: There has been a Hunter spotting, who knew, all along he was the fly on the wall. Last night he wanted t get closer to the action when Pence was talking about China so he flew over and landed on his head. Possible trying to inject some fly brainwash serum into Pence's brain, he stayed there for a long time. When it seemed like the coast was clear, he flew off and went back into hiding. We're sure he'll turn up again soon, after Trump wins, probably in an orange jump suite. Meanwhile smug-arrogant-lying Harris had her lunch handed to her by Pence. He pointed out her obvious lies like not wanting to ban fracking and fossil fuels when the green new, deal she co-sponsored and Biden's campaign supports, calls for that exact thing. She refused to answer if she was for packing the supreme court when she is on record saying she was for that. She said Trump didn't have a plan for the Coronavirus even though when Trump acted early, while still being tried for the hoax impeachment, Biden called him a Xenophobe for shutting down travel from China. She said Biden has a plan, Pence jump on that opportunity like a starving buzzard unto a carcass. Biden's plan sounds a lot like our plan, in fact looks like plagiarism which Joe knows something about… Priceless. Democrats didn't like Harris when she was running for president, last night you could see why! 10-7-2020 * Polls: The far left MSM have been playing their 'poll' games for quite a while now but it seems to have be driven into overdrive. Knowing the lack of excitement about creepy-sleepy Joe they try to stir the pot by pretending that Joe is ahead in the polls by a landslide. Seems like 2016 all over again. They don't mention the over sampling of democrats in pols by as much as double digits, they only say Biden is winning by double digits. No one is excited about Joe because there's nothing to be excited about. He's a dull as a butter knife. Three people in a room is a crowd for Biden. Even with his train tour if it wasn't for staff and people hanging around anyway, there wouldn't have been anybody that noticed his passing by. The China virus was a gift to Biden from his Chinese buddies. There will be pay back,, if Biden wins, China wins. If Biden wins, mob rule wins, antifa wins, blm wins and we all lose! 10-6-2020 * Hunter: We keep watching the bouncing ball as the media's slight of hand distracts from serious issues, the question remains. Where's Hunter? If the media had any sense of honesty, Biden's run would have been over a long time ago, if it ever even got started in the first place. So many obvious conflicts of interests at the least and out right bribery at it's worst. Biden admitted to holding $1 billion from the Ukraine if they didn't fire the prosecutor that was investigating corruption against Burisma, the firm Hunter worked for as a payoff to then vice president Biden. That's not speculation, it's on film with creepy Joe bragging about it. Where's the media on this, nothing to see here, move along. Creepy Sleepy Joe takes Hunter to China on air force two and comes away with an investment in another Hunter company of over $1 billion, where's the media on this, nothing to see here, move along. Now it's been reveled that the wife of the Moscow mayor gave Hunter $3 million, for what? Nothing to see here of course, move along. Meanwhile the media clings to every little lie and made up story about Trump, it's so much in your face hypocrisy that you can smell it. Like the swamp creatures they are, it stinks… Where's Hunter? 10-5-2020 * Reed: Trump, feeling better during his stay at Walter Reed decided to show his thanks to his supporters that have been lining the streets outside the hospital. It was a great show of relief for Trump supporters and a great way for to lift his own spirits with their support. To the apoplectic media, how dare he put secret service agents at risk. Since when do these bimbos care for the secret service or police? They've been demonizing them for ever. How do they think he got to the hospital in the first place? The dems and MSM are the party of chaos, violence and disorder but now they care, what a bunch of what Joe would call, malarky. The rumor mill has been in flames over what the MSM was hoping would be a more serious health issue for president Trump, the White House must be covering up the truth they said, they saw the truth drive by, kind of puts a smile on your face. Trump is going to come out of this stronger than before and the haters can't stand it. Americans have always loved the fighter, the underdog, and like Rocky, Trump is going to come out swinging! 10-2-2020 * Bitter: In general, democrats are angry, sad and bitter people whereas republicans are usually happy positive people. This comes from the way we view ourselves and our lives. If a democrat disagrees with you they try to shut you up. If a republican disagrees with you they'll either try to change your mind with their opinion or they'll ignore you, they won't try to silence you. You see this during election cycles when democrats tear down republican yard signs while republicans ignore the democrat ones. You see this when antifa violently attacks peaceful gatherings of people voicing an opinion they disagree with and shut down speakers in college campuses. Taken to the extreme you get the violence, riots and looting we've seen since Memorial Day. It wasn't about black lives it's about the hate for our freedom and economic system that has benefited every American and the world. Now that president Trump has tested posited for the China virus the bitter and sad democrats will also show their evil side. Not all, but some, will voice opinions wishing the president harm, they'll do this instinctively, it's in their DNA. May God Bless president Trump, Melania and their entire family. We're praying for speedy recovery from this Chinese virus that should have never happened in the first place! 10-1-2020 * Illusion: After first reactions from the debate on Tuesday you would think the world was on fire and Trump was crazy. But taking a step back and analyzing it a couple of days later should give you another impression. Trump was called rude and unpresidential by all MSM talking heads and lib-tards, but who was the one calling the other names? Trump never called Biden any names during the debate while Biden call him stupid, a racist, a clown, the worst president ever and told him to shut up, that's real presidential talk I guess to the fools on the air. What Trump successfully did was point out the failures of Biden's history, no accomplishments in 47 years in office. His got Biden to distance himself from the socialists who are the grass roots of the dem party by denying he is for the green new deal, when in fact, his web site embraces it. He pointed out the conflicts of interests with Biden's son Hunter receiving $3 Million from the wife of the Moscow mayor, millions from a Ukraine company and over a Billion investment from the Chinese. Trump pointed out that Biden's health proposal would ruin our health care system and cause 180 million people to lose their plans. He pointed out Biden's hypocrisy by not condemning Antifa, which Biden called, "an idea." We've never seen 'an idea' burn down buildings, businesses, murder people, riot and loot. Chris Wallace, Biden's stand-in, wanted Trump to condemn white supremacists, which he has, but white supremacists are not the ones rioting and pillaging the streets of the liberal cities that are smoldering right now. Why didn't Wallace ask Biden to condemn Antifa and BLM? What it boils down to are the facts, Trump kept Biden from completing his lies and misinformation and for that he's being called a bully. You have to ask yourself this, if Trump was so bad and Biden so good why do they want Biden not to debate anymore? They should be asking for 20 debates! Towards the end of the debate Trump should have looked at the audience and said, my family is here with me and the first lady, your wife is sitting there by herself (then turned to Biden an said) 'WHERE'S HUNTER!" 9-30-2020 * Debate: It was clear from the onset last night that Trump wasn't going to let Biden get away with his smears and lies, he was very aggressive from the start. The problem with that strategy was that it helped Biden from tripping over his own words. Where Biden stumbles is when he's is rambling. The short interactions kept his ramblings at a minimum. Biden got over his low hurdle, he didn't drool or soil his pants! Biden released his wife and his joint return just before the debate to goat Trump into the stupid tax debate. Business and business people use the tax code that career politicians like Biden have passed. It would be stupid for any sane person to pay more taxes than he legally owes. Biden and his wife paid $299,346 in taxes for 2019. Trump's returns have been under audit. What the MSM and lefty Wallace fail to point out is that Trump donates his entire $400,000 a year salary to various government agencies. He only takes $1 annually for himself. According to PolitiFact, “Trump donated the last two quarters of his 2019 salary and his first quarter of his 2020 salary to the Department of Health and Human Services. The department is working on two issues that Trump designated for the funds: the opioid crisis and COVID-19.” Although it was a hectic debate between Trump and the Wallace-Biden team, Trump did manage to bring out some important points, he forced Biden to distance himself from the Green New Deal, alienating the socialists, pointed out the Hunter Biden bribes from Russia, Ukraine and China. He strongly emphasized that he has done more in 47 months than Biden has in 47 years! 9-29-2020 * President: In one of Creepy-Sleepy Joe's election ads he ends his diatribe with, Mr. President, do your job! He references the China virus response without giving his solutions. Accusing the president of killing millions of Americans. How can anyone take that kind of arrogant gibberish seriously? Democrats are such hypocrites. They tell the president to do his job but when it comes to fulfilling his constitutional obligation, and duty, to fill a supreme court vacancy they want him to NOT do his job. One of the main reasons president Trump was elected in 2016 was because of the supreme court. He was elected for four years, not until the next election started, but for the entirety of his term. He would be derelict of his duty if he didn't nominate a replacement for RGB and the senate would be derelict in theirs if they refused to take up the nomination. It's a typical swamp power play by the left but this time, no matter how much crying they do, or how many tantrums they throw, the cards are stacked against them. Elections do have consequences, they are living those consequences now! 9-25-2020 * Chess: After the passing of justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg the left was besides themselves in their joint madness about her replacement by president Trump. Then Trump reiterated his distrust of massive mail-in ballots for the upcoming election. As if to say, follow the bouncing ball, the mad left jump on the ball and accused Trump of threatening not to leave office if he loses the election. All of a sudden, the focus was off RBG. Trump plays chess while the left plays checkers. The left talks of voter suppression when if fact telling people they can't vote in person is voter suppression. They say requiring an ID is voter suppression and mass mail-in ballots does not lead to fraud. There are primary elections this year that still don't have the final count or had to be redone because of mail-in ballot issues. Absentee ballot are more secure since the voter has to ask for the ballot and his signature is verified. Mass mail-in ballots are sent to everyone, even dead people and animals. How secure can that be? The left still cannot accept that Trump won in 2016 and they are preparing the way for a fight if he wins again. They will do everything within their power including anarchy, riots and racial unrest to achieve their lust for power. What is needed on November 3rd is an overwhelming win for president Trump and republicans across the board, then and only then can we put this liberal/socialist nightmare behind us! 9-24-2020 * Blinky: Blinky Pelosi is out of her blinking mind. Always wanting to be the center of attention, she has an over inflated view of herself and her do. The house is basically out of the loop when it comes to the appointment and confirmation of a supreme court justice but that won't stop her highness from trying to derail the process, any way she can. She said she has arrows in her quiver but it's more like blanks. She is threatening to stop the process with another impeachment. How well did that go over last time, go ahead Blinky, make a fool of yourself again. There are some pretty stupid people in this country that keep electing fools like this. As RBG said herself back in 2016, a president is elected for 4 years, he doesn't stop being president because there's an election coming up. But Blinky doesn't care, she wants to stop the replacement of RBG by a president doing his duty under the constitution and stop the senate from doing the same. If you looked up stupid in the dictionary you would see a picture of Blinky there! 9-23-2020 * Tantrum: As expected democrats and their media lackies are having a supreme tantrum over RBG's passing. How dare she give Trump another supreme court pick. After the way they treated Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, specially Kavanaugh there should not be any compromising or appeasing these deranged fools. They will do what ever they can to derail, attack and demean the nominee, no matter who it is. Their game plan is obvious and as predictable as day follows night. The question is not how bad it's going to get but how long the nominee will have to put up with it. Let's hope for the nominee's sake and that of fair minded Americans that Republicans are able to cut the circus short. It's the president's constitutional duty to nominate a replacement justice and the senate's to vote up or down. The opportunity to turn the supreme court back into a constitutional court and not a legislative one is at hand, all the dems tantrums aside, let the grown ups in the room prevail! 9-21-2020 * SCOTUS: It's amazing how democrats can be so blatantly hypocritical and pretend that their past statements and actions didn't happen. All those liberals that in 2016 insisted that Obama's supreme court nominee, when justice Scalia passed away, be given a hearing and vote before the senate, are now saying the opposite. It was an election year then and it's an election year now. There are two differences, in 2016 there was a democrat president and a republican senate and in 2016 a conservative justice was going to be replaced by a liberal one, today we have the white house and senate controlled by the same party and a liberal justice is going to be replaced by a conservative. Elections have consequences and one of the primary reasons why Trump was elected in 2016 was because of the supreme court. Presidents serve 8 years max, supreme court justices serve for life. A president can't change the constitution but the supreme court, with a negative ruling, can basically cancel a constitutional right. For instance, a supreme court ruling could possibly negate the second amendment right to keep and bear arms. There is no higher court to appeal to. The importance of the SCOTUS can not be under estimated. We are now facing a pivotal point for our future, not only with the election but with the supreme court. Democrats playing politics and threatening cannot interfere with the constitutional role of the president and senate in filling a supreme court vacancy.. The constitution does not limit the replacement to non-election years. The constitution specifically lays out the responsibility of the president in this case and hat responsibility must be caried our expeditiously, specially since the result of the upcoming election may end up in the supreme court's hands! 9-18-2020 * Fairytales: To be a liberal democrat, or socialist today, you have to believe in fairytales. To ignore what you see before your very eyes, an old washed up politician who can't finish a sentence on his own, is unbelievable. A person that needs a teleprompter to answer the very simplest of questions, to believe that Biden can become the most powerful person in the world you have to be riding a unicorn and smoking some whacky weed. Even with the doting MSM and Biden's handlers, with bibs in hand, it is painfully obvious that he longs for his cradle in his Delaware bunker. It's becoming sadder by the day, where is his loving wife? His family? Specially, where's Hunter? They should be trying to stop this, it's elderly abuse, not as much because of his age, it's his dementia. I know 90 year old's that are sharp as a tac, Biden is much younger and is duller than a marshmallow. It's like watching a slow train wreck, you know it's going to happen, it's just a matter of how far down the track it happens, guess that 'depends'! 9-17-2020 * Relief: Angry Nancy and Chuckie Schumer are sabotaging a China Virus relief package, for workers and small businesses, for strictly political reasons. They propose a pork filled bill of over 3 trillion dollars that includes bailouts for liberal city hell holes that have let their people down and holding the bag. Trump and republicans propose a slimed down support bill of just over 300 billion dollars. Money that would go directly into peoples hands and not be squandered by politicians for political favors or poured down the drain of liberal/socialist waste lands. It's all a political game with them. Their options are evaluated with a simple premise in mind, will it benefit Trump? If financial aid helps people and Trump, not going to happen. If allowing businesses to get back to normal benefits Trump, not going to happen. If recognizing the importance of the historic Mideast Abraham Accords Peace Agreement benefits Trump, not going to happen. They root for failure as a means to their ends, regardless of the damage they are doing to the American people. Must be a depressing existence they live, so full of hate and anger they can't bring themselves to see the light before them! 9-16-2020 * Peace: For decades different administrations had tried to get a peace deal between the 'Palestinians' and Israel, they all failed. The main cause of the failure is, as former Israeli UN ambassador Gillerman said, "The Palestinians never miss and opportunity to miss an opportunity." That very profound statement is at the heart of why attempts at peace between Palestinians and Israel has never worked, Palestinians leaders don't want peace with Israel, they want to replace Israel with a Palestinian state. The conflict keeps those failed leaders in charge, they blame all their misery on Israel the same way communist countries like Cuba and Venezuela blame their misery on the U.S. By deflecting their failure they strengthen their power. Yesterday at the White House, the president Trump lead and inspired deal between the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Israel was a huge step towards a new Middle East reality. The signing of the peace treaties is the biggest move towards peace in that part of the world in our lifetimes. Other Arab nations are likely to follow in UAE's and Bahrain's path to peace. That ingenious new approach to peace has turned the tide of accepted norms. No longer is the idea that there can't be peace in the Middle East unless there's a peace treaty between the Palestinians and Israel. Now it's there will be peace between Israel and it's Arab neighbors, and the Palestinians will either have to conform to the new reality or continue to live in their own self imposed misery. If any democrat was president today the MSM and dems would be screaming this news from the rooftops, instead they are mainly ignoring it and calling it a distraction. Shame on them. It is truly a new dawn in the Middle East and president Trump deserves a great deal of the credit! 9-15-2020 * Ambush: Every police shooting of a black person has been a result of them resisting arrest after committing a crime, suspected of committing a crime or in response to a warrant for their arrest. These are not innocent angels hunted down by police, but that's the mentality that the liberal media and democrats have fostered in the minds of many gullible people. Like brainwashed useful idiots people who believe that a police officer who puts his/her life on the line to protect and serve the community would actually be hunting down people to kill is ignorant and dangerous. How absurd and stupid is that mindset, but it is real. The ambush shooting of two LA Sheriff's Deputies in the patrol car shows how far the antifa and blm miscreants have come. Their goal is not peace and racial equality, their goal is the destruction of our society and the replacement of our government with their perceived Marxist utopia. They want to turn the US into Cuba, Venezuela or North Korea. After all their riots, anarchy and looting they have now taken it a step too far. For witnesses to laugh and make fun of the attempted murder of the deputies then go to the hospital and block the ER entrance while chanting 'I hope they die' crosses the line from humanity to demonic. This evil must not stand, it's time to take the streets back! 9-14-2020 * BLMFL: You could hear the sounds of millions of remotes clicking across the nation Sunday as the woke NFL has now become the BLM Football League or BLMFL. We turn to sports to escape politics, not to engage in it! The NBA with their 'Black Lives Matter' painted on the court has seen their viewership tank. Now the BLMFL with black national anthem and other BLM centric discussions and displays is similarly turning people off. The Baltimore Ravens stood for the so called black national anthem and knelt for our national anthem. How can we respect rich privileged athletes complaining about systemic racism when the fact they are where they are shows their hypocrisy. They back a Marxist movement intent on destroying the very system that has given them the opportunity they enjoy. The cancel culture caused a once great organization, the Washington Redskins, to change their name. The great Redskins history started in Boston in 1932 as the Boston Braves. At the time Boston had a baseball team that was also named the Braves. This caused the football team to change it's name in 1933 to the Boston Redskins, their first coach was William Henry "Lone Star" Dietz, a Native American. Why would a Native American coach a team whose name is offensive to native Americans? In 1937 the Redskins moved to Washington, DC and retained the name Redskins. Through the years Native American's have taken pride in supporting the Redskins even naming some high school football teams in reservations the Redskins. Again, if the name was so offensive why name their football team Redskins? It's offensive to politically correct cancel culture white radical pansies that can't get out of their own way. The woke and cancel culture are trying to destroy our way of life. It's time to turn it off. Change the channel! 9-11-2020 * 9/11: Today we remember that fateful day 19 years ago when the ugly face of Islamic terror struck us in New York, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania. All Americans came together as one with an incredible sense of pride and patriotism. We vowed to avenge the cowardly murder of thousands. President Bush took the fight to our enemies and kept us safe for his 8 years in office. Then came the Islamic terrorist denier- in-chief Barrack Hussein Obama. He went on a worldwide apology tour signaling that America was no longer the leader of the free world. He let our sacrifices in Iraq go to waste which led to the rise of the ISIS caliphate which killed, raped and tortured scores of people in Syria and Iraq. While they were conquering land and people, Obama called them the JV team. He made a disastrous nuclear deal with Iran and sent them pallets of cash in nighttime delivers as to avoid exposure. Thankfully President Trump was elected in 2016 and focused on the Islamic terrorism threat. He reversed course against ISIS and allowed our military to take the fight to them. The caliphate was destroyed and the leader of ISIS killed. Trump also took out the leading general in Iran's terrorist regime, Soleimani. We thank God every day that Trump is our president, with his leadership Islamic terror has been quieted. We remember 9/11 and the souls that were lost so we may never have to face that kind of tragedy again! ![]() 9-10-2020 * Morons: First of all, why grant Woodward an interview for a hatchet job book he was working on? It was reveled, to the delight of the TDS afflicted MSM and dumocrats. In a taped interview for the book Trump said back in February that he was down playing the severity of the China virus so as not to panic the people. Immediately, like if on queue, the left went berserk, he lied to the American people was the rallying cry. What self serving ignorant imbeciles. Remember back in January when Trump was facing an impeachment trial for the sham Ukrainian witch hunt? It was during this time that the first cases of the China virus were detected and trump responded right away my shutting down incoming travel from China. While he did that Blinky Pelosi was in China Town encouraging people to go there and telling them that everything was fine. Creepy-Sleepy-Hidin' Biden called Trump a xenophobe for stopping the flights. Now they climb on the bash Trump bandwagon because he was being honest and doing what presidents do, they calm citizens at a time of uncertainty. It's so obvious that these people are disingenuous fools and at the best, ignorant morons! 9-9-2020 * Normal: Creepy-Sleepy-Hidin' Biden has taken mask wearing to the ridiculous extreme. Even when he's far beyond the 6 foot social distance guidelines he wears a mask. When he's outside far apart from others, he wears a mask. When he's walking with his wife they both wear masks. I wonder if he wears a mask to bed. Perhaps his handlers have developed a way to control his rambling thoughts through his mask. This is Biden's new normal, we don't need that, we need to get back to the real normal. The second wave of the China virus was caused by the quarantine of healthy people, by separating people and shutting the economy down we prolonged the virus and delayed the heard immunity necessary to defeat any virus, including the seasonal flu. By the draconian measures taken to 'flatten' the curve we have extended the life of the virus. Take a look at Sweden. They did not shut down their economy, did not wear masks and their death rate was equal to or lower that most European nations. The virus is basically non-existent in Sweden today. Because they did no quarantine healthy individuals they reached heard immunity early and never had to deal with a second wave, new normal or hidin' Biden stupid masks! 9-8-2020 * Revolving-Door: The riots and looting in liberal run cities are anything but 'peaceful protests.' The MSM bends over backwards portraying them as peaceful even while being chased from the scene by 'peaceful protestors' exercising the rights, but where do their rights end and ours start. The 1st amendment guarantees the right to 'peaceably' assemble, not to riot, burn and loot. As soon as a protest turn violent their rights are forfeited. We're not witnessing peaceful protests, we're witnessing organized and paid anarchy. Supported by those wanting to destroy our country and way of life. The likes of Soro's and Obama's own Organizing for Action. Ex presidents start foundations to help people, Obama converted his Organizing for America into Organizing for Action, what's the 'action' part of that organization, riots, looting, burning, violence? It's a continuation of the transformation that he promised when elected in 2008. Violent rioters keep getting arrested and released through the liberal justice system that let's them out with a slap on the wrist. Liberal mayors, governors and prosecutors tacitly endorse the violence because they hate Trump more than they respect their jobs and the American people they swore to protect. It's a vicious cycle of revolving-door in-justice! 9-4-2020 * Blake: Some people, and specially the leftist MSM, have been critical of president Trump for not visiting the Blake family in Kenosha. After Jacob Blake's mother made a passionate plea for peace the president was willing to meet with them, his people reached out to the family. The problem was the family, Jacob Blake's father said, "I'm not getting into politics. It's all about my son, man. It has nothing to do with a photo op." Yet he had no problem with Creepy Joe and 'sister' Kamala. Blakes uncle said, "How could they not be feeding on violence when the man in the White House is steady drumming it up?" Then he added, "I hope he likes Kenosha. It's a beautiful place and beautiful people. But our family don't particularly want to have anything to do with him. We believe he incited this violence. And that's why it's flooded over. People think they have the right to do anything. And when you think you have the right to shoot a young man seven times in a back, you're wrong and justice has to come your way." It would've been foolish for the president to meet with a family with such hate for him. The Jacob Blake case is just another example of how the black community makes heroes out of criminals. Jacob Blake had a warrant out for him and was in violation of a restraining order against going to the very house that he was found at. He resisted arrest and put an officer in a choke hold, evaded a taser and went to his car to retrieve his knife. But to the media and dems he was an angel shot by a racist white cop. That is the story the MSM tells, that's they way they fuel the fires and that's the way, in the macro view of things, they are helping re-elect president Trump! 9-3-2020 * Blinky: Blinky Pelosi was caught red handed by a security camera she was unaware of. The hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds. After forcing businesses closed, due to the China Virus madness, she gets caught playing by her own rules, not those she imposes on everyone else. Salons ordered to close and people ordered to wear masks in public and all businesses. The video from the closed salon shows Pelosi without a mask in a 'closed' salon having her mop done. When faced with this obvious hypocritical act, she has the gal to claim the salon set her up. So let's see if we have this straight, the salon forced her to make an appointment, they forced her to not wear a mask, they forced her to get her hair done, they forced her to violate her own rules so they could use the video against her. Sounds very plausible, if you believe in unicorns. Typical for the left to blame everyone else for their own mistakes and errors in judgement. Just like the Marxist riots Trump has been talking about for months are his fault, these idiots keep stepping in the same pile of dung because they can't themselves, it's what they're made of. Blinky would scare a buzzard off a shit wagon! 9-2-2020 * Incredible: Abraham Lincoln once said, "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." Lying Biden, dems and the MSM actually believe they can fool the American people into believing that they are the party of law and order, that on it's face is laughable. For over three months of Marxist riots and looting in liberal run cities across the country they not only ignored it, they condoned it because they though it was helping them defeat Trump. The MSM did their part, they hid the truth from the public and attacked Trump and anyone that would dare disagree with them. During four nights of the democrat hate America, bash Trump Zoom fest they called a convention, they did not mention the violence once. As people were being killed, police stations torched, businesses destroyed, they stood silent. After the Republican convention where law and order was a central theme and the riots were shown to many Americans for the first time, some of those people Lincoln spoke of finally realized they've been had. Many dems and independent voters started to migrate to the Trump side. Many black Americans, who are mainly impacted by the inner city destruction we have been seeing, are realizing they have a simple choice in November. Lying Biden's late conversion to criticize the violence, albeit without criticizing antifa or blm, is too little to late. People can see right through it, a political conversion without any principle to stand on. This election can be boiled down to two simple questions, what do you chose for America's future, anarchy or safety? Communism or liberty? Freedom is the ability to make that choice, liberty is the result of making the right choice! 8-31-2020 * 6%: The CDC put out new Covid-19 data showing that only 6% of the deaths from the China Virus were due to the virus alone. Meaning that 94% of the deaths had comorbidities, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes and others. Over 40% of the deaths were elderly people in nursing homes. That means that less than 10,000 have died from the virus alone! How many people have died from suicides as a result of the draconian shutdown and overburdensome government orders? What's the long term psychological damage to Americans, specially our children? What's the economic damage done to small businesses that may never open up again? What about those hourly workers that are desperately depending on government hand outs that have made them wards of the state? If you wanted to fundamentally change a country, like Obama and his cronies did, this is one way to do it. It's time to put this madness behind us and treat this virus like it is, a virus, not the end of the world or the end of our civilization. Get back to business, sports and our God given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness! 8-28-2020 * Anarchy: For three months now democrats, including Creepy-Sleepy Joe, have ignored the violence in our democrat run cities, thereby encouraging them. They would even go as far as denying the violence, looting and burning of property was taking place. The American people that just watch the MSM have been mostly kept in the dark. Now that they have seen, from the RNC, what has been taking place, dems can't run from it anymore. Polls are starting to show a shift to Trump's law and order stance and dems are running scared. Biden made his first statement criticizing the riots, not because he wanted to, but because his puppet masters told him he needed to. Where was he for that last three months, in his basement? No-nads Nadler even said that antifa was a myth. It's amazing that these people keep getting elected. After Trump's great acceptance speech last night, mobs of antifa and blm terrorists attacked and harassed those leaving the White House. They are coordinated and paid agitators sponsored by those wanting to destroy our freedom. It's to late for dems to turn this around, even if the violence stops tomorrow, the damage has been done and the American people have a clear choice to make on November 3rd. Will they chose law and order or anarchy! 8-27-2020 * Excuses: In every case of a police officer shooting and or killing a black man, since Floyd's death and before, there is one thing in common, resisting arrest. The MSM, BLM and Antifa make it sound like the police target black men, hunt them down and shoot them in cold blood. In each of these cases, besides resisting arrest, they either had a long wrap sheet and or were currently under a warrant for a crime they've committed or alleged to have committed. Yet the MSM, dems and the anarchist groups make heroes out of criminals that are resisting arrest and endangering themselves and the officers involved. This shows that the riots and anarchy are not about justice, these victims are excuses for rioting, looting and other criminal activity. It's about destroying our way of life, law and order and the great American story that we have lived and others around the world dream of living. They are orchestrated attacks on our civilization, paid for and supplied by Marxists intent of capitalizing on the current unrest, fueled by an accomplice media that stokes the fires of racism and division at every opportunity. These anarchist must be met with overwhelming force to stop their anarchy before it gets worse. At the very beginning of any sign or unrest, force must be used and perpetrators locked up, or there will be no end to this madness! 8-26-2020 * RNC: In a stark contrast to the doom and gloom DNC last week, the Republican convention has been hitting all the right points. From a positive vision for our future to belief in God, the convention has been inspirational. President Trump's unprecedented appearances have made it that much more interesting and fun to watch. Reality checks on the Biden record and the dems socialist turn are strong and straight forward. In person speeches, rather than the canned virtual garbage from the dems, is surely making a difference to those undecided voters who are watching. The first lady's speech last night was well given and from the heart. The leftist media is loosing their minds watching the difference and knowing the American people are seeing it too! 8-25-2020 * Enemy: Yesterday house speaker Blinky Pelosi called president Trump an "enemy of the state." There is politics then there is outright stupidity. For s sitting speaker to go as far as saying the president is a domestic enemy of the state, along with his republican accomplices in congress, is outrageous. It goes to show you just how out of touch and hateful today's dems have become. They constantly push conspiracy theories that undermine common sense and attack Trump and republicans, not on policy, but with personal ad hominem disgraceful words. A speaker of the house is supposed to represent the entire house, both her party and the opposition. Pelosi has shown from day one that she is unfit for that role. She is a disgraceful demagogue who relishes in her power like a medusa on steroids. Pelosi is a large reason why Americans should reelect Trump, hold the senate and take back the house. It's time to put the relic that is Pelosi out to pasture where she belongs! 8-24-2020 * Vacation: Great time to take a vacation, during the Democrat National Convention! It was sunny at the beach all week while it was gloomy at the convention. The all virtual Trump Derangement Fest was what had been expected from the doom and gloom Dem's, hate of America and all it stands for. They talk of lightness and darkness but all they espouse is darkness. Riots and anarchy in democrat controlled inner cities, hurting the very people they claim to want to help, and they're silent about it. Not a word of condemnation for the Marxist Antifa and BLM violence as if not acknowledging it will make it go away. Like a child putting his hands over his eyes, what he doesn't want to see is still there. Unfortunately these dem naysayers support the mayhem. By not condemning them you're in essence condoning it. It was great to not have to sit through the torture that was the DNC, sitting on the beach enjoying the breeze and watching the waves lap on the sand replenishes your soul with hope and light. That's what we'll see from President Trump and Republicans this week, a vision of hope and opportunity for America. One that seeks to build on our strengths for all Americans. A vision of the American greatness which we believe in! 8-13-2020 * Evil: Five year old Cannon Hinnant was playing outside his father's house in Wilson, North Carolina with his 7 and 8 year old sisters. He was riding his bike when suddenly a 25 year old neighbor, Darius Sessoms, ran across the street and shot him in the head in front of his sisters. That is pure evil. Race should have no bearing on this horrible case but it does. You see, little Cannon was white and his murderer Darius is black. Imaging if the race was reversed, it would be blaring on all networks and social media that a white 25 year old disgruntled racist intentional destroyed the life of an innocent little black boy riding his bike in his front yard. But mums the word from the MSM. Their hypocrisy is outrageous. The racist propaganda that Darius Sessoms was brainwashed with most likely convinced his twisted mind that this was OK. Evil doesn't have a race, this was pure evil. Rest in peace and may God Bless little Cannon Hinnant! 8-12-2020 * Education: When I was growing up my father told me how the Soviet Union was going to try and defeat the United States. There was no way they could do it militarily so they set out on a program to defeat us from within. Their goal was to subvert our education system by slowly rewriting American history and indoctrinating the youth, from kindergarten through college. They set out on a process they new would take a long time, and it has. We are now seeing the fruits of their labor. The useful idiot youths that are rioting, looting and destroying inner cities are the result of the Soviet plan, it's not about racism, systemic or otherwise, it's about replacing our capitalist system with a communist one. The socialists excuses they make are just that, socialism exists as a pathway to communism, that is the goal. In their world, opposing points of view are not tolerated, they are silenced, if not by shouting them down then by force. It's gotten so bad they don't even hide their intentions anymore. BLM founders admit that they are trained Marxists. Antifa are just as bad and even more violent. You cannot reason with this foe, only the use of force can turn the tide. As soon as any protest turns violent it must be met with greater violence to stop it. Winston Churchill once said, "Appeasement is feeding the dragon hoping he will eat you last." By appeasing the violence in our inner cities we are feeding the dragon, it's time to stop before it's too late! 8-11-2020 * Standing: There is no evidence that standing in line spreads the China virus. Therefore, standing in line at grocery stores, department stores and others has not caused any spike in the virus. By the same token, standing in line to vote is just as safe. There is no excuse for a national mail-in vote other than to corrupt the actual election itself. Democrats led by Blinky Pelosi know this and that's why they are pushing for it. That was one of the sticking points to them not compromising on the latest relief package, they want money for mail-in voting as well as bailouts of liberal riot torn cities. That has nothing to do with helping the unemployed or hourly worker struggling to stay afloat. President's Trump's executive orders go directly to where the help is needed. A payroll tax holiday helps those working while the unemployment assistance of $400 a week helps those unemployed. The previous amount of unemployment assistance of $600 a week was too high, in many cases a worker would make more on unemployment than working fulltime. That's a disincentive to work. Because of the democrat's belligerence they are now boxed in. If they complain about the executive orders they are in essence going against aid to the American people, checkmate! 8-10-2020 * Laryngitis: After seeing Bunker Biden's performance the past couple of weeks it seems his only chance to win in November is a national mail-in vote and he develops Laryngitis. Anti voter ID dems want a national mail-in vote for obvious reasons, fraud would be guaranteed and the election would be in limbo for months. If would feed the anarchy they've been supporting and prolong the misery on the American people. Biden will attempt to stay locked down in his basement and minimize his exposure since, even from his basement, he makes a fool of himself whenever he opens his trap. November 3rd can't come soon enough! 8-7-2020 * Americans: Biden has an African-American problem, it must be his Senator KKK Byrd loving problem. He can't help it but every once in a while his deep felt prejudices come out. Remember, "If you vote for Trump you ain't black?" Yesterday he said that the Hispanic community is much different than the black community because they have a diverse set of opinions and are interested in many different things, unlike blacks. Must be his plantation owning envy coming through. Not only do democrats take the black vote for granted but they also put them down. Their policies keep them down and dependent on the dem promises that never come true. What those liberals policies have proven through out the years is that rather than help the black community it enslaves them in a modern day dependence on the master. Someday, hopefully soon, the black community will realize they've been taken advantage of for far to long and Martin Luther's dream will finally come true! 8-6-2020 * Deal: Looking back at the democrat debates and primaries Biden's weaknesses stand out. He was a terrible campaigner, in Iowa and New Hampshire he had trouble even remembering where he was. Three people in the audience was considered a crowd. His debate performances were embarrassing as he took a licking from all directions. His loses in Iowa and New Hampshire were expected. Buttigieg, Sanders and Warren all beat Biden. The democrat establishment was in a panic. Then came the deal. They got Buttigieg to drop out just before the South Carolina primary and got South Carolina's black congressman Jim Clyburn to endorse Biden, thereby guaranteeing the black vote. They delivered and the rest is history. Biden went on to win enough primaries to secure the nomination. For supporting Biden the far left was promised inclusion in his administration, from AOC to Sanders and Warren, the socialist democrats would have a say in running and forming his policies. But there was a huge problem, the economy was soaring and Biden could not possibly go toe-to-toe with Trump, along comes the Chinavirus. Intentionally released to the world by the communist Chinese. The dems and MSM had their weapon. A way of crippling the U.S. economy and taking down trump. At the same time they could hide Biden from Biden. Now they want national mail-in ballots and virtual debates. The American people will not fall for this insanity. If people can go out in public they can vote in public. Biden will have to face Trump without the strings attached. It will be a train wreck and they know it. They will do anything to avoid it but reality is not on their side. Come November 3rd the silent majority will be silent n more! 8-5-2020 * Mail: The MSM and dems are using the Chinavirus scare to push for a national mail-in ballot presidential election. What a disaster that would be. The are primaries that took place weeks ago that still haven't been decided because mail-in ballots have not been counted, some lost, some damaged and even some people charged with voter fraud. If this happens during a primary election imaging what a national mail-in count would look like. It would be Bush vs. Gore 2000 on steroids. Democrats bend over backwards to make voter fraud easier, they're against requiring voter ID even though every sane adult in this country has an ID. Mail-in ballots facilitate fraud because ballots are mailed to everyone not just those asking for them. Absentee ballots are necessary due an absence from your voting pricint if you're away on business, in the limitary and deployed or you're out of town for personal reasons. They are very easy to confirm and count. The Chinavirus excuse is just that. If a person can wait in line at a grocery store, a department store or any other business, then they can wait in line at the ballot box! 8-3-2020 * BBB: Creepy-Sleepy Joe's got a new slogan, Bring, Back, Better. It's a cheap version of Make America Great Again, as Joe is know to plagiarize, it's no surprise that he would try and copy a proven theme. But Joe's version is just window dressing to what his policies would do. It would not bring back better, it would be tax, regulate, hamper. His polices of raising taxes would put the brakes on a surging economy, his new regulations would hamper businesses and force companies to move their operations overseas. It would be back to the failed economic years of the Obama-Biden administration. With advisors like Sanders, AOC and Pocahontas we know where that would take us and it's not to prosperity. It would be a train wreck. BBB is not bring back better, it's more like bumbling-bunker-Biden! 7-31-2020 * Hydroxychloroquine: A group of front line physicians from across the country gathered in Washington this week to discuss the treatments and medications that work in curing and preventing the Chinese coronavirus infection. They called their gathering the Whitecoat Medical Summit. They wanted to reassure the American people that in their experience the combination of using hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin & Zinc in early cases of the infection cured every patient they treated. That is an amazing statistic that the dems, MSM and silicon valley do not want you to hear. Why not is the question, what are they afraid of? The press conference that the doctors held explained their findings and reassured Americans that there is hope and we should get back to our lives as before. The fear mongering is politically driven, we know that because of how far the left will go to silence and cancel people who dare to give their opinions and facts on the virus. Hydroxychloroquine is an FDA approved drug that has been around for over 60 years, it has been used to treat malaria, lupus and other ailments and has been proven safe. In many countries the drug can be bought over the counter, no prescription needed. Why in this country have pharmacists been told not to fill prescriptions for the drug? Who is behind this disinformation and interference between a doctor and his patient. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have removed the video of their press conference, the doctors been cancelled. What happened to their first amendment rights to free speech? Rioters, looters and anarchists get support from dems, MSN and social media but doctors on the frontline telling their story get censored. What country are we living in? Fortunately the cancelled video is still available on, we linked to it on our articles page. The group of doctors can now be seen in a new video at For speaking her mind, one of the main participants, Dr. Simone Gold was fired from her job as an emergency room doctor. That's the outrageous and hypocritical world we're living in today. It's all about power and the presidential election, the American people be dammed. The is no end to the lunacy of the left! 7-30-2020 * GiGo: Google and Facebook CEO's were grilled at a hearing yesterday about they bias against conservatives. Their common response, it is against our core principles to discriminate, it is against company policy, wink, wink, nod, nod. Everyone knows this takes place, conservative speech is constantly curtailed while liberal hate speech is condoned. They blame any 'outliers' on computer glitches, but computers don't work that way. A computer is a machine, it's software determines what it does and the programmers that write the code of that software determine what the outcome will be. In computer talk there's an old saying, "Garbage-in, Garbage-out." GiGo, if you program to discriminate, it will, it's that simple, the algorithms written by liberals in silicon valley dominate those platforms and systematically discriminate against conservatives, that's were your systematic discrimination is. Meanwhile, in Israel, they grilled a Twitter executive about why they censor president trump for supporting the police and federal officers while ignoring Iran's ayatollah who calls for the destruction of the United States and Israel. They have no answer for that. Remember, it's GiGo! 7-29-2020 * NoNads: Jerry 'NoNads' Nadler presided over the most dishonest and mean spirited hearing yesterday. Attorney General Barr was the subject of the hearing but the dem's wouldn't let him speak. They had planned on throwing one accusation after another at Barr then ask a yes or no question, but when Barr would attempt to answer they would talk over him and say, "I reclaim my time." It was an orchestrated ambush and disrespectful display of childish meanderings. It was hard to watch as one after the other made fools out of themselves. To these dem dimwits the riots and chaos in liberal run cities don't exist and if there is any violence it's Trumps fault because he sent in federal agents. These people are losing their collective minds. They're running scared because they sense the American people are onto their shenanigans and come November their party will be over! 7-28-2020 * Spanking: The hypocritical arm of the DNC, also known as the MSM, is working overtime to paint anarchy as 'peaceful protests'. With headlines like, "Mostly Peaceful Protests Gets Heated Up." I guess Molotov cocktails have a way of heating things up. At every turn they hide the violence and pretend it's not even taking place. If they do show some violence they blame it on the police or federal agents who are only there because of the violence in the first place. When White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany opens a press briefing with a video of the violent protests, to show the media hypocrisy, the media, including FOX News, cut away and apologized for having shown part of the video. That in itself proves the point that Kayleigh was trying to make, the media is hiding behind a smokescreen of lies pretending burning buildings and smashed cars are a myth and blm and antifa anarchists are choir boys and girls. The truth is it's not about black lives, it's about Marxism and the destruction of our way of life. In their utopian nightmare the U.S. would become a hell hole like Venezuela. The brain washed brats destroying our cities need to ne locked up and have the allowance taken away. They're long overdue a spanking! 7-24-2020 * Redskins: The great Redskins history started in Boston in 1932 as the Boston Braves. At the time Boston had a baseball team that was also named the Braves. This caused the football team to change it's name in 1933 to the Boston Redskins, their first coach was William Henry "Lone Star" Dietz, a Native American. Why would a Native American coach a team whose name is offensive to native Americans? Because it wasn't, that's why! In 1937 the Redskins moved to Washington, DC and retained the name Redskins. Through the years Native American's have taken pride in supporting the Redskins even naming some high school football teams in reservations the Redskins. Again, if the name was so offensive why name their football team Redskins? It's offensive to politically correct cancel culture white radical pansies that can't get out of their own way. A storied history, they won the 1937 and 1942 Championship games, as well as Super Bowls XVII, XXII, and XXVI. They have played over 1,000 games. Now that history is being cancelled. Such a sad occasion for all of us who supported them all our lives, it's like a piece of ourselves has been ripped from our being, a hole that will never be filled. Like this dreaded cancel culture is trying to destroy American history and culture, they have succeeded in destroying the Redskins we grew up with and loved. Rest in peace! ![]() 7-23-2020 * Fauci: Media darling and so called 'specialist' Fauci has been wrong at every turn during this China coronavirus pandemic, why are we still listening to him? Wear a mask, don't wear a mask, no need to stop travel from China then praise for Trump for acting early with travel restrictions from China. Shutdown or millions will die. Since the start of this overblown attack on our liberty, 'specialist' have been padding statistics to favor their doom and gloom predictions. Severity of infections and ease of the spread was bolstered with fake numbers. Death of people with coronavirus but not dying from the virus as counted as coronavirus deaths. Death from the annual flu are lumped in with coronavirus deaths. Over have of the deaths are aged 70 and over with comorbidities but they are considered coronavirus deaths. People that test positive but are asymptomatic are considered coronavirus 'cases'. The list goes on and on. If this was not an election year we wouldn't be going through this hell. Mass hysteria and media propaganda has fueled this delusion in an attempt to defeat Trump in November. If Bunker Biden were to win in November the virus would suddenly be a thing of the past. God help us if that were to happen! 7-21-2020 * Biden: What if creepy-sleepy Joe were to win in November with the aid of a propaganda MSM and massive mail in ballot fraud? What would his cabinet look like? EPA Administrator - AOC the Green New Deal dunce Secretary of State - Hunter Biden (If he can be found) Ambassador to Israel - Ilhan 'Idiot' Omar Treasury Secretary - Bernie 'Cuckoo' Sanders Attorney General - Adam 'Shifty' Schiff Interior Secretary - Maxine 'Gibberish' Waters HHS Secretary - Nancy 'Blinky' Pelosi Just a possible sampling of what disaster could look like. While nut cases would be running the asylum, creepy-sleep will be napping in the White House basement, safe from his own meanderings. The question would be, how long would it take before the 25th amendment was invoked and Joe was relieved of his duties, our guess, in the blink of an eye! 7-20-2020 * Plantations: The carnage continues in liberal run hell-hole plantations. Over 50 shot and 6 killed in Chicago from Friday to Saturday, mostly black lives ended by black killings, where's the black outrage? Another typical weekend in a liberal run city where liberal leaders are critical of the police but silent on the murders and crime that besiege their democrat plantations every week. Anarchy and mayhem continue in Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis while their failed leaders play politics with peoples lives. If something goes wrong, it's got to be Trump's fault. People are starting to see through their camouflage. The only way to turn things around is to replace the failed leadership, but in order to do that, the people in these cities are going to have to realize that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is like what Einstein said, insanity! 7-16-2020 * Nightmare: We came into 2020 with a lot of hope, our economy was the best it had ever been, the Trump attacks started falling apart and after all, 2020 is such a nice looking number. What a difference a little time can make. So far 2020 has been a rollercoaster ride, up and down like a Yo-Yo. The ups belong to Trump, cleared in the senate from the impeachment sham, regaining respect from our adversaries overseas and defending us at every turn. The downs belong to the Trump haters afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Liberals and anti-America groups like blm and antifa have been dreaming of how the economy could be harmed as it was the only way they could defeat president Trump. China, having been bested by Trump in trade negotiations found a way. Whether intentionally or through human error, the Wuhan-Chinese virus was released to the world. The goal was to bring down western economies, specifically the United States. All the lives in the way be dammed, China found a willing accomplice in democrats, progressives, liberals, socialists, communists and our main stream propaganda fake news media. China encouraged lock downs of entire economies to destroy our economy and those of our allies. The only reason we're not in a depression today is because our economy was in such good shape that it took a knock down blow and was able to absorb it. We were bouncing back because of the strength of where we were. Then came the killing of George Floyd. The left took advantage fueled by anarchists, communists, China and other anti-American groups. They couldn't let the coronavirus panic die down so inflated case numbers and panic had to be revived to derail the economic again. The CDC has actually instructed health care workers to consider even possible coronavirus cases, without any test results, being counted, as 'cases' just as they had instructed deaths to be counted as coronavirus deaths even if they were not caused by the coronavirus. We are living through a well orchestrated three front attack on our republic. The question is when is the fourth front coming, what's it going to be and how are we going to fight back! 7-15-2020 * Victory: We linked to a YouTube video of a an excellent video of Dr. Kelly Victory's explanation of the coronavirus pandemic. YouTube has now taking down the video because of their biased censorship. What are they afraid of? Free speech? The first amendment in the Bill of Rights is freedom speech, what happened to protecting that? Private companies can chose what they put on their websites but public forums like YouTube are violating the first amendment by selectively choosing their preferred speech over others. We are in the midst of a radical takeover of our society, our communications and out freedom. YouTube by their taking down of videos, Google by their biased search engine algorithms that block conservative results, Twitter with their 'shadow banning', and Facebook by their sneaky censorship trying to have it both ways. We're in the battle of our lives for the country we love. The Liberty our founding fathers gave their fortunes and lives for is being destroyed before our very eyes. This election is not about president Trump and Biden, it's about our future as a free representative republic, not a democracy because that is what the mobs and anarchist are, two wolves and a sheep deciding on what to have for dinner. It's time we start fighting back, our future is at stake. I leave you with these great words from great president, Ronald Reagan, "You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done." 7-10-2020 * Imagine: The blm/antifa anarchists and their Dem appeasers want to change our national anthem to John Lennon's 'Imagine'. A song about a world with no boundaries, total equality, color blindness, that world does not exist, but in Heaven. On Earth, that world is North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and China. Imagine living there. The cancel-woke generation is oblivious to the reality of what their reality would be. They would themselves be canceled in their 'imagined' world! 7-9-2020 * NYT: The make-stories-up-as-you-go New York Times is trying to advise creepy-sleepy Joe now. In an editorial Tom Friedman is advising that Joe should insist on prerequisites for participating in the presidential debates. First, they say, he should insist on president Trump releasing his tax returns. What does tax returns have to do with debates? If Joe wants to bring that up in a debate he can, if he could remember to. They also advised that Joe should insist on fact checkers reviewing everything that was said and report 10 minutes before the end of the debate. The MSM is full of so called fact checkers that couldn't recognize a fact if it bit them in the A__. If Joe doesn't insist on these requirements then he should stay in his basement, they say. After all, that's where Joe is most comfortable. He has a place to nap nearby and a play pen to keep him occupied. The last thing dems, liberals, socialists, progressives want is for Joe to open his mouth and make a fool out of himself. Unfortunately for them and Joe, that's exactly what he's going to do! 7-8-2020 * Masks: Let's take a common sense look at wearing masks. It makes sense to wear a mask if you're in the healthcare field and are treating a patient with the coronavirus, as well as if you were the sick patient, you should also be wearing a mask. For the general public to be wearing masks it's unnecessary and even dangerous. Studies have now shown that the coronavirus does not live long on surfaces as previously thought. It's also been shown that to get the virus for another person you have to be in close proximity to that person for a period of minutes and even so, it's not that easy to get the infection. You wouldn't run a hose from the exhaust pipe of your car back into the carburetor or air intake, that wouldn't make any sense and it would hurt you car's engine. By wearing a mask you are doing the same thing, you're breathing in your own exhaust. Your body's exhaust is full of things you wouldn't want to breath in like carbon dioxide, bacteria, viruses, dust and other air born pollutants. You're also limiting the immune systems ability to function at it's peak since you are limiting exposure the germs that your system needs to keep it functioning. If your immune system doesn't stay active you are making yourself more susceptible to infection and even getting an illness that your system wasn't ready to repel. With many masks the coronavirus is small enough to penetrate the material ,much like a mosquito can fly through a chain linked fence. Making people wear masks mandatory is stupid and unscientific. For me, I'll take the fresh air! 7-7-2020 * Coronavirus: As openings began after the unprecedented economic shutdown and the stock market and jobs numbers broke positive records, the fear campaign went into overtime. The American people are starting to see that the so called 'peaceful' protest were just a front for the anarchy and chaos that followed. It's not about black lives matter it's about America doesn't matter. It's about tearing down our institutions and replacing them with socialist/communist tyranny. With sympathy for the rioters and looters dwindling it was time to drum up the coronavirus fear. Cases are spiking, we must shut everything down. What they don't tell you is that most of those cases are asymptomatic meaning that most of the people that are testing positive didn't even know they had been exposed and built up antibodies. Death rates continue to drop and hospitalizations for the coronavirus in reality are dropping as well. The misleading stories the MSM peddles is hospitalization because of coronavirus as opposed to those with coronavirus. A patient shows up at the ER with a broken leg, they are tested for coronavirus, the test is positive, that is considered a coronavirus patient. This whole pandemic has been blown way out of proportion. Most likely more than half of the coronavirus deaths are deaths with coronavirus not from coronavirus. There are many strains of coronavirus, the common cold is caused by a coronavirus and we still don't have a vaccine for that but we also don't shut down the country because of it. By flattening the curve, social distancing and wearing masks we have prolonged the length of time the virus sticks around. Time to open up 100%, build the heard immunity and get back to normal! 7-3-2020 * Independence: Tomorrow we celebrate Independence Day. The birth of a great nation born out of the quest for liberty and independence. Through the Obama years we sped towards and ever increasing dependence on government and a weakening of that spirit of independence from where we originated. Indoctrination of our youth with progressive propaganda has been dumbing down a generation leaving open the door for tyranny. It's not as far fetched as you would like to think. Scottish historian, Sir Alexander Frasier Tytler, Circa 1801, said, "Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage." We are falling deeper into the dependence stage, on this independence day we pray that we can avert that cycle and fuel a rebirth of that independence spirit which we celebrate. ![]() 7-2-2020 * Chopped: The inevitable demise of the Seattle autonomous zone known as CHAZ then CHOP is now CHOPPED. What could go wrong when you have Marxist anarchists take over part of a city, brandishing weapons and supported by a looney mayor that told her police department to stand down? What could go wrong, did, shootings, killings, rapes and destruction of property. When law and order is removed, lawlessness fills the void, it was predictable. Not until the demonstrators went to the mayors house did she open her eyes to the dangers. It was a 'summer of love' for her until the 'love' came knocking on her door. The irony of stupidity. The mini-Marxists were forced out and are most likely planning their next move. Hopefully a lesson was learned and the next time they will be stopped before it can get out of hand. History does repeat itself and that's why we have to learn from it, not rewrite it to meet ones desired outcome! 7-1-2020 * Joe: Creepy-Sleepy-Bunker Biden came out of his hole for his first press conference in three months. He must have popped a few Adderall because he was able to get through the tele-prompted script without any major gaffs. Even so, his staff written speech was full of inaccuracies. First of all he blamed president Trump for not taking the coronavirus seriously and not starting earlier on it. What he didn't say was that back in January when president Trump was being tried in the senate, for the scam impeachment, Trump stop flights from China against most peoples opinions. Creepy-sleepy Joe criticized Trump in January for closing down flights from China accusing him of being xenophobic while blinky Pelosi went to China town to show that there was nothing to fear, while also criticizing Trump. Now these revisionist half wits tell a different story. Not to worry, the MSM will have their backs. After the prepared remarks Joe took a few softball questions then slithered off towards his bunker for a much needed nap. Joe is not planning on having any rallies blaming the coronavirus, it's convenient for him since a Biden rally can take place in an old fashioned phone booth! 6-30-2020 * Lockdown: Peaceful protests after Floyd's killing were hi-jacked my self proclaimed blm Marxists and antifa fascists while creepy-sleepy Joe was hidden away in his bunker. Statue toppling anarchists were starting to wake up the silent majority and the autonomous CHOP zone was predictably falling into chaos and shootings, now cue coronavirus lockdown 2. The rise in 'cases' due to increase in testing has given the MSM and Trump derangement folks the ammunition they needed to stop the opening progress. Trump rallies were starting up again and they must be stopped, you could see it coming a mile away. Protest and riots are applauded while peaceful rallies and gatherings at bars and restaurants are condemned. The hypocrisy is palatable. Thirty percent of coronavirus cases are asymptomatic, regardless of that, those cases are being used to scare people enough to hamper economic activity and hurt the economy. Anything to defeat Trump and assist bunker Joe from making a fool of himself. Creepy-sleepy Joe's handlers will be pushing for a virtual convention and virtual debates, perhaps that way they can minimize the damage that Joe will do to Joe! 6-29-2020 * Chicago: Between Friday evening and Sunday morning 45 people were shot in Chicago and 11 of those died. Amongst the dead were a 10 year old girl who was hit by a stray bullet and a 1 year old boy who was murdered while riding in a car with his mother. Another violent weekend in a liberal inner city gun-free zone. According to the Chicago Tribune as of June 22nd 1,500 people had been shot in Chicago, that's 350 more than in 2019 and that's even with the coronavirus lockdown. 309 people have been murdered in Chicago so far this year. Where is the liberal outrage over these numbers, where is blm, where is ambulance chaser Sharpton? What we're seeing today is not about race, black lives mattering, it's about destroying our country, our history and institutions. It's a socialist/Marxist insurrection that must be defeated at all costs! 6-26-2020 * Marxist: BLM founders have admitted that they are trained Marxists. The 'black lives' part of their name is just a front, a cover story to hide their true intensions. It's telling that a statue of Lenin stands in Seattle and has not been touched. Their goal is to destroy America as we know it and replace it from the ground up with a Marxist system. Erase our history, destroy our institutions, statues then destroy anyone who gets in the way. This is what Mao did in China and Stalin/Lenin in Russia. Millions died in those purges as their history and societies were destroyed to be replace with the failure of communism. Antifa is on the same team. Their name supposedly stands for anti-fascists but in reality they are the fascists. They use force and intimidation to shut down opposing points of view. Contrary opinions are not even allowed to be heard. The team of blm and antifa Marxists have taken over a just cause in the aftermath of George Floyd's killing and launch their long planned attempt to overthrow our government by force. The only way to defeat this growing threat is by force, for if we do not stand up to this threat now it will grow and become harder later. They are being supported by the democrats, MSM, China and other foreign enemies though social media and ads. These riots are not isolated incidents, they are a coordinated effort. Time to stand up for our country and squash this Marxist threat. Declare blm and antifa terrorists organizations and use every option available to destroy them! 6-25-2020 * Noose: There's a noose on the loose! After Bubba Wallace, the only black NASCAR driver petitioned and succeeded in having NASCAR ban confederate flags from races, NASCAR boss Steve Phelps proclaimed earlier this week that a 'noose' was found hanging in Bubba Wallace's garage at Talladega. He told Bubba and the media bit on it, hook, line and sinker. With everything that's going on with Floyd protests, racists fueled blm and antifa anarchy, the story fit right in. The MSM were giddy in their excitement over the opportunity to again bash white America for their racists beliefs. There was only one problem, the story wasn't true. The DOJ had 15 FBI investigators assigned to the case and they found that the so called noose was in fact an loop tied at the end of a garage opening rope. The loop was the size of a fist and had been there since October of 2019. Other doors have similar loops to make it easier to open the doors. Like in the Smollett case, facts don't matter when the story fits your narrative. The gullible media always seem to side with those seeking to incite anger and division in our society. If we had a media that wasn't 90% on the side of hate and just reported facts, the world would be a better place. One can only dream! 6-24-2020 * Appeasement: Democrat mayors in all the cities that have been having riots and looting are appeasing the anarchist because they support their cause. It's not about black lives, it's about destroying America as we know it and erasing our history. That history to be replaced with a utopian communist idea that has failed every time its been tried. First they went after history and historical monuments, then defacing churches and synagogues, now their talking about taking down statues of Jesus and religious stained glass. When their done with all these things they'll come after you. This is what happens when you let evil spread without stomping it out. These liberal mayors are appeasing the dragon hoping it will leave them alone, but in fact, they will be the next meal. On the creepy-sleepy Joe front he had his 'pal' Barrack help him with a virtual townhall where a whopping 120,000 tuned in. Creepy-sleepy was in his basement bunker. Even with Obama they could only get an audience 120,000. Compare that to Trump's rally viewership in the millions. During the recorded questions posed to Biden he had a moment when he actually asked the recording a question. You could see the look of dismay in Obama's face. How long can they keep him controlled in his basement. We need some comedic relief right now so let Joe out of his cage, his handlers can't hide him forever! 6-23-2020 * MSM: The political hacks pretending to be journalists at MSNBC and CNN were on full display Saturday night. During the Trump rally in Tulsa, OK they each showed less than five minutes of clips of the rally. They spent the rest of the time criticizing Trump and the crowd size. Meanwhile on FOX, which covered the entire rally live, the audience that tuned in broke a record for the most watched FOX News show in the history of FOX News. Over 8 million tuned in and many more watched online. That shows us the enthusiasm for Trump is strong and has not wavered during the coronavirus setback. The rally was not full, partly due to logistics issues and partly by thousands that falsely claimed tickets to limit actual Trump supporters. There were still over ten thousand people in the arena as opposed to Biden's Pennsylvania gathering in which he managed to get 20 people to attend his nap. Trump ad libs like no other president in history has done, and he's great at it. When Biden is not reading the teleprompter, in slow motion, he can't tie three words together without making a fool of himself. Watching Biden is like watching the Titanic, you know how it's going to end! 6-22-2020 * Clueless: Clueless in Seattle. A 19 year old was killed in the lawless antifa/blm zone in Seattle this weekend. When the police tried to enter they were chased off by anarchists then blamed for not saving the victim. Armed thugs are roaming the 'autonomous' zone where the rule of law is nonexistent and order is maintained by brute force. The same force they protested against. It's survival of the fittest in a tribal existence. Surrounded by a wall they're also against, but not when it comes to their needs. Not everyone in this zone are part of the anarchist mob, those are innocent victims of the Seattle mayor and Washington governor's incompetence. Enough of this experiment, we know were it's headed and it's not a pretty sight. It's time to lock up anyone who has committed a crime and save the innocent trapped in the hell hole! 6-19-2020 * Cases: It has been determined that coronavirus is a liberal democrat. It left the Floyd protesters, rioters and anarchists alone but is now poised to attack Trump supporters at his rally tomorrow. Who knew that a virus could have a party affiliation? Left loony toons keep fueling the fires of racism and encouraging protests while ignoring the coronavirus, but now that Trump rallies are starting up again, they say Trump will have blood on his hands. These people have lost their collective minds. Like John Wayne said, "Life is tough… it's even tougher if you're stupid." Amen to that. They are now saying that cases of coronavirus are going up, but what they fail to explain is that it's because testing has increased. What does 'cases' mean? A positive test result is considered a case, that doesn't necessarily mean that the person tested is sick from the virus, it just means that they had been exposed to it at some point. Just like coronavirus deaths were inflated, cases are now being inflated and manipulated to achieve their desired end results. Meanwhile on the creepy-sleepy Joe front, he was so upset that Aunt Jemima was being replaced that he has reached out to her to become his VP! 6-18-2020 * MSM: Just like BLM is not about black lives but rather about destroying our history and turning America into a socialist/communist hell hole, the MSM is also a front. They pretend to be journalists and report the news but in essence they're a propaganda machine spewing democrat talking points and ignoring any news that's goes counter to their biased political views. They ignore conservative views and stories while touting liberal exaggerations and outright lies. They claim to support black opinion but ignore a black senator's because he has an R after his name. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) introduced the GOP's Justice Act, a bill that lays out some reforms for policing nationally. ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News completely ignored senator Scott's announcement but spent around five minutes each on John Bolton's upcoming book critical of president Trump. Obviously there's no bias there, right? Speaking of Bolton, he used to be a conservative, did he take a stupid pill or was he bought? Perhaps both! 6-17-2020 * OFA: When Barrack Hussein Obama was running for office his political action group was called Organizing for America (OFA). Obama's history of being a 'community organizer', or what some would call, community agitator, and influence from his mentor, communist Frank Marshall Davis, led him to use that experience to form a ground roots organization for what we are seeing today. Obama's goal was to transform America, he's getting closer to it. When he left office instead of sailing into the sunset, he changed the group's name to Organizing for Action, still OFA. Could that action be racial unrest, riots, looting and transformation of America? The Black Lives Matter movement is an extension of OFA, it's not about black lives, if it were, why don't they care about the hundreds of blacks lives killed in Chicago alone? In a recent weekend there were 60 black lives taken by other blacks, do you know any of their names? Here's a quote from the black lives matter website: "Our intention from the very beginning was to connect Black people from all over the world who have a shared desire for justice to act together in their communities. The impetus for that commitment was, and still is, the rampant and deliberate violence inflicted on us by the state. Every day, we recommit to healing ourselves and each other, and to co-creating alongside comrades, allies, and family a culture where each person feels seen, heard, and supported." The key word there is COMRADES. Alongside Antifa, BLM constitute domestic terrorist organizations intent on the destruction of America as we know it. Fueling the fire and applauding the destruction and transformation is Obama's own, OFA! 6-16-2020 * Hypocrisy: The MSM hypocrisy is so blatant, it's laughable. Seems they take it for granted that their audience is full of gullible idiots. They show a large gathering of BLM and antifa protestors and then say, look at the enormous peaceful protest. Then they pivot to the upcoming Trump rally and they say, it's going to cause a spike in Covid-19 cases. Seems that the coronavirus only attacks republicans. There has not been a spike in coronavirus cases since the Floyd riots started yet now, all of a sudden that Trump rally's will start up again, the world is going to end. The lockdown played right into the dems, MSM and creepy-sleepy Joe's hands. It caused the suspension of Trump rally's and minimized Joe's exposure. He was mostly limited to tele-prompted video chats with friendly reporters, and even so, made a fool of himself. Now a new chapter begins, over one million people requested tickets to this Saturday's Trump rally, that's what's going to be an enormous peaceful gathering. Even though they won't be able to accommodate all those interested in attending, that number along is very heartening and they won't be rioting, looting or destroying property! 6-15-2020 * Seattle: It's time for adults to take control. If you had a teenager lock themselves up in their room and declare it a parent-free zone, would you let it stand? If you could hear him breaking things in his room, would you let it stand? It's time for the occupied zone in Seattle to be freed from the mob. The mayor and governor support the anarchy therefore it's time for the federal government to step in. They can start by turning off the water and power to the occupied zone then jam their phones. No deliveries allowed either. How long would they last under those conditions? Situations like this should never be allowed to happen in the first place, but if they are, they need to be stopped as soon as possible. The longer it goes on the more the damage will be done, both physically and morally. Time to end this unlawful occupation! 6-12-2020 * Autonomous: In the case of Seattle, autonomous equals anarchy. A mob has taken over a precinct in Seattle and the liberal mayor calls them patriots. It's like you catch your child cheating and you call him brave. The mob is in a state of euphoria because they've been allowed get away with their lawlessness. Right now they are united in their delight but left to their own, eventually they will evolve into savages. The law of survival of the fittest will take over. The strong will dominate the weak, the smartest (if you can call any of these people smart) will dominate to dumb and the fast will dominate the slow. Who would make the rules, who will enforce them, how will they govern themselves? In the end, their utopia would become a dictatorship with power over all lodged in a small click. Their rights would be completely controlled and their right to defund or disband this click would not exist, they will in fact become slaves to the very 'open' autonomous zone they created. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it! 6-11-2020 * Seattle: A liberal city in a liberal state run by liberals, what could go wrong? Antifa and BLM have taken over a precinct in Seattle. The police abandoned their station after not receiving any support from their government. Government's number one responsibility is the protection and security of its people. Seems that far left nut job governor Inslee is not only allowing this lawlessness, he's supporting it. This is tantamount to giving in to domestic terrorism, if not stopped soon it will spread like a virus. Meanwhile semi-live creepy-sleepy Joe is saying stupid stuff like, If Trump loses and refuses to leave 'I promise he will be escorted from the White House'. Poor Joe, he's living in la la land, he usually doesn't make any sense, but when he's able to put a full sentence together, without a tele-prompter, he proves he's a fool. Joe is the one that going to be escorted, not from the White House, to the loony bin! 6-10-2020 * WHO: WHO are these people? The WHO, not the band, the clowns, are now saying that asymptomatic transmission of the coronavirus is unlikely. That's not only and incredible admission of a colossal error, it's also the main reason for the government mandated shutdowns. It's the reason for millions of people losing their jobs and millions of small businesses going out of business. They're a puppet whose strings are pulled by China and now they're starting to cover their tracks. There's more reason now than ever to stop wearing those stupid masks. There hasn't been any spike is places where people don't wear them and don't keep with the social distancing idiocy, so what's the point? Are we or are we not able to choose for ourselves whether we want to wear one or not? This has been a man made disaster which we are prolonging with the illegal impositions on our freedom and on small businesses. Exaggerated death statistic be dammed, it's time for the government to admit their mistake an let life get back to normal! 6-9-2020 * Police: Last Tuesday at 2:30am retired police captain David Dorn, 77, was shot dead while coming to the aid of a friends pawn shop. He died on the sidewalk in front of Lee’s Pawn & Jewelry, at 4123 Martin Luther King Drive in St. Luis. Where is the outrage from the black community or the democrat guilt-white-privileged crowd over Dorn's death? A decent family man and grandfather of 10. Seems the mobs are only incensed when a black criminal is killed at the hands of police but black on black crime doesn't rank. The black community is the only community that goes berzerk when a black person, with a criminal past, and caught in a criminal act is killed. No other community reacts this way. And it is this very community that needs policing the most, they are the most vulnerable to crime. And furthermore, it is these same communities that now want to ban and defund police departments. Backed by white guilt community councils, like that in Minneapolis, this stupid movement is getting a lot of attention. Council members actually believe that calling 911 and expecting them to come to your aid is 'white privilege'. It is this loony type of thinking that has created the inner city hell holes that have been run by liberals for decades. If you want to try something new how about instead of abolishing the police departments these communities abolish their democrat run governments and replace them with conservative ones that will uplift and defend every citizen, regardless of color. Time to get off the democrat plantation! 6-8-2020 * NFL: NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has just given in to rioters and will most definitely cost the league millions of fans like what happened during the 2017 season. That season was when failed quarterback Colin Kaepernick knelt during the national anthem before games. He started a movement that would ensnarl the league in political affairs that have nothing to do with football. Millions of fans stopped going to games and watching them as well. This is what Goodell said, "We, the National Football League, condemn racism and the systematic oppression of black people. We, the National Football League, admit we were wrong for not listening to NFL players earlier and encourage all players to speak out and peacefully protest. We, the National Football League, believe that black lives matter." 'Systematic oppression of black people', if that's not pandering I don't know what is. Data and facts do not show what he is stating as if it were factual. We watch sports as entertainment and an escape from the stress of politics and everyday life. We do not tune in to watch our favorite teams protest and disrespect our flag and country on the sidelines. Goodell, do you hear that faint sound, it's the echo of remotes across the country tuning your NFL out! 6-4-2020 * Obama: Remember when Obama said the U.S. was the greatest country in the world and now let's transform it? If it was the greatest why would you want to transform it? Coming from a community organizer (that's code for agitator) it makes sense, he always had a chip on his shoulder. In his formative years Obama's mentor was Frank Marshall Davis. This mentor was a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA, Davis was also a father figure to Obama. Davis was a devout pro-Soviet and pro-China communist. This formed Obama's attitude to the U.S. and our institutions. When Obama's voice was needed to help calm protestors he chooses to agitate and pour fuel on the fire. He says that we have 'institutionalized racism' in this county. He obviously is either an idiot, misinformed, both or wants the anarchy we are witnessing on the streets. If we had institutionalized racism how did a black man get elected president, not once, but twice? During his eight years in office he did nothing but divide us by race and class, he followed Alinsky's Rules for Radicals like a road map. His small circle of close friends included Jeremiah Wright and terrorist Bill Ayers. Obama did nothing to help the black community in this country, in fact, things got worse, from unemployment to racial tension. Communist countries have institutionalized racism and human rights violations as stated in the Benedi Doctrine. The United States has the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The founding documents guarantee our rights, liberty and freedom. Mr. Obama should put down his Rules for Radicals and pick up a copy of the Constitution, but don't count on it anytime soon! 6-3-2020 * CoronaWho: Protestors, anarchists and socialists have been on the streets en masse for over a week, where's the coronavirus police decrying a spike in cases? There hasn't been a spike so liberals are back to their favorite gig, racism. It was republicans that championed civil rights laws, it was liberals and democrats that fought them. You wouldn't know that if your only source of information was the MSM. Perhaps they are so bent on constantly playing the race card because of guilt. The guilt that arises from seeing a person's color before they see the person. Besides displaying out of control racial hate, and leftist violence, the crowds have proven that the coronavirus is no longer the threat it was blown up to be. Let's see if we have this straight, Russia collusion delusion, Ukraine hoax, impeachment, coronavirus hysteria shutdown and now riots, anarchy, destruction. Looks like they're on a roll if their goal is to destroy this great country. In the end, good will triumph over evil! 6-2-2020 * Joe: Hundreds of people can gather in the streets but churches can only hold services with no more than half capacity while social distancing. Meanwhile creepy-sleepy Joe held a small gathering at a church in Delaware, wearing a stupid mask, even while distancing. In Joe's case, distancing is good because it forces him to keep his hands off of little girls. While at that meeting Joe flat out lied about Trump. He said that Trump should have taken his advice and closed down sooner and that 25 thousand to 50 thousand lives would have been saved. The truth is Joe criticized Trump for closing down travel from China in January and called him a xenophobe. While Trump was doing something about the virus, Joe was still having rallies, if you can call them that, in Joe's case, three people are a rally, and he's one of the three. There are Democrat primaries today in which Joe could clinch the nomination, that would be a riot. God forbid but if creepy-sleepy Joe were president he would be cheering on the looters, antifa and communists in their mist. He's always been on the wrong side of history and during these difficult times he would continue being wrong. Taking a page out of Joe's playbook, if you don't vote for Joe, you ain't dumb! 6-1-2020 * Antifa: What an irony, local government's impose coronavirus lockdowns and vilify small business owners, for simply trying to make living, while letting massive mobs loot and wreck havoc on their communities. When video of George Floyd's killing came out everyone was outraged at what they saw, even police officers were sickened by it. Out of this unity came what started as peaceful protests that anarchists and criminals quickly took advantage of. Along comes the terrorist group antifa, which claims to be anti-fascists but are in fact, fascists. Where were they when governments acted in a fascist way by forcing people to stay home and not associate with others? That was fascist, they agreed with it. Government was also forcing people to wear masks just like they do, now they would be free to wreck havoc by blending into the crowd. Where were the demonstrations and antifa when Ahmaud Aubery was shot dead in February? Our economy was starting to open up again, the stock market was starting a historic comeback and the American people were fed up with the Orwellian big brother overreach over the coronavirus fear and panic driven hysteria. Then came the killing of Mr. Floyd, demonstrations and a perfect opportunity for antifa to create chaos and strike at the very heart of our society and institutions. Their goal is to destroy America and our way of life. They are a festering wound that needs to be cauterized before it's to late! 5-29-2020 * Riots: After the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, peaceful protests have turned into violent riots. Last night a police station was burned down. The mayor claims to be outrage at Floyds death and asks why the officers are not in jail. The police commissioner works for the mayor, the mayor can order he commissioner to arrest the officers, there's enough visible evidence to do so, after all they were fired right away. Why doesn't he do it? Destruction of property and looting of stores is not gong to bring Mr. Floyd back, it's only going to hurt the very neighbors and people that rioters represent. Some, if not many, of the businesses that have been damaged or destroyed will not reopen. First the coronavirus attack on the economy and small businesses and now, physical attacks by out of control mobs. Stand-off orders by those in charge are only serving to fuel the fires. They are fueling physical fires as well as social and racial fires. The latter being harder to put out! 5-28-2020 * Floyd: Tragedy in Minneapolis. When I first saw the video of George Floyd on the ground with a police officer's knee on his neck, while he's saying he can't breath, I didn't see color. I saw an officer abusing his power and hurting a person in distress. I also saw other officers standing around and not doing anything about it. George Floyd unfortunately passed away from the actions of the police. This is not a black and white issue, it is manslaughter. The officers involved should have not only lost their jobs they should be arrested and charged. Demonstrations and even riots have followed this tragic event but what does looting stores and vandalizing businesses have to do with justice for Mr. Floyd? Nothing! If Floyd was white and the officer was black do you think there would be riots in the streets? These things shouldn't be judged on a color scale, they should be judged on the merits and facts. Regardless of what George Floyd did before this happened he wasn't being violent or resisting arrest. The officer was completely out of line and even when Floyd complained that he couldn't breath the officer did not get off his neck. This is obviously a crime and the officers should be punished for it, it is not a black and white issue or reason to destroy property and loot stores! 5-27-2020 * Fraud: One thing you can say about liberals is that they're consistent. They're consistently wrong. They claim that voter ID laws are discriminatory because not everyone can afford an ID. That's not only ignorant and racist, it's also stupid. Voter ID laws protect the integrity of elections by verifying the voter is registered and is eligible to vote. Now they want to take it one step further by having all mail-in voting. Every election there are mail-in voting abuses and inconsistencies. Mail-in voting is necessary in certain cases, absentee voting by our military and people traveling out of state at the time of the election. But to have massive mail-in voting as a norm would cause an abnormal amount of fraud. It's common sense that the less supervision you have during the voting process the more likely you would have fraud. It happens every election. Now Twitter is getting in on the liberal defense of mail-in voting by flagging president Trump's tweets as needing to be verified. They point to fake news CNN and liberal Washington Post for the sources on verification. That's not only interfering in the president's free speech but it's absurd to use Trump derangement sources to verify anything he says. Just use your common sense! 5-26-2020 * Masks: Memorial Day was a solemn occasion, not just remembering and honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, but also for the limits and weak attendance in their remembrance. As more and more studies and statistics show us that the coronavirus reaction was wrong from the beginning, due to false models and predictions that never came through, it continues to infringe on our freedom and liberty. Our fallen heroes braved bullets, mines, mortars, grenades and bombs to achieve their missions. Their remains lay in cemeteries across Europe and the U.S. and we can't even show them the respect they deserve because we're still afraid of an invisible enemy that has been blown way out of proportion. The most sacred ground in the U.S is Arlington National Cemetery, there at the tomb of the unknown soldier we commemorate on Memorial Day those heroes. Yesterday's commemoration was a shame. Only a few scattered people were allowed to participate, the amphitheater was empty. They braved bullets and we couldn't even braze a flu in the open air. Meanwhile the frightened misguided and misinformed mask police continue to shame anyone who wishes to exercise their liberty and freedom by choosing to not wear a mask. We have turned to sheeple. History has judges our heroes with the honor they deserve, history will not be so kind to us! 5-22-2020 * Memorial Day: On this Memorial Day weekend we remember the sacrifices our military has made through the years, and continues to make today. We mourn those who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep us free. At the same time, we celebrate that such men and women lived. Freedom is not free. Let us not disgrace their sacrifice by giving away the freedom they gave their lives for, in order to obey, an unconstitutional government mandated attack on our God given rights! ![]() 5-21-2020 * Shutdown: By now it should be obvious to all that the draconian shutdown orders that have crippled our economy were a big mistake. Millions didn't die (and yes, models that were used took into account sheltering in place), hospitals weren't over ridden, make shift hospitals were not needed and people staying home under house arrest orders still got infected, even if they didn't even know they had been. What then was accomplished by the lockdown? Economic damage that will affect our communities of decades to come. Mental health issues due to stress, loss of jobs and an exponential increase in suicides. A change in culture that will make how we interact with people less personable than ever before. It's time to get back to normal and end the madness. Wearing masks should be voluntary, a personal choice, not a government requirement. Let businesses get back to business, if you don't feel comfortable going to a restaurant, don't go. It's like when liberals don't like what conservatives say, they try to shut them up. When conservatives don't like what liberals say, they just ignore them. And none of this open 25% or 50% of capacity that's like being partially pregnant, you wither are or you're not. You either open for business or you don't! 5-20-2020 * MSM: The main stream media is so biased, corrupt and hypocritical that they have become a joke. They trashed Kavanaugh on baseless unsubstantiated accusations yet ignore a credible account with contemporaneous support by creepy-sleepy Biden accuser Tara Reade. They keep a running tally of coronavirus deaths while ignoring studies and data that show how the death count has been inflated. Even CDC guidelines that clearly are intended to jack up the death rates are ignored. The national death rate has gone down even while the virus has supposedly killed over 80,000 people, how can that be? Does the MSM question that, crickets… Hydroxychloroquine has been found to be an effective treatment and prophylactic for coronavirus and the MSM jumps all over president Trump because he says he's been taking it under advice of the White House physician. The MSM attacks Trump for a call with the president of Ukraine when he asked the Ukrainian president to look into the corruption that occurred when Biden was vice president, that Biden himself bragged about, but they ignore the actual corruption that prompted the mention of Biden in the first place. Unfortunately many Americans get their news exclusively from these ignorant patsies and thereby are misinformed. Opinions are based on your knowledge and experience, when that knowledge is flawed and full of falsehoods your opinion will likewise be flawed. It's like the old saying, garbage-in, garbage-out! 5-19-2020 * Obama: Classless Obama is at it again. It is a unwritten rule that out of respect for the office of the president, presidents don't criticize their predecessors or successors. Reagan didn't criticize Carter for the miserable economy he inherited. Then Bush 41 didn't criticize Clinton when he was out of office, in fact, they become friends. Clinton didn't criticize Bush 41 or 43. Then came the president with the unknown background whose major achievement was to be a community organizer/agitator. From day one he criticized Bush 43 for the economy he inherited, he did inherit a bad economy due to the housing crisis and subsequent recession that followed. Instead of working hard to fix the economy he focused on policies that made things worse like over regulation of businesses and attacking oil and shale. After all, he could always blame Bush, and he did. After eight years of his failed administration he subverted the constitution by using the power of his office, the DOJ, CIA and FBI to spy on the Trump campaign then the Trump presidency. Facts are coming to light as to how deeply Obama was involved in the illegal activities that is now been justly called ObamaGate. As a distraction, and in keeping with his character, his is also attacking Trump for his handling of the coronavirus response. He is deflecting from his guilt and at the same time being creepy-sleepy Joe's stand in. While creepy-sleepy is safely tucked away in his Delaware bunker, Obama does his biding. It's like watching a three ring circus, clowns all around us! 5-18-2020 * FB: Before Facebook there was Geo Cities and My Space. These were all created as a means for friends and family to keep in touch online and share information. When Facebook came around its ease of use and popularity grow rapidly as it quickly left the others in the dust. Of all the people on the internet, 75% of Men & 83% of Women are on Facebook. There are billions of users worldwide. What was once an open forum to share opinions, information and links with friends and family has become a place where opinion and free speech is monitored and censored. No longer an open forum but rather a place where big brother is always watching and policing everything you say and post. There is no question that Facebook is biased in it's censorship, attacking conservative thought and posts under their so called community policies. Anything they disagree with they ban. They're like the censorship police in the former Soviet Union and North Korea, the only difference for now is they don't have the power to send you to a concentration or re-education camp, but if only they could. YouTube and Google are just as bad, they all feed from the same trough. Albert Einstein once said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." If you expect Facebook, Google and YouTube to change anytime soon, it would be as Einstein said. You either put up with your rights being abused or you stop making these useful idiots money! 5-15-2020 * 2020: After three years of the Trump administration and his leadership we were on a roll. Our economy was the best it's ever been, we became energy independent, we were respected again around the world, ended the ISIS caliphate and were winding down the longest war we've ever been in. Trump ended the disastrous Iran deal, increased sanctions on the terrorist state, got our NATO allies to start living up to their commitments to NATO and put the United Nations on notice. He sanctioned China and achieved a landmark trade deal with them, then came the impeachment hoax. After the rush to impeach Blinky Pelosi sat on the impeachment docs for three weeks while the Chinese were unleashing a deadly virus on the world. Even while the sham impeachment trial was going on in the senate, president Trump began to act on the coronavirus pandemic by shutting down flights from China. Dem's, including Blinky, were outraged calling him xenophobic and encouraging people to go to China Town. Then when they realized that they finally had an issue that could destroy Trump's strongest weapon, the economy, they jumped on the coronavirus band wagon pumping fear and panic at every opportunity, it's about power not the well being of the American people. To this day they continue to push for draconian measures that have crippled our economy. If they had their way they would continue to trash the Constitution and continue their authoritarian rules. After all, they could just keep printing money until they run out of paper and make Americans completely dependent on government, it's their utopian ideal. The end of that road would be the destruction of America, to be replaced with their one world global government, no longer would we be a sovereign nation. Whether the Wuhan coronavirus was an intentional release or not, the results are the same. We are on a very dangerous path. There's a choice up ahead, we must make the right one. I'm with Patrick Henry, "Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" 5-14-2020 * ObamaGate: The Obama and his cronies have always spewed the words that his administration was scandal free. Nothing could be further from the truth. For starters, why are his records sealed? Where are his college records? Early family records? Where are the pictures of Michelle, Barrack Hussein and the girls when they were young? Then we had Fast-N-Furious, a gun running scheme where federal agents directed by Obama's DOJ allowed criminals to buy guns so they could trace them, one of those guns was used to kill a U.S. border agent, Brian Terry. We saw the disgrace that was Benghazi in Libya where our Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs were murdered by terrorist while the Obama administration abandoned them while they were under siege. Obama had security advisor Susan Rice go on all the Sunday talk shows blaming an Internet video for the attack on the embassy while Hillary said it was just a bunch of guys out for a stroll. How stupid can you be? Hillary later testified that "What difference at this point does it make?" It makes a lot of difference to their families, friends and Americans who saw first hand the incompetence of the Obama administration.. The Obama also had the IRS target Tea Party groups to hamper their operations in an illegal use of IRS powers. His DOJ spied on reporters and then we have middle of the night cash payments to the terrorist regime in Iran followed by the Iranian nuclear deal which would guarantee that Iran would be able to acquire a nuclear weapon in 10 years. Now to the biggest one of all, ObamaGate, the targeting of a political opponent by spying on his campaign then hampering his administration for three years with false allegations. The truth is now starting to come out, Obama was the head of the snake, what he did and instructed his minions to due was criminal and treasonous. They trampled on the constitution in their lust for power in order to destroy a duly elected president. We'll soon find out if our laws apply equally to all or if the connected and powerful have a set of their own, only time will tell! 5-13-2020 * Fauci: The only time Dr. Fauci has been right was when in 2017 he predicted that president Trump would face a pandemic in his first years in office. How did he know? For one, he was aware of the coronavirus research going on in Wuhan, China, and in fact, he helped fund that research through NIH grants. His prediction came true, but unlike other pandemics where we dealt with them, this time he was the main 'expert' advisor peddling his doom and gloom scenarios that have not come true. Some would say, they didn't come true because of the shutdown of the economy and unconstitutional stay at home orders, but that was already taken into account with their numbers of 2 to 3 million deaths in the U.S. We know death rates have been inflated to make it look worse than it really is and we also know that people that were staying home were more likely to end up in the hospital, as is the case in New York. Even though all the models have been wrong the 'experts' are still relying on them. What wasn't taken into account in the models is the economic impact of the closure and the long term affect it will have on our country. A report by the non-profit National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) shows that of every 10 layoffs only 3 are rehired, they also said that 42% of layoffs in the past eight weeks will result in permanent job loss. We see the misery around us, and with all of this, the so called 'experts' are still warning that if we open to soon it could have negative consequences. They admit that their advice is only of the health issues and not economic but they fail to realize that their advice and the shutdown is causing health issues. Mental and in many cases physical. Enough of this snake oil salesman bull, let's focus on the economy and let our health care system get back to work! 5-12-2020 * Tests: At yesterday's Rose Garden presser MSM hacks showed their stupidity, again. Their feigned outrage about the White House having tests for everyone but regular American's don't was laughable. Regular American's don't have secret service details either or have the responsibility of the president. The secret service protects him from physical harm while the tests protect his from exposure, not to hard to understand if your IQ is more than your shoe size! Any American who has the symptoms necessary to require a test can get one. Now on to those masks, such fear has been driven into the minds of people that many are wearing masks when they're by themselves outside in the fresh air. The majority of people that were hospitalized in New York with the coronavirus were isolating at home, they didn't get the virus by walking outside alone or riding their bikes. We should probably transition over from the coronavirus tests to stupidity tests and see how many people are inflicted with this mental disorder. Getting back to normal should not include wearing masks! 5-11-2020 * Entrapment: During the 2016 presidential election the Obama administration colluded with the deep state to undermine Trump's campaign. After he won the election they colluded to destroy or at least cripple his presidency. They entrapped General Flynn by creating a process crime where there was no crime to begin with. They threatened his family if he didn't cooperate with the FBI. When he failed to cooperate they forced a guilty plea out of him and almost got away with it. Now that light is finally shinning on the corruption at the Obama FBI and DOJ, cockroaches will start scattering. Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Comey and the ring leader Obama will have a lot of explaining to do. They can say all they want and lie like they have been for years but in the end, facts and evidence will be their undoing. No matter how much the MSM covers for them, the truth will not let them get away! 5-7-2020 * 66%: Data from a study in New York shows that 66% of hospitalizations from the coronavirus came from people that were staying home. Mostly unemployed and retired people that were sheltering in place during the mandated lockdown. This clearly shows that the lockdown to prevent the spread of the virus did not work. If it would have worked those stats would be much lower for people that were staying home and not working. So if that's the case then what was accomplished by the lockdown? Loss of freedom, destruction of jobs, psychological torture and societal change are the results of this unnecessary overreach by the government. A trial run for martial law and we went down without a whimper! 5-6-2020 * Outrageous: Not only are the state and local orders imposed on the American people during the coronavirus overreaction unconstitutional, their enforcement is outrageous. In Dallas, Texas a salon owner, Shelley Luther, opened up her salon while taking precautions like mandatory wearing on masks. She and her employees were in dire need of money to support their families and feed their kids. Some busybody ratted her out and she was brought before Dallas Civil District Judge Eric Moyé. Her 'crime' was opening up a week early and actually having people in the salon getting hair cuts and manicures. Police and a code inspector testified that they witnessed people in the salon. How dare she exercise her freedom and have customers who were exercising theirs. The judge told her that if she apologized and shut the salon he would let her off and that she was being selfish by opening up. She responded that it was not being selfish to want to feed your kids and refused to apologize or close the salon. She was sentenced to 7 days in jail and fined $7,000. That's stupidity at its finest. All this is taking place while thousand of inmates are released in order to avoid getting the coronavirus. So it's alright to release actual felons onto the streets and lock up an innocent woman for the crime of wanting the support her family. This should never happen in this country and goes against our founding principles. We do not live a police state where individual rights are trampled upon on a daily basis, but that sure is what this looks like. This nonsense has to stop! 5-5-2020 * Snitches: An ugly side effect of the unprecedented coronavirus attack on our constitutional rights has been the creation of the 'snitches'. It's something that would have never been accepted here and something that is commonplace in communist countries like China, North Korea and Cuba. It's neighbors snitching on neighbors for the purpose of enforcing rights destroying orders from local and state governments. The coronavirus reaction has not only crashed the economy but it has also created a network of tattle tales that rejoice in helping enforce the draconian rules that have deeply damaged the American physhe. We need to return to normal, not a 'new normal' but the true normal when individual rights, responsibilities and ambitions were abundant. Return to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, where you have the freedom to come and go as you please, to assemble with whom you choose, to worship according to your beliefs. Time to Make America Great Again! 5-4-2020 * Mislead: It was clear from president Trump's virtual town hall last night, from the Lincoln Memorial, that he was mislead. When the coronavirus first started to look like a pandemic he gathered so called experts in the field to advise him on the issues, like he does to solve any problems. He stated he was told that 2 million to 3 million people would die if we didn't lock down the country. Facing that kind of choice he did was could be the logical thing but in hindsight, I believe it was a mistake. By forcing Americans to shelter in place (another name for house arrest) we have trampled on the constitution. The first amendment of the Constitution states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." Executive orders in most states prohibited the free exercise of religion and the right of the people to peaceably assemble. All the models and data the 'experts' have presented to date have been wrong. The death rate and counts are inflated to meet the goals of those experts, the CDC and the MSM. Liberals continue to pile on the president and are urging that the economy essential stay closed for the near future, at least until November. Opening the economy now will help right the ship of state, but it shouldn't be half opened, that's like being half pregnant. You either open completely or you don't, and God help us if we don't! 5-1-2020 * Brainwashed: Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment, Dr. Joseph Goebbels once said, “The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it.” That is what we have witnessed from the constant drumbeat of hysteria, spoon fed to us like babies in a high chair. People have taken the exaggerations, padded statistics and failed models hook, line and sinker. You see this in people riding bikes in the bright sunshine wearing masks, driving their cars, by themselves, wearing a mask, out in their yards, wearing a mask. The fear is so evident you can feel it in the air. Through this madness though there are glimmers of hope. In our area some restaurants are giving away free meals to all those in the service industry that, through no fault of their own, find themselves unemployed and broke. Some of these restaurants are giving away as many as 800 meals a day. No proof of unemployment needed, people just show up and get their free food. It is a beautiful gesture in this ugly man made disaster! 4-30-2020 * Depression: We're seeing unemployment numbers that rival that of the great depression. Common thinking is that the coronavirus caused this economic mess, but that's not true. The politically driven reaction to the coronavirus is what has put us in this situation. It didn't have to be this way. If the media focused on every death caused by the seasonal flu like they have by the coronavirus would we have reacted the same way? Statistics also show that the overall death rate in the U.S. is down, but how can this be if we have all these deaths from the coronavirus? Could it be that deaths that would have occurred anyway, like what is complications from old age and underlying conditions being blamed on the coronavirus? According to some doctors that's exactly what's going on. In fact, the CDC has instructed doctors to clasify deaths as coronovirus caused even if other complications are present. If cause of death can not be determined then it must have been coronavirus. What's the pupose of this exageration if not to politicize the virus for some ends that fits with the fear and panic that has barinwashed a whole county and by extension the world. If we have forced vaccinations with implanted chips then the social distancing of 6 feet makes a lot of sense. It's easy for your chip to be identified if you're not standing next to anyone else, a 6 foot radius is perfect for that. Forget social distancing, forget partialy opening of businesses, you either open or you don't. Time to return to normal, time to restore our God given and constituionaly protected rights! 4-29-2020 * #MeThree: As expected, the #MeToo movement is only relevant when the accused is a conservative with unsubstantiated accounts. When a credible account of a sexual assault with contemporary supporting evidence comes out about Creepy Joe Biden, crickets… MSM and liberal credibility is further degraded by the way they have handled Tara Reade's accusation that then Senator Joe Biden assaulted her while she was an aid back in the 90's. Not only is Tara Reade credible but the actions she describes could very well have been done by the same guy who constantly invades a woman's personal space with inappropriate touching and smelling of the hair from behind, he is very creepy. It's not a leap to believe her, it's in his character. As justice should be blind, accusations like this should be taken seriously, and vetted completely. Not taken as gospel, but not dismissed outright as well! 4-28-2020 * Liberty: We surrendered our liberty and freedoms for what, to avoid a virus from spreading, to prevent an overwhelming rush to our healthcare system, or to prolong the virus? In hindsight, we could have handled this much better by not giving up our rights and closing down the economy. Viruses run their course, they all have. Some are more severe than others but in the end, they run their course and life goes on. Never have we closed down the economy to contain a virus. The effects of the coronavirus will be long gone while we're still suffering from the effects of the economic consequences of the shutdown. Not only to businesses, livelihoods and savings, but also the trillions that we will have added to our national debt. The loss of freedom and tyrannical way in which some state governments have enforced their shutdowns will affect our joint psych for decades to come. Everyday more stats are coming out that many more people have been exposed to the coronavirus, and have antibodies to it, than has previously been thought. This is how to stop a virus, herd immunity or mass vaccinations is the only way to stop or limit them. What the lockdown and shelter in place has done is prolong the length of the virus by slowing the development of herd immunity, and possibly guaranteeing that it will still be here for a Fall rerun. Time to open up now and return all our Constitutional rights before the damage gets worse and the economic patient dies! 4-27-2020 * ER: ![]() Last Friday evening I experienced first hand the madness that is an ER visit in today's coronavirus craze. A close friend slipped on a boat ramp and landed hard on her right elbow cutting it to bone and exposing a tendon. We went to the local hospital where there was a night guard in a mask outside the ER standing watch. The guard said there shouldn't be any wait since there was only one other person in the ER. I was not allowed into the waiting room, even though it was completely empty. I was told I had to wait outside. There were benches outside and that was fine for the first half hour wait but hen it started to rain and the bench area was not covered. I checked with the ER receptionist to see what the status of my friend was and if I could wait inside since it was raining. She answered that they weren't allowed to give the status of their patients and that I had to wait outside. About the second hour of waiting I was starting to get a little irritated by this nonsense. As I stood under the canopy by the ER entrance I noticed some make shift tents that had been set up next to the ER. I assumed they were for the onslaught of coronavirus patients that never materialized, the tents were as empty as the ER waiting room. After about 4 hours of waiting my friend was finally released doing better. She will probably have a scar from this fall on her elbow, I will have a mental one for the experience of the hospital's 'hospitality' and the coronavirus emergency that never was! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 4-24-2020 * Grateful: Like well trained dogs waiting for a treat, most Americans are patiently awaiting the all powerful government to slowly hand them back some of their rights. Soon you'll have a right to go out in public, to assemble with friends, to enjoy the sunshine at the park. Why did we so easily abandon these rights to begin with? It was an over blown hysteria intended to cripple our economy through bogus predictions and failed models that have all been shown for what they are, tools to oppress and scare the public into compliance. It's been, and continues to be, an Orwellian experience. We have been rolled over with hype of what could have been in a world where information is controlled and shaped with the ends in mind. Forget our God given freedom enshrined in our founding documents, this has been about power, power of the elite experts whose words we can not challenge. They are the omnipotent ones, the ones behind the curtains, pulling the strings. As our rights are slowing handed back we should remember that we shouldn't have given them up so easily in the first place. This has been a test run and we failed miserably. Let's hope it never happens again, but if it does, let us not be led again like sheep to the slaughter! 4-23-2020 * Voting: Never letting a crisis go to waste, Blinky Pelosi and her fellow comrades are pushing for all mail-in voting, specially for the presidential election in November. They justify it out of 'concern for limiting the spread of the coronavirus. In reality, it's nothing more than another attempt at stealing elections through voter fraud. It is difficult enough to limit fraud with same day registration schemes and no ID requirements, all mail-in voting would be a disaster. We've already seen voting in precincts that exceed the actual number of voters registered in the last election. We've seen votes cast by dead people and Mickey Mouse. They claim requiring an ID to vote is voter suppression because poor people, aka black people in their minds, can't afford an ID, that is outright stupidity, but coming from the left, expected. A citizen's right to vote is a very important right, it needs to be protected for as not to diminish that right with fraud, that would in essence, cancel out a legal vote! Editor's Note: Blinky Pelosi is now claiming that the next stimulus would allow 'American People to vote by mail.' This BLOG is a reprint that addresses mail-in voting. 4-22-2020 * Means: The CARES act means tested their 'stimulus' funds by giving $1,200 to any American earning $75,000 or less a year. Why doesn't that same bill means test universities for their income or wealth? According to the College Fix, Ivy League schools, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Brown, Cornell, Penn, Columbia and Dartmouth will receive $53.7 million in relief money even though they're sitting on endowments of $140 billion. That doesn't make any sense. At a time when the government is spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave, more attention should have been paid to the waste in the bill. Those same schools have no plans on refunding tuition to the students that were forced to leave school due to the shutdown. That's the way things work in the swamp, special interest and political cronyism rules the day, after all, it's not their own money their spending, it's ours! 4-21-2020 * Immigration: Liberals and the MSM have lost their collective minds. Nothing president Trump does satisfies them. If Trump walked on water they would say he can't swim, if he cures cancer they would say he put oncologists out of business. Trump has now decided to temporarily suspend immigration to protect the American people and their jobs. As expected, the left is having another of their hissy fits. How dare he? Meanwhile the chocolate ice cream slurpin' blinky Pelosi holds up small business payroll protection funding, how is that helping those employees whose businesses will have to lay off for lack of financing? Through no fault of their own, small businesses across the country are going belly up due to a government force shutdown. Normally we would be against government hand outs but in this case, since the problem was caused by the government, they have to make these business whole again. In many cases, it may be too little to late. Time to stop delaying and let the American people get back to work! 4-20-2020 * Shutdown: It's becoming clearer every day that many more people have been exposed to the coronavirus than has previously been reported. Some studies show the number could be 50% to 82% higher. These numbers, if true, would indicate that the death rate from the coronavirus is much lower than what has been reported, less than 1% which is like a bad flu year. If this holds true it will show that the hysteria over this virus, mostly driven by the anti-Trump media, will have caused possible irreparable damage to the economy for primarily political reasons. As we start heading towards reopening parts of the economy you can see the usual suspects fighting against it. Blinky Pelosi, crying Chuckie Schumer, the MSM and democrat governors. The reasoning they use is that's it's for public safety that we continue with this destructive house arrest posture. In fact, the reasoning is much more mischievous. The longer the economy and the American people suffer the better the chances that they defeat Trump in November. That's what they think, but in reality, the American people are starting to see through this fear mongering smokescreen. Time to release the public from the hypnotic state most are living through. Time to restore our rights and hopefully we will have learned the lesson that rights are easier to hold on to than they are to gain back! 4-17-2020 * Brainwashed: We are witnessing and living a collective brainwashing of the American people. Common sense has gone out the window. People have collectively taken for granted the chains and shackles of their house arrest. People look at each other through their masked faces with suspicion and apprehension. It's an uneasy feeling and an unhealthy one. The brainwashing is so deep that even the thought of reopening the economy is looked by many as to soon, it's dangerous, what if…? We're becoming accustomed to a horrible dystopian new normal. A reality that is counter to everything this great country was founded upon. A belief in God given rights at the center of our society has been replaced with an almost complete government control of our lives. Places of worship are closed while abortion clinics remain open. Elective surgeries postponed unless that elective surgery is to kill an unborn child. It's an evil existence that needs to end as soon as possible. It's time to return to the principles that made America great and never allow this to happen again! 4-16-2020 * Economy: Battle lines are being drawn over whether to open America back up for business or continue this unprecedented closure. The left with their MSM talking head accomplices are for continuing the shutdown that they helped orchestrate, after all, it was the last best chance to defeat Trump. Globalists and left wing 'medical' experts are also in this group. Forget what damage has already been done and will continue to happen to the economy and Americans. We have let our rights be trampled on to fight a virus which is better fought by developing heard immunity, like all other viruses are. President Trump is fortunately on the side of reopening the economy but is being ill advised by 'experts' that don't have the best interest of the American people in mind, maybe their health interest when it comes to the virus, but what about their mental health? What about their economic wellbeing? People are being harassed and in some cases ticketed just for being outside. The other day a surfer in California was out on the water by himself, a busybody called 911 to report him. The police came to the beach and arrested him when he came in. That is not America, land of the 'free' and now, home of the scared. This shutdown should have never happened, we have let governments at all levels abuse their power and they're getting away with it. Never again should we allow this travesty to trample on our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and our God given freedom! 4-15-2020 * Socialism: The logical path for socialism is communism. The fear mongering and panic driven hysteria over the coronavirus has caused an over reaction by governments that has seriously curtailed our freedom and liberty. Unfortunately, for the sake of public safety we were told, we have voluntarily surrendered those freedoms. We are witnessing first hand what it would be like in a socialist/communist society. Empty store shelves, being told when you can go outside, being spied on by your neighbors. People losing their jobs, in this case because of government mandated shutdowns, with communism, because of government ownership and destruction of businesses, the end result is the same. Americans are waiting around for government handouts, just like in Venezuela and Cuba. Life has been cheapened. When God gave man life he also gave him liberty and all his human rights, Amongst those rights is the freedom to chose, liberty is the result of making the right choice. Someday soon we will emerge from this darkness and hopefully will have learned a lesson. May this infraction on our freedom never happen again, for if we allow this to happen, we can be led like lambs to the slaughter! 4-14-2020 * Costs: Every action causes a reaction. Stopping our economy in order to social distance and shelter in place has a price associated with it, and it's going to be a high price to pay. According to former Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy under president George H. W. Bush, William Bennett stated that calls to suicide help lines have increased by 300% since the shutdown. What are the numbers on increases to opioid use and addictions? Desperate people do desperate things, increase in domestic violence, increases in crime, specially in places where jailed criminals are being release into the general population because of the coronavirus. When it comes to jobs, how many people will choose to stay on unemployment, receiving a check for not working when businesses ramp up again? Generous unemployment benefits in the recent bill may exceed many peoples actual working wages. What would happen to the businesses, restaurants, mom and pop shops if they can't get their employees back? How many of those business will just not reopen? Will the changes in social behavior be a temporary set back or a permanent scar on our culture, our freedoms and our liberties? By basically putting the country on house arrest we haven't shortened the virus time we have extended it and will guarantee that it will be around for a resurgence in the fall. Without herd immunity viruses linger, the only way to destroy it is to have enough people exposed and immune to it so it can no longer spread! 4-13-2020 * Creepy: Where's the 'metoo' movement when it comes to a democrat being accused? Kavanaugh was savaged by the dems and their MSM buddies during his confirmation hearings for allegations of sexual misconduct even though there wasn't any evidence of him exhibiting this type of behavior. With creepy-sleepy Joe on the other hand there are many pictures and videos of him touching women and girls from behind, smelling their hair and outright creepiness. Even knowing this inappropriate behavior is true when it comes to Biden, when a former senate staffer of his, Tara Reade, comes out with a story of how he molested her, you can hear crickets from the dems, the 'metoo' movement and the MSM. Where is the give the accuser the benefit of the doubt in this case? The hypocrisy of the left is so obvious you can cut it with a knife. Even though the statue of limitations for this case has expired Ms. Reade has filed a police report. Only time will tell if this story gets any traction but one thing is true, the story fits! 4-9-2020 * Bern-out: Crazy comrade Bernie has suspended his campaign for the presidency without endorsing creepy-sleepy Joe. He is encouraging his Bernie bros to carry on the fight to the convention hoping to get concessions in exchange for supporting Biden in the election. Most Bernie bros will not support Biden, to them Biden is part of the establishment that stole the primary from Bernie twice. They will either sit it out or vote for Trump. In the meantime sleepy Joe is probably still trying to figure out what state he's in, state of mind that is, and if he'll ever win his 'senate' race. Maybe the dems will have a virtual convention where Biden can appear from his Delaware bunker, in his comfy grandpa slippers, telling tales of days gone by when he rode a unicorn to slay the terrible baby eating dragons. Watching creepy sleepy Joe is entertaining but very sad at the same time. Where is his family when he needs them most? They should talk some sense into him for his own good before he completely humiliates himself! 4-8-2020 * Voting: Never letting a crisis go to waste, Blinky Pelosi and her fellow comrades are pushing for all mail-in voting, specially for the presidential election in November. They justify it out of 'concern for limiting the spread of the coronavirus. In reality, it's nothing more than another attempt at stealing elections through voter fraud. It is difficult enough to limit fraud with same day registration schemes and no ID requirements, all mail-in voting would be a disaster. We've already seen voting in precincts that exceed the actual number of voters registered in the last election. We've seen votes cast by dead people and Mickey Mouse. They claim requiring an ID to vote is voter suppression because poor people, aka black people in their minds, can't afford an ID, that is outright stupidity, but coming from the left, expected. A citizen's right to vote is a very important right, it needs to be protected for as not to diminish that right with fraud, that would in essence, cancel out a legal vote! 4-7-2020 * Propaganda: In 1947 Winston Churchill said of the Russians, "They have no difficulty whatever in countering a fact by a lie which, if repeated often enough and loudly enough, becomes accepted by the people." That is propaganda, lies and misinformation repeated often enough that people accept them as facts. What we've been witnessing since the beginning of the coronavirus fear mongering is just that, an exaggeration to the point of changing peoples behavior and thought process. Even people who seem to see through the fear mongering, in the end revert back to exaggerations as the new norm. Are our liberties end freedoms so easily lost, given away or squandered? By forced separation we are in reality being pooled together into submission, one mass of confusion, herded whichever way the powers that be want. Life, liberty and shelter in place. Church gatherings forced to shut down while abortion clinics remain open. An upside- down, inside-out new world order. We are being manipulated and letting it happen. Hopefully, one day soon, this madness will be over, but unfortunately, the damage will have been done! 4-6-2020: * Coincidence?: The U.S. economy was booming under president Trump, the stock market soaring, no major geopolitical dangers surfacing, what could go wrong? Trump had just managed to sign a deal with China that was beneficial to the U.S., China felt the pressure. Was the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan where a 'wet market' and a Chinese bio-weapons laboratory are located a coincidence? China for years tried to control their population with a one child policy, their population is a huge problem for them, were they working on manipulating a virus that would kill off the elderly to achieve the population control aims? If the virus came from the lab was it an accidental release or intentional? The World Health Organization (WHO) is controlled by China, when the outbreak was starting to spread beyond China the WHO said back in January that the U.S. had nothing to worry about, were they covering for China? Ambassador Birx from the president's coronavirus task force is on the board of the Bill and Melinda Gates Global Fund and has since 2014. The Global Fund has partnered with The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation since 2002 with a total financial contribution of $2.24 billion U.S. One of Bill Gates missions is population control, coincidence? The first outbreak in the U.S. occurred in Washington state, home of Microsoft, coincidence? Was the release of the coronavirus an experiment in euthanasia gone wrong, or bio-weapon attack? So far the numbers we've been getting don't match what's really happening but the damage to our economy and culture is real. In the age of cell phone cameras, where everything is posted online, why haven't we've been seeing pictures or videos of hospitals being overrun with stretchers lining the hallways? If an elderly person dies of old age complications and happens to have coronavirus the death is categorized as a coronavirus death. If that same person were to have died of old age and had a cancer the death would not have been ruled a cancer death, why the difference in treating these statistics? There's a lot of unanswered questions here, but one thing is becoming clearer by the day, the cure is going to be worse than the virus! 4-3-2020 * Still: President Trump continues waging the war on what he calls the 'invisible enemy' while dems plot their next attack, not on the invisible enemy, on him. Russia collusion, lost, Ukraine impeachment sham, lost, now coronavirus, lost. What they thought would bring Trump down, paralyzing the economy, has instead shown him as a strong leader with all his faculties and capabilities intact. He's doing such a great job communicating directly with the American people that the MSM has stopped carrying his news conferences live. Meanwhile back at the farm, Blinky, Chuckie, Shifty and No-nads conspire again to bring about investigations of the administration's actions to combat the coronavirus. It's like their planning a courts-martial of the general for winning the war. There's no limit to how low these lefty political hacks will go in their zeal to destroy the president. We're in the midst of a very strange time. Reminds me of the old movie, "The Day the Earth Stood Still," for everyone except the sick plotters intent on bringing down our president! ![]() 4-2-2020 * Abortion: Abortion is not a contagious virus so, we are comparing apples to oranges, but it's worth taking a look at the numbers. Our economy is on hold during this pandemic scare with the current death toll in the U.S. from coronavirus at 5,500. Shockingly the death toll from abortions since January 22, 2020 is 118,000. Coronavirus takes it's victims randomly, abortions are done by choice, a bad choice, to terminate a living being. The unborn child does not have a choice just like we don't choose to get the coronavirus. Most survive having the coronavirus, all babies die from abortions! 4-1-2020 * Optimism: The definition of optimism is: 'Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something.' During these trying times when we are being bombarded with dire predictions and doomsday scenarios it's healthy to take a step back and clear your mind. Take a look around, be thankful for what you have, do not despair in what you don't have and can't control. This temporary 'crisis' will end soon and remember just as there's a light at the end of the tunnel, we're on our way there. During times of hardship comes great opportunities, we need to look for those and not dwell on what we can't control. Our economy was booming when this pandemic struck. Aided by a zealous media intent on destroying Trump it's been blown way out of proportion. But it will pass and the economy will rebound like never before. There are reasons to be optimistic, tomorrow will be a brighter day! 3-31-2020 * Hindsight: During an interview with far left, so called journalist, Chuck Todd of MSNBC, creepy-sleepy Joe actually made a coherent statement. When asked by Todd, “Do you think there is blood on the president’s hands considering the slow response?” Biden replied, “The coronavirus is not the president’s fault, but the slow response, the failure to get going right away, the inability to do the things that needed to be done quickly — they are things that can’t continue. We’re going to go through another phase of this, and we have to be ahead of the curve not behind the curve.” They can't have it both ways, liberals first complained that Trump was acting to soon and being Xenophobic by closing air travel from China, now they're saying he was too slow. Pelosi, Biden and the rest of the TDS crowd seem to be forgetting that when the government was first starting to react to the coronavirus in January, president Trump was going through the impeachment sham trial. Pelosi delayed bringing the impeachment articles to the senate for three weeks. They were trying to destroy the same president they now complain wasn't doing enough early. How stupid is that? 3-30-2020 * Biden: Creepy-Sleepy Joe's updates from his basement bunker have not been going well. He mumbles and loses his train of thought often. There's probably a teleprompter set up stating his name in case he forgets it. In response to a question concerning what he would do differently on the coronavirus response he mumbled, "And, in addition to that, in addition to that we have to make sure that we, we are in a position that we are, well met me go the second thing, I've spoken enough on that." What does that rambling mean? In my opinion it means he is loosing his marbles faster than previously thought. When questioned why in 2009 during the H1N1 pandemic the Obama-Biden administration didn't act faster he said it was because they were busy transitioning with the Trump administration. That was 2009, the first year of the Obama-Biden years. He seems to be blaming Trump long before he even decided to run for president. Creepy-Sleepy Joe is fit for sitting on his back porch rocker watching the grass grow, not president of the United States! 3-27-2020 * Essential: The overblown, sensationalized coronavirus scare will pass, and hopefully soon, but in it's wake it will have left a huge path of destruction, like if a tornado passed through the heart of America. Trust and affection will have been changed, perhaps forever. Peoples view of big government will have also changed, after all, they're going to give us 'free' cash. People will soon start working again on as need basis or essential jobs basis, but who is to decide which jobs are essential? My job is just as essential as anyone else's, to me! The inter dependency of jobs, supply chains and support cannot be underestimated. It's understandable that areas heaviest his with infections should open up when it's prudent to do so but for others, the sooner people can resume their jobs, if they have one to go back too, the better! 3-26-2020 * Liberty: The U.S. Declaration of Independence points out unalienable rights that are giving to us by our creator, "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Without life you have nothing, without liberty your life is limited, without the freedom to pursue happiness you are a prisoner. The political fearmongering that has resulted in an economic meltdown has shown us how important those words are and how easily we can be convinced to compromise them. Instead of being the "land of the free and home of the brave," it has become the land of the sequestered and the home of the scared. We voluntarily gave in to government demands to limit our liberty and freedom for the sake of defeating an invisible enemy, in this case the coronavirus. But what if in the future that same fear mongering by a state manipulated media did the same thing for different reasons, would be voluntarily summit to the same limits on our liberty? We have seen how easy it is to control the minds and actions of millions of Americans. While in one instance it may be a necessary evil to save lives, in another, it could just be evil to destroy our lives! 3-25-2020 * Easter: President Trump stated yesterday that he would like to see people get back to work around Easter, that would be great! This year so far we have over 8,000 deaths from the flu and around 500 from the coronavirus. It's time to get back to work before any more damage is done. Like Trump said, the cure can't be worse than the problem. Far to many businesses are closed and people laid off. How many of those businesses will never reopen? I can personally attest to one. One of my sons and his girlfriend manage a restaurant in North Carolina. The owner has three restaurants in the area, he has decided not to reopen the one that my son manages. For him, this is not a temporary quarantine, it's unemployment. The cure should never be worse than the problem. The panic and fear sown by a media intent on destroying the economy to bring down Trump has hurt this country in more ways than are visible now. The effects will be felt for decades if not forever. It has forced a big government bailout that reinforces the lefts agenda that government is your savior. This is a necessary evil at this time that was brought on artificially, it will not last. Our real savior is who we celebrate on Easter Sunday, Jesus Christ. It would be what the doctor ordered if at the same time we celebrate the resurrection we can start to resurrect the American people from this nightmare! 3-24-2020 * Blinky: After senate republicans and democrats finally showed some bipartisanship working on a financial rescue package for the American people, along comes Blinky Pelosi and blows the deal up. She convinced crying Chuckie Schumer that it would be a good idea to load the bill down with unrelated baggage, this while the American people are hurting and thousands are being laid off. Amongst other things Pelosi wants is increased fuel standards for airliners, increased collective bargaining power for unions, mandated early voting, expansion of wind and solar tax credits and a $15 an hour federal minimum wage. How stupid is that. Guess what many Americans minimum wage is right now, $0! In an effort to not allow president Trump and republicans to have a victory, dems are willing to hold the American people hostage. Truly amazing arrogance! 3-23-2020 * Flu: The Coronavirus saga continues unabated. Seems like every day new restriction are being place on the American people and businesses. Wall-to-wall 24/7 news alerts and warnings fill the air like rain in the middle of a storm. The ticker on the screen keeping tabs on every new case reported and every new death like the score on a pinball ball machine, ping, there goes another one. What if the same attention was placed on the annual flu? Those number would be far worse, many times what we're seeing with the Wuhan Chinese Coronavirus. Would we be told to shelter in place, would we shutdown restaurants and sports events? That would be ridiculous, right? Would we shut down our economy, masses, weddings? There has to be a limit to this madness and it better come soon! 3-20-2020 * MSM: As predictable as the sunrise and sunset, most in the MSM are blaming Trump for one thing or another. When he stopped flights from China early to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus here, they called him a xenophobe. Then after the virus spread they said he took to long to act. If Trump cures cancers the MSM would say he put oncologists out of work. If trump walked across the Potomac they would say he can't swim. President Trump is doing everything within his power to fight the spread of the Coronavirus and protect Americans. Even if it seems to be blown way out of proportion what he's doing is smart, he's taking away the only possible weapon dems and their MSM buddies have to try and defeat him in November. Even if the economy has not fully recovered by then, they can't blame Trump after what he's done! 3-19-2020 * H1N1: Around 100 have died from the Coronoavirus in the U.S. and under 9,000 worldwide. Compare that to the 2018-2019 flu season where the CDC says 16.5 million got sick and 34,000 died in the U.S. Those are staggering numbers but where's the panic about the flu? In 2009 the HiN1 flu, also known as the Swine Flu, was detected in April. It originated in Mexico and quickly spread throughout the world. The CDC estimated that between 151,700 and 575,400 died from H1N1 virus worldwide. In the U.S. alone 60 million Americans were infected with the H1N1, 272,304 were hospitalized and 12,469 died. We don't shut down our economy because of the flu every year yet so many more die from the flu than from the Coronavirus. We didn't shut down the economy costing people their retirement savings and causing massive layoffs during the H1N1 pandemic in 2009 and we survived it just fine. What's different today is we have massive panic spread by a media intent on destroying president Trump's chances at re-election. We should not ignore the Coronavirus, we should take the necessary precautions that we would for any flu season, but we shouldn't destroy our economy and scare people to death in the process of politicizing a viral threat! 3-18-2020 * Sleepy: Creepy-Sleepy Joe Biden has been very lucky lately. The excessive Coronavirus coverage has limited his air time and the time that he has to make a mumbling gaffe prone spectacle of himself. With crazy Bernie starting to fade into the socialist trash heap of history only Biden himself can derail his dem nomination now. It will be a miracle if he can make it that far but it's a possibility. Watching crazy-sleepy-hairy-legged Joe is like watching a shadow boxer being knocked out by the shadow. He'll either lose to the shadow of trip over it, either way it's like a three stooges episode. The O'Biden Bama candidate for the senate will need a lot of help. His staff now has him using a teleprompter for every public appearance as a precaution. But even with the teleprompter he's bound to screw it up, it's just a matter of time! 3-17-2020 * Space: In the interest of BLOG safety we are self distancing our words as to not spread the Wuhan - Chinese - Coronavirus. We are also waiting patiently for some common sense to return to the world. It's possible some extra terrestrial sprinkled some stupid dust through the ozone hole and infected the world with a wild craving for toilet paper, paper towels and pork & beans! 3-16-2020 * Bolton: Where's Waldo or is that Bolton? First we had the Russia collusion hoax for almost three years, then the Ukraine call impeachment sham. Even though the House impeachment process was a complete partisan charade when it came to the trial in the Senate the crooked House managers wanted to hear from more witnesses, specially Bolton. After Trump's acquittal in the Senate, shifty Schiff and no-nads Nadler were planning on calling Bolton before their committee's, this while stating that Trump was not really acquitted because there were no witnesses called in the Senate. What happened to their plans? Why haven't they called Bolton and others to testify? It's all about the coronavirus hype and panic now, it's their best path to hurting Trump, the American people be dammed, it's about power. So what if trillions of dollars are lost in the process, retirement funds depleted, low income service workers scrambling to make ends meet, feed themselves and their families, it's all about power. It's a shame that liberals and their accomplices in the media hate Trump more than they love America. They prefer to see America loose than Trump win when in actuality, when Trump wins, America wins. This coronavirus scare will pass and the economy and stocks will roar back like never before and those who pushed this panic will pay the price come November! 3-13-2020 * Strike-Three: It's quite a coincidence that the NCAA championships, which take place in March and are called March Madness, and the coronavirus madness are happening at the same time. It feels like everyone has truly gone mad by feeding into the media hype about the virus. The numbers do not support such a reaction. The baseball season suspended, hockey season suspended, NBA season suspended, NCAA suspended. All this fed by a distorted MSM and deep state who failed to destroy Trump with the Russia collusion hoax, then the Ukraine call impeachment fiasco and now the coronavirus exaggeration. They had two strikes on them, this will be their last strike and they will in fact strike-out. In 2009 there were over a million people infected in the U.S. alone and over one thousand deaths from the swine flu before the Obama administration declared an emergency, The coronavirus numbers are miniscule compared to the swine flu and yet it's being treated like the end of the world. The coronavirus is in fact being exploited as a political weapon to defeat president Trump in November. But Trump is no fool, he is playing chess while the lame-stream-media plays checkers. He has taken all the necessary precautions and assembled the best medical minds in the country. He has curtailed travel from infected areas to protect the American people and yet he is still being attacked for his efforts. This mild pandemic will pass soon. Our economy has never been stronger and when this is just a cloud of dust in our rearview mirror the stock market will be soaring, the economy will be booming and the election will be around the corner, check-mate! 3-12-2020 * Muzzle: Time to muzzle creepy-sleepy Joe. Dems are doing what they can to get crazy Bernie to drop out of the race. They know their best chance of having Biden make it to the finish line is to keep him sequestered and muzzled. When Biden is free to mumble he generally steps in it. Even for a short 7 minute speech he has to read it off a teleprompter. There's probably a teleprompter in his bathroom so he can remember to wipe. Bernie is smart to hang in there, he knows that in a one-on-one debate, like the one scheduled for this Sunday, he'll be able to runs circles around Biden. He also knows that Biden is sure to make some mistakes like is his trademark now. It's not a matter of if he's going to screw up it's a matter of when. If Biden really makes a fool of himself, dems will be running for the exit, maybe some will go Bernie's way, that's what Bernie is banking on. The debate will be fun to watch, al old crazy communist debating an old confused relic. Get you popcorn ready! 3-11-2020 * China: One thing we've learned from the coronavirus frenzy, we're way to dependent on supplies from China. Most of our pharmaceutical supplies come from China. A Lot of our manufacturing plants get some if not most of their supplies from China. What if we ever had a war with China and they completely cut off our supplies? We need to take this opportunity and come up with a new strategy for supplying our factories and specially our medicines. Being dependent on any one source, like we are, is a recipe for disaster! 3-10-2020 * Hillary: As creepy-sleepy Joe keeps going down the senility trail, it's looking more like the dem convention will be special to watch. Unless Biden gets a brain transplant between now and July, he probably won't even make it that far. It's going to get so bad that he will either pull out of the race or be forced out by his family or close friends. He continues to make a fool of himself, it's actually sad to watch. If that happens and Bernie doesn't have the necessary delegates to win the nomination on the first ballot then the super delegates get involved. That's the dem establishment, at this point it wouldn't be a surprise if they pull Hillary out of their magic hat. That would be entertaining. The crazy Bernie bros would never vote for Hillary. Hillary never accepted the result of the 2016 election because she received more popular votes than Trump did. It would be great to watch the trouncing she would take if this scenario plays out. Her books asks the question 'What Happened?', it's answered on the cover 'Hillary', that's what happened. She's even harder to take and more annoying that Pocahontas! 3-9-2020 * Wreck: Watching creepy-sleepy Joe is like watching a NASCAR race, you know there's going to be a wreck, but when is it going to happen? Not to disappoint, he did it again yesterday. While speaking before a group he first declared himself an 'O'Biden Bama democrat' then he said, "If you want a nominee who will bring this party together, who will run a progressive, positive campaign, and turn, turn this primary from a campaign that's about negative attacks into one that's about what we're for -- because we cannot get -- re-elect -- we cannot win this re-election -- excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump -- if, in fact, we get engaged in this circular firing squad here. Gotta be a positive campaign, so join us." Biden belongs on a porch in a rocking chair watching the grass grow, he should not be anywhere near the seat of power. It's only a matter of time before he completely looses it. What will the dem establishment do then? Will they get behind crazy Bernie or find another way to steal it from him again. Either way it's a nightmare for them and very entertaining for us! 3-6-2020 * Poca-Bye-Bye: The annoying one, Pocahontas, is off the reservation. The dem establishment and most likely led by Obama tipped the scales for Creepy-Sleepy Joe. The got Petie and Klobuchar to drop our before super Tuesday and Pocahontas to hang in until after to help Biden and hurt Bernie. The strategy worked. Now if they can keep Tulsi out of the debates they may be able to defeat Bernie as long as sleepy doesn't completely go senile between now and the convention, which is distinct possibility. If Tulsi was in the next debate with crazy and sleepy it would be a huge contrast between youth and common sense opposed to anger and senility. Worth watching but don't count on it, they will change the rules from 1 delegate needed to qualify to whatever it takes to keep her on the sidelines. Dem's are down to their last two losers, may the best looser win! 3-5-2020 * Chuckie: The Supreme Court was hearing a case challenging a Louisiana law that requires doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles where the abortion is being performed. Outside the court there was a pro-abortion rally in which crying Chuckie Schumer spoke. He blatantly threatened two justices. Chuckie said, "I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price!. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." The average citizen would go to jail for threatening a judge, let alone a Supreme Court justice, is crying Chuckie about the law? Lawmakers are immune for statements they make while in the halls of Congress, that immunity is no longer theirs when they're out in public. Schumer has disgraced himself and the senate with his latest ramblings! 3-4-2020 * Establishment: The dem establishment got their way yesterday, they revived Creepy-sleepy Joe's campaign with a big win in the Texas primary. After forcing Petie and Klobuchar out on Sunday and Monday, they managed to convince enough people that Joe, the walking gaffe machine, can win. As typical for Joe, not a day goes by without stepping in it. Last night while celebrating he confused his wife with his sister. At least he's entertaining. It's fun to watch him spew his nonsense and lies just to hear his next gaffe. There are probably Vegas odds on when his next good one will be or how many words before he does it again. Meanwhile the crazy Bernie bros are probably ticked off at the dem machine trying to steal another nomination from Bernie. Wouldn't doubt the establishment convinced Pocahontas to stay in to hurt Bernie since her voters would probably go to him. Bloomberg has proven that you can't buy an election, an empty suit with billions of dollars and no charisma is not going anywhere. It's a two geezer race now, a crazy communist and a senile fool. 3-3-2020 * Dems: The surprising exit from the dems presidential campaign by Petie and Klobuchar before super Tuesday's primaries, or as creepy-sleepy Joe calls it, 'super Thursday', means the establishment is all behind Biden. It's a last ditch effort to defeat Bernie again, their ploy will fail. If the establishment had a strong candidate it might work but with gaff machine creepy-sleepy Joe it won't. Last night at a rally Joe stumbled through a rambling speech and called super Tuesday super Thursday then when trying to recite the preamble to the Declaration of Independence, which is: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Biden said, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women created by you know, you know the thing.” Every time he opens his mouth gibberish comes out. He is literally a walking disaster. The dem establishment have place their bet on a loser and in return they will loose with him. If they steal the nomination from Bernie again their party will be even more fractured than it is now. If Bernie wins, that too will be a disaster for them, either way they loose! 3-2-2020 * Sleepy: Creepy-sleepy Joe won his first primary for 'senator' of the United States on Saturday in South Carolina. In his pipe dream he says he will be appointing the first African American woman to the 'senate'. It's a wonder he can walk having to deal with his foot in his mouth all the time. Biden is a corrupt politician who has made millions and enriched his family though his pollical shenanigans. He is part of the deep state. With Mayor Petie dropping out of the campaign today it's looking more like it's going to be a race between crazy Bernie, a socialist/communist and creepy-sleepy Joe, an old geezer who is going senile before our very eyes. I don't think we should have a president who lets kids rub his harry legs and sneaks up on women, grabs their shoulders and smells their necks, gross. We shouldn't have a president either who is a socialist, communist loving ideolog who want to turn America into a large version of Venezuela. Pretty soon Pocahontas will be going back to her tribe… what a circus the democrats have become. Can't wait for November! 2-28-2020 * Sanders: Democrat establishment is starting to panic. Crazy Bernie could actually win the nomination and they're running scared. This is what they get for letting a socialist run for their nomination in the first place. He's not even a democrat so why is he running for the democrat nomination? It's a party that's out of control, their base is looney left, they're like antifa. The irony of antifa is it stands for anti-fascist when in fact they are the fascists. They use intimidation and violence to shut down the opposing point of view. Democrats do the same, they pretend to be democratic when in fact they shut down anyone who disagrees with them, now that's not very democratic. When a society gets to the point where over 50% of the people vote for the candidate the offers the most free stuff, the system itself will implode like a house of cards. Socialism/communism can not incur without the support of capitalism and that capitalism will be destroyed by human nature. If crazy Bernie is the democrat nominee this coming election will be the election of our lifetime! 2-27-2020 * Wall: Blinky Pelosi and Crying Chuckie Schumer were up in arms complaining about president Trump's Coronavirus response. Instead or trying to work together they are constantly in attack mode. The president asked for 2.5 billion dollars to combat the virus, Chuckie and Pelosi want to spend 8.5 billion. I have a solution, take the 8.5 billion and use the extra 6 billion to finish the wall. After all, someone infected with the virus could easily gain entry through our porous border. It's a matter of national security. That Coronavirus could wipe out have of the country according to the doomsday MSM and left wing whack jobs. Never mind that the flu kills tens of thousands every year, it's just not scary enough and doesn't have a cool name like the Coronavirus. They will keep blowing this scare out of proportion to hurt Trump, it doesn't matter to them if they hurt the economy and the American people in he process! 2-26-2020 * Coronavirus: The Coronavirus scare is being blown way out of proportion by the MSM. This in turn is causing real economic problems and a sell off on Wall Street. The strongest part of Trump's administration so far is how his policies have helped the economy soar to all time highs. The fear mongering by the media is a threat to our economy. It's a backhanded way of attacking Trump. Let's look at some numbers, currently there are about 80,000 cases of Coronavirus worldwide with 2,700 deaths. That's a survival rate of 97%, much better than with SARS and the Swine flu. There are 200,000 hospitalizations for the flu every year in the U.S. alone with 35,000 deaths, that's a survival rate of 83%. Another factor is the flu dies down in the Spring and Summer months, we are close to Spring now. It's prudent to take precautions like the administration is doing and we should all take the necessary steps to prevent from catching the flu of any kind but to hype the Coronavirus like the MSM is doing has one intention, to hurt Trump! 2-25-2020 * Deep-Fake: The deep-state does exist, it is not a formal group or entity, it is a web of bureaucrats and appointees that use their government issued powers beyond the intent of their job descriptions. It is bringing your political biases and hatred into the fray when it has no business being there. This is about putting politics over duty and country. It's about using the power of the government to overturn the will of the people. Their tactics are evil and obvious. If the MSM had any semblance of honesty the deep-fake deep-state could not survive. Unfortunately they are in cahoots. They cover for each other. If you step back and take a macro look at what is going on it's obvious the MSM is in bed with the left. In communist countries the ruling entity controls the media through their propaganda and maintain power and control over their people by doing so. In our case, the duly elected leader of our country is being attacked and compromised by deeply embedded government bureaucrats, leftist elected officials and an accomplice media. If that cabal were able to take control of our country it would be the end of our constitutional republic. The irony of the media love for this coup is if a true socialist/communist entity would take control they would be able to subvert the constitution, their MSM's very existence would perish, replaced by a government run propaganda machine. Government propaganda as opposed to private sector leftist propaganda, same sh_t! 2-24-2020 * Bernie: Crazy Bernie can no longer hide behind the pretense of his 'democratic socialist' mantra. Sunday night on 60 Minutes he praised Castro's communism in Cuba. Bernie's whole life has been a love affair with communism, from his early years to his honeymoon in the Soviet Union. He thinks people are stupid enough to believe that by putting 'democratic' in from of 'socialist' it vaccinates it from the ridicule it deserves. Socialism is a path to communism. It's control of the means of production without outright ownership but that's just a small step and once you give government that power, it's very difficult to take away. Ask the Venezuelans how well that's working for them. Unfortunately many in this country do believe that nonsense, especially the young indoctrinated class. It's been said if you're under 25 and not liberal, you don't have a heart, if you're over 25 and not conservative, you don't have a brain. There are a lot of brainless fools out there! 2-21-2020 * Marx: On February 21, 1848 Marx and Engels published The Communist Manifesto, probably scary Bernie's favorite book. At a time of unprecedented prosperity due to our capitalist system and Trump's policies it is incredible that so many democrats have a favorable view of socialism. Indoctrination by the public school system has finally started showing the results of their propaganda. The only way to destroy what is the worlds most powerful system is from within. That has been the goal of liberal teachers and professors for decades. Politicians used to hide their socialist views but now in the democrat party they openly flaunt them. The front runner is a self describe 'democratic socialist'. The democratic part of the label is just window dressing. A socialist is a socialist, period. In a bad economy they might be able to persuade people with their lies and mis presentations, with a strong economy they cannot. They either nominate Bernie or steal it from Bernie and lose his supporters, either way they're screwed! ![]() 2-20-2020 * Mini: Mini Mike Bloomberg showed last night that money can buy your way onto the democrat debate stage but it can't buy you personality. He comes across as a condescending unlikeable elitist. His only strong moment was when he pointed out the hypocrisy of crazy Bernie being a socialist millionaire with three houses. Pocahontas was in full attack mode while Petie and Klobie were having a little spat. Sleepy Joe was fading fast like a mid summers sunset. It's hard to picture any of the dems onstage as the president. Mini Mike can spend billions and it won't change who he is, his hate and jealousy of president Trump is obvious. His hateful comments about farmers and factory workers were ugly and petty. His fancy ads cannot mask his true persona. Dems might as well just call it a day and start planning for their 2024 circus! 2-19-2020 * BO: Barry Sotero, aka, Barrack Obama is taking credit for the great economy. What a farse. He reigned over the worst recovery from a recession with his policies of high taxation, over regulation and attacks on the coal industry and oil drilling. He boasted that it would be necessary to put the coal industry out of business. Manufacturing plants closed down and jobs went over seas. To business owners he said, "you didn't build that!" He also said that you can't just wave a magic wand and have manufacturing jobs come back. President Trump did just that, he waved his magic policy wand. By lowering taxes, cutting unnecessary regulations and making new trade deals, our economy is booming. It's booming not because of Obama but in spite of him. If Hillary would have won in 2016 and continued the Obama policies we would be in deep economic trouble by now. Democrats are showing their hypocrisy by saying the Trump economy is bad and at the same time claim that it was Obama that made our economy great. Both of those claims are false! 2-17-2020 * Daytona: The Daytona 500, The Great American Race! President Trump served as the grand marshal giving the command, "Gentlemen, start sour engines." In an unprecedented move he led the race cars around the track in 'the beast' as the presidential limo is called. It was a memorable event that even had the drivers smiling with pride. Chants of U.S.A. rang throughout the crowd followed by "four more years." It was sold out and beautiful to see such patriotism and unity. A remarkable moment. Unfortunately before the race even started it began to rain. When it did start it went for 20 laps before another rain delay would cancel the race for the day. It was metaphorical for liberal tears raining down as their hopes of winning in 2020 continue to fade. Trump wins again! 2-14-2020 * Barr: Democrat leadership is inflicted with impeachment mania. Now their after attorney general Barr for correcting the outrageous sentence recommendations by over zealous and politically biased DOJ prosecutors. Roger Stone was ensnarled in a perjury trap during a politically driven and illegal investigation into the hoax Russia collusion process. Without any prior crimes in his history the FBI raided his house in the middle of night as if he were a terrorist about to commit mass murder. And just by coincidence CNN had a camera crew there to record the raid. Mobsters and murderers don't even get treated like this. Stone is not a danger to society and should never have been charged to begin with. Probation is all he should get. As for Barr, for simply doing his job, the left wants his head on a platter. He is to testify before the judicial committee on March 31st. Like his last testimony, he will make democrats questioning him look like fools. They're harassing him for doing his job and president Trump as the top executive has every right to voice his opinion when he sees a travesty of justice taking place. Americans are laughing at the democrat clowns in the congressional circus! 2-13-2020 * Stone: The looney left is having another of their all to common hissy fits. This time about the Roger Stone sentencing. When it was revealed that justice department lawyers had recommended up to 9 years in prison, president Trump was outraged, as well he should have been. One of those lawyers was part of Mueller's Russia hoax witch hunt. Before the president spoke his mind attorney general Barr had already begun to intervene in the sentencing recommendations. Stone was caught up in the swamp's soft coup attempt and was fighting it. For this he is having his life ruined. With no prior criminal record the sentence that was originally suggested was outrageous. Drug dealers and rapist get lighter sentences. Wednesday is was revealed that Tomeka Hart, the foreperson of the jury, has a history of democrat activism and anti-Trump media posts. That along is reason to declare a mistrial. The judge presiding is also an Obama appointed one. Blinky, Shifty and Nonads are planning an investigation. It would be nice if they concentrated on legislation and stopped their whining! 2-12-2020 * Virginia: The once conservative state of Virginia has been going down the tubes in recent years, with the help of it's urban enclaves of liberal voters. Now it's government in complete control by democrats they have the power to wreck havoc on it's citizens. First the state house passed a bill to confiscate your weapons and now they passed a bill to circumvent the electoral college. The bill they passed yesterday was to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. The compact states that the electoral votes of the state will be cast for the winner of the national popular vote, regardless of how the popular vote in the state turns out. This is counter to the constitutional reason for the electoral college and in violation of the constitution itself. By bypassing the electoral college they are voting for states with large populations of liberal voters to control all future presidential elections. Citizens in states like Kansas, Montana, Arizona and Alaska would be irrelevant. Their votes would be worthless. Our founding fathers were prophetic in the crafting of the constitution, the electoral college is an integral part of their vision. Striping our presidential elections of the electoral college requirement would be a travesty for our constitutional republic! 2-11-2020 * Socialism: One thing you can say about crazy Bernie, he's consistent. A millionaire socialist/communist running as a democrat, or a wolf in sheep's clothing, one and the same. Through the years he has remained true to his beliefs. From his honeymoon in that utopia known as the Soviet Union to his love of communist dictators Castro, Chavez and Maduro. Thanks to the indoctrination in our schools, people actually believe socialism can work here, it can't. Socialism is a failed system everywhere it's been tried. From the Pilgrims early test with socialism to the current disaster known as Venezuela. An oil rich nation brought to its knees from the socialist system it has employed. It's not about helping it's people, it's about power. He who controls the means of production and thereby the people has the power, the people suffer under this tyrannical system with no hope in sight. Once freedom is lost it is very difficult the gain it back, Ask the Cubans, Venezuelans and North Koreans. Is that what you want here? It takes ignorance to believe that partial socialism will work, that's like being partially pregnant. Socialist point to Scandinavian countries like Norway as an example of successful socialism, they're wrong. They tried socialism and went back to capitalism because of the inherent problems with a socialist system They kept socialized medicine and suffer through the rampant bureaucracy and delays but as far as their economies, capitalism is what fuels their success. It's amazing with the example of socialism's failure happening in real time in Venezuela that people can still be blinded by their mistaken belief in a proven failed system! 2-10-2020 * Swamp: Since the start of the Trump administration there have been leaks from the White House and other departments. Most, if not all, were from Obama holdovers which make up the deep-state and the swamp they live in. One of these holdovers is Eric Ciaramella, who is believed to be the whistleblower who coordinated with the Schiff committee to start the whole impeachment sham. Ciaramella did not have first hand knowledge of the Ukrainian call on July 25th. The whistleblower statue required first hand knowledge. So as not to derail the soft coup attempt, the whistleblower statue was changed in order to accommodate second hand knowledge. During the impeachment hearings in the house, Lt. Col. Vindman, who had first hand knowledge of the call, admitted that he leaked the call information to a staffer. When questioned by republicans on who he leaked to, shifty Schiff immediately shot down that line of questioning. It was clear at that point that Schiff knew who Vindman leaked to and that person was Eric Ciaramella, the whistleblower. The whistleblower statue protects the whistleblower from recriminations, it does not guaranty anonymity. Vindman was removed from his position in the White House and escorted off the grounds last week. The MSM and Blinky were up in arms attacking president Trump. Likewise Trump fired Ambassador Sondland, that was also long overdue. It's time to clean house. Any holdovers from the Obama administration in sensitive positions, including ambassadors, should be replaced. No more allowing the enemy within to continue to undermine this administration and the president in particular! 2-7-2020 * Blinky: Yesterday Blinky Pelosi continued her rambling attacks on president Trump. This time criticizing him for touting his economic successes. She said that he inherited a booming economy from president Obama. She is seriously demented. The Obama economy was the worst recovery after a recession in our history. He did everything he could to destroy it. Over burdensome regulations, high taxes, curtailing the energy sector and trying to bankrupt the coal industry. Jobs were leaving and factories were closing. Remember when Obama said you can't wave a magic wand and bring factory jobs back? Well, Trump did just that, not with a magic wand but with common sense policies that promotes business and incentivizes productivity. He cut regulations, cut taxes, allowed fracking and oil drilling to expand and made trade deals that put America first. No matter how she tries to spins Obama's failures, she can't change the facts. The wonder of Trump incredible economic achievements is that he has done it while being under constant attack from dim bulbs on the left, of which Blinky is the head spinster. It's time she hung up her broom and faded into the trash heap of history where she belongs! 2-6-2020 * Romneycrat: RINO Romney showed his true colors yesterday in voting to convict president Trump on the impeachment article of abuse of power. As Trumps defense team pointed out in their arguments every president can be accused of abuse of power. It's basically accusing a president for doing his job when you disagree with how he is conducting his duties because of policy or any other issue you can come up with. Even though both articles were voted down by a majority of senators and didn't come close to the threshold of 67 votes, Romney handed democrats a moral victory. They can now claim that one of the articles had bipartisan support. At the core of his decision is his presidential envy. President Trump's acquittal is a badge of honor. The completely partisan sham impeachment will go down in history as the dumbest move democrats have ever made. They have not only angered Trump supports they have turned away independents and moderate democrats that are sick and tired of the games they play. They've been wasting millions of dollars of our taxes on bogus investigations and partisan witch hunts. It's time they got psychiatric treatment for their TDS and got back to the jobs they were elected to do. On another note, it is rumored that Sleepy Joe Biden's campaign is running short on cash. We suggest he ask Hunter for a loan, if he can find him. Where's Hunter? ![]() 2-5-2020 * Unhinged: You can stretch a rubber band so far until it snaps. Last night the democrat party, through Blinky Pelosi's actions, snapped. The impeachment sham has backfired on them, the Iowa caucus disaster showed their incompetence, then president Trump's excellent state of the union speech did them in, snap. For three years they have suffered from TDS, hoping impeachment would be the cure, it only served as another 'hit', one more shot, the last time, promise. They're seeing their visions of power fade before their very eyes. They hate trump so much that they can't even bring themselves to accept the successes we are witnessing. Great triumphs were on display last night and for the most part democrats sat on their hands while Blinky played with her teeth and sucked on her Poligrip. Words are just words but it's president Trump's actions that tell the tale. Facts don't lie, whatever you try to do to them, in the end, facts are still there. The SOTU was a distinct contrast between the greatness that America can be and the failure of an ever increasing socialist threat that is todays democrat party. Thank you president Trump! 2-4-2020 * SOTU: I would have preferred that the State of the Union was postponed until after the president's acquittal in the senate but it looks like that won't happen. Speaker of the house, Blinky Pelosi has been an arrogant witch in her attacks on the president. She has called him and imposter and criminal. She boasts that he is impeached for life and that, if acquitted in the senate, it won't be an acquittal because the senate was complicit in a cover-up. She'll be sitting behind him during the speech with her angry smirk and shooting mental spit balls at the back of his head. I hope when president Trump hands a copy of his speech to vice president Pence and Blinky that her copy reads, "I WIN, you LOOSE, now keep your teeth in your mouth and go along for the ride!" 1-31-2020 * Acquitted: When the senate votes to acquit president Trump, either today or tomorrow, that should be the end of this farce, but it won't be. Chuckie Schumer, Blinky Pelosi and Shifty Schiff are already saying that he really won't be acquitted because there was a cover up and no witnesses were called. So according to them, Trump is impeached for life but he won't be acquitted for even a moment. These people are as predictable and phony as a three-dollar bill. Most Americans will see this not as a cover-up but as a partisan sham impeachment due to their TDS affliction and the attempt to nullify their vote, not only from 2016 but from 2020. History won't be kind to the get Trump at all costs cabal and the American people will remember their actions come November! 1-30-2020 * 2020: The whole dem impeachment sham is nothing more than a last minute attempt to interfere in the 2020 election. There is no one currently running for the dems that can come close to beating president Trump in November. Bernie looks like the front runner now but Americans will not vote for a communist disguised as a democrat socialist. His true colors will shine through. Biden is so bad that he can't even fill a bath tub with his audience. Pocahontas can not lie her way out of a wet paper bag. Pete would fail as well, we may have a male first 'lady' someday but not a male president and a male first 'lady' at the same time. If they have a brokered convention and throw Bernie under the bus, they can kiss having Bernie's supporters voting for the nominee goodbye. The only hope dems have is to remove Trump from office so even after this impeachment fails they will continue trying, it's the only card they have to play. President Trump continues racking up victories while dems continue their tantrum. Tomorrow the senate will vote to stop the nonsense and go straight to a vote on the articles of impeachment and acquit the president. Dems will blame the process and accuse republicans of a cover-up and on and on it goes. Their war on Trump and at least half of the country will continue until they awaken on November 4th to their worst nightmare, another 4 years of Trump! 1-29-2020 * Corona: The MSM is promulgating a sense of impending doom and gloom over the Coronavirus in China. As with other incidents like this they like to blow the whole thing out of proportion, after all, it keeps viewers tuned in. The more fear they can strike in people the more views they get. Even though the death rate of the Coronavirus is much lower than that of previous viruses like SARS, MERS and H1N1, the drumbeat continues. It is rumored that people afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) are falling for the hype so intensely that sales of Corona beer have fallen drastically in LA, Chicago and New York City. Researchers are frantically working on a vaccine before the beer company goes broke! 1-28-2020 * Pocahontas: Dem presidential candidate, Liz Warren, also known as 'Pocahontas', wants to abolish the electoral college. In December she again spoke of this. She said that when elected president she will get rid of the electoral college and will become the last president elected by an electoral college majority. Then when re-elected she will be the first president elected by a simple majority vote. She must have been smoking some of that peace pipe stuff. Our founding fathers were prophetic in their decision to create a representative republic instead of a true democracy. A representative republic protects the rights of the minority. The electoral college is an extension of that protection. Without the electoral college states like Oklahoma, Iowa, Kansas and Montana would be ignored. The people in those states would have little say in choosing a president. Liberal northeast states and California would pick all future presidents. Liberals are already working on a scheme to get rid of the electoral college without a constitutional amendment. They are working on a state by state plan that would require the state's electoral votes to be cast for the winner of the majority vote in a presidential election. The founding fathers did not envision this possibility but if enough state legislatures become controlled by the democrat party, this could become a reality. God help us we ever got a 'Pocahontas' or commie-Bernie in the White House! 1-27-2020 * TDS: The Coronavirus is spreading in China and beyond. In the U.S.A we've had the T.D.S. spreading for three plus years now. It seems to affect the cognitive capacity of the human brain and is fed by misinformation of mainstream talking heads. The afflicted are capable of spreading this dangerous condition even without human contact or sneezing. They are mysteriously able to spread it through social media, the Internet and simple lies. Seems like ignorance is a common denominator in one's susceptibility to this condition. Once a person in afflicted it is extremely difficult to cure. Common sense will no longer apply as if imaginary blinders block any sense of facts. Life is blurred between truth and fiction and only that which is allowed through your personal reticular activating system counts. Scientists believe there may be a possible cure in the works, or at least a vaccination. Work is progress on this breakthrough and if they are successful they plan on letting us know with a statement on Tuesday, November 3, 2020… 1-24-2020 * Abortion: An abortion stops a beating heart and even before 20 weeks the result is the killing of an unborn child. Baby killing advocates are up in arms saying such ignorant things as Republicans are taking them back to the dark ages. Really? You're still allowed to kill babies before 20 weeks and you're complaining because you can't kill them up until their date of birth. If a pregnant woman is murdered or killed in an automobile accident it's considered a double killing, regardless of the length of the pregnancy. Why is that unborn child considered a human being but not the one which is aborted? These two cases do not reconcile. These same radical thinking abortion supporters approve of late term abortions where babies are manipulated in the womb in order to pull the body out while leaving the head inside. Then the abortionist sucks the baby's brain out through the back of the skull while the baby kicks for his life. This evil procedure takes place across the country and is as barbaric as an Islamic terrorist beheading an infidel. A unborn child is not an old pair of shoes that can be discarded carelessly. An unborn child is not an inconvenience, it does not ask to be conceived, but if he could talk, he would ask for a chance, his own choice, a choice of life. 1-23-2020 * Pinocchio: If you just appeared out of nowhere without any knowledge of any facts in the impeachment sham you would probably fall for the nonsense stories shifty Schiff and his fellow clowns are peddling. But in reality they are made up stories of what they wish the facts were. In their crooked minds they may believe some of them just because they want to. Dems know the only way they can beat Trump in the election this year is to not have to face him in the first place. Their only chance therefore is to remove him from office with this sham impeachment. If this fails, like it surely will, they will continue with another impeachment because they are so devoted to this nonsense they will keep digging their hole. The president's defense team should make their case quickly by pointing out the falsehoods in the house managers narratives and spare the country any further torture. Dismiss or acquit and put this ugly episode behind us! 1-22-2020 * Bullschiff: What unmitigated gall was displayed by shifty-Schiff in his remarks at the sham impeachment trial yesterday. To say with a straight face how the senate should have a fair and impartial trial while he blatantly denied republicans and the president due process in the house is disgraceful. He had secret depositions and hearings in a skiff in the bowels of the house to keep his star chamber under his complete control. They then selectively leaked testimony that was favorable to them and hid what was not. Some of the testimony has still not been shared with republicans. Republicans were denied the right to call their own witness but he expects the senate to allow democrats to call theirs in the senate. His hypocrisy is transparent. He claims that they have a full proof case but yet demands to compile more evidence and call more witnesses. You can't have it both ways, if you have a full proof case then why do you need more evidence? If they bypassed the courts because of the urgency of removing a duly elected president from office, and nullifying the votes of over 60 million Americans, then why did they delay delivering the articles of impeachment to the senate for over 30 days? It's a total sham as every word that comes out of his mouth is BULLSCHIFF? 1-21-2020 * Stooges: President Trump is in Davos, Switzerland attending an economic summit while in the Washington swamp the three stooges, Blinky, Shifty and No-nads continue their sham impeachment. Rightfully so, Trump is boasting about the world's strongest economy and encouraging other countries to invest in America. His policies have led to unprecedented economic growth and low unemployment. Tax cuts and regulatory reform has welcomed in a boom for business benefiting the middle class and all wage earners. Dems always complain about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer but with the Trump economy the wage gap is actually shrinking. Like it's been said before, a rising tide lifts all boats. What a stark contrast we are witnessing today, our president representing our country with pride and honor overseas at a time of economic boom and peace while those afflicted with Trump-Derangement-Syndrome (TDS) are making fools of themselves at home! 1-20-2020 * SCOTUS The supreme court has agreed to hear a case that concerns the electoral college and a 1952 ruling. It has to do with whether states can require their electors to vote the same as the majority popular vote in the state and, if they don't, can punish them afterwards. The integrity of the electoral college depends on electors being true to the will of the people in their state. Rouge electors swayed by propaganda and misinformation are a direct assault on the elector college system, a genius system that protects our presidential elections from mob rule. This is why the left hates it so much. If they had their way liberal mobs in liberal enclaves like New York City and Los Angeles would elect our presidents and the rest of the country be dammed. That is why we have a representative republic and not a democracy. After all, a democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner! 1-17-2020 * MSM: The main-stream-morons that pass themselves as journalists continue to carry the dems water, after all they are dems too! With the historic China deal and USMCA taking place this week, for the benefit of all American people, they chose to ignore the accomplishments and go wall to wall with the impeachment sham. They bend over backwards to avoid giving president Trump any credit. Brave Iranian citizens openly demonstrate against the tyranny of the Ayatollahs, knowing they are putting their lives in danger, and the MSM ignores them choosing instead to bolster the impeachment circus with their hypocritical nonsense. When the Iranian government was caught red handed by video evidence of their lies to their own people and the world about the Ukrainian airliner downing, their people were emboldened to show their disdain. In much the same way when the American people realize how the MSM has been flat our lying to them for years they will turn on them. Fortunately the media won't be shooting live ammo in response only more of the same lies that the diminishes a once trusted source of information. Their credibility is shot! 1-16-2020 * Pens: According to Blinky Pelosi impeachment is a sad a solemn occasion. That's why she wore black when the house voted on the sham impeachment articles. Yesterday at the signing 'ceremony' to send the articles to the senate she wore pink, smiled a lot while (keeping her teeth in her mouth) then gave out souvenir pens embossed with her signature. Isn't that special. This party of the misguided just shows how transparent their sham is. The president is riding a huge wave of successes, dems and media can't compete with that, so they have to try to destroy him personally. It's the only play they have. It's backfiring now and will continue through election day. The question is how many times are they going to impeach him between now and then? Their a one trick pony! 1-15-2020 * Sham: The house votes to send their sham impeachment articles to the senate today. Again deflecting from important issues that should be of interest in the real world. President Trump will be signing the first phase of a trade deal with China, which has huge implications for the American people and our economy, while the dem freak show continues. Iran protestors dying in the streets of Tehran fighting for their freedom while the lamestream media focuses on the dem freak show. The senate should swiftly move to dismiss this partisan sham impeachment as not a single republican voted for it in the house while there were democrats who voted against it. The only bipartisan vote was against the articles. Blinky Pelosi says that regardless of what happens in the senate, Trump will always be impeached. That may be true but he will be wearing it as a badge of honor. To be impeached by this flock of idiots will forever showcase their ignorant stupidity! 1-14-2020 * Redirect: In the face of their miserable response to the killing of terrorist Iranian general Soleimani, as if on cue, the dems and their media cronies are redirecting to impeachment again. While they put Soleimani on a pedestal as revered by the Iranian people, the Iranian people were busy tearing down and trampling on his image. Soleimani was responsible for the brutal oppression on Iranian protesters for years. Only the forced mourned him, the general public despised him for killing their own. When Iranian rose up during the Obama years, The Obama sided with the Ayatollahs. President Trump is clearly siding with the Iranian people. The dems and media again are on the wrong side of history. They hate Trump so much that they would rather support an enemy than our own president. It is truly disgraceful. The protests will continue and hopefully lead to a much needed change in Iran. A free and peaceful Iran would make all the difference in the middle east. An incredible opportunity is possible here, and it has come about by President Trump's brilliant move to cut off the head of the snake! 1-10-2020 * Appeasement: Today we re-printed an excellent article from 2015 where investigative journalist John Solomon shows how the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing was covered up by the Clinton administration. The bombing killed 19 U.S. servicemen and injured hundreds more. Intelligence found a direct link between the bombing and Iran’s Revolutionary Guard (IRGC). For fear of a public outcry to seek revenge for this terrorist attack, the Bill Clinton administration swept it under the rug. Appeasing the likes of Soleimani and the Ayatollahs has only proven to embolden them and lead to more of the same. This disproves the theory and bull the left and their media cronies have been saying about Trump's call to take out the terrorist master mind Soleimani. Being afraid of what the repercussions would be is tantamount to appeasement, and appeasement like what Clinton did in 1996 only led to more attacks and killing of Americans. Don't expect logic and evidence to dissuade Trump haters anytime soon, their derangement is permanent. If president Trump suddenly walked on water across the Potomac, the headlines would read, "Trump Can't Swim!" 1-9-2020 * Omar: Yesterday during a press conference the true colors of anti-Semitic squad member Ilhan Omar came out. While Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) (another loser) was discussing U.S. troops that were either killed or injured in Iraq, Omar, the human piece or garbage, can be seen giggling and talking with her other squad members behind her. When the subject is the killing of the terrorist general Soleimani she is serious and angry at our government, when the subject is our brave soldiers killed in action, she's entertained. What a disgusting display. She is the result of our lax immigration system that has allowed large numbers of immigrants from places like Somalia to gather in certain districts in this country. Their numbers overwhelm the system and they elect openly anti-American, anti-Israeli idiots like Omar. If democrat leadership had any common decency they would censure Omar but that wont happen because they're afraid of her and their other outspoken stupid ilk! 1-8-2020 * Crash: Last night after the Iranian face-saving missile attack on Iraqi and Kurdish air bases they mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian passenger airliner. It is believed that all 176 people on-board died. Iran immediately claimed it was due to 'technical issues'. How would they know that so soon after this 'crash'. Video shows the airliner on fire in the air on it's way down. Pictures of the wreckage shows signs of shrapnel, evidence of the airliner being struck by a missile. The airliner took off from Tehran airport on a path that would put it close to sensitive installations in Iran. Most likely anti-aircraft weapons mistakenly shot the airliner down suspecting it was an American retaliatory strike. Iran also stated they would not turn the black box over to Boeing for their investigation, no surprise there. The black box would confirm the missile strike. Iran should be comfortable that the dems and their media allies with have their back! 1-7-2020 * Treason: "In law, treason is criminal disloyalty, typically to the state. It is a crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's nation or sovereign." The preceding definition can easily be applied to the democrats and media who are actively undermining the actions of our president in performing his major function which is the defense of the American people. Iran is responsible for the deaths of thousands of American's since 1979, Soleimani was their head general in a time when they are at war with us. He was a legitimate target. Instead of standing in defense of our country these dim bulbs on the left choose to continue to trash president Trump and by extension the United States itself. Our enemies must be laughing at this dishonor, it's as if they have an ally within our borders and within our government. The deranged impeachment crowd falsely throws the 'treason' word around when in fact they are the treasonous ones! 1-6-2020 * Benghazi: The Obama administration lied about the Benghazi attack on our embassy in Lybia, they lied about how the attack started and who was to blame. They lied about protesters demonstrating about a video when the truth was it was a planed attack by trained terrorists. Demonstrators don't take rocket launchers to a demonstration and they don't demonstrate at night. While the attack was ongoing they refused to send help and air cover. The complete opposite happened in Baghdad. When a trained Iranian backed militia attacked our embassy, Trump responded by condemning in for what is was and sent in help right away. He correctly warned Iran on the consequences of continuing down this path. They ignored the warning and were in the process of other attacks against Americans and our Iraqi allies. He ordered the killing of the world's most wanted terrorist, Qasem Soleimani, and warned Iran again against retaliation. Meanwhile liberal Democrats and their media allies were besides themselves with contempt, not for Iran, but for our president. Their actions were and continue to be disgraceful. Trump is not starting a war as they claim, he is fighting back in an asymmetrical war with Iran that been going on since 1979, since the stormed our embassy in Tehran. It's about time we fought back! 1-3-2020 * Iran: Iranian backed militias attacked our embassy in Bagdad then terrorist leader general Qasem Soleimani was to fly into Bagdad airport on his way to engineer another attack on U.S. interests. President Trump ordered a drone attack and now this terrorist is in hell where he belongs. He has the blood of many Americans on his hands, it was the right thing to take him out. Many on the left and the media are condemning the killing as an escalation when in fact it was done in self defense. Trump plays by a different playbook, he says what he means and he means what he says! Obama gave the Iranian Ayatollah billions in unmarked bills, Trump gave them sanctions and a missile strike. Since the take over of the American embassy in Tehran in 1979, Iran has been the world's biggest promoter of Islamic terrorism. Their tentacles are everywhere in the Middle East. The Iranian people are fed up with the Islamic State and want their freedom. The killing of Soleimani is a signal to them that the United States means business! 1-2-2020 * Defense: USA Today posted an Op-Ed about the shooting at West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Texas saying that is was terrifying that parishioners were armed. Only six seconds after the gunman shot two people he was shot and killed by a parishioner with a gun. How many lives were saved by the heroic response from the armed parishioner? If two people were killed in six seconds how many more would have been killed until the police arrived? It is ignorant and stupid to suggest that allowing people to defend themselves if 'terrifying'. What's really terrifying is that liberals can think that way. Everyone has the right to self defense. Forcing the disarmament of law abiding citizens in gun-free zones only creates a magnet for the deranged. Laws like the one in Texas that allowed concealed carry and security teams to be formed at churches protects the parishioners. There is evil in this world, we should be able to defend ourselves from it! 12-31-2019 * Texas: On Sunday at West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Texas, evil was stopped by a good guy with a gun. A new Texas law that allows people with concealed-carry permits to carry in churches prevented a massacre. Within 6 seconds of a gunman shooting two innocent people an armed good guy shot the perpetrator dead. If this were to have happened in any other state that does not allow carrying in churches there would have been many dead and the media and dems would be clambering for more gun control. As expected the MSM is ignoring this story, it doesn't fit their narrative. The true meaning of gun control is hitting what you shoot at, the hero at West Freeway Church showed that. Gun-free zones only serve to disarm law abiding citizens. Other states should learn from this near massacre that only good guys with guns can stop bad guys with guns! 12-30-2019 * 21: It's ironic that in the $736 billion defense spending bill, signed into law on December 20th, there's a provision that raises the minimum age for buying cigarettes to 21. Eighteen year old's can enter the military, be trained with the most lethal weapons known and sent to far away battlefields to possibly loose their lives but they can't be trusted with cigarettes until they're 21. That makes no logical sense at all. It must have been another sneaky liberal provision inserted to garner progressive votes. Cigarette smoking for teens has been on the decline for years, this stupid law only guarantees that by making it taboo it will drive teens to smoke. It will also create a black market and add to the burden of an already over stressed court system. As Reagan once said. "Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." There are some things the government does well, this is not one of them! 12-27-2019 * Homeless: California's homeless crisis is a national disgrace. They waste millions on sanctuary city giveaways to illegals while homeless people defecate on their streets and sidewalks. It's a disgusting shame to see that misery. There are many reasons for the homeless explosion from mental illness to hard times but the problem is not going to go away by blaming the Trump administration for California's failure to deal with this issue. Governor Gavin Newsom's failure to deal with it has him making excuses. Liberal policies have lead to this failure and it won't go away anytime soon with more liberal policies and deflections. Throwing money at the problem will not solve it either. They need a multi faceted long term approach with emphasis on mental health, job training and temporary housing assistance. Newsom should stop blaming others for his own incompetence! 12-26-2019 * Appeasement: The never ending impeachment saga will continue through at least the 2020 elections. It's the only way the obsessed dem leadership has of keeping the radicals in their mist at bay. Their sham impeachment showed everyone willing to see that they're void of facts and substance. To further collaborate this the holding of the articles and not turning them over to the senate proves the weakness of their case. Impeachment is a process and without the continuation of that process you don't have an impeachment. It's not impeachment, it's appeasement. Several democrat leaders have publicly stated that Trump had an opportunity to prove his innocence and turned it down. That's just out right stupidity. That also shows what they think of the American people, they assume they're ignorant, and that in itself proves that they, not the American people, are the fools! 12-24-2019 Merry Christmas ![]() 12-23-2019 * Virginia: For decades democrats in Virginia have been talking about 'sensible' gun control. Now we know what they meant by that. Since taking over all structures of power in the state the 'sensible' is now what they always believed, registration and confiscation. They're outlawing semi-automatic rifles and are threatening on coming to your home and taking your rifle against your will if you don't voluntarily turn it in. In response to this outrageous overreach, 90% of Virginia's counties have declared themselves to be gun sanctuary counties. Now democrats are threatening with sending the National Guard to enforce their ban, the 2nd amendment be dammed. This power grab is what the left has always believed that's why they always jump to their knee jerk gun control stance whenever a shooting takes place. When a victim of an assault or home invasion uses their gun in self defense, they are silent. When a deranged individual uses a gun to kill innocent people, it's always the guns fault. Other than the big cities in Virginia the bulk of the residents are God fearing, gun owning patriots. They will not stand idly by and be systematically robbed of their rights and possessions without a fight. This tyranny in government is why we have a 2nd amendment in the first place. A message from those Virginians, DON'T TREAD ON US! 12-20-2019 * Sham: Blinky Pelosi's sham impeachment was rushed through the house because Trump was a clear and present danger that had to be removed from office yesterday. Now she sits on the impeachment articles without sending them to the senate for a trial. Now they're off on their holiday recess until January. Meanwhile they run around like fools claiming they impeached the president. Unfortunately for them, they haven't. One of their main liberal scholars they paraded through their sham hearings has just poured cold water on their parade. Harvard law professor and star witness, Noah Feldman said, "If the House does not communicate its impeachment to the Senate, it hasn’t actually impeached the president. If the articles are not transmitted, Trump could legitimately say that he wasn’t truly impeached at all." Blinky knows that if the articles go to the senate she and her clown club will be shown to be the fools that they are. By holding on to them she was hoping to avoid that and still claim the president was impeached, sorry Blinky, close only counts in horse shoes! 12-19-2019 * Holes: The law of holes states that "if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging". Democrats celebrate their impeachment of president Trump at their own peril, they don't realize they're in a hole and continue digging. The American people have seen through their crooked sham of an impeachment. The more they flaunt it the bigger the price they will have to pay. Now Blinky Pelosi is delaying sending the articles of impeachment to the senate because she is waiting to make sure there's going to be a 'fair process' there. What a joke. Where was the fairness in the house? Secret depositions in the intelligence committee when the judiciary is the committee that handles impeachment. Not allowing republicans to call their own witnesses and have their hearing day as required by house rules, where was the fairness then? Now Chucky Schumer says there must be witnesses and fair process in the senate and that president Trump will have an opportunity to prove his innocence. This is not how justice works in America, no one should have to prove their innocence. There will be a big asterisk next to this impeachment in future history books, the partisan impeachment that took down the democrat party. Good riddance! 12-18-2019 * Baseless: The Supreme Court has accepted three cases concerning Trump and congressional subpoenas. By doing so they have destroyed the 2nd article of impeachment, obstruction of congress. Dem's in their zeal to impeach the president have themselves abused their power. The president is exercising his rights by having the courts decide on the executive privilege claims, rather than the accusers themselves. This whole thing is a politically driven sham orchestrated by hate obsessed zealots. Article 2, dead on arrival! Now article 1, abuse of power. In other words, we don't agree with the president. This article is so weak it's laughable. Abuse of power can be defined as anything that congress dislikes about a presidential policy or action. In the end it will have been just a political show to appease the ever increasing anger and fear the left has of not being able to defeat Trump at the ballot box. They can't except they lost in 2016 and know they will loose again unless they find a way to remove him from office. With no republicans voting for impeachment this is the definition of partisan politics. The senate will vote down the articles of impeachment and the house will go back to making up another reason for impeaching him again. They have no other game plan! 12-17-2019 * Minimum-Wage: Liberal Seattle has been a leader is stupid progressive laws. The latest is an increase in the minimum wage to over $16 an hour. Pretending to help low wage workers earn a 'living wage' they are essentially making the problem worse. Some restaurants have already announced that they will be closing down the first of the year due to the increase. When government determines the wage rather than the free market place, workers are the ones that end up holding the bag. First the business reduces hours for their employees, which results in reduced take home pay, then they reduce the number of employees. Minimum wage jobs are not intended to be permanent jobs or 'living wage' jobs. They are entry level jobs that inexperienced young workers normally fill. Restaurant servers normally make a few dollars an hour plus tips. The tip income brings their hourly wage way above the minimum wage. By forcing restaurants to pay servers $16 an hour not only is their tip income reduced but their hours are as well. If raising the minimum wage was such a good idea, why not make it $20 or $100 an hour? 12-16-2019 * Payback: Shifty Schiff made the MSM propaganda rounds this past weekend. The hypocrite is actually blathering about how certain witnesses need to be called to testify in the senate trial. It's payback time shifty! Coming from the chairman that refused to allow Republicans in the intelligence committee to call their own witnesses, it's laughable how he thinks republicans should not respond in kind after he and no-nads Nadler denied them the same courtesy. He is also assuming that the shame impeachment will pass the house. With 31 dem's in districts Trump won in 2016, their skin is in the game. Two of them have already voted against the inquiry to begin with. A large group of those 31 have also expressed that they would prefer a censure vote rather than impeachment. They were elected by distancing themselves from the liberals that run the democrat party, they fooled their constituents once, I don't think they'll be able to fool them again. If it does come to a trial in the senate the first witness should be shifty Schiff himself. He should have to answer under oath why he pretended to read the transcript of the president's call while using his own words that clearly changed the meaning of what was said. There was no disclaimer, he blatantly lied to congress and the American people. He should have to answer for his actions during not only the impeachment shame but his claiming to have facts about the Russia collusion nonsense that never existed. He has been at this since Trump was elected, he should get what he deserves, to be ridiculed for the fool that he is! 12-11-2019 * Defenseless: How many more killings on military bases are we going to accept before common sense prevails? The murder of innocent Americans at the Pensacola Naval base this week highlights the stupidity of some regulations on these bases. Our sons and daughters are trained to fight for our freedom overseas as young as 18 years of age. Why then do we leave them defenseless at home? We train foreign nationals at our bases putting our people in harms way when we should be training them in their home countries. It's insane that we have made our military bases gun-free zones and our enemies know that. We our worst enemy when we let political correct stupidity guide our decisions. Time to allow our military the God given right of self defense! 12-10-2019 * Abuse: No-Nads put forth two articles of impeachment today, abuse of power and obstruction of congress. Who was obstructed, the Schiff and Nadler political kangaroo hearings? We have three branches of government, when there's a disagreement between the legislature and the executive branches the constitutional remedy is to go to the third branch, the judicial. The problem with the dem's scheme was that their completely partisan attack on the president would not stand the scrutiny of a court trial. Going to the courts would also mean delays for which their plan didn't call for. They're in a rush to push their impeachment through to appease their base and minimize the damage to their 2020 hopes. They have hung an albatross around their necks and they know it. What happened to bribery, quid-pro-quo, blackmail and extortion? What power was abused? The only abuse of power was their abuse by not allowing the opposition a chance to call their own witnesses and not allowing the process to play out through the legal system. The bottom line is they have never accepted the lawful election of Donald J. Trump, hence their blaming it on the Russians and now saying they have to impeach him so he doesn't steal another election. The interference came from them through the attempted coup of a duly elected president. November 2020 can't come soon enough! 12-9-2019 * Iran: The lame stream media is tripping over themselves covering the impeachment fiasco wall-to-wall. Meanwhile in Iran demonstrators are being shot by the government for protesting. There have been reports of women and children being shot as well as brutal beatings. Where is the national coverage on this? If it was a conservative government in another country murdering protesters the media would be all over it. Their zealous coverage of the impeachment scam is a disgrace, they are reaching the point where they will never be able to regain the little credibility they had left! 12-6-2019 * Hate: Like a runaway train that's off its rails, democrats are heading to their own demise. Their hate consumes and blinds them. They want to impeach the investigator and let the bank robber escape justice. It's an upside-down, inside-out world they live in and no matter how much sense you put in their path they always manage to circumvent it. It's not just blinders they wear, it's total blindness to the truth. Winston Churchill once said, "The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is." No matter what excuses they make up or what lies they surround their arguments with, in the end, it's about the facts and the truth. They cannot change those and therefore they are doomed! 12-5-2019 * Aid: Let the games begin! Blinky Pelosi announced today that she instructed the Judiciary Committee to proceed with articles of impeachment. Not a big surprise but you would have thought that they had time to come to their senses before they committed political suicide, but they didn't. Russia, Russia, Russia, sounds like something from the Brady Bunch. They have Russia scrambled stupidity in their brains. Here's the idiocy of her argument, she said that by withholding aid to the Ukraine Trump put our national security at risk and sided with the Russians and that it may have caused thousands of Ukrainian lives. Where were these miscreants when Russia invaded Ukraine under The Obama administration and annexed Crimea? Where was the outrage then? When The Obama administration did get around to proving aid it was blankets and MRE's. Hard to fight tanks with a meal and a blanket. The stupidity of this argument is also that aid doesn't magically turn into weapons. There's a process and a pipeline for the aid to get to the front lines in the form of weapons. The previous aid had not been totally spent when this aid was held up. The delay did not affect the Ukraine ability to fight at all. Not to mention that Trump provided lethal aid in the form of Javelin anti-tank missiles that stopped the battle field advantage that the Russians had. Blinky saw the weakness of the Ukrainian call issue and has fallen back on their Russian collusion delusion! 12-4-2019 * Malarkey: A video of creepy-Joe surface from 2017 at a public pool in Wilmington, Delaware that was renamed in his honor. With kids gathered around him he told a story of how when he was a life guard there in his youth, kids would gather around him and rub the hair on his leg. What? Seems like creepy Joe has been creepy for a long time. After those disturbing words he said that kids would get on his lap and then said, “I love kids jumping on my lap.” That's no malarkey, that's the truth spoken from experience. Creepy Joe's current "No Malarkey" bus tour in Iowa is full of malarkey from the walking gaffe machine. Should e a fun ride! 12-3-2019 * No-Nadler: The impeachment joke moves back to the Judiciary Committee Wednesday where we're sure to get another round of Trump derangement lunacy. Testifying will be a group of professors who will try they're best to use their slanted legal-babble to convince, whomever is left that cares about this nonsense, that impeachment is justifiable. It's a last grasp at trying to salvage a losing strategy to overturn a duly elected president. It's not about the Ukrainian call, Russia collusion delusion on any other excuse of the day they would like to use, it's simply about hate, jealousy and revenge. They had the game rigged and lost anyway, DEM's just can't get over that. How could it have happened. Meanwhile President Trump is busy putting America first in his meetings with world leaders at the NATO summit. A leader and statesman that truly loves his country versus childish antics by an ever increasingly obsessed mob of political dim bulbs! 12-2-2019 * Climate: You could say that Climate means change because the climate, by nature, changes. Climate fanatics have been around as long as there has been a climate to talk about. When I was growing up these fanatics said we were headed towards a new ice age and it would be the end of mankind. That didn't happen so they moved on to acid rain that was going to destroy all the forests in the world, that didn't happen. Next in line was global warming but when the trend started to cool again they changed it to climate change. That way, if it got warmer or cooler they would be covered, it was a cop-out. Now they're heading to Madrid for a climate change conference in which supposedly 25,000 people from 200 countries are expected to attend it's called COP25. Maybe that stands for cop-out number 25? Many of the attendees are traveling thousands of miles in private jets for this party. Even that brainwashed Swedish climate guru Greta I-Don't-Know-What-The-Hell-I'm-Talking-About Thunberg will be there. It will be fun to see her top her deranged UN speech about how her dreams have been destroyed by climate change. They think that maybe another rebranding, like climate catastrophe or global meltdown may make people stop and listen to their lunacy when in fact, all it will do is further convince many that they need their meds checked? 11-28-2019
11-26-2019 * Accomplishments: Looking back at not only 2019 but since January of 2018, when the democrats took control of the house, it's hard to name any democrat accomplishment. Here are some of Trump's accomplishments: - Almost 4 million jobs created since election. - More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history. - We have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election. - Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES. - New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low. - Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded. - African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded. - Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded. - Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded. - Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years. - Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century. - Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma. - Veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years. - Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election. - 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever. - Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone. - As a result of our tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years. - Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines. - Record number of regulations eliminated. - Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions. - Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE. - Signed Right-To-Try legislation. - Increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high. - United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957. - Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord. - Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan. - Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year. - NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016. - Process has begun to make the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces. - Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration. - Confirmed Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. - Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal. - Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. - Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court. - Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay. - Concluded a historic U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. - Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports. - Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security. - Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices. We currently have an incredible economy with even more potential for greater growth whose only obstacle seems to be the obstructionist democrat controlled house. The USMCA was signed by both Mexico and Canada and is lying dormant on Blinky Pelosi's desk. The only reason to withhold it is to avoid giving President Trump another win. Democrats have spent the last three years on the Russia collusions hoax and now the impeachment scam. If only they could get past their hatred they just might be able to get something accomplished for the American people. Unfortunately though, is seems nothing of any consequence will get done until after the 2020 elections. 11-25-2019 *Moron: mo·ron /ˈmôrˌän/ A Stupid Person Schifty Schiff believes the American people are morons when if fact he sees the biggest moron every morning in the mirror. Being wrong at every turn does not mean you'll eventually be right, it just means you've been wrong consistently. That much you can say for him, he knows how to do stupid professionally. Ayn Rand once said, "Do not ever say that the desire to "do good" by force is a good motive. Neither power-lust nor stupidity are good motives." Schiff seems to now be realizing the stupidity of his ways, the very dishonest actions he has undertaken in his zeal to impeach President Trump are starting to backfire. If he continues down that path he will guarantee a republican landslide in 2020. If he had any sense he will find an excuse to pull the plug on his crusade, most likely blaming President Trump and the republican senate in the process. Look up 'moron' in the dictionary, you may see a familiar face there! 11-22-2019 *Facts: It seems like, regardless of the facts, democrats have been hell bent on impeaching President Trump since the day of his election. He is the biggest threat to their liberal, big-government way of life to come around in decades. Facts be dammed. John Adams once said, "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." The very same facts and evidence they twist and spin to fit their predetermined judgments. If they had any common sense they would abandon their impeachment zeal for if they don't, they will be humiliated in the Senate and they will be hammered in the 2020 elections. Democrats in swing districts that vote for impeachment will loose big and Trump will win with a bigger mandate than he got in 2016. Republicans will win the House back and keep the Senate. Trump will be in full control while 'blinky' and 'shiffty' fade away like a bad memory! 11-21-2019 * Burisma: A Ukrainian indictment against Burisma owner Nikolai Zlochevsky states that Hunter Biden and partners were paid $16.5 million by Burisma for their 'services'. Ukrainian MP Dubinsky made this information public. Without any experience in the energy field, Hunter Biden was being paid $83,000 a month for his position on the board of Burisma. This was in 2014 at the time that Vice President Joe Biden was the U.S. point man on Ukraine policy. This is not just an appearance of impropriety it is an out right scheme to shield Burisma from corruption charges. In fact Vice President Biden admitted in January 2018 at a Council on Foreign Affairs function that he withheld $1 billion dollars from Ukraine aid until they fired the prosecutor that was looking into corruption with Burisma. That prosecutor was fired, Biden released the funds and bragged about having him fired. Biden defenders say the prosecutor was not investigating Burisma but that very prosecutor's sworn statement goes contrary to that falsehood. He was investigating Burisma and that was the reason that Hunter Biden was on the board, it was an insurance policy with a $83,000 a month premium. Joe Biden admitted to blackmailing the Ukrainian government and gets away scot free. President Trump attempts to have Ukraine look into that corruption and he's being impeached. It's an upside down world democrat socialists are living in! 11-20-2019 * Assumptions: The three ring circus continued today. Ambassador Sondland's bus had a stop at the Ways and Means Committee hall where the impeachment committee, formally the intelligence committee was hosting the fake inquiry. Covering his 'arsenal' he continually repeated, 'I can't recall that' and 'I cant' dispute it if they said that'. But during it all he assumed that the military aid to Ukraine was being held up because of the new Ukrainian president not stating publically that there would be an investigation into the company Burisma. He never had any idea that Burisma was tied to the Biden's. He insinuated there was a Quid-Pro-Quo even though the president himself told him there was non and the aid was released without any action from the new Ukrainian administration. President Trump was doing his duty as the chief executive of our country. He was withholding aid until he could determine that the new administration could show that it was willing to pursue the corruption that has plagued Ukraine for decades. Investigating the real 2016 collusion with the Democrats and Clinton campaign was part of the corruption! 11-19-2019 * FISA: The long awaited DOJ inspector general report will be out soon. Next Wednesday the IG, Michael Horowitz, is scheduled to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee to bring us up to date on his findings. By now it has been very obvious to anyone willing to see the facts, for what they are, that the FISA court was intentionally mislead in order to spy on the Trump campaign for political purposes. The intention was to derail the Trump campaign and if that failed to cripple his presidency. What is yet to be seen is who knew, when did they know and who was involved? How high up the food chain did this true conspiracy go? Once discovered, who covered it up? We know the MSM played a major role in the process and continue to this day. It will be fun to watch the cockroaches scrambling for the exits! 11-18-2019 * Gaza: Islamist terrorists continue shooting rockets into Israel targeting innocent civilians. The Israeli forces hit back targeting the terrorists shooting the rockets and their leaders. The MSM blames Israel. No matter how many times this cycle is carried out the typical reaction from the left is the same. They constantly blame the victim and make excuses for the perpetrators. They spew the same nonsense that it's Israel's fault that they are in the condition they're in. They use women and children as human shields then blame Israel for any loss of life that their actions brought upon them. It's hard to coexist with a neighbor whose sole purpose in life is your destruction. This cycle will only end when the Arabs in Gaza care more about their children than they do about killing Israeli ones! 11-15-2019 * Innocence: In a warped interpretation of right and wrong, Nancy "Blinky" Pelosi has shown her true colors again. While attempting to justify the sham impeachment 'inquiry', she explained that the inquiry was a way that president Trump could show or prove his innocence. What? What country is she living in? By being the speaker of the house she would be the most powerful woman in the country yet she goes against basic principles of innocent until proven guilty, common sense and plain decency. This sham started with a guilty verdict while digging for a crime that doesn't exist. It's just a continuation of the destroy Trump at all cost because they know they can't defeat him at the ballot box next year. Dim bulb AOC made that clear yesterday when she said the impeachment inquiry was a way to unify the caucus to prevent a disaster from happening next year. It's going to be a beautiful 'disaster' to watch! 11-14-2019 * Guns: While 'Schifty' Schiff's pants are still smoldering from his bold faced lies yesterday there was another horrific school shooting today. At Saugus High School in Santa Clarita, California a 16 year young male took out a gun from his backpack, killed two classmates, and injured three others then shot himself in the head. All of this on his birthday, happy birthday to evil. When God, family, morals and common sense are taken out of our schools and society, the vacuum created is filled by evil and senseless selfish emotions without consequences. Like in a graphic video game, you kill, get killed, and start all over again. Real life is NOT a video game. Unfortunately acts of cowards like these trigger the mass gun control hysteria into action. They say in unison that the government needs to take our guns, after all it's the guns fault. The question we must ask is, why don't they say it's the guns when they accuse a police officer of killing a civilian in the line of duty? It's always the officers fault. Evil people and empty vessels do not commit mass murder at police stations for a reason! 11-13-2019 * Story-Time: It was 'story-time' at the house non-intelligence impeachment scam hearings today. It was a series of fabrications of content of a call when the facts of the call are in black and white. It’s the search for an answer when the answer is the starting point. It was easy to tell that schifty-Schiff was lying because his lips were moving. The star witness', Ambassador Taylor and Mr. Kent were on display for all to see. Neither one had direct knowledge of the call in question or have had direct contact with the president. They are career bureaucrats with a political bent that is opposed to that of president Trump's. When confronted by Rep. John Rattcliffe (R-TX) with the simple question of whether anything Trump said or did was impeachable, neither could say a word, they were caught with their pants down. Schiff and his troop of fools were boring, predictable and insulting. Common sense be dammed, this is just a continuation of the Trump derangement syndrome that that occupies their angry world. 11-12-2019 * Circus: When I was growing up we all looked forward to the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, it was "The Greatest Show on Earth." How times have changed, tomorrow we will begin to watch a different kind of circus, the Schiff Sisters and Nadler & Company Circus, "The Dumbest Show on Earth." What a farce, a silent coup from the beginning has morphed into a TV spectacle only plausible because of an accomplice media. If the media was truly independent of the liberal Democrat party clutch we wouldn't even be awaiting this circus because it would have never come about. Is it too much to ask our representatives in Congress to do their jobs instead of playing politics with every issue that comes before them, just because they hate President Trump? The Dems' are possessed with hatred, they just can't control themselves, it's not about right and wrong, it's about power. They wield the power of the press, they wield the power of class warfare, they wield the power of racial warfare, they seek to divide and conquer. Fortunately common sense will prevail, their propaganda machine will implode on it's own house of cards. The truth and facts will prevail in the end, no matter how long this circus runs! 11-11-2019 * Thanks: In commemoration of the 11th hour, on the 11th day of the 11th month when World War I ended, we celebrate our veterans on this Veterans Day. The sacrifices that our veterans have made, and continue to make, in securing and preserving our freedom can never be fully paid. Thank you for your service! ![]() 11-8-2019 * Deep-Fake: The deep-state does exist, it is not a formal group or entity, it is a web of bureaucrats and appointees that use their government issued powers beyond the intent of their job descriptions. It is bringing your political biases and hatred into the fray when it has no business being there. This is about putting politics over duty and country. It's about using the power of the government to overturn the will of the people. Their tactics are evil and obvious. If the MSM had any semblance of honesty the deep-fake deep-state could not survive. Unfortunately they are in cahoots. They cover for each other. If you step back and take a macro look at what is going on it is opposite of what happens in a totalitarian country. In those countries the ruling entity controls the media through their propaganda and maintain power and control over their people by doing so. In our case, the duly elected leader of our country is being attacked and compromised by deeply embedded government bureaucrats, leftist elected officials and an accomplice media. If that cabal were able to take control of our country it would be the end of our constitutional republic. The irony of the media love for this coup is if a true socialist/communist entity would be able to subvert the constitution and take over, their very existence would perish, replaced by a government run propaganda machine. Government propaganda as opposed to private sector propaganda, same 'shift'! 11-7-2019 * Hypocrisy: The MSM and Democrats are tripping over themselves in an attempt to hide the identity of the so called Ukrainian whistleblower. Information has been revealed that the whistleblower's intention was politically driven, he is a democrat and connected to the Biden camp. He colluded with the 'shift' for brains staff and possibly Shiff himself before tooting his horn. But there was a problem, he didn't have first persona knowledge of the call so the obvious thing to do was to change the rules and allow second hand knowledge to be accepted in the whistle blowing complaint. Whistleblower protection was meant to keep a whistleblower from being retaliated against at his job, it was not intended to put the person into a witness protection program. In the mean time while the MSM and dems circle the wagons, ABC actively pursued a whistleblower that has proven that ABC buried a story about Jeffrey Epstein from 2016 that would have shown the connection between alleged pedophile Epstein and Bill Clinton. The whistleblower had already left ABC news and was now at CBS. ABC contacted CBS and had him fired. What kind of whistleblower protection is that? Just another blaring example of the hypocrisy on the left. Nothing to see here, move on! 11-6-2019 * Hidden: In many cases the truth is hidden in plain sight, in the case of the impeachment farce, the truth is being hidden purposely by a complicit media. The staged non-whistle-blowing event was blown away in the beginning by the release of the call transcript to the Ukrainian president. That didn't matter, the cards were already dealt out, the talking points rehearsed, the faux outrage as obvious as having turkey on Thanksgiving. Anyone without having 'shift' for brains can see through the charade. It's not about getting to the truth, it's about damaging someone they know they cannot defeat in 2020 honestly, on policies or with whatever integrity they can borrow! 11-5-2019 * We're Back: As many of you already know, we started the Stupid Frogs BLOG a day after the election of Barrack Hussein Obama in November of 2008. The stupidity of a society slowly falling for incremental socialism until they wake one day to have communism was very similar to the frog in the cold water scenario. The theory goes that if you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water it will jump out to save its life. If you drop a frog in a pot of cold water it will remain while you slowly bring the water to a boil and kill it. This is the stupid frog scenario. During his eight years in office The Obama accelerated this process. When Trump defeated Hillary in 2016 he put a big obstacle in the way of the socialist train. In August of 2017 we suspended regular updates to this blog. Trump was making a big difference and our country was once again in safe hands. The collaboration of the Democrats, deep state and media attempting to remove a dully elected president has been ongoing since before president Trump even took office. Socialists have even become more brazen and their violence against the free speech of those they disagree with has become common place. Even with the blaring example of the hell hole that the once rich and prosperous nation of Venezuela has become, due to socialism/communism, the ignorant left moves on. They are the fascists amongst us. With only one year to go until the crucial election of 2020, we decided to get back in the fight. Together we can make a difference; it’s time to fight back! |