SMART-Frog-BLOG Archive
12-31-2014 * Trust: New York mayor De Blasio continues his non-apology tour he began after the assassination of two officers last week. Yesterday he attended a police academy graduation ceremony and was booed. He also met with police union reps with no progress being made. After the Gardner grand jury decision De Blasio commented that he warned his son to be aware of the police and their racist tendencies. That was a stab in the back of the very police that protect him and his family, including his son. When video surfaced of two police officers being assaulted by a demonstrating mob De Blasio said it was an "alleged" attack. You can't change 'stupid'. De Blasio campaigned and was elected mayor on an anti-police platform, that's who he is and that's part of his leftist progressive mentality. Putting a different spin on it is just that, spin, the basic beliefs will not change. A recent poll showed that the president has 15% approval and 55% disapproval from the rank and file, that's a very dangerous state of affairs and shows the lack of trust our military have in their commander-in-chief. The same can be said for De Blasio, the NYPD has lost trust (if they ever had it) in their mayor. They may have given him the benefit of the doubt when he was elected but his actions to date have eroded what ever little trust there may have been. That trust will never be regained. It's like an infection in a limb that turns into gangrene. Too late to save the limb, but it's not to late to save the body. De Blasio is the limb! 12-30-2014 * Pope: There's no question that Pope Francis is a good man and is genuine in his love for people and specially the poor and disadvantaged. Unfortunately he is starting to venture into the political realm in what we believe will be counter productive to his calling as Pope. By being an influential part of The Obama's caving to the Communist dictatorship of the Castro brothers in Cuba, the Pope has aided an atheist regime and guaranteed the continued repression of the Cuban people and his church in Cuba. This was either a political move or a naïve misunderstanding of reality. If you truly want to help the Cuban people and religious freedom in Cuba you would bring all pressure to bear on the dictatorship and not bring about an economic lifeline that will enable their continued oppression. Pope John Paul II aided in the downfall of the Soviet Union by standing up for religious freedom and the people under the control of the Soviet empire. Defending God given human rights and freedom were his objective and he was successful. Now the Vatican is announcing that Pope Francis will be actively engaged in the 'Climate Change' (AKA Global Warming) debate in 2015. He will be backing the United Nations in an attempt to pressure the United States and other western nations into going along with a scheme that will cripple our economies in order to transfer wealth based on bogus and made up science. That is not a role the Pope should be playing. That is not a religious calling, it is a political one and one which will diminish the power an influence of an otherwise wise man. 12-24-2014 Merry Christmas ![]() 12-23-2014 * NYPD: When a black professor was arrested for breaking into his own house by a white police officer in Cambridge, Mass, The Obama made a live statement from the White House calling the police stupid. When Trayvon Martin was shot by Zimmerman after Martin was pounding Zimmerman's head into the ground, The Obama made a live statement saying if he had a son he would look like Trayvon. When the Grand Jury in Ferguson refused to indict officer Wilson after the justified shooting of Michael Brown, The Obama made a live statement critical of the decision and saying that the federal investigation would continue. Now after statements critical of police by The Obama, Holder, De Blasio and Sharp-tongue preceded the assassination of two NYPD police officers, The Obama puts out a written statement. Why isn't the president taking a stronger stance against the brutal cold-blooded premeditated murder of two officers in the patrol car? Why didn't he make a live statement like he did in all those other cases? It's a hate crime when derogatory words are used in a crime or leading to a crime but when a killer announces that he's going to put "wings on pigs" then proceeds to murder two innocent officers it's not considered a hate crime. Where is the federal investigation by Holder's in-justice department? The hypocrisy is palatable as the forces seeking to divide American's by race and economic status continue their destruction of the American fabric. 12-22-2014 * Nkorea: Following The Obama's logic to save the Communist regime of the Castro brothers in Cuba could North Korea be next? After all, sixty years of isolation hasn't worked. We could open up an embassy and normalize relations. The tourism would be great for all and help both economies. The Obama, by his own words, is still a 'young man' and could visit the 'dear leader in his bunker. The Obama could get some tattoos, face piercings (Kim Yum Yum loves those) and bring a basketball to play with. The poor North Koreans have been victims of misguided American policies for sixty years. Why not try something new? It's not their system, it's the result of mean spirited Americans that have isolated the innocent North Korean people. We could start by sending them some gerbils and squirrels so they could increase their electricity output and maybe have some light in the evening. Those long dark nights have only served to depress the happy people of North Korea. The Obama's foreign policy idiocy, it's a beautiful thing. 12-19-2014 * Gross: Alan Gross was just traded in a prisoner exchange with Cuba. He spent five years wrongfully jailed as a hostage by the brutal Communist dictatorship of the Castro brothers. Why then did he praise The Obama for giving his captors everything they wanted and saving their regime? Another piece of the puzzle has just come to light. Just after his arrival in U.S. he went to his lawyers office, Scott Gilbert, to prepare a statement for the public. A photograph of their meeting was taken by a New York Times reporter. The Washington Post posted the picture in which a portrait of Cuban terrorist and murderer Che Guevara is clearly visible in the office. There is also a picture of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara playing golf in their military uniforms. Che Guevara was the enforcer for Castro's brutal regime. He had a hand in the murder thousands in cold blood during the early days of the Castro dictatorship. After five years in a Cuban prison you would think that Gross would want nothing to do in support of his jailers or their sympathizers. Yet there he is with a picture of Che in the background. Something smells fishy. (view picture) 12-18-2014 * Hypocrisy: There are many examples of liberal hypocrisy, yesterday we witness some conservative hypocrisy. After condemning The Obama for his illegal and un-Constitutional amnesty, some conservatives yesterday applauded The Obama's surrender to Cuba's tyrannical government. You can't have it both ways, the Cuban embargo is American law, only congress can repeal it. For over 5 decades Cuba's communist dictators have been a consistent enemy of the United States, that has not changed. Cuba's closest allies are Iran, North Korea, Putin's Russia, China and Venezuela. The Obama just joined the communist club of fools. The Cuban regime has murdered thousands of innocent people through the years, they continue to jail dissidents whose only crime is voicing their disagreement with their tyrannical leaders. The largest amount of human beings killed by sharks in the world, you will not see on shark week, it's Cubans eaten alive in the Florida Straights escaping the island prison The Obama has just capitulated too. Imaging how bad your existence must be to risk your life on a make-shift raft and head into the high seas leaving family and home behind. Their blood is on The Obama's hands. The problem with the Cuban economy is not the embargo, they can deal with other countries in the world. The problem with Cuba is their system, the bankrupt communist system, that is now guaranteed not to change. Like Reagan said, "Communism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” Cuba has been a living hell for over 54 years, The Obama lifeline will enable its continuance. 12-17-2014 * Cuba: The Obama continues his shredding of the U.S. Constitution. He illegally re-wrote immigration law and now is bypassing Congress again by unilaterally doing away with the American embargo on the Communist government of Cuba. He has just finished a prisoner swap with Cuba that brought Alan Gross home in exchange for 3 convicted Cuban spies. Allan Gross was imprisoned in Cuba for 5 years, his crime was to help bring Internet access to a small Jewish community there. As American oil production on private lands has brought the world oil players to their knees, The Obama is giving away the store. Cuba gets their oil from Venezuela. Venezuela is in turmoil from the people rebelling against the Communist strongman Maduro and the huge drop in the price of oil. Their economy is dependent on oil and Cuba's is dependent of Venezuela. This is the time to increase economic pressure not reduce it. The Obama regime is essentially throwing the Cuban communist tyrants a life line. He is rewarding barbarians that have enslaved the Cuban people for over 54 years. Cuba is still on the State Department's terrorist list so by going through with the prisoner swap The Obama regime negotiated with terrorists. The Obama just said that he made a deal with the Cuban people, he didn't, he made a deal with the devil. 12-16-2014 * Taliban: An assault by Taliban Islamic terrorists on a military school in Pakistan today has killed over 130 people. Most of the dead are children. Yesterday it was Sydney, Australia today it's Pakistan. There are reports that children are currently being held hostage. Another example of the 'religion of peace' jihadists doing what they do best, killing innocents. You cannot apologize for evil, you have to meet it head-on and destroy it. Are Muslims across the world condemning these attacks or excusing them? Are they attacking the messengers as being Islamophobic? If Islamophobic is recognizing the evil that Islam does then count me as one. Profiling works. When the vast majority of terrorist acts in the world are committed by Islamic men in their 20's and 30's it would stand to reason that it's not old ladies in wheel chairs. It's time to bury politically correct liberal nonsense and focus on the evil before us. A well armed citizenry of law abiding Americans is what stands between us and the Islamic threat we face. We should be encouraging people to defend themselves and their families. Terrorist are cowards, they attack women and children. Have you ever heard of an Islamic terrorist attacking at a gun show? 12-15-2014 * Sydney: Another Muslim attack just ended in Sydney, Australia. A self-titled Muslim sheik took hostages in "The Chocolate Café," he threatened to explode a bomb there and in other places throughout the city. He had hostages hold up an ISIS flag, clearly showing where his inspiration and dedication came from. How many more of these killers are already within our borders? They are poisoned by an evil belief that teaches them to kill the infidels and to seek martyrdom for their so called 'religion of peace'. Of course it is not a religion of peace, it's a political system that seeks to destroy anyone who does not conform to its evil nature. Last week four young boys, all under the age of 15, were beheaded by these monsters for not denouncing their belief in Christ. You can not negotiate with this evil, you either eliminate it or surrender. Convert or be killed. Political correctness is their accomplice. Appeasing their existence only emboldens them. Australia enacted draconian gun control laws, this only served to disarm the Australian people and make them easy targets for the likes of the now dead sheik. Instead of 72 virgins he now has a one way ticket to hell. 12-12-2014 * Budget: No budget is better than a bad budget. Although the House has sent a budget to the Senate every year since The Obama regime took over the Senate has yet to pass one. Why is it then that during this lame duck session, in which the Democrat house of cards is crumbling before our eyes, it's suddenly critical that we have a budget? Boehner's budget is a surrender to The Obama and Dirty Harry Reid. Boehner's budget legitimizes The Obama's illegal amnesty by fully funding it. This goes against the will of the American people. It fully funds ObamaCare, that is also contrary to the will of the American people. You know how bad this bill is when The Obama is lobbying Democrats to vote for it. Rather than seek assistance from conservatives in the House, Boehner is reaching out to the president. The American people clearly voted in November to halt The Obama's policies. Boehner and the GOP leadership has just sold them out. The way to go would have been to pass a continuing resolution to fund the government until early next year when the new Congress convenes. Let the new Congress pass a balanced budget and force the president's hand. If he were to veto it, a government shutdown would be by his hand. That could not have been twisted, even by the lapdog media. 12-11-2014 * Cheney: Vice President Dick Cheney is right on the money. Release of the 'Democrat only' biased report against the CIA was a mistake. The enhanced interrogation techniques used after 9/11 provided valuable information that helped save America lives. Monday morning quarterbacking by political hacks cannot change historical facts. Feinstein's committee did not interview any of the people involved in the interrogations or their superiors. They chose to pick through stacks of paper and prepare a report to fit their means and agenda. Feinstein admitted to CNN's Wolf Blitzer that the timing of the release was such that it was done while the DEMs still control the Senate. She said that it may never have seen the light of day when the Republicans gain control in January. That translates into a politically driven move on her part. She was putting ideological considerations ahead of the best interests of the American people and our allies. After 9/11 the country was united in fighting the evil that attacked us with whatever means we had at our disposal. No one could have imagined that we would not have been struck like that again. But we weren't. In large part by what President Bush and Vice President Cheney did at the time. They were strong leaders through a turbulent and dangerous time and kept us safe. The Obama uses drones to destroy targets and their families while at weddings. This to the warped liberal/progressive mind is beneficial over individually subjecting a terrorist to interrogation that could divulge information that could save lives. War is hell, when you find it at your doorstep, you deal with it. We did, and it worked. 12-10-2014 * Gruber: ObamaCare architect and self confessed master of the 'stupid' was attacked in a hearing yesterday. Both Republicans and Democrats jump on Gruber as he pleaded mea culpa and pretended to be as stupid as he believed the American people and Congress to be. As much as Gruber and the White House want to change things, you can't hide facts and evidence. Gruber's ObamaCare confessions weren't just a one time slip of the tongue or and act of accidentally misspeaking. Multiple videos and interviews confirm the treachery behind the selling of ObamaCare. Although both the GOP and DEMs jumped all over Gruber the reasons were 180 degrees apart. The GOP defended the American people from being considered stupid and justified their opposition to ObamaCare by Gruber's confessions. DEMs jumped all over Gruber for letting the cat out of the bag. How dare he tell the truth of the conspiracy behind the lies that formulated the passing of ObamaCare. Democrats that went along with the lies can't pass off their stupidity on Gruber, they fit his definition. Looks like Gruber got a little taste of his own medicine though, he got Grubered. 12-9-2014 * Feinstein: California Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein is releasing a partisan damaging report of interrogation techniques used after 9/11. The report is based on documents, no operators were interviewed. After learning of the biased nature of the report Republicans on Feinstein committee withdrew from the process. Release of this biased CIA bashing report is not only dangerous it also borders on treason. It will aid and abet our enemies, giving them material from which to fundraise and recruit. It will put Americans and our allies in harms way overseas as Islamists seek retaliation. Feinstein excuses the release of the report by saying that it's a dangerous world an this report is not going to change that. It is a dangerous world and her report is going to worsen those dangers. The CIA was working on interrogations to gather information to save American lives. In the meanwhile our enemies were beheading their captives. We use enhanced interrogation techniques while our enemies kill their hostages in the most evil ways they can imaging. There is no moral equivalency here. We have enough of a fight on our hands defeating the evil Islamic enemy before us without having to deal with idiocy from within our own Congress. Feinstein's actions today are disgraceful! 12-8-2014 * GITMO: The Obama has just released another 6 GITMO prisoners. These aren't shoplifters they are hardened Islamic jihadists. They are the worst of the worst. It is estimated that at least 30% of prisoners that have been released from GITMO have returned to the fight. We suspect that number is most likely much higher. They get the 30% number from identifying the prisoners that have been involved in jihad activity or have been killed in the process. Those that have not been identified may also be back at work in their twisted jihad. The 5 prisoners that were exchanged for traitor Bergdhal were sent to Qatar with an agreement that they couldn't leave the country for one year. These recent prisoners were sent to Uruguay with no restrictions on their movements. For all we know they could be heading to the open Mexican border for easy entry into Obama's world, the world of amnesty and betrayal. We are in a world war against radical Islam, it was not a war of our choosing but one which was brought to us. The jihadists in GITMO are not detainees, they are prisoners of war. Prisoners of war are not released until the end of the war. To release dangerous prisoners during a war serves to aid and abet our enemies, endanger our military and public in general. The Obama couldn't close GITMO when he took office so he is slowing releasing prisoners until in the end, he will have achieved his goal. His goal is contrary to the national security of our country therefore, he is actively working against the best interest of the American people and assisting the very people that are seeking to destroy our way of life. 12-5-2014 * de Blasio: New York City mayor Bill de Blasio, being the progressive that he is, has just thrown the NYPD under the bus. In the midst of ongoing protests surrounding the Brown case and now the Garner case he tells the media, "I've had to worry over the years, Chirlane has had to worry: Is Dante safe each night?" and that the danger emanated from both the criminals and "the very people they (children) want to have faith in as their protectors." The mayor has authority over the police commissioner which in turn has authority over the police department. The mayor is telling his half-black son Dante that there is as much danger from criminals as there is from the police. This is not only an outrageous position and advise to give but it also has the affect of encouraging more dissent against the very people that protect law abiding citizens, the NYPD. Police are human beings an as such make mistakes. By viewing the Garner video it is easy to come away with the opinion that the police used excessive force when trying to subdue Eric Garner for selling 'loosies'. If Garner had simply surrendered he would still be alive today. The underlying problem here is that it is laws and regulations supported by progressives like de Blasio which made selling a 'loose' cigarette a crime that lead to the police having to arrest Garner for such a stupid action. A senseless big government law forcing the hand of the police led to this unfortunate death. The mayor should be ashamed of his disrespect for the very people that keep his sorry a__ safe. 12-4-2014 * ObamaCare: In a hypocritical about face, Senator Chuckie Schumer (D-NY) criticized The Obama taking on ObamaCare as a priority instead of focusing on the economy. Even though he was an accomplice all along he now feels emboldened with a lame duck Obama to deal with. Now another liberal Senator, Tom Harkin (D-IA), is jumping on the bandwagon. Harkin said, “We had the power to do it in a way that would have simplified healthcare, made it more efficient and made it less costly and we didn’t do it.” Harkin believes the president didn't go far enough, he wanted a single-payer healthcare system. Single-payer is The Obama's goal, ObamaCare was a vehicle to get there. They have single-payer in Cuba and North Korea, works great for them as escapes from those Communist hell-holes can tell you. With complete control of Congress and the executive branch in the first two years of his regime, The Obama chose to focus on ObamaCare even though the economy was the main issue and Americans were hurting. There will be more of these hypocritical confessions from people who fell in line with the hope and change mirage. It was all about controlling the people. If you control the people's healthcare you control the people, that's a basic Communist philosophy and The Obama is well aware of it. As the delays in ObamaCare continue to end it will be fun to watch the cockroaches scatter as more light is shed on the monstrosity it is. 12-3-2014 * Profiling: Eric Holder and The Obama continue to push the profiling narrative when speaking of the Ferguson case. The shooting of Michael Brown had nothing to do with racial profiling but it's with profiling that race baiters can continue to agitate the black community. Holder said, “In the coming days, I will announce updated Justice Department guidance regarding profiling by federal law enforcement. This will institute rigorous new standards – and robust safeguards – to help end racial profiling, once and for all. This new guidance will codify our commitment to the very highest standards of fair and effective policing.” There are three glaring issues with his statement, first: there was no profiling in the Brown case, second: there were no federal law enforcement involved and third: it is already illegal for federal law enforcement to profile. This leaves the only reason for Holder's action, to continue the agitation and enragement of a misinformed segment of the black community. It is through division and mistrust that the likes of The Obama and Holder get their power and it is trough unity and facts that their power will eventually fade away. 12-2-2014 * Deflection: ISIS continues to grow in numbers, power and territory. They are urging their followers to target American military families here which has resulted in the Pentagon telling our soldiers to curtail their first amendment rights and hide in the shadows. They should, for their own protection of course, limit their visibility and give in to the horror that is the Islamic State. You know, the Islamic State, the one that The Obama says is not Islamic (his lips were moving). With this evil wave on the move and our military's hands being tied in knots by the policies of this regime, the public's eyes are being deflected by made up racial attacks in Ferguson, White House cabinet brain-draining sessions and illegal executive amnesty. Deflection is a magicians primary tool. Misinformation (lies) and race baiting are The Obama's main tools. 'Stand up don’t shoot' never happened, 'pants up don't loot' should! 12-1-2014 * Race: The Obama says he doesn't comment on ongoing investigations, and like he's done many times, he's doing just the opposite. Today he's having cabinet level meetings on Ferguson while his and Holder's department of in-justice is still investigating. That's commenting with a spotlight on hypocrisy. Meanwhile back on the farm, sharp -tongued Sharpton tells a St. Luis congregation, from the pulpit, “We lost our round, but the fight is not over. You won the first round, Mr. Prosecutor, but don't take your gloves off. Justice will come to Ferguson.” So much for the grand jury system. The 'post-racial' president and his team of race-baiters pretend to care about race when in reality they create racial tension with their words and deeds. There's a reason why lady justice wears a blindfold, the Brown shooting had nothing to do with race, is was about crime and an assault on a police officer. If Brown had not robbed the convenience store, if he had not assaulted the police officer in his car and he had stopped when the officer told him to, he would be alive today. Brown was responsible for his actions and his actions lead to his death. 11-27-2014
11-26-2014 * Same-Bull: When asked about the grand jury decision yesterday, The Obama said he doesn't comment on ongoing investigations. His lips were moving so obviously, you know what he was doing. Remember the Cambridge professor issue when without knowing the facts, The Obama chimed into an ongoing investigation and called the Cambridge police 'stupid'? How about when an ongoing investigation was taking place in the Trayvon Martin case he chimed in saying if he had a son he would look like Trayvon. In the Ferguson Brown case the grand jury has already decided that, to use his own words, there was not a 'smidgen' of evidence to bring charges against officer Wilson. Not only that but there was also not a 'smidgen' of evidence that race had anything to do with the shooting of Brown. Brown was the aggressor and Wilson was the victim. Brown had just robbed a convenience store then assaulted a police officer. Wilson was doing his job. If Brown would have stopped his aggressive behavior and surrendered, he'd still be alive today. Holder's in-justice department, backed by The Obama, will continue to stoke the flames of racism as they attempt to make a case against Wilson, shame on them! 11-25-2014 * Hagel: Cabinet secretaries serve at the pleasure of the president and seldom serve for two terms. Secretary of Defense Hagel served for less than two years. He didn't resign, as The Obama said, he was forced out. Former Defense secretaries Gates and Panetta have been very critical of The Obama regime's micro managing of defense and our military. Hagel refused to continue his blind adherence to failed policies. In return for his honesty in the effort against ISIS he was rewarded with a get-out-of-jail free card. You do not enter into a conflict by admitting what you will not do (no boots on the ground), and you do not put our military at risk by not giving them all the tools at their disposal. You do not minimize their effectiveness or put them in danger with politically correct rules of engagement. You do not enter a conflict or war without the will to win and win at all costs. War is hell, you can't clean up hell, you either fight it ruthlessly or you'll pay with the innocent lives of your volunteer force. The president's job is to outline a mission then let the commanders determine the strategy to achieve it. Micro managing only leads to death and failure. Secretary Hagel knew this and that's why he's out at Defense. * Ferguson: The expected rioting and looting took place on queue. The grand jury took three months to view evidence and hear testimony, they found no evidence to bring charges against officer Wilson. On the contrary, they found that officer Wilson was attacked in his car then was being rushed by Brown when he shot to stop him. Justice to the rioters of Ferguson meant a lynching of Wilson. It's a failure of liberal policies that has led to the breakdown of inner city neighborhoods and families. The cycle will continue until fundamental changes are made in our schools and failed communities. 11-24-2014 * Ferguson: Pre-demonstration demonstrations have been going on in Ferguson is anticipation of the Brown grand jury decision. The fact that there have been demonstrations before a decision has been handed down proves that it's not about justice, it's about racially driven protests stoked by race baiters and anarchists. Regardless of the decision the powder keg is going off. Officer Wilson has been in hiding and even has a bounty on his head. It has been reported that a reward has been announced for anyone who identifies where the officer is. Some flyers have even called for his death. His career as a police officer is over. The FBI has arrested two New Black Panther Party members in possession of pipe-bombs that they were planning on setting off in the streets of Ferguson. To his credit, Brown's father has called for calm in the community, unfortunately his calls have been ignored. In the coming days we will find out whether justice or mob rule reigns supreme in Ferguson. 11-21-2014 * Lips: What's the sure fire way to tell in The Obama is lying? Answer: His lips are moving! His amnesty speech last night fit that mold. According to the king, the border is the most secure it's ever been. Ignore the thousands that are coming across and the bus loads of illegals that are being dumped across the country, nothing to see here. The Obama and his defenders are excusing his executive amnesty order by saying that Reagan and Bush did similar ones. That's a flat out lie. Reagan worked with Congress to pass amnesty for 3 million illegals in exchange for securing the border. The border was never secured. Reagan's executive order was to fix a loophole in that law, he worked with congress on it. Bush's executive order was to fix another loophole in the same law, he also worked with Congress. The Obama gave over 20 speeches about immigration in which he said he did not have the Constitutional authority to act unilaterally, yesterday he did just that. What changed? Did the Constitution magically change after the midterms? What changed is that there are no more elections until he leaves office and he now feels he can do what he wants. If Congress does not pass laws to support his policies he'll just bypass Congress and use executive orders. This is a direct affront to our form of government and a Constitutional crisis. The Constitution has a remedy for an out of control president and impeachment is the beginning of that process. 11-20-2014 * Immigration: The Obama has ignored the will of the people, elections have consequences, but not for the chosen one. Last night he hosted a dinner with Congressmen and Senators and did not invite one Republican. The dinner was to discus his amnesty executive order. He is sabotaging any possibility of working with the new Congress by bypassing Congress all together. Working on immigration is not that difficult. First you secure the borders then you sit down and discuss the options. Securing the borders is not just an immigration issue it's a national security one. That should be a top priority of any president but this one is more intent on playing political games and appeasing his base. It's a ploy to back Republicans into a corner and dare them to shut down the government. With the MSM ready to aid the regime they feel they have the upper hand now ahead of the GOP takeover of the Senate. It's time to start the process to end the reign of the enigma in the White House. His sealed background, forged documents, illegal social security number, scandals, lies, betrayal of our allies and aiding our enemies, there's a laundry list of offenses against our Constitution and security that The Obama needs to be held accountable for. That time is at hand. 11-19-2014 * Complicity: As outrageous as the Gruber statements have been, they have generally been ignored by the MSM. To admit that lack of transparence and confidence in the American people were actual strategies, employed by The Obama and his minions, to pass ObamaCare should shock the consciousness of all our citizens, except of course, those involved in it. The MSM, whether they were duped or complicit in the subterfuge, are in so deep that they now find themselves in a difficult situation. They either continue their covering for the regime or they admit they were part of the problem. In either case their credibility is forever damaged. Conservatives knew all along that ObamaCare was a wealth re-distribution scheme in which people would necessarily lose their health insurance in order to insure the un-insured. Old policies would become non-compliant, due to ObamaCare regulations, causing those losing insurance to re-insure with more costly plans allowing for funds to cover the un-insured in the form of credits. A huge transfer of wealth from one group of Americans to another. Now the regime strategy is to throw Gruber under the bus and pretend they don't even know him. We've all be 'Grubered' in more ways than one. 11-18-2014 * Gruber: Asked in Australia about Jonathan Gruber's 'stupid' remarks The Obama said, "I just heard about this." Caught with their hands in the cookie jar and their pants down, The Obama and his regime attack the messenger. Even though Gruber was one of the primary architects of ObamaCare, and a frequent visitor to the White House, they claim he wasn't on staff and was barely involved. Gruber himself said he misspoke when he called the American people stupid but then several other tapes have come out with him using the same words and statements. Seems he is a repeat offender. What Gruber said was the truth, ObamaCare was passed with deception and the American people were duped. When Pelosi said we have to pass it to find out what's in it, she was right. Gullible easily fooled Democrats voted for a law without knowing what was in it and now they're stuck with it. ObamaCare has never had a majority of Americans support it and what little support it had is fading. It's a bad law and should be repealed. There are improvements that can be made to our healthcare system, ObamaCare is not it. 11-17-2014 * Ferguson: Justice may be blind but the race baiters descending on Ferguson are not. Facts in the case don't matter, it's the narrative of the 'innocent' unarmed black 'boy' being shot by a white police officer. The crime that Brown committed at the convenience store doesn't matter, trying to wrestle the officers gun from him while he was in the police cruiser doesn't matter, punching the officer in the face to the point of fracturing his eye socket doesn't matter. The officer must pay because he's white and Brown was black. Black on black murders in Chicago, New York City, Detroit and others don't matter, it's about perceived racism on the part of the police force. It's about out of town agitators taking advantage of the tension to riot and loot local businesses. From the facts that have been made public it's clear that charges should not be brought against the police officer. That would be justice, unfortunately that justice may lead to the injustice of out of control mobs which may materialize in its wake. 11-14-2014 * Reid: Yesterday the tone deaf Democrats in the Senate re-elected Dirty Harry Reid as their leader. He did such a great job that they just couldn't help themselves. Just like other government jobs, and especially jobs within this regime, failure leads to promotions and longevity. Nancy "Blinky" Pelosi was also re-elected as the DEMs leader in the House. The losing team remains intact, such joy. Democrats in Congress have given the GOP an early Christmas gift, by keeping this race-baiting, war on women, amnesty loving crowd in place they are making the GOP's job much easier. They can banter and carry on but they no longer have the numbers to obstruct. The American people will see where the true gridlock has been, it was clearly stationed on Dirty Harry's desk. 11-13-2014 * Consequences: Apparently elections don't have consequences in ObamaWorld. The repudiation of The Obama policies and Democrat complicity was due in part to the subject of immigration. The regimes unilateral selective enforcement, the lack of effort to secure our borders and the releasing of convicted illegals into our streets. These factors fueled some of the anger that led to the overwhelming GOP victories. Rather than take note of what the American people just told him, The Obama is listening to the people that didn't vote, he hears only what he wants to hear. Rather than wait for the new Congress to be seated he is said to be on the verge of implementing a broad illegal alien amnesty of 5 million people. Regardless of which side of the argument you fall on this is not the way to proceed. Before any discussion of what to do with the illegals who are here now the borders must be secured. A promise to secure the borders after any form of legality takes place makes this a broken promise in the making. It's happened before. Comprehensive immigration reform means nothing more than we fooled you again. 11-12-2014 * China: In a surprise move The Obama regime has struck a deal with China on their climate change agenda. The deal calls for stronger reductions of emissions from the U.S. by 2025 and China by 2030. China would be free to continue their current emissions for 15 years. This in conjunction with China building a new coal power plant every 10 days while we are bankrupting our coal industry with over zealous EPA regulations. We are further crippling our economy and killing jobs while China continues unabated. This is just another political ploy by The Obama to appease his radical environmental base in the aftermath of the whipping they took last Tuesday. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and limps like a duck, it's a lame duck. Negotiating from a position of weakness begets weak results. To make matters worse China conducted in your face test flights of their new J-31 stealth fighter jet. A jet they were able to build by stealing information from Lockheed Martin. Chinese cyber attacks on Lockheed Martin's F-35 Joint Strike Fighter were used to steal the plans. The J-31 looks suspiciously like the F-35, what a surprise. China is an adversary, economically, militarily and geopolitically. We have to deal with them from that perspective or continue to get the short end of the stick. 11-11-2014 * Veterans Day: We are indebted to Veterans, past, present and future for their selfless sacrifice in defense of our freedom. It's unfortunate that we have a president that only gives lip service to our military. He puts on a show while at the same time undercuts our Veterans at every opportunity. He rules over the purging of our officers, which disagree with the destruction they see before their eyes, while promoting those that tow the line. He strengthens his 'civilian security force' at the expense of our Veterans and active military. We see massive government waste and boondoggles while at the same time hear of Veteran's having their much needed healthcare denied or delayed. This regimes priorities do not lie with those who serve to protect the very government who now betrays them. In spite of our current leadership in Washington the vast majority of Americans are very thankful to our Veterans and will continue to support them. May GOD bless them all. 11-10-2014 * Iran: It was revealed last week that The Obama sent a secret letter to the leader of Iran. With high level multi-national negotiations with Iran scheduled to end on November 24, this letter is more than a bit suspect. Now we factor in ISIS. ISIS was identified as a threat in August of 2013 by the Iraqi government, the regime ignored it. After ISIS atrocities, almost a year later, including beheadings of American journalists, The Obama was dragged kicking and screaming into responding. That response has been lackluster and has tied our military efforts up in knots by announcing what we will not do. Now the big picture is becoming clear. The weak response to the evil that is ISIS may be an intentional plan to bring Iran onboard in exchange for a nuclear deal. Iran is lined up against ISIS but you don't make a deal with the devil for political expediency. Allowing Iran to participate in the 'boots on the ground' strategy against ISIS would give them unfettered influence in Iraq further minimizing the gains we made when freeing the Iraqi people form the shackles of the Hussein dictatorship. Iran's negotiating strategy has always been to delay long enough to develop their nuclear capabilities. They get closer by the day. Allowing them to reach their goal in exchange for their cooperation against ISIS would be disastrous for the free world and specially for Israel. 11-7-2014 * Clintons: Not only were The Obama and Democrats big losers on Tuesday, the Clinton's were as well. While The Obama was shunned by most of the DEMs running for office, the Clinton's were embraced. Hillary stumped for eight candidates, only one of eight was victorious, nice showing Hillary. Likewise Bill "meaning of is, is" Clinton had a dismal showing. Even in his home state of Arkansas, his candidate lost. If this was a test of the waters for 2016, they failed miserably. The one thing the Clintons have going for them is the MSM still has their back. Hillary's Benghazi lies and 'what difference does it make' bull just gets swept under the rug by an adoring media. Her lack of accomplishment as a Senator and Secretary of State is overlooked and excused. Her recent 'businesses don't create jobs' stupidity is ignored. Her claim to fame is being Bill's wife and having a hideous laugh. Like finger nails on a chalk board and the sounds of rubbing a balloon, beware the screeching. Like it or not, they're not going away anytime soon. 11-6-2014 * Defiance: There is no limit to the arrogance and defiance exhibited by The Obama. Speaking yesterday after the repudiation of his policies on Tuesday he said, "To the people who voted I hear you, to the two-thirds that didn't vote, I hear you too." Did he hear the forty-three percent that didn't vote in 2012? Even with this overwhelming lose he is thinking of ways he can circumvent the will of the American people. He will use executive orders and the executive branch to bypass Congress. The new Congress needs to move legislation through the Senate and get it to his desk. Then and only then will the facts of his obstruction be clear for everyone to see. On a parallel track, Congress should use its oversight responsibility to get to the bottom of the regimes scandals. The Benghazi cover-up, the IRS targeting of their political opposition, the DOJ targeting journalists, NSA spying and Fast-n-Furious amongst others. There are numerous scandals that have the White House and the president directly in the center of their tangled webs. The new Congress was just elected to cut the government down to size and bring those responsible for these scandals to justice. 11-4-2014 * +9: Today the GOP is at +7 with Alaska becoming the 8th soon. Next month, in a runoff election, Senator Landrieu will loose to GOP challenger Cassidy. There were two Republicans in the race with a total vote count of 55%. Landrieu got 41%. When Cassidy wins on December 6th the GOP will be at +9 in this wave election. After winning his elections The Obama said, "Elections have consequences." Yesterday's election has consequences and a huge promise to the American people. Gone will be the Congressional gridlock which was orchestrated by Dirty Harry Reid in a failed effort to protect The Obama. The GOP lead house have sent 380 bills over to Dirty Harry's Senate, none of which have seen the light of day. This while DEMs complained of a do-nothing Republican House. Those days will be over now. There is an understood rule that when polls open, campaigning stops. Last night, while polls were still open, the White House announced an invitation for Friday of a bi-partisan, bi-cameral meeting. Was this a veiled attempt to influence last minute voters? No dirty tricks are beyond this regime's grasp. The emperor has lost his clothes, now he works with Congress or continues to circumvent them with executive orders and Czars. In either case, his days are numbered! 11-4-2014 * Election: It's been said before, "This is the most important election in my lifetime." Until the next one, this is the most important. It's about whether we continue down the path of mediocrity and transformation or put on the brakes and reverse some of the damage that has already been done. If the GOP takes the Senate the roadblock will have been removed. The Democrat mantra of "Republicans don't have a plan" will be shown up for what it is, a politically manufactured lie. Republicans have passed an endless string of bills that only go to the Senate to be tabled by Dirty Harry and his accomplices. That will change and The Obama will have to veto legislation that will show him up for what he is, a polarizing narcissist intent on diminishing American exceptionalism, both at home and around the world. This is a very important election. Not only are The Obama's failed policies on the table, liberalism itself is on the ballot. Big government excess is at stake. The question remains whether enough Americans see the damage that has been done, and care enough to change the direction we are headed with their votes. Complacency is not an option. You either join the wave to take our country back or stand back and watch the train wreck that will surely come, if The Obama is allowed to continue unimpeded. 11-3-2014 * Vote: Apathy is the enemy of a representative republic. It happens every election. Many people refuse to vote because they feel their vote doesn't matter, that it won't make a difference. This apathy leads to the election of radicals like we have in the White House today. Every vote makes a difference. It's not just a right, voting is the citizen's primary responsibility. It is through the power of the vote that our system of government functions. We control who runs our government and by not voting you are giving up your right to make a difference. If you're tired of gridlock in Congress, give control of the Senate to Republicans then judge them on the results next election. We have seen the Dirty Harry Reid Senate become the most political and obstructive in decades, it's time to change that. Voting is the power to hire and fire. It's time to fire the Democrat rubber stamps for The Obama and right the ship of state. Send the lame duck to the links where we can minimize the damage he can do during his last two years in office. By taking the Senate, we can do that. Vote Republican and make a difference! 10-31-2014 * Halloween: Tonight it's candy, Tuesday it's reality. With the midterms just a few days away the importance of these elections cannot be over stated. Tuesday will determine if a united Congress will be able to stand up to the radical Obama agenda or if Dirty Harry will continue to carry his water. Democrats will be throwing everything they can to get out the vote and turn the tide. They will rehash their war on women stupidity, scare African Americans with false accusations and excuse The Obama's failures by blaming Republicans in the House. They can't run on achievement so they'll run on personal attacks and fear mongering. Tricks and treachery in the voting on Tuesday could make a difference in some of the closer elections. What it's going to take is an overwhelming amount of participation by concerned citizens intent maintain the integrity of the elections and on stopping this outlaw regime from continuing their destruction of our society. On Tuesday it will be a true trick-or-treat day. Will Democrats dirty tricks steal some more elections or will we be treated to some sanity and start to raise the firewall on the regimes abuses? 10-30-2014 * Ebola: Healthcare workers that are willing to sacrifice their time and put their lives at risk in Africa, should not have a problem with a little sacrifice for the sake of public safety here. We have been fortunate that there hasn't been a large outbreak of Ebola in the United States, but that's not to say it couldn't happen. The CDC has been assuring us that Ebola is hard to transmit and that you have to come into close contact with bodily fluids of an infected individual. Now they have amended their statement to include droplets from sneezing. In other words, the Ebola that they said could not be transmitted by airborne particulars now can be. After all, a sneeze is body fluids, guess they overlooked that one, in a politically expedient kind of way. It's not to much to ask for a healthcare worker to include a 21 day quarantine in the time they are planning to assist in Africa. That quarantine should preferably be done in Africa but could be done upon their return. The physicians motto of 'First do no harm' should be extended to all healthcare workers involved in the treatment of this terrible disease. 10-29-2014 * Fraud: Many on the left dismiss voter fraud as what they call a myth. They claim that requiring an ID to vote is discrimatory because minorities can't afford an ID. How demeaning and racist is that? ID's are required for many functions including Democrat fundraisers where they criticizes voter ID requirements. The hypocrisy is palatable. We all know that voter fraud occurs in all elections. The question is how many illegal votes are cast and could they swing an election one way or another. In North Carolina a cross check was done of the 2012 general election and the evidence showed 35,750 voters with matching first, last names and date of birth voted in at least two states. A total of 28 states participated in the crosscheck. Also in 2012 in St. Lucie County Florida only one precinct had less than 113% turnout. There were 175,554 registered voters in the county and a total of 247,713 votes were cast, that's a 141.10% turnout! In one polling place, the National SEAL Museum, the turnout was 158.85%. Logic would dictate that these are not just isolated incidents, voter fraud does occur. Every illegal vote disenfranchises a legal one. ID's should be mandatory in all states to guarantee the integrity of our elections. How many illegal votes are acceptable? 10-28-2014 * Redskins: The Red Mesa, Arizona high school team is called the Redskins. As the team takes the field for a football game, cheers erupt in the stadium, “Let’s go, Redskins!” Most of the team, fans and students are part of the Navajo Nation and proud to call themselves Redskins. Students, parents and others carry signs in the bleachers which read, “Fear the Spear” and “Redskin Nation.” The politically correct few paint a picture that is not true. A vast majority of Native Americans not only have no problem with the Washington Redskins name, but they are proud of the name and many are fans of the team. It takes fools like Dirty Harry Reid to come up with a bill to try and force the Redskins to change their name. The Redskin team was founded in 1932 as the Boston Braves. The first coach of the Redskins was William Henry "Lone Star" Dietz, a Native American. In 1933 the team name was changed from Braves to Redskins in recognition of Dietz and to avoid confusion with the Boston Braves baseball team. There were at least three Native Americans on the team and the Redskins logo was designed by a Native American. The PC crowd and misinformed, like Dirty Harry should focus on fixing problems and not creating them. There is a long history of greatness with the Washington Redskins and a proud tradition that spans generations. Hail to the Redskins (HTTR)! 10-27-2014 * Hillarious: At times progressives lower their smokescreen and their true beliefs shine through. We all remember when The Obama said, "You didn't build that," speaking of people building their businesses. Now Hillary Clinton has said, “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.” This is such an idiotic statement that it borders on disbelief. If businesses and corporations do not create jobs then who does? Government? The tooth fairy? This kind of thinking goes to the basis for Clinton's 'It takes a village' philosophy. If you didn't build it then it belongs to everyone and has to be shared. The government will make sure that the wealth is distributed equally, even to those that didn't have anything to do with building it to begin with. They also give you the argument that you didn't build the roads and other infrastructure that allows the business to function. Business owners may not have built the roads but their tax dollars contributed to that infrastructure the same as anyone else's. The infrastructure is supported by all and there for all to use. Does your car belong to everyone because your using public roads? The center of a liberal's universe is big government and the bigger the more satisfied they are. Our founding fathers created this great nation on the concept of limited government, progressives/liberals/socialists have turned that principle on it's head. 10-24-2014 * Ends: A little over a week from the midterm elections and DEM's continue to run away from their leader and his failures. Meanwhile the chosen one says those DEM's are only doing and saying what they have to in order to get elected, they are really with him and support his policies. He is saying that it's alright to lie and mislead as long as you get what you want, the ends justify the means. We're heard that before and it's not American. This pattern of deceit is similar to what Muslims do. From comes the following answer to the question of "Are Muslims permitted to lie?" Answer, "Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other, unless the purpose of lying is to 'smooth over differences.' There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, taqiyya and kitman. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them." In The Obama's case their lying is permitted to advance their socialist cause and the transformation of America. How can you tell if a Democrat is lying? His lips are moving! 10-23-2014 * Glue: The tragic terrorist attack in Ottawa, Canada has the MSM wondering how this could happen. Even The Obama has cautioned to not jump to conclusions. On Monday in Canada two soldiers were mowed down by Muslims in a car, one of the soldiers died while the terrorists were later killed by police. Yesterday an innocent 24 year old soldier was murdered by a 32 year old Muslim while he stood guard at the Canadian War Memorial. That terrorist then went on to Parliament to kill others where he was killed by the Sergeant at Arms of the Parliament. There's a glue that holds these acts together and it's Islam. Could he have been a lone wolf, part of a larger group or directly following orders from ISIS? What difference does it make, they are Muslim terrorists following the dictates of their Islamic religion. Canada and the UK have started taking passports from suspicious people like the one who attacked yesterday. These nut case are intent on destruction, if you take away their passports and don't lock them up you are guaranteeing that they will commit acts of terror in your country. We say, let them travel to the Islamic State so they can gather with the rest of their evil brethren and then we can take the all out in one place. They'll make a bigger target and can all travel to Hell together! 10-20-2014 * Islam: The Obama regime continues to claim that ISIS is not Islamic. Although they've started to back peddle a bit from this absurd assumption, their politically correct and dangerous mislabeling of the Islamic State shows their ignorance. In September The Obama said, 'ISIL is Not Islamic'. This was laughed off by all and specially the Islamists that make up the 'Islamic State'. Perhaps ISIS should change their name to the Non-Islamic State. Secretary of State John Kerry then reiterated this same stupidity by saying that ISIL's ideology “has nothing to do with Islam.” Following their same logic we could say that The Obama and Kerry are not moronic. But that is better left to ones own opinion based on the experiences they bring to the table. We find ourselves in a war that was not of our choosing, it was brought to us by an ideology of evil against civilization carried out by mad men, poisoned by their beliefs. If we cannot see the enemy by what they are we are dooming ourselves to defeat. 10-16-2014 * Iraq: The 'no boots' pledge by The Obama in the battle with ISIS has backed him into a corner. He has put our military in a position of weakness with rules of engagement that endanger their very existence. With just over two weeks until the midterm The Obama would rather save face than take the battle to our enemies. In the meantime ISIS grows making the eventual war an even more precarious one. To this regime is more about politics than reality. Trying to hold on to the Senate with whatever means they have at their disposal, regardless of the consequences, is the current mode the regime is operating in. We have the real threat of ISIS, an Ebola scare that could be tragic and progressives continue to worry about their bogus climate change. This midterm has taken on an even greater significance. There's so much on the plate that even the outrageous cover-ups have taken a back seat on the runaway train. 10-13-2014 * Ferguson: Confrontation in Ferguson continue regardless of facts. On one side you have businesses, law abiding citizens and the police, on the other you have a hodge-podge collection of leftists, socialists, communists and community agitators using race as a lighting rod. A grand jury is convened to determine if there's enough evidence to bring a case against office Wilson. To those demonstrating and looting it's not about the facts, it's about 'justice' for Mike Brown. That justice is a conviction of officer Wilson regardless of the facts. Dire warnings have already come out about the nightmare that will be unleashed if Wilson is not convicted, let alone tried. Race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton have their bags packed and ready to go. One false move and Ferguson will again give The Obama another reason to brings us down another peg on his path of destruction. 10-9-2014 * Clockwork: Like clockwork, come election time Democrats turn into Camelians. They change their appearance, disguise their intentions and run away from their failures. Their leadership is safely stowed away to minimize the damage they can do and hide their arrogant demeanors. Anti-second amendment DEM's are seen in ads shooting guns. The wonder of it all is how the dumb-down electorate can be fooled over and over again with the same tactic. If you keep electing the same people, your going to keep getting the same results. Comedian George Carlin said it best, "Ignorant citizens elect ignorant leaders, it's as simple as that." The midterm coming up in less than a month is a watershed election. It will determine if The Obama transformation can be derailed or if we are going to continue down the track towards destruction. If we can keep the dead and illegals from voting perhaps we'll have a chance! 10-8-2014 * Kobani: You know things are bad for The Obama when the previously worst president criticizes him. Jimmy "Peanuts" Carter speaking on The Obama's handling of ISIS said, “We waited too long. We let the Islamic State build up its money, capability and strength and weapons while it was still in Syria. Then when ISIL moved into Iraq, the Sunni Muslims didn’t object to their being there and about a third of the territory in Iraq was abandoned.” What Carter didn't say was the regime's zest for cutting and running from Iraq without negotiating a Status of Forces agreement led to the vacuum that was then filled by ISIS. Even after almost a year of requests by the Iraqi government for urgent assistance, The Obama regime refused to re-engage. It took brutal beheadings of Americans to get approval for air strikes. Speaking on Mideast strategy and former defense secretaries Gates and Panetta, Carter said, “It changes from time to time. I noticed that two of his secretaries of defense, after they got out of office, were very critical of the lack of positive action on the part of the president.” Now we have the Syrian town of Kobani being overrun by the ISIS army while the WH micro manages air strikes. ISIS heavy weapons going against Kurdish small arms with an occasional strike on a pick-up truck by our hamstrung military. Democrats and Carter are running from The Obama like he just vacationed in Liberia. 10-7-2014 * Maher: Ben Affleck and Bill Maher sparred on the issue of Islam. Affleck calling people who condemn terrorist Islamists racists. Maher correctly pointing out that if you leave the religion you can be killed. People like Affleck, bleeding heart liberals, paint Islam with a moral equivalency which it doesn't deserve. There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, the majority are probably good people that wouldn't harm anyone but where are they when it comes to condemning the killers amongst them? They cower in fear of not being the next to lose their heads. The difference between non-violent Muslims and violent ones is in the adherence to their religion. Terrorists are in actuality practicing Islamists, they act out what their religion demands of them. They kill the infidels. So called moderate Muslims are non-practicing Islamists. Islam is a socio-political system disguised as a religion. It's not racist to call them out for what they are and what they believe. 10-6-2014 * Biden: Vice President Joe "Foot-in-Mouth" Biden spent Sunday extracting his foot and apologizing to our allies. He has apologized to Turkey and the UAE for saying the biggest problem we have in Syria has been our allies. He said, “The Saudis, the Emiratis; what were they doing? They were so determined to take down (Syrian President Bashar) Assad and have a proxy Sunni-Shia war, they poured hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad. Except that the people who were being supplied were (Jabhat) al Nusra and al Qaida, and the extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world.” Interesting that Biden would make this claim considering that most of the heavy weapons that ISIS has are U.S. weapons. Another issue he's missing is the regime's toppling of Omar Khadafy in Libya led to many of Libya's weapons going missing and most likely ending up in the hands of Al-Qaeda and ISIS. The focus of Biden and the regime should be on destroying ISIS and not on playing political games. We have been slow walking our attacks on ISIS. While we may have killed hundreds of terrorists in the last months air strikes their numbers have grown by over 3 thousand. Their coffers grow by millions a day. That tide needs to change and it can only happen with overwhelming military force and massive 'boots' on the ground. 10-3-2014 * Overload: The Obama claimed yesterday that no one is talking about ObamaCare because it's working. It's not working, it's still a disaster, it's not the main topic of discussion because of all the other failures and cover-ups. We have IRS, Benghazi, Fast-n-Furious, DOJ targeting reporters, ISIS, Iran nukes, NSA spying and the Ebola outbreak. The regime is a smorgasbord of disasters. Now they're pivoting to the economy again as the unemployment rate drops to 5.9%. What they don't mention is the record number of Americans that have dropped out of the workforce, if you count them the rate would be over 10%. The regime claims there's basically no inflation but they don't mention that their figures don't include food or fuel. The two main things that directly affect everyone's pockets. Gasoline is twice what it was when The Obama took office and food has increased dramatically. In many case merchants are reducing the size or quantity of a product for the same price. A 12oz box of cereal may now be 11.6. Toilet paper may have the same number of sheets but the rolls are narrower. The no inflation lies go along with ObamaCare is working, Ebola can't come here and ISIS is a JV team. We have talked many times in the past about the Cloward-Piven strategy of overloading the system, we are witnessing the overload taking place. 10-2-2014 * Ebola: We continue to be told by both the CDC and the regime that there's nothing to worry about with regards to Ebola. They tell us we have procedures in place and an outbreak cannot happen here. Beware those procedures when there are humans at the controls. In Dallas, an infected man showed up at a hospital with symptoms, he informed the staff that he had just arrived from Liberia, the heart of the Ebola outbreak, and the hospital sent him home with antibiotics. He later came back when his conditioned worsened. In the meantime he came in contact with family, friends and the public. He is in critical condition with Ebola. Nothing to worry about, we have procedures in place! At a minimum, any traveler coming from Liberia should be screened before being allowed to enter the country. Banning flights would be the next step. The regime also says they have procedures in place to stop the spread from coming through our borders. That's laughable knowing that they're not even stopping illegals from coming across the border. The obvious question that comes to mind is, if Ebola is so hard to transmit, then why are trained healthcare workers that have been taking the necessary precautions catching and dying from Ebola? 10-1-2014 * Silence: Where are the so called moderate Muslims on the recent Islamic attacks and the beheading in Oklahoma? Have you seen any Muslims protesting the senseless murder of 19 year old Brendan Tevlin at the hands of a self proclaimed Jihadist? Is Nation of Islam's leader Louis Farrakhan planning a million Muslim march to condemn the Islamic "workplace violence" that's taking place across America. Or maybe he's planning a candle light vigil, don't hold your breath. From The Obama on down, the Democrat party of excuses are the front line of defense for the Islamic terrorists that have declared war on civilization. They excuse them as not being Islamic, of not adhering to their "religion of peace." When in fact, they are adhering to their socio-economic system which is at the heart of Islam. You can't excuse away evil. Where are the Democrat "war on women" demagogues like Debbie "what's-her-name" Shultz when women are stoned to death for "causing" their rape or then killed by their relatives for "shaming" their families? If you stop and listen very carefully you can here the sound… the sound of silence! 9-30-2014 * Profiling: Our government has labeled the Islamic inspired beheading in Oklahoma as "workplace violence." Eric Holder's Justice Department is announcing they are banning racial profiling in national security investigations. Just as the terrorist attack at Fort Hood by Major Hassan was labeled workplace violence, The Obama regime is playing politically correct games with our national security. Little old ladies do not behead people. It is not racist to profile, it is common sense. This regime fears the PC police more than they do the Islamic terrorists that are killing us. Whether these terrorists are foreigners or domestic lone wolves, their terror is the same. Their evil knows no difference and their blades cut just as deep. An overwhelming majority of terrorist acts in the world are perpetrated by Muslim men between the ages of 21 and 35. It is foolish to look the other way when confronted with this evidence. Even when potential terrorists advertise their hate through social media, the Holder in-justice department expects people to look the other way for fear of offending them. If Christians were terrorists Holder would be closing down churches. There's a double standard that is beyond sickening, it borders on complicity. It's like a fist fight with one hand tied behind your back. The war on terror, both overseas and domestic, has to be fought with an all out assault if we intend to win it. Politically correct nonsense should not play any part in that strategy. 9-29-2014 * Khorosan: Looking for a reason to bomb ISIS in Syria The Obama regime came up with the Khorosan Group. A previously unknown entity, and in reality, a non-existent group. Khorosan is the name of a border region between Iran and Afghanistan. Whatever name you call the Islamists that are at war with civilization the story is the same. The regime invented a story that this imaginary group was an imminent threat and they had to act to eliminate that threat. Islamists beheading innocent people are an imminent threat no matter what you call them. The Obama even has the audacity to state that ISIS and other terrorists are not Islamist. All these groups have one thing in common, they are following the dictates of their Koran and they are practicing Islamists. So called "peaceful" or "moderate" Muslims are simply non practicing Islamists. Their religion teaches them to convert infidels, non-believers. If they can't convert them they are allowed by their religion of peace to enslave them or behead them. They do not seek to merge into the cultures they immigrate into, they seek to convert those societies through those society's politically correct slow motion surrender. They seek to infiltrate our education system, subvert our political system and eventually install their Shariah Law. Their religion is in reality a socio-political system disguised as a religion. There's no peace in that equation. 9-25-2014 * Campaign: Democrats constantly decry campaign financing and try to demonize the Koch brothers. What they hypocritically don't tell you is that rich liberal elites pour millions into Democrat campaigns. Politico analysis shows that for the 2014 election cycle the top 15 Democrat committees have raised $453 million while the top 15 Republican ones have only raised $289 million. In August the Democrat edge increased even more when they raised $51 million to the Republican $21 million. Democrat billionaires Tom Steyer and Fred Eychaner were large contributors to that advantage. The hypocrisy is palatable. Elections should be about selecting the best candidate according to their views and philosophy not about demonizing your opposition and their supporters. Dirty Harry Reid's attacks on the Koch brothers is a side show to deflect from his and his cohorts failures. Thomas Jefferson had it right when he said, "Error of Opinion may be tolerated where Reason is left free to combat it." 9-24-2014 * Summit: Just hours after he stated that he ordered air strikes in Libya against ISIS and an immediate threat from Khorasan he was back on his Climate Change band wagon. Speaking at the United Nations Climate Change Summit he said, "Urgent and growing threat of climate change" would "define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other" issue. So while our bombers, cruise missiles and fighter jets are destroying terrorist targets that pose an 'immediate' threat, that threat takes a back seat to the drummed up climate change hysteria. The only science that's settled about climate change is that those that swear allegiance to it are either ignorant of facts or deliberately misleading for personal benefit and of guilt of success. * UN: At the United Nations General Assemble today The Obama said, "Islam teaches peace." Tell that to those headless bodies that lie in the ruins of an Islamic terrorist march. Islam doesn't teach peace or tolerance, it teaches conversion, Dhimmitude or death. He also put Israel and the Hamas terrorists on a moral equivalence by saying the status quo in the West Bank and Gaza cannot continue. Like in his 'apology tour' in the beginning of his regime he even brought up the problems in Ferguson as an example of how America has issues too, implying that the looting and racial race baiting in Ferguson equates to Islamic terror that grips the world. The community organizer in chief again showed his true colors. 9-23-2014 * Climate: As with other global warming marches, the "People's Climate March" in New York City was a hodgepodge of anti-capitalist radical groups. Under the umbrella of a false global-warming/climate-change agenda the march consisted of Communists, Socialists, Occupy Wall Street leftovers, SEIU, UAW, 'Angry Pacifists', Vegans and many more. Mostly white Americans with an anti-American guilt trip. Leaders like AlGore, RFK Jr. and DiCaprio denouncing fossil fuels while traveling to and from demonstrations in their limousines and private jets. Climate is change, weather is change. That doesn't make man's effect on the environment a major factor in the change. Climate existed on our planet long before man was ever present. The radial groups protesting are indulging in self interests intent on wealth transfer and penalizing successful economies with doctored studies to justify their guilty anger. Long time acclaimed meteorologist Joe Bastardi sums it up this way, “This is ridiculous. This should be two weather geeks arguing over a chess game with a cup of tea or whatever you want to drink. The whole thing is blown out, it’s one of the weirdest arguments I’ve ever been involved with, because in the end, there is nothing new under the sun, and nature, not man, rules the climate system.” * Syria: Forced by public opinion and events beyond his control, The Obama has given in and authorized air strikes against ISIS in Syria. You could not have successfully attacked the evil ISIS army without hitting their command structure and support facilities inside of Syria. In over six weeks we have had limited air strikes on ISIS targets inside Iraq. They consisted on targeting individual trucks, personnel carriers and battery positions. In six weeks we have had less than 200 sorties. In contrast during previous military engagements, like in Kosovo, we had over 200 a day. The jury is out as to whether this is going to be a limited politically driven attack or the first step in taking the fight to our enemies. Full steam ahead until ISIS is destroyed and wiped from the face of the earth. 9-22-2014 * Africa: The purpose of American troops is not to help fight the Ebola outbreak in Africa. Their purpose is to defend our national security interests and our freedom. We should help fight the Ebola outbreak but this should be done with economic and non-governmental organizational help. Europe and Africa are at a higher risk and should step up their aid. Like we've said before, this is a prefect case for the United Nations to take the lead. Our boots should be used to defeat the Islamic threat that has metastasized into the Islamic State. IS has money and the resources to buy support and everyday that goes by, their strength and numbers increase. If we have to use troops to stop Ebola they should be used on our border, for that's the way it will most likely enter, and when it does, all hell will break loose. A possible October surprise is coming… 9-19-2014 * ISIS: French president Hollande has authorized their first airstrikes against ISIS forces in northern Iraq. Just like his progressive friend, The Obama, he emphasized that they will not commit troops on the ground. There must be something with the liberal mind that makes them telegraph to their enemies what they will not do when engaging in military action. In Australia 15 Muslims were arrested in a plot to randomly behead civilians. Here at home we've had many cases of Muslims killing random Americans in the name of Jihad but those acts have mostly gone uncovered by the MSM for fear of being labeled racists. The MSMS can attack Christians and Jews at will but they fear Muslims. Perhaps it's because Christians don't run around beheading people. The MSM are spineless weasels. The murder of 19 year old Brendan Tevlin in New Jersey still remains taboo for most of the media. Even though his killer admitted that the killing was in response to American attacks on ISIS in Iraq, the media ignores it. We have terrorists coming across our southern border and our government continues to attack our borders states rather than secure our border. The Obama ignored the ISIS threat for almost a year before being dragged into it by public pressure. He swapped 5 senior Muslin terrorists held at Gitmo for an American deserter. He is either ignorant or a collaborator. It's not his words that matter, it's his actions. 9-18-2014 * Boots: You cannot fight a war by telling your enemy what you will not do! The 'no boots' on the ground nonsense is a politically correct way of losing before you've even begun. It's a community organizers way of fighting a war. But is it really a war? How can we call it that when we are limiting are capabilities from the start. Former Secretary of Defense Gates and current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Dempsey both agree that you will need military troops on the ground to defeat the ISIS army. The Obama's goal is clear in his words, he has said degrade, limit, control and manage when describing what he wants to do to ISIS. He is only animated in what he won't do and not in what has to be done to defeat this evil. In 1949 Sir Winston Churchill said the following about Communists, you can substitute Islamic Terrorist in place of Communist and the meaning remains the same: "I tell you it's no use arguing with a communist. It's no good trying to convert a communist or persuade him. You can only deal with him on the following can only do it by having superior force on your side on the matter in question --and they must also be convinced that you will use --- you will not hesitate to use -- those forces, if necessary, in the most ruthless manner. You have not only to convince a communist government that you have a superior force -- that they are confronted by superior force--but that you are not restrained by any moral consideration, if the case arose , from using that force with complete material ruthlessness. And that is the greatest chance of peace, the surest road to peace." 9-17-2014 * Ebola: The Obama regime announced they are sending 3,000 troops to help fight the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Why don't they need a 'broad' multi-national coalition to do this? We are talking 6,000 'boots on the ground' here. As far as we know there hasn't been a single American beheaded by the Ebola virus. The Ebola virus hasn't declared war on us and does not have an army. In Iraq we have 1,000 military 'personnel' as advisors and supposedly they're not wearing boots. On July 31st we wrote in our BLOG the following: "What if a fake Ebola outbreak is trumped up by a regime in the habit of executive overreach, secrecy and misleading the American people?" We could be seeing another diversionary tactic to distract from the evil at hand. ISIS cannot be dealt with as a part time problem or, as The Obama said, a JV team. Ebola can be a world wide crisis and it's a perfect issue for the United Nations to work on. It's a non-political problem that can effect every nation in the world, the U.N. should be on the front lines and not American 'boots on the ground'. 9-16-2014 * Hillarious: The Clinton side show visited Iowa yesterday for a Senator Harkin event. Hillarious said, "I'm back!" It brought back memories of the Shinning's, "Here's Johnny!" Like nail on a blackboard, those words strike a nerve. Just the thought of a president Hillary 'what difference does it make' Clinton is enough to turn your stomach and scare buzzards of the sh_t wagon. She said she wasn't there to announce a presidential run, she was just there for the steak. While Hillarious was doing her song and dance in Iowa, investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson reported that a former state department official under Clinton, Raymond Maxwell, revealed that damaging documents on Benghazi were separated before the rest were turned over to the Accountability Review Board (ARB). The ARB had previously said they had access to all documents. Maxwell's revelation shows that the ARB had access to all documents that were left after the "separation" of damaging documents took place. The people involved in this effort were directly tied to Hillary Clinton, including her chief of staff. Maxwell reports he was told, 'we are to go through these stacks and pull out anything that might put anybody in the [Near Eastern Affairs] front office or the seventh floor in a bad light.’ The seventh floor is meant to mean the secretary's office, including the secretary herself. We don't need another liar in the White House, specially one with the blood of four Americans and a cover-up under her burka. What difference does a make? All the world of difference! 9-15-2014 * Pelosi: While appearing on Bill Maher's show Nancy "Blinky" Pelosi said, "It would be very important for Democrats to retain control of the Senate. Civilization as we know it today would be in jeopardy if the Republicans win the Senate." "Dirty" Harry Reid says it's OK for the president to bypass Congress to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. Those are the two Democrat leaders in Congress, no wonder they have such dismal ratings. Forget the ISIS barbarians, to Blinky the danger to civilization are Republicans. Reid must believe his job is meaningless if he thinks the president can act like a tyrant if he so desires. The Obama, Reid and Pelosi have something in common, their world revolves around politics and everything they see is filtered through that prism. It's about polls and what would benefit them politically that matters. It's not about right and wrong or good vs. evil. The Obama called his opponents enemies and urged his supporters to punish them, then the IRS followed his orders but of course, there's not a smidgeon of evidence of any wrong doing. He shows emotional commitment to fight his political enemies but has to be dragged kicking and screaming to take on our true enemies. We are witnessing the result of a dumbed-down electorate. 9-12-2014 * Benghazi: There are many mysteries surrounding events before, during and after the Benghazi terrorist attack. There were questions as to why ambassador Stevens was in Benghazi on 9-11-2012 instead of in Tripoli. One of the possible scenarios has the ambassador being kidnapped by terrorists in a plan to have a an exchange by the terrorists for the blind sheik (1993 World Trade Center bombing master-mind). Another possibility is that U.S. arms were being funneled to the Syrian rebels from Benghazi through Turkey. It's believed that there were millions of dollars in arms transferred. This brings us to an interesting scenario. Could much of the arms that were funneled to the rebels be the mighty arsenal that ISIS now has? After all, ISIS were and continue to be fighting the Assad regime. Our government has been blaming the Iraqi military for having surrendered their arms to ISIS when it's possible that it's a smokescreen for hiding the source of those weapons. Benghazi is a multifaceted enigma, like an artichoke, peel away the layers and eventually we will get to the heart of it. * War: The Obama and his regime continue to sidestep the issue of war. We have a sworn enemy that is operating as a state, has beheaded Americans and is at war with us. Until we label them what they are and fight this enemy with a war footing we will continue to lose ground. Secretary Kerry says we're not at war, it's a major anti-terrorist operation with many moving parts. Hogwash! We have Islamic terrorists seeping through our porous southern border. We have terrorist admittingly killing Americans as we speak. In New Jersey 19 year old Brendan Tevlin was murdered in his car by Ali Muhammad Brown. Brown said it was a "just kill" and that it was "vengeance" for U.S. military killings in the Middle East. Brown has also been charged with three other murders in Seattle, Washington. How many more murdered Americans will it take before we wake up. The war on terror is not just overseas, they are amongst us now and picking us off one by one. Time to wake up and fight back on all fronts. Let Brendan Tevlin be the spark that starts that fire! 9-11-2014 * Sandals: Last night The Obama gave a speech to outline his 'strategy' for dealing with ISIS. As with other speeches he emphasized what we will NOT do. "No Boots" on the ground was his marching orders. With over 1,400 U.S. military on the ground in Iraq they must be either wearing slippers or sandals. No boots on the ground is a ridiculous play to his radical base. When confronted with the evil that is ISIS all potential military options should be on the table. Only through a ruthless all out response to the beheadings of American journalists, Foley and Sotloff, can ISIS be defeated. He plans on arming the "free Syria rebels" so they can be boots on the ground which would be a mistake. Those rebels were fighting along side ISIS against Syria's Assad. Their enemy is Assad, if we arm them they will use those arms gains Assad not ISIS and most likely those arms will end up in the arsenal of ISIS. We need to continue supporting Iraqi and Kurdish fighters while at the same time engage in coordinated air and ground assaults on ISIS targets. It was nice to see The Obama at least get more forceful against the Islamic threat even though he still denies there's an Islamic threat. He believes it's just isolated terrorist groups. In reality these groups share a common thread and Islam is the garment they wear. Just words, it's actions that will determine whether he is really serious this time. * Benghazi: Today marks two years since the Benghazi terrorist attack and the cover-up continues. The DOJ has again delayed the trial of the only terrorist in custody for the Benghazi attack. Only time will tell if the Select Committee on Benghazi will be able to peel through the layers of bureaucracy that stands between them and the truth. 9-10-2014 * Amnesty: The president is putting off his unilateral amnesty by executive order, temporarily. He has not changed his opinion, just the timing. Democrats have been begging him to not act before the midterm elections. They fear a disastrous result in November would be even worse with the amnesty order. This is nothing more than a politically driven decision to delay the inevitable and not a level headed reevaluation of the cost/benefit of such a move. Blanket amnesty is wrong on many levels but primarily it's wrong because it would reward people that have broken our immigration laws making those laws irrelevant. Amnesty not only dismisses criminality but it also encourages more of the same. The recent invasion of our southern border was a direct result of the president's policies and potential amnesty orders. When Republicans gain control of the Senate in November, the president will have a stronger excuse for his amnesty agenda. He will simply blame Republicans for opposing 'comprehensive' immigration reform and use that as an excuse for his bypassing Congress. Immigration reform is not rocket science, it's actually very simple, secure the border then come up with plans to deal with the illegals that are currently here. With proof of illegals from the Middle-East and jihadists coming across, it's no longer a matter of illegal immigrants, it's a matter of national security. 9-9-2014 * Strategy: The Obama is meeting with Congressional leaders today to go over his 'strategy' for controlling ISIS. In other words, it's going to make a nice photo-op to improve the 'optics' of his ignorance. He has dragged his feet on ISIS for over a year and was only dragged into action after public outcry over the slaughter of innocents and corralling of Christians and Yazidis. Tomorrow he will announce his so called strategy with of course 'no boots on the ground'. At the expense of victory he will do what he can to limit our capabilities so as not to alienate his radical political base. ISIS is a full blown army not just an isolated terrorist group. They have declared their conquered territory an Islamic State. This means that a state has basically declared war on us and we're fiddling around the edges with isolated air strikes. You cannot eliminate this threat by taking out a truck here and another there. We need an all out blitz, including on their bases in Syria, along with special forces complimenting our allies on the ground. Only through an overwhelming military effort can this ISIS threat be eliminated. Our current strategy will only embolden and increase their numbers. 9-8-2014 * Optics: Yesterday on Meet the "Depressed" The Obama said that going to the golf course just minutes after making a statement on the Folley beheading was bad 'optics'. He said there's a lot of theatre involved in being a president and he's not good at theatre. What a bunch on bunk. Remember the Greek columns when he was running for president? This president is all about theatre and politics. The bad optics he speaks of is bad decisions made by him. Even in this he can't admit he's wrong. Rather than apologize for his bad judgment of golfing just after acknowledging a beheading of an American at the hands of ISIS, he calls it bad optics. Seems what matters to him is how things look and not what they really are. To believe that the regime hasn't been presented a plan or 'strategy' for dealing with ISIS when they new about this threat for over a year stretches credulity. It's all about 'optics'. 9-5-2014 * Dismantle: Speaking at the NATO summit in Wales The Obama today continued his semi-numb and fully dumb verbal dance on ISIS. This time his 'manageable problem' has turned into 'dismantle'. We need to 'dismantle' what he calls ISIL which is what everyone else calls ISIS or the Islamic State. Whatever you call this scourge on humanity, al-Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL, al Nusra and others, the actors remain the same. They are different tentacles of the same terrorist monster. It's not a monster you can mange, contain or dismantle. You either completely destroy, decimate, annihilate them or they will do the same to you. They do not seek to live in peace with others, they seek their 72 virgins in paradise by beheading anyone that does not convert and bow to their radical beliefs. Admitting that ISIS and al-Qaeda are synonyms for the same enemy would be to admit the lies that were told about al-Qaeda being on the run. Turning your back on this evil does not make it go away. The seeds of ISIS were laid when The Obama failed to secure a Status of Forces agreement in Iraq. His failure to respond to early warnings by both the Iraqi government and our intelligence services has directly lead to their rise. Now, when faced with an opportunity to destroy them on the battle field, he equivocates and plays word games. Turn our military loose and soon ISIS will be an ugly foot note in history. 9-4-2014 * Lamb: You can tell a person's conviction by his emotions while speaking about the subject at hand. When the president talks about minimum wage, windmills and global warming he is emotional and committed. You can see it in his cadence and feel it in his words. When he speaks of the terrorist threat we face from al-Qaeda and ISIS he looks and sounds like he's on medication to numb his senses. The feelings he conveys does not inspire others and does not invoke confidence in his leadership. This was plainly visible yesterday when he spoke of making ISIS a "manageable problem." In a subdued voice he took a terrorist army that everyone agrees is evil and must be eliminated and made them a legitimate entity that can be dealt with and 'managed'. The Obama is only animated when he's in campaign mode speaking on the radical agenda which is part of his transformation plans. When it comes to protecting our borders and living up to his duties as commander in chief he transforms into an empty suit. Alexander the Great once said, "I do not fear an army of lions if they are led by a lamb. I do fear an army of sheep if they are led by a lion." We are being led by a lamb! 9-3-2014 * Leadership: In the current regime's case, leadership is as hard to find as a snowball in hell. Faced with the scourge of ISIS, who have threatened us directly and have publically beheaded American journalists, The Obama runs from his responsibility. After the Foley beheading he was so upset he had to go golfing. After the Sotloff beheading he is so outraged that he wants to make ISIS a 'manageable problem'. Speaking in Estonia this morning The Obama said, "We know that if we are joined by the international community, we can continue to shrink ISIL's sphere of influence, its effectiveness, its financing, its military capabilities to the point where it is a manageable problem." You can't make ISIS a 'manageable problem', you have to make them extinct. They are committed to our destruction, you cannot negotiate with that, you either destroy them or they destroy you. It has been reported that The Obama had daily briefings on the dangers of ISIS for the past year and he refused to take any action. Now we can see what that inaction has lead to. ISIS was not a surprise and you can't blame intelligence when that intelligence was there but was not acted on. Whenever this president mettles he leaves a mess behind. When the worlds super power is reduced to the back seat of history, by a self inflicted wound, evil fills the vacuum. ISIS is part of that evil. After he forced the overthrow of Kaddafi in Libya we got Benghazi and now Islamists taking over our embassy and the Tripoli airport. Airliners that can be used in a terrorist attack are now missing. After he forced the ouster of Mubarak in Egypt we got the Muslim Brotherhood. Only after the Egyptian army took control back was another Obama disaster averted. Now he has been forced to take some action in Iraq after the ISIS march was at Baghdad's door. But even now he is putting the brakes on our capabilities to eliminate the ISIS threat, both in Iraq and in Syria. Our ship of state is running rudderless. 9-2-2014 * Class-Warfare: Yesterday we celebrated a national Holiday for Labor Day. The same labor that has been decimated by government policies which has shackled our industries and businesses with unnecessary regulations, taxes and ObamaCare. Full time jobs lost and wage inequality growing due Fed policy. Yesterday The Obama stoked the fire of class-warfare by saying fat cat Wall Street bankers are getting richer while low wage workers are hurting and deserved a raise. He again called for minimum wage increases. The code words are 'living wage'. Part time and minimum wage jobs are not meant to be 'living' jobs. They are not meant to support a family, they are entry level, low skill jobs. The problem has gotten worse due to the anemic Obama economy. Seems the only abundant jobs in this economy are low wage part time jobs. The Obama deflects from his policy failures by blaming Wall Street and businesses. According to The Obama regime, it's the employers fault that minimum wages are so low. In a free market wages are determined by the job and available labor resources. If it's the government role to dictate wages then why stop at $10 or $15 an hour? Why not wake the minimum wage $100 an hour? Government should not dictate prices or wages for when they do they distort value and create true inequality. Take a look at the economies of Cuba and North Korea, great examples of government control. 8-29-2014 * Strategy: The Obama said yesterday that, “We don’t have a strategy yet,” to deal with ISIL. He doesn't even have a strategy to call them what they are, an Islamic terror state. He continued saying, "Some of the news reports suggests that folks are getting a little further ahead of where we’re at than we currently are.” When you lead from behind, everyone else is further ahead. British prime minister David Cameron announced this morning that he is raising the terror level in the UK to severe. He recognizes the threat and stated this Islamic terror cannot be appeased, it must be defeated. While the Islamic State continues its barbaric slaughter The Obama contemplates his strategy of fundraising in between his golf outings. Meanwhile, after months of denying Russian involvement with the separatists rebels in Ukraine, Putin has now called the rebels, "the militia of New Russia" or "Novorossiya". They're not hiding their military personnel anymore, Russian troops have invaded Ukraine and are fighting side by side with the rebels. The Obama continues to down play this invasion as he continues his policy of leading from behind. Seems more like leading with his head up his 'behind'. We agree with Winston Churchill's statement when he said, "Appeasement is feeding the dragon hoping he will eat you last." 8-28-2014 * Ukraine: Last week Ukrainian government officials disclosed that Russian troops were captured crossing their eastern border. The Russians said they were just driving in a field and didn't know they had crossed the border. These guys should be working for the White House, they're just as truthful. Reminds us of a variation on an old joke; "How did Russians invade Poland? They marched in backwards and the Polls thought they were leaving!" Yesterday five armored personnel carriers and what's believed to be upwards of 1,000 Russian troops entered Ukraine through their southeast border. This move is in response to recent gains by the Ukraine military in taking back some towns held by Russian supported rebels. Russia annexed Crimea and what they got in return was some limited sanctions on individuals. Now they are invading Ukraine to annex a land bridge from Russia to Crimea. Putin continues to deny Russia is involved, the personnel carriers were probably just out for a drive in the country. 8-27-2014 * Climate: After the failure to get a cap-n-trade bill through Congress The Obama regime got their way with EPA regulations. To the regime, the bogus global warming scare is the biggest threat facing Americans. Forget the Islamic State who have sworn to destroy our way of life and fly their flag over the White House, global warming is much more dangerous. The Obama is working on an international climate change agreement with the United Nations that will bypass Congress. The 'agreement' is scheduled to be signed at a United Nations summit in Paris in 2015. The fact that the earth has cooled since 1979 and the oceans haven't risen like AlGore predicted doesn't make any difference to the pin headed progressives that make up The Obama regime. For them an imaginary global warming problem takes precedence over a real terrorist threat by an Islamic State with a physical army. We are struggling with an anemic economy and a foreign policy that's creating chaos in the world while the architect of which is most likely playing golf. 8-26-2014 * Un-Ernest: White House Press Secretary Josh Ernest says that people in DC view things through a political lens but that's not how the White House views them. After the laughing subsided, the briefing continued. The Obama and his regime view everything through a political lens. It took The Obama over 6 months to give the go ahead for the Bin Laden raid and then wasted the intelligence gained with their over zealous celebration. Details of the raid made public put our teams in danger and may have led to the murder of SEAL Team 6 members on Extortion 17. Now we learned that a month delay in approving the mission to free Foley and other hostages from ISIS may have led to the failure of that mission. Those delays were purely political. Making details of the failed mission to free Foley publec was a political move to lead us to believe the president did everything he could when in fact, his delay may have cost Foley his life. This regime is full of pin headed intellectuals that continue to view our enemies through the prism of their utopian idiocy. Maybe if we just talk to them they will change? Now the WH has announce we are flying surveillance drones over Syria. The only thing they don't have to announce to our enemies is that they're fools, they already know that. 8-25-2014 * Criminal: The mistake liberal/progressives make when dealing with terrorists is the difference between a crime and an act of war. When James Foley was beheaded by an ISIS terrorist, the reaction from the regime was to put the FBI on the case. ISIS has declared itself an Islamic State, they beheaded an American citizen as an act of war from that state. Taking this into account, why is the regime treating this as a criminal act? In 1993 the Clinton administration treated the first World Trade Center bombing as a criminal act, we know what happened on 9-11-2001. Again in 1998 the embassy bombings in Africa were treated by Clinton as criminal acts. When terrorist are at war with you and you respond with Miranda rights and lawyers, you will lose. The Islamic state comprises parts of Syria and Iraq, the border has been swallowed up by the savages that make up this pagan army. An act of war has now been committed against us, how we respond will determine how long this war lasts. Responding in a court of law will allow ISIS to strengthen and grow, if we hit them from all sides in a coordinated effort with our allies on the ground we can eliminate this evil. We have to take this threat seriously and respond ruthlessly or be prepared for worse in the days and months to come. 8-22-2014 * Foley: The Government Accountability Office (GAO) said yesterday that the Defense Department (Pentagon) violate U.S. law. The Pentagin illegally used money appropriated by Congress to carry out GITMO prisoner transfers without giving Congress the required 30-day notice. The Obama broke with tradition by negotiating with terrorists and exchanged 5 high level terrorist in exchange for an Army deserter. This was worse than even paying for the Bergdahl release, the terrorists are worth more to the Jihad than the money would have been. Not only did this exchange break the law but it can be argued that it was an act of treason. By aiding and abetting the enemy in a time of war the president committed treason. By dealing with terrorists he also put all Americans in harms way by signaling to terrorists that if they hold an American hostage, The Obama regime will be open to your requests. When the illegal Bergdahl swap took place The Obama had a Rose Garden ceremony welcoming the Bergdahl family, hand in hand, with Bergdahl's father, beard in tow, even speaking in Arabic. Fast forward to the savage beheading of journalist James Foley and you have a completely different story. After making a brief statement on the beheading, within eight minutes, The Obama was teeing off on the golf course. Laughing it up with his golfing buddies. While Foley's parents were giving a heart wrenching press conference, The Obama was 'bogeying' his first hole. If you look up 'incompetence on steroids' you will find a picture of The Obama smiling in his golf cart! 8-21-2014 * Border: Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX), a member of the House Judiciary Committee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security stated that he believes ISIS and Mexican drug cartels are in communications. The drug cartels are a vicious group, as dangerous and ruthless as ISIS. They torture and behead their victims. It's not just unaccompanied minors coming across our porous southern border, there are criminals, drug dealers and terrorists. Now that evil savages like ISIS are either coming across or planning on doing so should unite everyone concerned with the war on Islamic terrorism. Our border needs to be secured before we wake up one day to find another 9/11, or worse, as a result of our complacency. We will see more savagery from ISIS before this is through but it should not be a deterrent to the action we must take to defeat this scourge on civilization. We either defeat ISIS or we will be defeated by them. It's long past time we took the battle to them. 8-20-2014 * Foley: Yesterday we again saw the barbaric nature of our Islamic enemy. Reporter James Foley was beheaded after reading a prepared statement condemning the United States. Echoes of Daniel Pearl who was similarly beheaded years ago. The beheading of Foley was excused as retaliation for the air strikes against ISIS in Iraq. This evil does not need excuses for beheading innocent civilians. They get their power through the terror and savagery they inflict on others. There is only one way to deal with this menace to civilization, you either destroy them or be prepared to watch their numbers grow and eventually bring their terror to our own shores. You cannot contain them, you have to destroy them. Pin-prick targeted air strikes will only delay the time when either ISIS continues its march or they are met with overwhelming military power. War is hell, you avoid it as much as possible, but when it strikes you, you strike back with overwhelming force. If we would have had a Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq, ISIS would not have gotten to this point. We can't go back and change that Obama mistake but we can keep it from getting worse. If we don't defeat ISIS now we will be faced with a much more powerful enemy later. The threat will not diminish by us ignoring it. Time is running out on this window of opportunity. 8-19-2014 * Tahmooressi: Since March 31, 2014 Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi has been in a Mexican jail, the White House remains absent from the scene. Thousands of illegals are coming across our southern border as the White House blames Republicans for their own policy failures. Meanwhile Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi rots in a Mexican jail for going the wrong way back into Mexico in his vehicle. His supposed crime was to have guns in his car. He declared them at the border and told the agents that he missed his turn and just wanted to get back the U.S., they arrested him instead. To date The Obama has yet to lift a finger to help get Andrew released. It's about time some diplomatic and/or economic leverage is brought to bear on the Mexican government on Andrews behalf. You can help by going to 8-18-2014 * Brown: On Friday we blogged that the police officer who shot Mike Brown was responding to a strong-arm robbery in which Brown fit the description. This was information which was released by the police when they released pictures of Brown at the store from security cameras. A video was also released which clearly shows Brown pushing the store clerk as he's exiting the store. Later in the day the police changed their story and said the officer was not responding to the robbery and didn't have the ID of the robbers. This information was immediately seized upon by the Brown family attorneys saying the shooting had nothing to do with the robbery as they admitted that the pictures looked like they were of Brown. Saying that the robbery had nothing to do with the shooting defies logic. Even if the officer had no idea of the robbery and he didn't hear the information come over the radio, the fact remains that Brown was aware, because he was there. Brown would naturally be threatened by any police officer shortly after he committed a robbery because he would have to assume that the officer knew of the robbery. This would support the information the officer was confronted inside his patrol car. An independent autopsy was released which shows that six shots hit Brown. None where on his back. The shots are consistent with a witness account that Brown had gone away from the officer then doubled back and went charging towards him. This would explain the multiple shots if the first shots did not stop him the officer would logically continue until the threat was removed. Groups such as the New Black Panther radicals and Communist sympathizers have infiltrated Ferguson and turned peaceful demonstrations into violent confrontations resulting in riots and looting. They chant their desire for death to the police officer, all they need is a rope and a tree. Ferguson is a community in crisis. Merchants that have been victimized by the rioting mobs will most likely not reopen their doors to this community. This scar will last for years if not decades. Innocent until proven guilty is dead in Ferguson, mob rule is alive and well. 8-15-2014 * Ferguson: After almost a week of peaceful demonstrations during the day and rioting/looting during the nights the police in Ferguson, MO today released new information. They explained that the officer who shot Mike Brown was responding to a robbery at a local convenience store in which Brown fit the ID. Images of the security camera at the store seemed to confirm that it is Mike Brown. This would explain the confrontation between Brown and the officer. There's a lot of blame to go around here. Why did the police take so long to release this information? Why did the community jump to conclusions and revert to violence without knowing the facts? Why is the police force armed to the teeth like they were a military force in a war zone? The breakdown of the family in inner city black communities has created a powder keg of government dependence and societal entitlement. Incidents like what just took place in Ferguson are the fuel and ambulance chasers and racial agitators like Sharpton are the match. Until these communities free themselves from the government plantation and rediscover the importance of a father in the family unit, this cycle will continue. They need new leadership, out with the likes of Sharpton and Jackson and in with leaders that will empower them with liberty and self reliance. It's not enough to go to church and sing a hymn, you have to live it. 8-14-2014 * Stupid-Stuff: Hilarious Clinton is now backing off her "stupid-Stuff" comment as she supposedly "hugged it out" with The Obama last night on Martha's Vineyard. She had said that the president's foreign policy basically consisted of "don't do stupid-stuff." The irony of this is that all his foreign policy is stupid-stuff. His intervention in Libya and Egypt removed long standing American allies and replace them with the Muslim Brotherhood. His non-intervention in Syria gave rise to ISIS and the crisis in Iraq. Stupid thinking leads to stupid actins and this regimes foreign policy is mired in stupidity. Hilarious cannot have it both ways, either she agreed with his foreign policy or she's a patsy. As the secretary of State she was the point "man" for the presidents miss-guided foreign policy. If she had been opposed to it she should have had the cohones to resign. But then again, that would take backbone. 8-13-2014 * Boots: From The Obama to Kerry and the rest of the three ring circus, the regime keeps saying there will be no boots on the ground in Iraq. The irony is there are already boots on the ground. You cannot defeat a military foe from the air alone. You need intelligence and targeting from the ground and when necessary, forces capable of destroying their military targets. If we would have had a residual force in Iraq we would not have seen the rise of ISIS. The Obama bragged about his 'ending' the Iraq war and pulling all our troops out and now he says he wasn't responsible for that, it's always someone else's fault when events go south. World War II ended 69 years ago with the defeated of Germany and Japan and we still have boots on the ground there. We also have prosperity and peace with those countries. The ISIS problem is not one that will go away with a few air strikes. They are a vicious and savage Islamic threat that intends on the destruction of western civilization. Their country has no borders. Given a base of operations in Iraq would be like Al-Qaeda on steroids. We are overdue to the dance but there's still time to turn the corner. A full scale military effort must be undertaken in order to complete this mission. 'No-Boots' equals 'De-Feet'! 8-12-2014 * Race: Since the beginning of The Obama regime, the first "post racial" president has been anything but. Starting with the New Black Panther voter intimidation case, from the 2008 election where Holder dismissed the case, to stoking the fires of racial division and hatred with the current case in Ferguson, Missouri. It has been reported that during a police stop of two black youths an altercation ensued. Mike Brown allegedly wrestled the officer into his patrol car and struggled for his gun, a shot went off in the car. Shortly after that the officer shot and killed Brown outside the cruiser. This has led to riots, looting and the usual race baiting ambulance chasers, stoking the fires of racism. Mike Brown was unarmed but if he did go for the officers weapon, the officer was fighting for his life. An investigation will bring out the truth. It's possible the officer used excessive force but in the seconds between the shot being fired in his car, during the struggle for his gun, and the time he shot Brown, there may not have been time for reasoning, only self defense. Remember, there where two pulled over. In either case, true racists jump to judgment before all the facts are known. Racial tension maintains a business that feeds on the division, Jackson, Sharpton, Holder and Obama art cut from the same cloth. 8-11-2014 * Crisis: The self inflicted crisis in Iraq continues while The Obama claims it's "bogus" to say he was responsible for pulling our troops out. Even though he promised to do so and took credit for it, he now claims it's "bogus." It's amazing how he has no shame. His failure to negotiate a Status of Forces Agreement and a failure to help the Iraqi government when they begged for assistance is directly responsible for the current strength of the ISIS army. His strategy of limited air strikes against ISIS will only limit the damage we can inflict and will just delay the time when we'll have to deal with them again. They have already threatened that they will not stop until the flag of Allah flies over the White House. Turning your back on a problem does not make that problem go away. The Obama regimes lives in a liberal la-la land where they believe they can wish away evil. Pixie-dust and unicorns are not the remedy for the brutal savagery being inflicted by ISIS. The Kurd army is willing and able to fight ISIS if we would only supply them and provide air support. Although this support is long overdue there's still time to win this conflict. * Benghazi: Twenty Three months ago today the terrorist attack in Benghazi took place. The cover-up continues… 8-8-2014 * Iraq: As early as last August the Iraqi government asked The Obama regime for help in defeating ISIS. The Obama refused to assist. After steady advances and slaughter of Iraqi's, especially Christians, the Iraq government again requested emergency assistance from The Obama regime and again the regime refused to assist. Town after town has fallen with beheaded civilians lining the roadsides. The Obama criticized Israel for civilian casualties in Gaza while ignoring the civilian genocide going on in Iraq. Over 40 thousand Christian and Yazidi civilians are trapped on a mountainside in the town of Irbil. Now The Obama has finally authorized humanitarian supplies and limited military action in their defense. A little help earlier and this crisis would not have gotten to this point. So far only a single strike on an ISIS artillery piece has taken place by two F-18A fighter jets operating out of the gulf from the USS George H. W. Bush. Columns of ISIS fighters and equipment have been seen repeatedly in daylight thumbing their noses at the impotence of The Obama regime. It's time now to pull all stops and destroy this menace to civilization. Not limited marginal strikes but a concentrated massive air assault that will weaken ISIS and embolden our Kurdish allies and what's left of the Iraqi army. A massive assault is the only way to break the back of the evil that is ISIS! 8-7-2014 * Mini-Dic: The mini-dictator in the White House believes he has to act alone. This week he said, "The American people don’t want me standing around twiddling my thumbs waiting for Congress to do something, I’m going to seize those opportunities, and I think that’s what the American people expect me to do.” There are a lot of things the American people expect of their president, running ruff shod over Congress is not one of them. We have a Constitution and a representative form of government. Our founding fathers purposely minimized the power of the executive and made it a co-equal branch with the Congress and Judicial branches. The Obama believes he is above this, he demonizes his opposition then uses their resistance as an excuse to act alone beyond his authority. He has selectively chosen which laws to enforce and unilaterally changes laws, like he's done with ObamaCare over 35 times. The American people would rather have him standing around twiddling whatever than further transforming our nation into a socialist kingdom for the 'chosen one'. 8-6-2014 * Ceasefire: Israel has again been pressured into a ceasefire with Hamas. Without finishing the job of destroying Hamas, a ceasefire is nothing more than a time for the terrorist group to reposition and rearm. Adding fuel to the fire, former president Jimmy Carter calls Hamas a legitimate political organization. He must also think Al-Qaeda and ISIS are legitimate organizations as well. Legitimizing a terrorist group is in itself legitimizing terror. The Obama regime as well as other governments complained of the lopsided casualties on the Palestinian side. Imagine what these pin heads would have said when we blanket bombed Berlin and nuked Nagasaki. Those actions helped bring WWII to an end and thereby minimized civilian casualties in the long run. The same could be said for the Israeli mission in Gaza. Only through a lopsided overwhelming Israeli victory can peace be achieved. Early ceasefires are counter productive and will continue the cycle of terror. The only question now is, when will Hamas break the peace? 8-4-2014 * Impeachment: By taking the military option off the table in the beginning of an overseas crisis, The Obama is betraying his responsibility as commander-in-chief. By the same token, by taking impeachment off the table, Republican leadership is betraying their Constitutional responsibility. There is no question that The Obama has committed impeachable offenses, aiding and abetting the enemy in a time of war by negotiating the release of top level commanders for an American deserter, selectively enforcing laws and changing laws, plus the failure to protect the American people when an invasion of our borders is taking place are a few of the offenses. The Obama is threatening to act alone on another offense, he is threatening to provide blanket amnesty for around 5 Million illegals currently in our country. With impeachment off the table, he has nothing to fear. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. Talk of impeachment is primarily coming from the White House and Dirty Harry. It would be a political gift to the regime if that route was undertaking before the midterm elections. We need to let the American people have their say and that say will come in the form of their ballots in November. 8-1-2014 * Ceasefire: Only two hours into a mutually agreed humanitarian ceasefire, Hamas broke it. Using one of their terror tunnels, Hamas terrorists crossed into Israel and killed two IDF soldiers while capturing a third. So much for the ceasefire. When your goal is the destruction of the state of Israel, a ceasefire is nothing more than a time to rearm and reposition, peace is not an option. Hamas uses its citizens to protect their stashes of rockets and ammunition. When Israel finds these locations they warn Palestinians through texts, email and leaflets to leave the area before they bomb it. During these warnings Hamas urges Palestinians to go to these areas to become martyrs so they can feed the propaganda machine. Their victory does not come on the battlefield it comes in public opinion. The MSM blamed Israel for bombing a hospital and refugee camp then later it was learned that they were actually bombed by arrant Hamas rockets which were intended for Israeli civilians. Same thing happened in the bombing of a school, even though that school was found by the UN to have a stash of Hamas rockets, it was Hamas that bombed it. Was that arrant too or an intentional act in order to blame Israel? Even though Israel continues to be shelled, on Wednesday they delivered 750 tons of food, medicine and supplies to the Palestinian people in Gaza. Israel's enemy is not the Palestinian people, it is Hamas, and until they are totally defeated the cycle of ceasefires and attacks won't end. No more ceasefires until Hamas is no more! 7-31-2014 * Ebola: The deadly Ebola virus has transformed from one with a 90% death rate down to 60%. This transformation has also increased the transmission rate of this deadly virus. African nations are doing what they can to stop the spread but what if a terrorist group were to successfully infiltrate infected individuals to our shores? Harder to discover than hidden bombs, they could be the new suicide 'bomber'. What if a fake Ebola outbreak is trumped up by a regime in the habit of executive overreach, secrecy and misleading the American people? We have seen evidence of camps built on federal lands with no obvious reason for their existence. Could they be for possible detention of Americans during a period of civil unrest or for the quarantining of a large number of people in pandemic type scare? In a normal world and during a normal administration these scenarios would be considered outrageous, but considering the outlaw nature of The Obama regime, it cannot be discounted outright. October surprise? 7-30-2014 * Reid: The shameless Dirty Harry Reid has joined The Obama and his political hacks in falsely attacking Republicans on the issue of impeachment. They complain that all Republicans are talking about is impeachment when in fact most of the impeachment talk is from them. Their constant chatter on impeachment is an attempt to change the subject, yet again, away from the disaster that is The Obama regime. Impeachment would take the focus away from the presidents failures, help Democrats raise money for the midterms and give the propaganda MSM the ammunition to attack the presidents opposition. The Lawlessness of The Obama's executive actions more than merits impeachment but first we need to take the Senate out of the hands of Dirty Harry. There's plenty to talk about concerning this regime, some of which are; their self inflicted border crisis, IRS targeting of their political opponents, the Benghazi cover-up and all the overseas policy failures. 7-29-2014 * Israel: Forget the media and forget the pressure from The Obama regime, Israel must continue to destroy the terrorist threat known as Hamas. The Hamas terror is not just inflicted on the Israeli public, it is also, and primarily, inflicted on their own. That is their goal. Civilian casualties provide them with support and arms which they need to continue their destruction. Peace without the annihilation of Israel is not in their thinking. A cease fire only helps them rearm and fight another day. Israel's destruction would also mean the destruction of Egypt and Jordan. These two Arab countries would not survive if it wasn't for the terror focused on Israel and not on them. The progressive media here and around the world has condemned what they call "dis-proportianality." That is the definition of appeasement. You gain lasting peace through an overwhelming victory, not a manufactured "peace" that only means, live to fight another day. No cease fire until Hamas is dismantled, their human shield system is brought to light and their ability to wage terror is extinguished. Then and only then can there be a lasting peace. There are many Arabs living peacefully in Israel, how many Jews are living peacefully in Gaza? 7-28-2014 * Senate: Democrats had two issues they were counting on for the Midterm elections. They had immigration and the false war on women issues. Ignoring the real war on women in the Muslim world they concentrate their rancor on a made up fantasy of Hobby Lobby hate. They say a women's abortion rights are not the bosses business. That's true, if it's not the bosses business to deny abortion inducing drugs then it's not the bosses business to provide those same drugs either. They nullify their own argument. They believe in the stupidity of the electorate, after all it is this stupidity that keeps electing the same losers. Now The Obama has turned the immigration issue into an albatross around the Democrats neck. By creating the border crisis through selective enforcement of existing immigration laws and promises of amnesty he has single handedly overloaded the system. Shipping illegals across the country has angered communities and alienated many in his political base. This may be an intentional act to guarantee the Senate changes hands. With a Republican controlled congress he would have the perfect excuse to continue his transformation with executive orders. He would continue to demonize Republicans and the MSM would have his back. It will be a rough ride for the last two years of the error which is The Obama presidency. 7-25-2014 * Partisan: During his fund raiser swing in California The Obama claims he's not a partisan. When you're used to lying you can carry it off with a straight face. It's amazing how talented he is when telling total falsehoods. It's either a natural talent or a developed one from many years of experience. He says every economic indicator is better than when he took office, in other words, he inherited a disaster from Bush and has done a great job in turning it around (this is when the laugh track kicks in). Over 9 million people have dropped out of the workforce, less people working today than when he took office, median income is down and many working part time because they can't find full time work. But the stock market is up, he of course takes credit for this without pointing out that the reason is the FED is printing $85 Billion a month to artificially prop up the economy. Most of those benefiting from the stock market boom are the evil 1 percent that he likes to blame for many of his policy failures. He is either blissfully ignorant or purposefully deceiving the American people. My money is on the latter. 7-24-2014 * Choices: Early in The Obama regime they made a conscious decision to "reset" relations with Russia. As part of that "reset" a planned missile defense system for Poland was scrapped. The choice was made to appease an adversary at the expense of an ally. Before Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 was shot down by a Russian Sam11 missile the Ukraine government had asked The Obama regime for missile defense assistance. The regime made a choice to send them food rations instead. Russia annexed Crimea and occupies eastern Ukraine through their "rebel" surrogates and the regime's response has been to place sanctions on individuals in Russia, Putin is laughing all the way to the bank. In August of 2013 the Iraqi government asked The Obama regime for air support to squash ISIS before they could wreck havoc on their country. The Obama regime made a conscious choice to ignore these calls. Now ISIS is on the move, has taken over large Iraqi cities and terrorized everyone in their path. Instead of a rag-tag terrorist operation they our now a full blown army. Another disaster that could have been avoided if we had a leader that believed in American exceptionalism and not in leading from behind. In the Middle East, Israel is defending herself from Hamas terrorist rocket attacks and Secretary Kerry is there trying to stop Israel from finishing the job. If Kerry and The Obama are successful, Hamas will receive a get-out-jail-free card and will rebuild their arsenal to continue to fight another day. The cycle would continue. It's time to end that cycle. Ending the ability of Hamas to wage terror on Israel is the best path towards a longer lasting peace. 7-23-2014 * Chaos: The Obama regime says Texas Governor Rick Perry's border action is just for show. We're seeing an incremental destruction of our way of life. That's why we started stupidfrogs. It's a continuous string of manufactured events that seem unrelated, but taken as a whole, present a willful assault on our senses. Aided by the government's propaganda machine, formally known as the media, these events and their consequences are laid at the feet of the president's critics. There's an invasion of illegals on our southern border and the president's response is to blame Republicans for not passing comprehensive immigration reform. Russians or Russian controlled rebels shoot down a civilian airliner and the president says we shouldn't jump to conclusions. Hamas refuses a cease fire agreement and continues its assault on Israeli civilians and the president calls on Israel for restraint in its response. In Iraq ISIS continues its march of destruction and Christian persecution and the president refuses to act. These are the latest but not the end... 7-22-2014 * Texas: Texas governor Rick Perry announced yesterday that he's ordering 1,000 National Guard troops to the border. He stated his state is under siege. The current onslaught of illegal aliens coming across is a direct result of the federal government's lack of border security and policies which invite illegal immigration. Arizona attempted to enforce immigration laws the feds were ignoring and they were sued by The Obama regime. Will Texas be next? The Obama and Holder's lawlessness of selectively ignoring laws, and amnesty by executive order, has been an open invitation to people in Central America seeking the same amnesty for themselves and their children. In the midst of this invasion, human trafficking has exploded. Drug running, gang recruiting and terrorists are also part of the equation. This is not only about children, they are a small minority of the problem. It's about a failure of this regime to perform one of the basic functions of the federal government, to secure our borders and defend our nation. You can't ensure our national security when we have what is in essence, open borders. Comprehensive immigration reform is nothing more than Democrat code for amnesty. We've tried that before, in the 80's, amnesty in exchange for securing the border. The amnesty came first and the border was never secured. The American people refuse to be fooled again. 7-21-2014 * Hamas: In Spanish Hamas means never and never is when they will stop randomly shooting rockets into Israel. Their charter calls for Israel's destruction, their actions follow suit. They shoot their rockets from neighborhoods and schools because civilian casualties is what they seek. They measure victory, not by military triumph but by world public opinion against Israel's retaliation. Last week an Egyptian brokered cease fire was accepted by Israel and turned down by Hamas. They're not ready to stop. Israel has every right to defends itself and should not stop its retaliation until maximum damage has been done to Hamas's ability to terrorize Israeli citizens. Israeli peace will not come through negotiation, it will only come through defeating it's enemies and Hamas is first in line. 7-18-2014 * Russia: There's a lot of finger pointing going on in the aftermath of the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 with 295 innocents on board. Ukrainian separatists are Russian, the surface to air missiles used are Russian, the missiles are controlled by Russians therefore Russia shot down the plane. Russian special operators have been on the ground in eastern Ukraine since day one of the conflict there. They followed the same game plan that they had when they annexed Crimea. Russians have been shooting down Ukrainian planes and helicopters, flight MH17 was on a known flight path, flying at 33,000 feet and no threat to the Russians on the ground. You don't shoot down an innocent airliner by accident. In 1978 the Soviet Union shot Korean Air Lines Flight 902 down killing 2 and forcing the plane to make an emergency landing on a frozen lake. That was proven to be a deliberate act. On September 1, 1983 they shot down Korean Air Lines flight 007. That flight was en route from New York to Seoul (after refueling in Alaska) and flew into Russian airspace due to a navigational error, it was shot down by Soviet fighter jets. All 269 passengers and crew, which included 63 Americans, were killed. Russia controls the separatists and can end the conflict in Ukraine if it chooses to do so. International condemnation and isolation of Russia should be the response if they don't take immediate actions to end the aggression in Ukraine. 7-17-2014 * Dirty-Harry: To paraphrase a great American, "Well, there he goes again." Democrat Senate Majority Leader, 'Dirty Harry' Reed says he's been told that the border is secured. So Harry tells everyone to ignore the facts on the ground, ignore the "man caused" humanitarian crisis on our southern border, ignore all the FED buses showing up unannounced in states across the country. There's no problem here, and by the way, ignore that man behind the curtain. How ignorant can a politician be? Reed is oblivious to the truth. He has been The Obama's lap dog since the start of this regime and continues without skipping a step. It's really a shame that the leader of the U.S. Senate has become nothing more than a court jester. People actually snicker and laugh as he gives his distorted statements. It's like he believes the lies he spews. Former national deputy chief of the U.S. Border Patrol, Ronald Colburn, says all the progress that was made since 9/11 is gone. He said, “We’re back to a pre-9/11 situation basically, and this administration did that in the past five years. All of the good that was done after 9/11 up to now has been reversed singlehandedly.” No sense telling Reed that, it wouldn't make any difference. 7-16-2014 * Kerry: Speaking in Vienna, Austria, Secretary of State John "I don't need no stinking medals" Kerry said, "I get always a little uptight when I hear politicians say how exceptional we are – not because we’re not exceptional, but because it’s kind of in-your-face and a lot of other people are exceptional, a lot of other places do exceptional things." This is the same point of view The Obama spewed in Europe early in his regime's reign. It's the progressive view of America, their underlying liberal guilt. It drives their subconscious decision making and they can't see beyond it for it's a filter through which they view the world. It's the blame America first thinking and the cutting us down to size goals that interfere with their logic, which in effect makes their thinking illogical. It is this crowd that has marginalized our stature around the world, stagnated our economy, hurt the very people they pretend to want to help and institutionalized incompetence. Elections have consequences and we're facing the consequences of the last two presidential elections. It's a disease. Vaccinations are available in November and the cure should be available by 2016. 7-15-2014 * Bergdahl: Army deserter and terrorist pawn Bowe Bergdahl has returned to active duty. Why isn't he in the brig awaiting a courts-martial on desertion charges? The Pentagon is bending over backwards for the regime. Members of Bergdahl's unit in Afghanistan at the time of his disappearance have yet to be contacted. Some of those soldiers have come out in public and condemned Bergdahl, not only for his desertion but also for putting his fellow soldiers in danger. Some soldiers lost their lives in the process of searching for him. It has also been reported that the enemies tactics improved considerably in the months following Bergdahl's disappearance. Did he divulge information that put his unit in danger? Why is he being protected? Not one soldier has come out in Bergdahl's defense. That alone speaks volumes of the facts surrounding his desertion. It is in the best interest of the regime that the Bergdahl issue go away. Selling the terrorist deal to release the five high level Gitmo prisoners depends on him being found innocent, facts be damned. At a time of war to release high level enemy combatants is tantamount to treason. 7-14-2014 * Hamas: The UN is critical of Israel's response to the Hamas shelling. They call for an immediate cease fire and proportional response. What they omit from their criticism is how this started and how it has escalated. The kidnapping and brutal murder of three Israeli teenagers was the most recent terrorist act by Hamas that has spark the current fire. They fail to recognize the endless series of Hamas rockets that rain down on Israeli cities in an indiscriminate act of terror. Their goal is to inflict civilian casualties while Israel's response is intended on limiting civilian casualties. Israel even warns Palestinians to evacuate their homes before launching an attack. Hamas not only intends on killing Israeli civilians but by shooting their rockets from within civilian neighborhoods they are also inviting civilian deaths of their own people. They use international media to push their agenda by playing up these deaths. The international community responds with condemnation of Israel and the cycle continues. The Hamas charter calls for the destruction of Israel, their actions follow that charter. There's nothing new here and until there is an overwhelming victory by one side or the other the cycle will continue. Time for Israel to take off the gloves and treat this threat with all the power at their disposal, for if they don't, this cancer will continue to grow and will likely be harder to deal with as Hamas's technology improves. 7-11-2014 * Texas: The president goes to Texas, not to visit the border but to raise money for the mid-term elections. Classic case of Nero fiddling while Rome burns. The Obama plays pool while the border burns. As is his Modus operandi, the border crisis is not his doing and the fix is delayed because Republicans in the House will not cough up another $3.7 Billion. Giving this president a blank check is equivalent to flushing money down the toilet. It is being reported that only 3% of the $3.7 Billion would go towards securing the border, the rest for relocation and "humanitarian" support. The regime blames The William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 for exemptions for minors from countries other than Mexico and Canada. The law was intended to help human trafficking victims but is now being used as an excuse to keep illegals here. The law requires a court process for those illegals. Instead of setting up diaper changing stations we should be setting up provincial court rooms to quickly process and return the illegals. They're not coming here to escape political persecution they're coming here because the regime has ignored our immigration laws and unilaterally provided amnesty to illegals. The word is out in Central America that if they can get here the'll be able to stay and will be taken care of. This is a manufactured crisis by an illegal and outlaw administration. Like the treasonous act of releasing 5 high ranking terrorist leaders at a time of war has backfired on the regime, this too will have the same affect. You can't achieve immigration reform by coercion and blackmail. Our system is not run by a king or a tyrant wannabe. 7-10-2014 * Impeachment: There's no question that this president deserves to be impeached. There is a question though on the timing. With the Senate in the tyrannical control of Dirty Harry Reid and his Democrat posse, impeachment in the House would lead to a dead end in the Senate. The mid-term elections would change from focusing on The Obama's failures and treason to the Republicans political 'witch hunt' against the first black president. The media would have a field day attacking the GOP and the Senate could possible remain in Democrat hands. Our focus should be on electing Republicans to the Senate and then proceed with impeachment in the House. In less than 6 months that process could be started. This would effectively tie the presidents hands and minimize any further damage that he could do to our nation. The argument for impeachment now is a strong one. After all, it is the method by which the legislative branch can correct the abuses by the executive. If we had a media that would live up to their responsibilities, that would be the first option. From a practical perspective though, we have to assume that the backlash would so great from the White House and MSM propaganda machine that it would turn the impeachment process into a circus. Senate first followed by impeachment, that's the sensible and logical way to proceed. 7-9-2014 * Overload: We have been lead to believe, by our 'trust worthy' president, that the border was secure. That was the basis for his regime wanting "comprehensive" immigration reform. This was part of the bill of goods sold to the American people leading up to the 2012 presidential election. Bin Laden was dead, GM was alive and the border was secure. By lying to the public, suing Arizona and failing to enforce existing immigration laws, The Obama regime has laid out a welcome mat to illegal immigration with an implied guarantee of amnesty. The current border crisis is not an accident, it is a deliberate attempt to overload our system and turn border agents into nannies. We're housing thousands of illegals while Mexico continues to imprison an American marine who accidently made a wrong turn and ended up in Mexico. If Mexico is so strict on immigration then how are thousands getting through? The regime scandals are an overload on our system just as the border crisis is an overload of our border resources. Remember the Gitmo al-Qaeda dream team exchanged for American deserter Bergdahl? Seems like a distant memory but it too was one in a string of regime acts that border on treason. Is it a coincidence that the terrorist ISIS made it's move shortly after the Gitmo terrorist release? Could they be involved in some way? A terrorist leader does not have to be in country to achieve his terrorist goals. You have to take a step back from the individual scandals that this regime is infested with and look at the big picture, it's a deliberate overload to achieve a goal and transformation is that goal. 7-8-2014 * Bahgdadi: The terrorist leader of ISIS in Iraq continues unabated in his savagery and disdain for civilization. While The Obama ignores Israel's Netanyahu and compliments Palestinian Abbas, al-Bahgdadi gives sermons of destruction in Mosul. We see videos of ISIS terror columns driving in the wide open desert while our drones and air power remain grounded. Where is the leadership in the face of this evil, that if left unchecked, will eventually kill its way to our shores. Formerly known as Dr. Ibrahim and Abu Dua he has now changed his name to al-Bahgdadi. Rumor has it that when he's done with Bahgdad he will change his name to al-Ammani then al-Jerusalemi and eventually al-Washingtoni. In honor of all Americans who lost their lives in Iraq, and all who served there, it's time to take a stand and fight this evil. 7-7-2014 * MSM: The Obama's attacks on the media are nothing more than a smokescreen. He is the media's lapdog and they are in his back pocket. Attacking the MSM gives them some legitimacy even though their choice of topics to cover and the depth by which they cover them are in themselves, self inflicted censorship. I you can control information, you can control the subject. Dictators immediately take over news outlets and control the message with propaganda. If you can control medical information of your citizens, you can control the citizens. ObamaCare is the vehicle to get this done. Taken individually, the presidents actions are disturbing, taken together disturbing turns into sinister. We are living the Cloward-Piven strategy in real time. 7-3-2014 * Independence: Tomorrow we celebrate Independence Day. The birth of a great nation born out of the quest for liberty and independence. Through the years, specially the last six, we have sped towards and ever increasing dependence on government and a weakening of that spirit of independence from where we originated. Indoctrination of our youth with progressive propaganda has been dumbing down a generation leaving open the door for tyranny. It's not as far fetched as you would like to think. Scottish historian, Sir Alexander Frasier Tytler, Circa 1801, said, "Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage." We are falling deeper into the dependence stage, on this independence day we pray that we can avert that cycle and fuel a rebirth of that independence spirit which we celebrate. 7-2-2014 * Sue Me: A spoiled child who is punished then throws a tantrum looks a lot like the president these days. Seems the slap downs by the Supreme Court have hit a nerve. Yesterday he said, "Middle class families can't wait for Republicans in Congress to do stuff, so sue me! It's not crazy, it's not socialism, it's not the imperial presidency, no laws are broken." The Supreme Court disagreed with that "No Laws are broken" part, looks like he can't take no for an answer. He continues to falsely blame Republicans for his failures. The House has passed over 40 bills to support job growth and help businesses yet those bills lay dormant in the Democrat lead Senate due to Dirty Harry Reid's intransigence. You can't attack your political opposition then expect them to compromise on legislation. This president has been the most divisive in my lifetime, he has never given up campaigning because it's the only thing he knows how to do. His failures, both domestically and internationally are living proof of his incompetence. He says, "Sue me," we like another term, "impeach me." That's what he deserves! 7-1-2014 * SCOTUS: Yesterday the Supreme Court again clipped the wings of the tyrant wannabe. The Hobby Lobby decision against the ObamaCare mandate to provide abortion inducing contraceptives was a just decision. Closely held corporations that object on their first amendment religious freedoms have been vindicated . On the negative side the decision was only 5-4. Like the second amendment decision a while back, 5-4 is one justice away from disaster. The Obama appointed justices, Sotomayor and Kagan voted to support the mandate, they earned their keep. ObamaCare was imposed on Americans when justice Roberts changed the law in order to uphold it. Furtunately this time they left it alone. Healthcare is not mentioned in our Constitution, how is it that liberals consider all forms of contriception to be a right? No woman is barred from optaining these drugs, they can go to their local abortion factory, Planned Murderhood, and get them for free. Liberals and the White House propaganda machine are again spewing their false war on women mantra while ignoring the real war on women in the Muslim world. There's an old saying that when a rat is cornered he is the most dangerous, The Obama has been cornered. 6-30-2014 * Excuses: We have a humanitarian crisis on our southern border, mainly instigated by The Obama regime's immigration policies. Their unilateral amnesty and lack of border enforcement has invited the kind of illegal crossings which we're witnessing now. As he does with all his scandals The Obama is again passing the blame. Now it's back to blaming Bush. The William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 passed both houses of Congress by unanimous consent and was signed into law by President George W. Bush. The act was supposed to help human trafficking victims but it also had provisions for illegal immigrants under the age of 18. The law stated that unaccompanied minors must “be promptly placed in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child.” So here we go again, it's all Bush's fault. The Obama is now pretending to want to send the unaccompanied minors home but his hands are tied. If his hands were really tied we wouldn't have this problem to begin with. 6-27-2014 * Phony: The Obama on his endless campaign trail is again categorizing the myriad of scandals as "phony." They're all concocted by those pesky evil Republicans. There is a laundry list of scandals surrounding this regime, all of their own making. Republicans didn't force the regime to lie about Benghazi and blame a video in order to influence a presidential election. Republicans didn't force the regime to target conservative groups by the IRS. Republicans didn't ignore existing immigration laws and encourage illegal immigration causing a humanitarian crisis on our southern border. Republicans didn't cozy up to the Muslim Brotherhood encouraging our enemies and alienating our allies. For years The Obama blamed his predecessor for his failings, that song and dance has run its course so now he blames Republicans for his scandals. It's always someone else's fault, which brings us back to phony. His sealed history is proof that the only thing that's phony around here is The Obama himself. 6-26-2014 * Clinton: Hillary "we-were-broke" Clinton and Bill spew the same liberal rich shame. To pretend they were broke and couldn't pay their mortgages (that's more than one for The Obama voter) is silly on its face and shows a deep disconnect from main street. Most Americans do not begrudge another's income, specially if it was earned. Liberals, including the Clintons, feel wealth guilt. That's the reason behind their stumbling excuses to explain away their wealth. This is the same phenomenon which causes rich Hollywood elites to support wealth re-distribution, as long as it's not their wealth. It's liberal hypocrisy at its finest. This guilt arises from the false premise that there's a finite amount of wealth and it should be distributed evenly. When they find they have more than their 'fair share' the guilt kicks in. When you start out with a falsehood, anything that derives from that assumption itself is false. You don't increase the income of the poor by decreasing the income of the wealthy. You can increase both at the same time by creating opportunity and growing the economy. This simple fact is difficult for those that wish to blame one section of society for the failure of another. Hillary and Bill will continue to make this mistake because it's at the core of their belief system and until those beliefs realign with facts they will continue to look stupid in their meandering explanations. 6-25-2014 * Cochran: We don't have anything against Mississippi Senator Thad Cochran except that after being in the Congress for forty years you would think it would be time to do something else for a while. Congress was not intended by our founding fathers to be a lifelong career. Being in power for that long has to change a person. It becomes more about you and less about the reason you were elected in the first place. It becomes a game to see how much pork you can deliver and how long you can stay in. Term limits are in order. Five terms for Representatives for a total of ten years and three terms for Senators for a total of eighteen years. This would go a long way towards bringing Congress in line with what our founding fathers intended, a representative republic whose representatives are in line with the people and not with the lobbyists who line their pockets. And that brings us to Thad Cochran. When is the GOP going to wise up and limit Republican primaries to Republicans? Why should we allow Democrats to whose our candidates? Cochran narrowly defeated McDaniel in last nights primary because his campaign appealed to Democrats for their support. It is foolish to let your opponents choose who they will run against. It's time to change those rules. Let each party pick their own candidate and then let the people decide. 6-24-2014 * IRS: The IRS targeting scandal keeps getting worse by the minute. Head of the IRS, Koskinen, in earlier testimony had promised to provide the emails requested by the committee then the IRS informed Congress that Lois Lerner's PC had crashed and the drives were thrown out. Now Koskinen says he was told that but that he doesn't remember who told him. It's like another regime three ring circus. These people think Congress and the American people are stupid. We know that those that voted them into office are either stupid or ignorant, you can't take their stories seriously when they're devout of integrity. Emails do not only exist on a users PC. They have to go through servers to get there, and when sent, the recipient has a copy as well. Servers are backed up and by law, the IRS, as other government servers, have to have normal backups and disaster recovery backups. To simply brush this off by claiming that a hard drive failed and was thrown out stretches credulity beyond any reasonable bounds. The Obama was originally outraged when he pretended to first hear about the IRS targeting of conservative groups during the 2010 election cycle. At the time it was the politically expedient thing to do. That faux outrage turned into "there's no evidence," how does he know that if the hard drive had crashed then thrown out? Then "no evidence" turned to "not a smidgen of evidence." Something here smells. When official arms of the government are used to intimidate citizens who are critical of the administration's actions, it is the antithesis of freedom and contrary to everything our founding fathers envisioned. It is the tool tyrants use to control their opposition and it is the tool The Obama is using as well. It's time for a special prosecutor to get to the bottom of this most serious overreach by this outlaw regime. 6-23-201414 * Kerry: ISIS keeps marching on towards Bahgdad while The Obama regime keeps fiddling. Secretary of State John "they killed women and children" Kerry is in Baghdad meeting with PM Maliki. Most likely Kerry is trying to convince Maliki to resign. Meanwhile the barbarians are at the gate and the regime is acting as their negotiator. After abandoning Iraq and surrendering the victory, The Obama is now allowing ISIS to continue their march and strengthen while the government of Iraq weakens. All this done through the prism of political polling and expediency. It's not about right and wrong or what our commanders say, it's about how the inner circle of political hacks at the White House thinks the reaction to any policy change will be received. These are the same 'folks' that thought the Bergdahl for the Taliban 'dream team' would be applauded. Nothing to worry about, everything is under control, the pin heads are in charge! 6-19-2014 * Maliki: The regime is putting out the word, Maliki must go. The current crisis in Iraq didn't happen overnight. Iraqi prime minister Maliki asked for American military assistance over six months ago and was rebuffed by the White House. Failure to secure a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Maliki government, by The Obama, lead to both a military and political vacuum that was quickly filled with corruption in the Iraqi government and an opening to Al-Qaeda and ISIS on the military front. Disgruntled Sunni's were ripe for the extremism that feeds barbaric militants like ISIS. Now a steady flow of fallen cities are littered with the headless bodies of their opposition. There is no negotiating with this level of extremism, your either defeat this scourge or be prepared to face it, sooner of later, in your own back yard. The Obama regime's policy of leading from behind has left our allies behind and emboldened our enemies. This makes for a much more dangerous world, we're beginning to see affects of the vacuum, also left behind. Turning the Iraq victory into a sorry defeat cannot stand. We should provide air support for the Iraqi military with special ops on the ground in that effort. There is still an opportunity to turn this around but only if we act now and forcefully, time is not on our side. 6-18-2014 * Benghazi: Yesterday a Pentagon spokesman said, "Sunday night on orders from our commander in chief…" One of the Benghazi terrorists was captured on Sunday night, Ahmed Abu Khatallah captured after 641 days of hiding in plain sight. Why now? The terrorist had given media interviews and was easy to find. We're sure that political timing had nothing to do with this capture! He is now on and American ship heading to Washington, DC, to face trial in civilian court with all the rights of a citizen, outrageous. Murdering terrorists should not be treated as ordinary criminals, they're not, they're terrorists intent on our destruction. Their enemy combatants and belong at GITMO. Last night Hillary Clinton was interviewed by Bret Baier and Greta Van Susteren, she managed to dance her way around the questions on Benghazi and on two occasions even gave out her patented shriek laugh that sends a chill up the spine of anyone within earshot. Both Bret and Greta let her skate without pressing her on the political reasons for the Benghazi video lies and timing around the presidential election. She still contends that the video played a roll even though all accounts from people on the ground and commanders in real time never mentioned a video. She is covering her rear and the dereliction of duty which lead to Benghazi in the first place. Revisionist history may help her sell a few books but in the end, the truth will prevail and she will be seen for what she truly is. 6-17-2014 * Lerner: Like selective amnesia, the IRS has told Congress that Lois Lerner's last two years of emails have been lost due to a computer crash. Not all her emails, only the ones in question. The ones that tie targeting of conservative groups to the White House. How convenient and how do they think they can get away with that whopper? Let's assume for a minute that her PC hard drive did crash and destroyed her emails. Why were only the ones associated with her communications regarding the targeting lost? And even if that were possible, her emails went to someone, copies of them can be found on the recipients systems, that is of course if their PC's didn't crash as well. The big picture is easy to see. The Obama regime is up to its neck in scandals, lies and cover-ups. The only things they're good at is dividing the country, destroying our economy and alienating our allies. It's going to be a dark chapter in the history of our nation. 6-16-2014 * Nero: All the lives sacrificed for Iraq's freedom are being flushed while Nero's new fiddle, the golf club, is firmly entrenched in The Obama's hands. As town after town falls to the barbarians, ISIS, the need for immediate action is upon us. It's not time for a study or bureaucratic review, it's time for action to stop the columns advancing on Bagdad. ISIS terrorists are leaving a trail of headless bodies in their wake as the Iraqi army high tail it away from the battle. The vacuum left behind by The Obama's abandonment of Iraq is about to be filled by Iran. The Mullah's have offered to defend Bagdad from the advancing ISIS killers. We could be witnessing a scenario where Iranian troops on the ground will be supported by American air power. While all this is playing out, The Obama plays golf and gives global warming speeches. Perhaps he's waiting to read about it in the papers. 6-13-2014 * Overload2: On June 4th our Overload BLOG ended with the following. "If the regime believed people would buy their lies about Bergdahl, it's more proof of their total incompetence. Seems The Obama is not even concerned about the midterm elections, if he was he would not have made such a dangerous trade and broken the law while doing so. The terrorist deal took the VA scandal off the headlines now they need another outrageous event to take this treasonous deal's place. Stay tuned…" Since that short time ago we now have the border crisis and Iraq. Didn't take long, as we predicted, the overload strategy is working. Remember when Hillary Clinton, while testifying on Benghazi said, "Maybe they were some guys out for a walk one night and decided to kill some Americans." Now, on her book tour, speaking of the Taliban dream team release she said, "These five guys are not a treat to the united states." Ignorance is bliss. Stupid people elect stupid leaders, we are now paying the price for the dumbing down of the American electorate. 6-12-2014 * Iraq: The Obama's failure to successfully achieve a Status of Forces agreement (SOF) with the Iraqi government has directly lead to the current crisis in that country. Cities in Northwest Iraq are falling like dominos. AL-Qaeda is marching seemingly un-opposed against Iraqi citizens and their feckless military. Reports show that soldiers are taking off their uniforms, dropping their weapons and walking away. This disaster did not happen overnight. The Obama campaigned on ending the war, in reality, the war was already ending, what he did was squander the Iraqi victory and the cost of American lives and treasure to meet his political goals. Refusal to negotiate the SOF left a void in Iraq's defenses, a void that was quickly filled by our enemies. This was no surprise. The current crisis did not happen overnight. The Iraqi government has been asking for air strikes against militant targets for over 6 months, those desperate requests for help have fallen on deaf White House ears. As of this morning Al-Qaeda is marching steadily towards the capital of Bagdad leaving a path of destruction behind. Headless corpses in their wake are just one reminder of the evil nature that is at the core of the barbaric enemies the civilized world faces. The Obama turned the victory in Iraq into a defeat, he is well on his way to repeating this mistake in Afghanistan. Releasing Taliban terrorist leaders from Gitmo was a major step in supporting the overthrow of the Afghan government. America and the civilized world is in a much more precarious position today than we were just a couple of years ago. Benghazi may have been the start of that process. The lack of response and the lies told about Benghazi enboldened our enemies throughout the world. Bin Laden may still be dead, but GM is on life support and Al-Qaeda is very much alive! 6-11-2014 * 21 Months: Today marks 21 months since the Benghazi terrorist attack. To date not a single terrorist has been brought to justice and no one in the regime has been held accountable for the failure to secure Benghazi, before, during and after the attack. During an interview of then Secretary Hillary Clinton, on her book tour, she was asked why security concerns were not addressed in Benghazi, she responded that Benghazi was, "merely in the top 25 back in 2012." "Merely" in the top twenty five? Taking into account that the Benghazi consulate had previously been attacked, the British had closed their consulate there, others had also left, Al-Qaeda flags were flying in town and Ambassador Stevens had requested increased security, doesn't make sense that taking all these points together would lead these concerns to only make the top 25. Seems like a poor excuse from the git go. She claimed to take responsibility for the Benghazi mess with a caveat by saying, "I'm taking responsibility, but I was not making security decisions." Basically it's I'm responsible but not really and with no consequences for my failures! Asked what her signature accomplishment was, she couldn't name one, we can name her biggest failure, it's starts with B and ends with four murdered Americans. Her attempt to say that she and President Clinton were what she called, "Dead Broke," when they left the White House was a condescending joke. Tell the actual broke and unemployed American's, at the hands of this regime's policies, that a president and first lady are broke and see how that flies. Her book, "Hard Choices," is a poor excuse and a lame attempt at putting Benghazi behind her. After all, in the future when asked about Benghazi she can just say, "read my book." No thank you, but my bird cage does need some liners so the book could come in handy for that. 6-10-2014 * Crisis: The regime is on a roll. We mentioned last week that as bad as the ongoing VA scandal was, there was another to follow and displace it. We then had the 'deserter' for the Taliban dream team swap which put the VA scandal on the back burner. As bad as the Taliban swap was we now have a humanitarian and illegal immigration crisis ready to take the illegal, and treasonous, swap's place. A steady stream of illegal 'children' are coming across the border after hearing promises that if you can get to the U.S. they will be taken care of and can stay. These illegals are overwhelming the system as military bases are being turned into housing centers. It's lawlessness on the border. Lawlessness being invited by this regime. As scandals keep being pushed to the back burners new ones are lining up to take their place. Transformation in overdrive… 6-9-2014 * Amnesty: The regime has put out the word that some sort of amnesty for illegal's is coming. Virginia Rep. Cantor is even talking about amnesty for children. It's no wonder then that children are streaming across the Texas and Arizona borders non-stop. The regime has overwhelmed the system by selectively enforcing and ignoring our immigration laws. They are taking these children and busing them to Arizona then releasing them at bus stops to fend for themselves. The regime is also lining up lawyers to represent these children. After all, it's all about the children. Like achieving through EPA, regulations what the regime could not get through Congress, encouraging illegal immigration and selectively enforcing our immigration laws is tantamount to backdoor amnesty. It's another example of the outlaw nature of The Obama regime. 6-6-2014 * Excuses: The regime keeps throwing soiled excuses at the MSM wall to see which one sticks. They're not sticking but they sure smell funny. The new excuse on the traitor Bergdahl for senior terrorists trade is more confirmation that The Obama regime is out of control. Since the health excuse didn't pan out, now it's the Taliban threatened to kill him if the deal was made public prior to his release. This pig won't fly either. If that was the reason then why use the health excuse? After all he was already in U.S. hands when Susan Rice did her song and dance on the Sunday shows. The Obama also confirmed the health excuse after the swap had taken place, no mention of the threat on Bergdahl at that time. Echo's of his speech before the UN blaming the video days after the Benghazi terrorist attack. Even though The Obama is in Normandy for the 70th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, his actions have put today's heroes in harms way. Between the VA and release of the Taliban dream team it's clear this regime treats our military as if they were second class citizens. Regardless of what they say, illegal's get better treatment than our vets. It's shameful. 6-5-2014 * Audacity: During a joint news conference with British Prime Minister Cameron, The Obama was asked about the Bergdahl terrorist swap. He answered, "Never surprised by controversies whipped up in Washington…" This issue was born in Washington alright, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The regimes State Department and Secretary of Defense Hagel are basically calling Bergdahl's platoon mates liars for their stories of how Bergdahl deserted his post and may have aided and abeted the enemy. Susan "video" Rice says Bergdahl, "Served with honor and distinction." This is nothing new, Bergdahl deserted in 2009 en route to contact the Taliban. Shortly thereafter the Taliban's succcess in IED's increased considerably, coincedence? Not likely. The release of the Taliban's dream team borders on treason. It's enboldened our enemies to take American soldiers hostage. What do you think the moral of our troops is when their commander in chief is releasing top enemy commanders from Gitmo? Who's side is he on? A senior Taliban commander was asked if the Bergdahl swap inspired them to kidnap more American's and he responded, “Definitely. It’s better to kidnap one person like Bergdahl than kidnapping hundreds of useless people. It has encouraged our people. Now everybody will work hard to capture such an important bird.” Our enemies are dancing in their caves as The Obama blames "...controversies whipped up in Washington…" The biggest controversy in Washington is The Obama himself. 6-4-2014 * Overload: Fast-n-Furious, IRS, DOJ, Benghazi, VA, Gitmo Terrorist deal, EPA Cap-n-Trade regs, and on and on. We are witnessing a deliberate overload of our system, politically, economically and emotionally. This regime breeds political scandals like rabbits breed rabbits. When a scandal is brought to light, they set up an investigation, then they can't comment because there's an investigation. They drag that on as long as they can. After the distractions and time passes by they claim that there's no scandal and that it's an old issue, can we just move on? A pattern has emerged of this process and it seems they have a patent pending. Some say the regime expected a different reaction from the public, they thought people would be pleased that a captured soldier was coming home. If the regime believed people would buy their lies about Bergdahl, it's more proof of their total incompetence. Seems The Obama is not even concerned about the midterm elections, if he was he would not have made such a dangerous trade and broken the law while doing so. The terrorist deal took the VA scandal off the headlines now they need another outrageous event to take this treasonous deal's place. Stay tuned… 6-3-2014 * Surrender: The Obama's excuse for negotiating and trading terrorists for Bergdahl is that "it's what happens at the end of wars." Bergdahl was not a prisoner of war, he was a deserter who turned against his country and betrayed his fellow soldiers. Susan "video" Rice says Bergdahl served "honorably." That's the lie they have to sell to support their betrayal of the public trust. What end of wars is The Obama referring too? After surrendering the peace in Iraq he is now intent on repeating this mistake in Afghanistan. The end of our involvement in Afghanistan does not mean the end of the war. The senior Taliban/Al Qaeda terrorists just released are fighting a bigger war, one which knows no borders. It's a war for civilization itself. They're on a global Jihad where the only end they'll accept is either our destruction or theirs. Lies, terror and The Obama regime are their tools. If this is not an example of the enemy within I don't know what is. While Bergdahl's platoon mates are calling for a courts martial, the regime is hailing him as a hero. Who do you believe? 6-2-2014 * Treason: The Obama's illegal deal to obtain the release of Bowe Bergdahl has pushed the VA scandal from the headlines, perhaps that was the motive. Over the weekend the White House announced a deal with the Taliban for Bergdahl in exchange for five Gitmo prisoners of war (not detainees). The Gitmo prisoners are senior Taliban terrorists with American and Afghan blood on their hands. They were categorized as dangerous and not eligible for release. In 2009 Bergdahl deserted his post, leaving his equipment behind and walking away at night. He's a deserter. Soldiers died searching for him. The Obama said they made the deal because we don't leave anyone behind. They left four Americans behind in Benghazi, but what difference does that make! Like the Benghazi lies, Susan Rice was again tasked to appear on the Sunday talk shows spewing WH talking points. Their line is that Bergdahl's health was deteriorating so the deal had to be rushed and there was no time to notify Congress. It is illegal to move a Gitmo prisoner without giving Congress a 30 day notice. But like other laws, this regime selectively ignores them. We traded with terrorists changing a long lasting tradition of not doing so. This will lead to more hostage taking as the reward for our enemies outweighs the danger. We've traded five senior hardened terrorists for one deserter, outrageous. This outlaw regime's action knows no bounds. 5-30-2014 * Shinseki: In a rare point of agreement, Nancy "Blinky" Pelosi and John Boehner, believe VA Secretary Shinseki should stay on the job. There's no question that Secretary Shinseki served his country honorably but after 6 years of the VA treatment of our veterans increasingly getting worse, it's time for him to go. We need to clean house at the VA, top down. It's not a monetary issue, it's a big government bureaucratic incompetence issue. It's a microcosm of what ObamaCare will be. Government is not efficient at anything that could be done by the private sector. A streamlined VA that just administers our veteran's services via public hospitals is the way to go. Standing in the way are public sector unions which make up 80% of the VA. The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the average union membership rate for public sector employees is 35.3% and private sector 6.7%. The participation rate of 80% for the VA dwarfs the national averages. It's no wonder with numbers like these that incompetence and unaccountability would be systemic in the VA, as is reflected by their treatment of our veterans. You cannot reform this monster without first removing those responsible for it's management, that responsibility begins at the top. 5-29-2014 * Narcissist: Commencement speeches should be uplifting, inspirational and instructive to the graduating class. Yesterday's speech by the president at West Point was anything but. The narcissist president was true to form as the speech was an attempt at self defense and full of his usual misrepresentations. The Obama said, “Here’s my bottom line: America must always lead on the world stage. If we don’t, no one else will. The question we face ... is not whether America will lead, but how we will lead.” The answer to his question is simple, he'll lead from behind like he has all along. His bottom line is worthless when his word is worthless. You can't rewrite history, he attempts to change our memories as if he were an etch-a-sketch president. Don't pay any attention to what I've said or done, this is the real me. It's all about me with him. If you have to tell people you're strong, than you're not. If you tell people you're not weak, you are. Facts are truly stubborn things, no matter how hard he tries, he can't outrun the facts of his incompetence. Our West Point graduates deserved better. 5-28-2014 * West Point: The Obama gave the commencement speech at West Point today emphasizing our leadership role in the world. He was obviously speaking of the imaginary world he sees through his rose colored glasses. He said we must maintain our leadership role ignoring, his actions and inactions the past six years that have led to an ever more dangerous world. Our leadership has been diminished. He said if you only have a hammer, every problem is a nail. In The Obama's case it's more like a fly swatter. In order for the hammer to work it must be used. Once used it serves as a deterrent but only if the threat is believable and not an arbitrary red line imposed for political point. He claims to have ended the war in Iraq when what he did was squander our victory by losing the peace. Failure to obtain a status of forces agreement with Iraq was his failure to lead. He is heading down the same path in Afghanistan. The Obama's lack of leadership has led to a much more dangerous world than the one he inherited. Whether by incompetence or through a more sinister plan, the outcome is the same. This is why senators do not make good presidents. They are debaters not leaders. Our next president will inherit a world where American exceptionalism has been purposely diminished by fulfilling the dreams from his father. Mission accomplished. 5-27-2014 * Iran: Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on Sunday declared that negotiations on their nuclear program are over and that their goal is to destroy America. He said, "Battle and jihad are endless because evil and its front continue to exist. … This battle will only end when the society can get rid of the oppressors’ front with America at the head of it." This is what appeasement brings. Negotiations were just a delay tactic leaving Iran closer than ever to their building a nuclear bomb. As a side benefit they also had sanctions relief. In exchange we got nothing. Another incompetent foreign policy disaster for a regime who can't seem to get anything right. Leading from behind has proven to be more like being left behind. It's a complicated world where The Obama's goal of reducing our influence has proven to be one of his few accomplishments. If his goal was to diminish our role in the world, he has been successful. The transformation continues as our enemies, like the Ayatollahs, are laughing all the way to the bank. 5-23-2014 * Memorial Day: On this Memorial Day weekend we remember the sacrifices our military has made through the years and continues to make today. We mourn those who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep us free. At the same time we celebrate that such men and women lived. We should also be aware of what is happening to our veterans with their treatment at the hands of the Veterans Administration (VA). In 2008 The Obama campaigned on the failure of the VA to meet the needs of our veterans. It's been six years since he's been in office, the VA budget has gone from $85 Billion in 2008 to $154 Billion in 2014, and the problems have gotten worse. Not only do we have systemic failures, which lead to veterans dying on waiting lists, we also have an example of the failure of bureaucracy. The current failure of the VA shows that it's not an issue of funds, doubling the VA budget didn't put a dent in the problems, it's big government inefficiency and lack of accountability. Our veterans deserve much better treatment for their service and sacrifices. Imagine for a moment what it would be like if instead of running their own hospitals and services the VA was simply a conduit through which our veterans would get their healthcare at regular hospitals. Veterans would be given a card for their service and any cost of their healthcare would be paid by the VA. They would be able to go to the doctor of their choice. We owe them at least this much and it would in the end be less expensive than the colossal failure that is a government run VA. Built it inefficiencies and incompetence are inevitable in government run institutions. The VA disaster is a microcosm of what ObamaCare could be on a national scale. This Memorial Day weekend, we remember.
5-22-2014 * Ear-Wax: South Florida's latest attraction is an ear-wax eating congressman that believes there's proof that Communism works. After being caught on CSPAN picking his ear and sucking his finger he later went on to say that El Paso, Texas was the safest city since it has a large number of government employees, border patrol agents. It shows that giving everybody a good government job is proof that Communism works. Only from the mind of a liberal can such baloney emerge. Like a fungus of stupidity, it multiplies to the point of being comedic relief. There are legitimate functions that only government can perform, border security is one of them. Even though the current administration is working against this mandate, evidenced by their plans to designate a large section of land in New Mexico as a national park, thereby limiting the role border agents can play, border agents do their best to protect Americans from illegals coming over the border. Representative Joe "Ear-Wax" Garcia (D-FL) is completely confused equating El Paso's crime stats with proof that Communism works. A descendent of Cuban's who witnessed the destruction that Communism has done, and continues to do, to a once free and prosperous nation should be shamed of himself. 5-21-2014 * Reid: Dirty Harry Reid is out of control. His affliction has finally been diagnosed, he has 'Koch Envy'. It's a contagious condition that affects the emptiness inside a liberal brain where common sense goes to die. Since they can't use logic to diagnose issues they attack the messengers and those that back them. Yesterday, against House and Senate rules, Reid and Pelosi held a screening of an anti-Koch brothers propaganda film in the Capitol Visitors Center. It's not enough for Reid to spew his contempt and hatred for the Koch brothers first amendment rights on the Senate floor, he has to take the hatred and hypocrisy to another level. Leftist billionaire supporters Steyer and Soros can pump all the money they want into liberal/progressive causes and candidates but when conservatives reciprocate it's suddenly un-American to Dirty Harry Reid. The Koch brothers stand for our Constitution, limited federal government, less business killing regulations and traditional family values. Reid and Pelosi can't debate the issues on their merits so they attack the messengers. Their hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife. Hopefully Dirty Harry can get some medication for his 'Koch Envy' before it eats him alive. 5-20-2014 * Segregation: Both Michelle Obama and Eric Holder are now playing the segregation card. It's right next to the race card in their deck of fools. They claim that segregation is making a comeback when in reality this regimes policies are facilitating what would appear to be worsening conditions in inner city schools. Splitting Americans into groups is what keeps Democrats in power. They do this consciously and subconsciously. It's logical that in the inner city where the majority of students are black that you're going to have a majority of black kids in school, that doesn't mean the school is segregated. The majority of Americans are in favor of school vouchers. The Obama regime is against it, pressure from teachers unions is behind their failed policies. School vouchers are necessary to assist inner city families in providing the best possible choice in education for their children. The biggest segregation is the one that exists in the minds of liberals which separates their brains from commons sense. 5-19-2014 * VA: The shameful treatment of our Veterans by the Veteran's Affairs (VA) cannot stand. Last Friday the VA's undersecretary for healthcare Robert Petzel resigned in what was billed as a result of the scandals surrounding the treatment of veterans. The catch is that Petzel had already announced his retirement. The safest job in the world is one within The Obama regime where mediocrity and failure are rewarded. Problems at the VA precede this administration but hey have been made much worse by the incompetence and political nature systemic at every level within their leadership. Meanwhile VA Secretary Eric Shinseki remains on his job. Secret waiting lists to make their wait times look better are just the tip of the iceberg. Healthcare failures at the VA are what happens when government runs healthcare, it is a prelude of what ObamaCare will be. Some veterans wait up to 5 months for a doctors appointment, this is a disgrace. ObamaCare's 36 delays are only postponing the inevitable failure which will surely come when a government controlled national healthcare systems morphs into the VA on steroids. Failure multiplied ten-fold. 5-16-2014 * Museum: The 9/11 museum was officially opened yesterday. It was an emotional event with many speakers, politicians, survivors and family members. The stories told were inspiring at times, sad at times and informative. What was missing from all the speeches and historical information was the reason that the memorial exists in the first place. If it wasn't for the evil that is the Islamic fundamentalists war on civilization there would never have been a 9/11 and therefore no need for the museum. The elephant in the room was the evil that exists in groups like Al Qaeda and Boko Haram. The museum honors heroes and almost 3,000 victims of a horrible nightmare that came about because of the world war being waged by many followers of Islam. Like not all cars are Chevys, all Chevys are cars, not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists seem to be Muslim. Democrats falsely play the 'war on women' card against Republicans while ignoring the true war on women in the Muslim world. Boko Haram still holds almost 300 young girls hostage after attacking their boarding school, but where are the boys from the school? Forty to fifty-nine students where murdered. Some shot in their sleep, some while trying to escape, some burned alive and some had their throats slit. All the ones killed were boys. They were murdered. We cannot fight an enemy whose goal is our demise while sugar coating their intentions. Still waiting for that 'religion of peace' to become peaceful, don't hold your breath. The museum is a place to mourn and contemplate while we lick our wounds. The war continues, not a religious war but rather, a war for the survival of humanity. 5-15-2014 * Immigration: The Obama regime released 36,000 criminal illegal aliens in 2013. These 36,000 illegals had 88,000 convictions between them, including: 193 homicide convictions (including one willful killing of a public official with gun) 426 sexual assault convictions 303 kidnapping convictions 1,075 aggravated assault convictions 1,160 stolen vehicle convictions 9,187 dangerous drug convictions 16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions 303 flight escape convictions With Democrats and the regime pushing for "comprehensive" immigration reform (code for amnesty) how can they be trusted to uphold any new laws when they don't enforce existing ones? You can't. The fact that some Republicans are going along with this farce is a disgrace. This is an election year attempt to influence another election by pandering to Hispanics. Reagan fell for this ploy in the 80's when promised that border enforcement would follow and it would only be a one time event. Didn't turn out very well as we now have upwards of 12 Million illegal immigrants in our country. You're not going to round them up but when they commit a crime, specially violent crimes, they should serve their time then immediately be deported. This is just more proof that you can't trust anything this regime says. It's not their words that matter, it's their actions that you have to watch. 5-14-2014 * Voter-ID: Kentucky Senator Rand Paul is telling Republicans not to focus on voter-ID laws. He said, "I do object to overemphasizing something that's turning people off." He says he believes in voter-ID laws but that we shouldn't emphasize them. What good is it to believe in something and not be willing for stand for it? He's afraid it will alienate black people. I believe that's condescending. Voter-ID laws protect the voting rights of black people as much as they do any other color American. You need an ID to buy beer, to fly, to enter Obama events and for many other purposes. Why then is it restrictive to require them to vote? The integrity of our elections are at stake. In the last two elections there were numerous cases of voter fraud. In one voting district in Florida, 140% of registered voters voted. You don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure out that in that case, there was voter fraud. It is reported that there are 40 thousand people registered to vote in both Virginia and Maryland. Each election we hear of the deceased voting. Do they rise from the dead every two years to vote? There's a reason why only citizens are allowed to vote, living citizens, it's about time we protected that right before it's so diluted that the citizenry becomes so complacent that our election process becomes a joke. We need to protect every citizens right to vote, regardless of the color of their skin. 5-13-2014 * Benghazi: 20 months and counting… Lies, election fraud, cover-up, no accountability! * WH-Lies: Former Treasury Secretary Geithner gives another example of The Obama regime's pattern of lying. In his book "Stress Test," he recalls when senior White House advisor David Plouffe asked him to lie about social security not being a part of the deficit because it would be a "dog whistle" to their Democrat base. Geithner refused to carry the WH lie on the Sunday talk shows. This goes along with the Benghazi lies by Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and The Obama about the video. Plouffe wasn't successful in convincing Geithner to lie while Rhodes and others were successful in getting Rice to. The pattern is emerging of a WH more intent on covering the president's derrière than telling the American people the truth. Even when lives are at stake and lost, like in Benghazi, this regime's sole consideration is the preservation of their power, the truth be damned. What was billed as the most transparent administration has been the most secretive and manipulative. The WH lied and people died in Benghazi, it's not just a cover-up, it's a treasonous national disgrace. 5-9-2014 * Dysfunction: The Obama spoke on Wednesday at a fundraiser at Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn's house. In attendance were hypocritical liberal 1 percenters like Barbara Streisand. During his normal anti-conservative and Republican diatribe he said, “People who have the most at stake in a government that works opt out of the system; those who don’t believe government can do anything are empowered; gridlock reigns, and we got this downward spiral of even more cynicism and more dysfunction. And we have to break out of that cycle and that’s what this election all about.” When a president is elected he becomes the president of all Americans, not just those of his party. The Obama has not followed that model. He has been the most divisive and polarizing president in our lifetime. From day one, with his czar appointments and executive orders he has constantly been on the attack in a attempt to "punish" his opponents. His zeal for unilaterally cramming through Congress the take-over of our healthcare system was not the end of his scheme, it was the beginning. Knowing that to control a person's healthcare information is to control that person, dependency and subjugation would logically follow. The political class in Washington is like a dysfunctional family and the president is the head of that family. He complains about the dysfunction when he is the source of the dysfunction. Par for the course, the pot calling the kettle black. 5-8-2014 * MSM: The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." A key component to this amendment is freedom of the press. The Main Stream Media (MSM) has essentially abrogated that right with their complicity in the Benghazi cover-up. This stems from the fact that during the presidential election of 2012 they were fully committed to the re-election of The Obama. Their selective reporting and sugar coating of events favorable to the president are too numerous to count. In doing the bidding of the White House they became unofficial members of the regime and therefore part and parcel of the cover-up. For them to cover the story now would in essence be an admission that they were partial in their original complicity and therefore an admission of their share of the blame. The first step in an addicts recovery is to admit they have a problem. The MSM will not begin to recover their lost integrity until they take that first step. 5-7-2014 * Diversion: We have the most serious cover-up since WaterGate and the White House strategy is another diversion. Back to "climate change," aka "global warming," aka "acid rain," aka "global cooling." When I was growing up in the 60's, besides nuclear drills of ducking under your desk in elementary school, we were also indoctrinated in the belief that we were headed towards another ice age. By today's terminology, climate-cooling. After that we had acid-rain, the forests would disappear and the lakes would be poisoned, the world was coming to an end. Well, those disaster scenarios didn't pan out so it was on to the latest scare tactic and wealth transfer scheme, this time, global-warming. After 1979 the warming trend started to stabilize then it began to reverse. This didn't fit the environmental radical's agenda so it was scraped for another theory, climate-change. Webster dictionary's description of climate: "The average course or condition of the weather at a place usually over a period of years as exhibited by temperature, wind velocity, and precipitation." Different periods have different averages, that's climate, its definition implies change. That brings us to the latest reason for the climate-change diversion, distract from the Benghazi cover-up and get all your accomplices to rearrange the chairs on the Titanic. No mater which one your in, you're going to get wet. 5-6-2014 * FOX: Catherine Herridge of FOX News has found discrepancies in emails released, through court order to Judicial Watch, and the very same emails that were given to Congressional committees. This discovery sheds more light on the tangled mess that is the Benghazi cover-up. That crunching sound you hear is that of Democrats and Obama regime allies starting to eat their words. It's getting harder to defend the obvious continuing obstruction, but they'll keep trying. The regime's goal of running out the clock on Benghazi is crumbling before our eyes. You cannot laugh this off, you cannot claim it's old news when new revelations continue to appear. They can use the tired "rules for radicals" of isolating and attacking the messenger but that tactic will fail when facts outweigh their distractions. Today The Obama will again attempt a pivot to "climate change," but that subject is so far down the list of issues that it will backfire. We're now on the way to finally achieving some justice, it's long overdue. 5-5-2014 * Wagons: Over the weekend Democrats continued circling the wagons. According to them the Benghazi cover-up is nothing more than a GOP witch hunt. After all, there have been hearings by several committees in Congress and nothing has come of them. No mention of Rhodes redacted email which directly ties the White House to the false video excuse and how that email was hidden from the very same committees which they criticize. The reason its taken this long is because of the MSM ignoring the cover-up, White House lies/deception, and Democrat's distraction. There are too many missing pieces for this go away. We owe it to the four murdered Americans and their families and to our founding fathers to not let this travesty fade away. Where was The Obama during the attack? Who gave the stand-down order? Who made the decision to blame the video? Why haven't the terrorist been brought to justice? So many questions are left unanswered, perhaps now with a select committee, we'll finally get those answers. 5-2-2014 * Dude?: Former National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor responded to a question on Benghazi from Bret Baier, of FOX News, by saying, “Dude, this was like two years ago.” What the malarkey was that? When asked about the newly court ordered release of the smoking gun email Nancy "Blinky" Pelosi said, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, can we talk about something else? What the… We are witnessing a regime and their allies in full Cover You’re A___. It's now a cover-up of a cover-up of a cover-up and CYA. Dude, what difference does it make? You can run but you cannot hide, the end is near! 5-1-2014 * Carney: After revelation of the Rhodes White House smoking-gun email, carnival Carney was caught with his pants down. In the WH press room yesterday he was repeatedly questioned as to the meaning of the email and he had the nerve to deny that an email which copied him, and outlines what the response to Benghazi should be, had nothing to do with Benghazi. Now we have a cover-up of a cover-up of a cover-up, it's like a three ring circus. The Obama and his clowns have flat out lied to the American people and have to be held accountable. Their defenders brush this off as Benghazi being old news and that hearings have not found anything of relevance. The Rhodes email only came to light after a 'freedom of information' lawsuit resulted in a court order. This is of relevance and most likely only the tip of the iceberg. Benghazi is an old story, an unresolved old story. Watergate is an old story, it's still a cover-up! The difference between the two is no one died during Watergate, four Americans died in Benghazi. Shame on the MSM for carrying the regimes water and suckling at the tit of incompetence. They are complicit in the cover-up and a shame to First Amendment which grants them the freedom which they deny. This story will not conclude until justice is done, both to those responsible before and after the fact in Washington, and those who perpetrated the terrorist attack and murder of four fallen American heroes. 4-30-2014 * Benghazi: Court ordered release of White House docs show the Benghazi smoking gun. High level emails previously released but highly redacted were ordered released in their entirety. The result shows a coordinated plan by senior White House aids, including Ben Rhodes, to blame the Benghazi terrorist attack on an Internet video and deflect attention from the president's failed foreign policy. The timeline is prior to Ambassador Rice's appearance before the Sunday talk shows blaming the video. These emails tie the cover-up and the cover-up of the cover-up directly to the Oval office less than two months before a presidential election. Four Americans died, including an ambassador, and the White House focus was on the election. More than a year and a half later and still no one has been held accountable, in Washington or Libya. Whether the MSM carries this story or buries it, doesn't matter, Congress needs to act and not let this travesty stand. The integrity of the presidency itself is at stake. After the mid-term elections, impeachment should be the first order of business! 4-29-2014 * GOP: Preparing to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, speaker Boehner is warming up. We're heading into a mid-term election where all the variables are lining up for the GOP, maybe even stupidity. We have an unpopular president, more Democrat Senators up for reelection than Republicans, Democrat Senators up in red states and a colossal failure in ObamaCare. Republican leader Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers said it’s unlikely the Affordable Care Act will be repealed. “We need to look at reforming the exchanges.” What happened to repeal? You can't fix an almost thirty thousand page monstrosity with moving parts. Boehner makes fun of his Republican colleagues on immigration pretending to whine about reform because it's too hard. Takes one to know one. Immigration is a losing proposition for Republicans at this time, they need to concentrate on the failure of ObamaCare and the economy. Pocketbook issues that affect every American. If immigration was that important to Democrats why didn't they tackle it when they had control of both houses of Congress? They didn't deal with that or the economy because healthcare was the means to control Americans. Control a persons health information, make them dependent on government and you control that person. That was the brass ring they went for and that overreach will be their downfall, that is, unless the GOP lets them off the hook. 4-28-2014 * Rights: There he goes again. Another foreign trip, another embarrassment for America. Fresh from his bowing to a Japanese robot, The Obama criticizes the U.S.A. in Malaysia. At a joint press conference with the Malaysian Prime Minister, he was asked by Major Garrett why he didn't use his diplomacy to influence foreign leaders on Human Rights. The Obama answered, “I think the Prime Minister is the first to acknowledge that Malaysia’s still got some work to do. Just like the United States, by the way, has some work to do on these issues. Human Rights Watch probably has a list of things they think we should be doing as a government.” Another apology tour in the works. Just like the U.S. is not exceptional, we have a human rights problem too? It is a shame that the president of the United States should go around the world criticizing us. There's a big club of nations known as the United Nations that already does a pretty good job of condemning and criticizing the U.S., we don't need our own president doing it, specially on foreign soil. We do have infringements on rights and freedoms in this country but they are coming from The Obama's own regime when he goes beyond our Constitution and into executive overreach from an over burdensome government. Our Constitution protects us from human rights abuses, liberty and freedom are enshrined by our great founding documents, human rights abuses are not part of our institution like they are in many foreign states. We look forward to the day when once again we'll have a president that sees this great country for what it is and not what The Obama's perverted beliefs dictate they should be. 4-25-2014 * Hamas: Palestinian Fatah leader Abbas announced a "Unity" deal with the Gaza Palestinian group Hamas. This brought the Israeli peace talks to a screeching halt. Hamas is intent on Israel's destruction. You cannot negotiate peace with a party that doesn't seek peace but rather seeks your demise. It's in Hamas's charter to destroy Israel, how can you negotiate with that? This shows that West Bank Palestinians have chosen to side with the more extreme elements of Hamas rather than take the path towards possible peace with Israel. Hamas envisions a Palestinian state that encompasses all of Israel, no state would negotiate away their existence. In Spanish "Hamas" means "never," and that's exactly when they'll have peace with Israel. 4-24-2014 * Quotas: This week the Supreme Court upheld a Michigan law banning quotas in college admissions. The law was voter approved. A quota is discrimination therefore eliminating quotas is eliminating discrimination. Response from both Attorney General Eric Holder and The Obama was negative. They would rather justice not be blind but take sides as payment for the past. When quotas were first introduced their goal was to bring about equality, they were never intended to be permanent. We have reached that equality and it should be celebrated instead of attacked at every opportunity. Liberals attain their power by division, quotas support that division. Eliminating quotas threatens their power base which in turn brings them to defend this form of discrimination. The irony in this response is the attorney general and president are both black, where is the discrimination there? The Obama is a prime example of what happens when you have quotas, in essence, he is our first quota or affirmative action president, and most likely the last. When someone completely unqualified to hold the position which he enters because of a quota, you get incompetence in return. Many Americans voted for The Obama out of historical guilt, thrust upon them by an over zealous media. Over 90% of blacks voted for The Obama, how many of those relied on his qualifications and how many on the color of his skin? It's long past time we moved beyond quotas and relied on a colorblind system dependent on qualification, experience and content of ones character. 4-23-2014 * Flexibility: Transformation in progress… Remember when The Obama whispered over an open mic to then Russian president Medvedev before the 2012 elections? He asked Medvedev to let Putin know that after the election he would have more flexibility. Like Gumby or a puppet, bend him or shape him to your hearts desire. Sometimes we get lost in the weeds but if you take a step back and look at the big picture, events and actions take on a different and clearer appearance. In the beginning of his presidency The Obama declared in Europe that America was exceptional just like Belgium was exceptional and others as well. By declaring all countries exceptional he was denying America's exceptionalism. During the Syrian crisis The Obama reversed his European statement and declared America to be exceptional. Putin took offense to this and wrote it into his closing statement in an Op-Ed in the New York Times. All had been up in arms, left, right, middle, but not the White House. Perhaps it's part of that flexibility which The Obama passed on to Medvedev. Taking a look at the current Ukrainian situation we see a neutered superpower handing control and prominence to a KGB operative. Through incompetence and an incoherent foreign policy we have let Russia Put-In their two bits and take over the conversation and propaganda lead. A fiction novel? No, just another step in the transformation process as seen from high above the weeds. 4-22-2014 * WWIV: Many believe that entering into a military campaign to stop Russia's expansion will lead to World War III. This belief misses the point that we're already in WWIII. The Islamic war on civilization is WWIII. It's an asymmetric, non-border driven attack on humanity and the progress man has made through the industrial revolution and beyond. Stopping Putin will not lead to WWIV because Putin leads an economically and militarily weak nation that is isolating itself more with each step they take on the road towards another adventurist annexation. The more you let a bully get away with bullying, the more bullying he'll do. Alexander the Great once said, "I do not fear an army of lions if they are led by a lamb. I do fear an army of sheep if they are led by a lion." That's what we're seeing today, The Obama is a lamb leading an army of lions, while Putin is a lion leading an army of sheep. 4-21-2014 * DWS: DNC chairman Debbie Wasserman Shultz (DWS) is off her rocker. She is claiming that Democrats will be on the offensive for the mid-term elections and that Republicans are in a civil war. She's living in an alternate universe. Democrats will be running, as fast as they can away from The Obama's policies and ObamaCare. They'll take funds from The Obama machine but will avoid any event where he'll be appearing. Only in the bluest of blue states will you see them come close to embracing the political albatross that is ObamaCare. Republicans on the other hand are standing up for Americans against a socialist, wealth transfer, dependency scheme masquerading as healthcare reform. The Obama claims the argument on ObamaCare is over and ignores the fact that due to the delays and exemptions, it has yet to be fully implemented. You can't have it both ways. A fully implemented ObamaCare would lead to its quick demise, that's why we've had the delays. 4-18-2014 * Reid: Democrat Senate majority leader "Dirty" Harry Reid is fired up. Not in defense of the Constitution or Americans battling an overreaching government, but rather attacking those who are. Speaking on the recent showdown between rancher Cliven Bundy and his supporters vs. the BLM and Rangers, he called Bundy and his supporters, “Nothing more than domestic terrorists. I repeat: what happened there was domestic terrorism.” After the BLM placed the desert tortoise on the endangered species list and demanded that Bundy stop grazing his cattle in the newly designated "tortoise protection zone," Bundy stopped paying his grazing fees. After the BLM showed up with armed agents, tasers, attack dogs and stole nearly 400 head of cattle from Bundy, his family, friends, neighbors and supporters came out to help him. The federal response was an overreach at a time when Americans are getting fed up with the ever increasing control and power of the state. Government is suppose to work for the people and not against them, when it crosses that line, it's time for a correction. The confrontation at Bunkerville was that correction. For Reid to support tyranny over freedom demonstrates the difference between progressive statists, which is what the Democrats are, and conservative Constitutionalists which believe in limited government. The lines are drawn. 4-17-2014 * Census: When The Obama machine took over the White House in early 2009 one of their first moves was to bring the census function under the White House and away from the Commerce Department. For the first time since the U.S. census began it would become a political tool. Now five years later Census Bureau Director John Thompson announced that there will be changes in the wording of the census pertaining to healthcare. How convenient that those changes could possibly mask the failures of ObamaCare. Got to hand it to the regime, taking control of the Census Bureau early on was like pocketing a get-out-of-jail card. The Obama passed "Go" collected an imaginary 7.5 Million "new" enrollees, used the race card and now he's whipping out the get-out-of-jail card. With a recent poll showing that 60 percent of Americans believe The Obama lies on important issues, what remains to be seen is will those same American allow themselves to be duped again this Fall and in 2016. Only time will tell… 4-16-2014 * Carney: On the anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing, Carnival Carney was asked why the president didn't go to Boston and why the media was restricted from participating in the White House event. Carney responded that the bombing was important in Boston, implying that it wasn't for the rest of the country. That's like saying the World Trade Center attack on 9/11 was only important to New York. This is the same liberal/progressive mentality that still calls the Fort Hood shooting, "workplace violence" and the war on terror, "overseas contingency operations." It's looking and responding to a war as individual criminal acts. If you can't see the forest for the trees you cannot understand the big picture, and if you can't understand that, you're condemned to a defensive position, the logical end of which is defeat. 4-15-2014 * Bunkerville: The reason for the 2nd Amendment was on display in Nevada this weekend. The 2nd Amendment is not about target shooting or hunting, it was intended as the citizens means to protect themselves from tyranny in government. When federal authorities stole rancher Bundy's cattle they went to far. After designating the desert tortoise an endangered species and restricting grazing lands their radical agenda was clear to see. Freedom loving Americans came from across the country to support the Bundy family against the heavily armed BLM agents and rangers. Senator Dirty Harry Reid said, "Well, it's not over. We can't have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it. So it's not over." There you have the Democrat Senate leader siding with the strong arm tactics of the federal government against a citizen of his own state. After a public uproar against the governments position they did the right thing and backed down. The almost 400 cattle that had been seized from the Bundy's were returned. During the seizure some cows were birthing and many of those calves are now in danger as they have been separated from their mothers. To this illogical regime, a tortoise is more important than the American rancher and his herd. This battle has been won but confrontations like this will continue as the government tentacles continue to grow and infest every aspect of our lives. There are many Bundys out there and many more Americans willing to stand up to tyranny of an over zealous state. 4-14-2014 * DCCC: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) chairman Steve Israel, and other Democrats, like Nancy Pelosi, are jumping on The Obama/Holder racism bandwagon. Over the weekend Israel was asked by Candy Crowley, "Do you think your Republican colleagues are racist?" Israel replied, "Not all of them, no. Of course not. But to a significant extent, the Republican base does have elements that are animated by racism." When you can't defend the indefensible failures of The Obama regime's policies you resort to attacks on the messenger. Anyone who stands in the way must be a racist. The vast majority of KKK members were and possibly still are Democrats. Perhaps today's Democrats are channeling their internal guilt by deflect their historic racism unto Republicans. Democrats are the party of division and groups. It is by catering and controlling these groups that their power is derived. Divide and conquer is their chosen method. Republicans look out across America and see Americans, Democrats see special interest groups that need their help. It is in that help that government grows and that growth maintains the government plantation in place. The cycle of dependency has to be broken for true freedom to flourish. Education and information are the keys, that's why Democrats are so intent on controlling educational institutions and that's why Common Core is so important to them. It's time to break that cycle. 4-11-2014 * Benghazi: 19 months and counting… Lies, election fraud, cover-up, no accountability! * Race: Attorney General Eric "Don't F with me 'cause I'm Black" Holder is again playing the race card. It must be nice to be able to pull that card out of your back pocket whenever you're caught with you hands in the cookie jar! Just like with The Obama, it's not the color of your skin, it's the incompetence and blatant disregard for our Constitution and laws that foster the criticism. It's been said that criticism is like pain in the body, it calls attention to an unhealthy state of things. Holder's in-justice department is one of those things. We have Black Panther Voter Intimidation, Fast-n-Furious, press intimidation, selectively choosing laws to enforce or ignore like the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and IRS targeting of political opponents. It's not your skin color Mr. Holder, it's your lack of character! * Voter-ID: The Obama pivots more than a basketball player on crack. Now he's going to again imply that Republicans are racist because they want to require an ID to vote. This of course would mean that minorities would be disenfranchised. At whatever event he spews this nonsense again there will be a requirement that anyone entering to see the chosen one have an ID. We think it's a little more important to guarantee the integrity of an election by requiring proof of identity than it is to attend a political event. Statistics have shown that in places that require voter-ID minority voting has gone up. But like so many other of the regimes lies, the last thing they let influence their decisions are facts. 4-10-2014 * IRS: Democrats and the MSM keep harping about Republican attempts to get to the bottom of the IRS scandal as a political witch hunt. You can't change history. Conservative groups were systematically targeted by the IRS during the 2012 election cycle. That targeting was a violation of the law and a direct infringement of the first amendment. Yet even with the obvious violations, the presidents defenders continue to blame the messenger. Did Lois Lerner take the fifth against self incrimination because she's innocent? Very doubtful. Emails show her political leanings during the time of the targeting and she leaked the targeting during a speech she gave hoping to have the issue go away. The Obama came out with faux anger of what the IRS was accused of, saying that it wouldn't stand and that he would get to the bottom of it, that was then, now he says there's not a smidgen of evidence. Lerner is a big smidgen! There will not be a piece of paper with a presidential signature ordering the targeting that went on at the IRS but we do have video of speeches of The Obama, during the 2012 election cycle, demonizing his opponents as being criminal in nature and urging his supporters to "punish" their "enemies." When those supporters hold the reins of power at the IRS, that powerful agency becomes a tool of punishment to quiet the opposition. Third world tyrannies function this way, our government should never emulate those tyrannies, that's why we have a constitution. 4-9-2014 * Women: The Obama is resurrecting the war on women nonsense as another diversion from his failures. While announcing a proposal to raise the pay level of women he failed to mention reasons that would explain the discrepancy. The number they use is that women make 77 cents to every dollar a man makes. This statistic doesn't take into account the type of jobs, experience, hours worked or job flexibility. While stroking the gender division strategy he failed to mention that the White House pays its male staffers more than the women. Hypocrisy or just par for the course? The real pay discrepancy is evident in the economic stagnation his policies have fostered. It affects everyone, young and old, male and female. The Obama regime stumps about an imaginary war on women while ignoring the real war on women in the Islamic world. In that world many women aren't allowed to leave their houses without a male and when a women is raped, she is the guilty one. If a daughter does not strictly adhere to their Shariah Law, her parents can take her life, as it's considered an "honor killing." That's a real war on women, not the politically driven Democrat nonsense they dish out whenever they're devoid of ideas. 4-8-2014 * Immigration: Is it an 'act of love' for someone to cross our border illegally? When he or she is doing it for their family, some would say yes. They reason that it's not a felony. Stealing under $100 worth of merchandise is not a felony either so is it an 'act of love' for someone to steal food to feed his or her family? There are many people who out of desperation break the law to come to America but breaking the law to get here is not the way to help their families. If they really cared they would follow the rules and come here legally and then they wouldn't have to hide in the shadows and they also would not be taken advantage of. We do need immigration reform to facilitate seasonal employment needs by increasing work visas and possibly legal immigration, but only after the border is secured. If you care about the 'act of love' that immigrants show, then you should care about those that come here legally and have been marginalized by those who have not. Besides those that come here with good intentions there are many who come here as drug runners and from places like the Middle-East whose intentions could come to light in the form of a roadside explosion. We live in a dangerous world in which many factions mean us harm. Securing our borders before any immigration reform is not just 'an act of love', it's a matter of national security. 4-7-2014 * Blinky: Nancy "Blinky" Pelosi says Democrats are proud of their accomplishments and will be running on them in November. The main 'accomplishment' of course is ObamaCare or what Blinky likes to call the AFFORDABLE Care Act. Keyword AFFORDABLE because it's anything but. The one size fits all policies are much more expensive than the policies they replaced and the deductibles are double or triple what they used to be. Perhaps by affordable she means free for those that will be subsidized or thrown into expanding Medicaid rolls. Seems like Democrats didn't get the memo that they were proud of ObamaCare since most of them are running as far away from it as they can. If you criticize ObamaCare you are either racist or being paid to talk it down. In a recent interview she said that former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was being paid to do so. Dirty Harry Reid calls any American that tells their story of hardships caused by ObamaCare liars, while Blinky says they're being paid or racists. Typical Alinsky tactics, isolate and attack the messenger. If ObamaCare was so good it wouldn't have needed any delays or exemptions, if it were fully implemented, as signed into law, the uproar would have already caused its demise. You can run from ObamaCare but you cannot hide. 4-4-2014 * Economy: Another under performing month as new jobs number came in at 190,000. The unemployment rate remained at a smoke and mirrors adjusted 6.7%. If you include people who have dropped out of the workforce, due to lack of jobs, the rate would be 12.7%. Meanwhile The Obama continues his victory lap over ObamaCare enrollment numbers. Numbers which have been questioned by most people following this circus. Their numbers are wishful thinking and contrived. It would be like an online store counting visitors and people that selected items but didn't buy them in their total sales. Instead of a success story, ObamaCare is one of the reasons why our economy has been hurt by the regimes policies. It has directly affected job growth with its requirements that impact a company's bottom line. Simply put, it increases the cost of doing business. ObamaCare causes a company to either pass the cost on to consumers, reduce employees hours or reduce the number of employees. While the economy continues its ObamaNomics bleeding, Democrat James Moran of Virginia says that representatives in Congress are underpaid. They make $174 Thousand a year and Moran makes it sound like their standing in bread lines. Tell the unemployed, that your policies have hurt, that your $174K is not enough. Progressive idiocy from their DC ideological bubble. November can't come soon enough. 4-3-2014 * Fort Hood: Another shooting in a 'gun free' zone. A soldier brings an illegal gun into Fort Hood Army base and wounds 16, kills 3 before being confronted by military police at which time he takes his own life. Familiar ending to a tragic event. We trust our military to defend our liberty overseas with weapons but can't trust them to defend themselves at home. This scenario should never happen again. Our soldiers deserve better. Texas is a right to carry state but soldiers with carry permits are not allow to carry on base, this policy makes them sitting ducks for the deranged and terrorists alike. All shootings like the one that took place in Fort Hood yesterday end when the shooter is confronted by an armed person. If we would trust our military to defend themselves like we trust them to defend us either a shooting like this would not occur at all or it would end a lot sooner. Knowing that soldiers were allowed to carry weapons would deter a shooter to begin with. Shooters are cowards, they shoot the defenseless. It's about time we let our military personnel defend themselves! 4-2-2014 * Gloat: Definition: "To feel or express great, often malicious, pleasure or self-satisfaction." That describes The Obama's Rose Garden pep rally yesterday proclaiming victory on ObamaCare while spewing lies. With Joe "Foot-n-Mouth" Biden dutifully standing behind him and adoring comrades before him, The Obama declared that 7.1 Million Americans had enrolled in ObamaCare. He said that this great feat was in spite of all the money that was spent trying to tear ObamaCare down. No mention of the millions the regime spent on their ads and all the money spent on celebrities pushing ObamaCare on the American public and the young in particular. No mention of the nearly 7 Million people who had their policies cancelled. He said he couldn't understand why Republicans would want people not to have healthcare. It's probably the same reason why those evil Republicans want dirty air, polluted rivers, starving children and grandma off the cliff. It's incredible that The Obama and other liberals continue spewing this trash. He claimed that ObamaCare is working but didn't explain how that could be if there have been 36 delays and/or exemptions. The regime's own actions contradict their statements. If ObamaCare is such a great law why have any delays or exemptions? These things as are contradictory. Abraham Lincoln once said, "The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly." That's why we have the delays and exemptions, ObamaCare would have already been history if it were to have been implemented completely and the American people could see the destruction left in its wake. 4-1-2014 * ObamaCare: Today the regime and its defenders will talk up the phony enrollment numbers just released. They will claim success and the greatness of ObamaCare. They claim that 6 Million people have enrolled. But they can't tell us how many of those have actually paid, how many were previously uninsured or how many have been added to the Medicaid rolls. They also will not discuss how over 6.8 Million had their insurance policies cancelled because they did not meet the one size fits all ObamaCare requirements. Is it success when 75% of new policies are higher than the old ones, sometimes double of triple? Is it success when new deductibles are higher, double or triple of what they used to be? It's not success when hospitals are closing, doctors are leaving their practices and prices are going up across the board. No matter how much they sugar coat it, ObamaCare is a disaster for our healthcare system and our liberty. Just like you can take a measure of a country by how many people want in and how many want out, you can take measure of a program by how many politicians run to it or away from it. That rumbling sound you hear is the stampede of Democrats running for the hills. 3-31-2014 * Fools: Today was the deadline for enrollment in ObamaCare. But like so many other delays, exemptions and waivers, this deadline too has been modified. Anyone not being able to sign up can simply claim they tried. If that doesn't work you can claim a 'hardship exemption'. No need to prove it as the regime will just take your word for it. Seems they are bending over backwards to keep their lemmings from bolting the plantation. It's about trying to hold on to the Senate and save any possible shred of political capital The Obama has left. The latest extension has another motive, it will be used as an excuse as to why they regime didn't meet their goal of 7 million my March 31. They can simply say that it's because of the delay. It's appropriate that the day after the original deadline is April Fools Day. They can say anything they want tomorrow followed by April Fools, after all who are the fools here? The American people for electing an incompetent community organizer, Congress for allowing The Obama to circumvent their authority and bypass the Constitution and the MSM for complicity in defense of the indefensible, we're all fools for putting up with this attack on our liberty. The result of the foolishness is ObamaCare, a stagnant economy and foreign policy recklessness leading to a diminished American role in the world and emboldened enemies. 3-28-2014 * Pope: Who do you believe, the 'you can keep your doctor, period' guy or the Pope? After yesterday's meeting between The Obama and Pope Francis there was a different description of what was discussed. The Obama said, “We actually didn’t talk a whole lot about social schisms in my conversations with His Holiness. In fact, that really was not a topic of conversation.” The Vatican statement differed and said the discussions between Francis, The Obama and two other Vatican officials focused "on questions of particular relevance for the [Catholic] Church in [the United States], such as the exercise of the rights to religious freedom, life and conscientious objection.” Two different stories of the same event, don't know about you but I have a hard time believing anything the 'you can keep your doctor, period' guy says. On the income inequality issue, it's true that Pope Francis is a strong supporter of the poor, that's why he took the name Francis to begin with. The problem with The Obama is that his policies have made income inequality worse. By transferring wealth from people who work to people who don't you are hurting the very people you pretend to care about. Income inequality has gotten worse since this regime's attacks on the 'evil rich', the anti-business polices and increased regulations. You don't help the employee by destroying the employer! How's that wealth redistribution going in Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela. Socialism/Communism has failed wherever it's been tried yet fools continue to expect different results from it. Ronald Reagan once said, "Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it." Another day, another lie from the chosen one. 3-27-2014 * Hypocrisy: The Obama meets Pope Francis while his solicitor general argues to force a private company to violate their religious beliefs. Hypocrisy in plain sight. Hobby Lobby is being forced to provide abortion causing "medication" by ObamaCare against the beliefs of its owners. They already provide contraceptives through their insurance but that is insufficient to meet the one size fits all, North Korean inspired ObamaCare. The Obama regime is at odds on this issue with the Pope, Hobby Lobby and most Americans. It's all about the photo op, politics first, honesty need not apply. Meanwhile back on the farm, California anti-gun Senator Leland Yee from San Francisco was indicted on conspiring to illegally traffic firearms. Hypocrisy in plain sight. Yee has introduced gun control bills under the smoke screen of "gun safety." There are already plenty of gun laws on the books, progressives goals are not "gun safety" but rather gun registration and confiscation. Now Yee is under indictment for violating gun laws already on the books. Proves the point that if you're interested in "gun safety," enforce the existing laws and don't waste anymore time and money passing laws that criminals are not going to obey to begin with. That's the definition of criminal, they don't obey the laws, now Yee seems to be on his way to becoming one, have fun in the big house. 3-26-2014 * Fantasy: The Obama was in on a surprise game sprung on world leaders meeting at the Hague. Sitting around a large table, the leaders were each given a tablet and instructions on how to play "nukes on the loose." A war game simulated by actors on short films of a terrorist attack with a "dirty bomb." This was hypothetically to take place in a western city. The leaders played out scenarios intended to minimize and or eliminate the risk. So here we have Putin's army invading and annexing a sovereign nation while the leaders of the free world sanction a few individuals then play video games. The world's only super power is being lead by an incompetent, unqualified community organizer who has now managed to infect the rest of the free world's leaders with his nonsense. During the 2012 election debates Governor Romney indicated that Russia was our biggest geopolitical foe to which The Obama joked that the 1980's were calling and asking for their foreign policy back. Romney was serious and he was right. The streets of Chicago are now calling and want their incompetent community organizer back! 3-25-2014 * Ma-Bell: The Obama announce this morning that he wants to shift storage of all "bulk data" from NSA to the phone companies, AKA Ma-Bell, AKA Baby-Bells. Data that will only be accessed by approval from the FISA court (the same court that's a rubber stamp for government requests). Phone companies have in the past refused to store this data and will again do so. It will take an act of Congress to force a private phone company to be the storage server for the NSA. If they are forced to comply, then expect your phone bills to go up. Another economic burden unduly placed on the consumer by an economically ignorant regime. Collection of this "bulk data" is in violation of the Fourth Amendment against unlawful search and seizure. The regime's reasoning is that if needed they should be able to pull up old phone call data in the name of national security. This would be like having you followed and filmed on a 24/7 basis just in case at some point in your life the government thinks you committed a crime. Then they could search through your life's "bulk data" and prove it. In other words, you are guilty until proven innocent. A concept that turns our legal system upside down. Instead of blind folded justice it would be like lady justice with Google glasses. 3-24-2014 * UK-Babies: Disturbing news from the United Kingdom shows 15,000 aborted babies were burnt along with garbage. Some where even incinerated to heat hospitals. This stems from abortion supporters belief that a baby in the womb is not human, just a piece of property, or in this case, trash. This inhuman disgusting act shows a culture in need of salvation. One would think that murdering a baby in the womb is horrible enough but to take that horror and compound it with such disregard for humanity is beyond words. Where else could this evil be taking place? 3-21-2014 * Cover: Ukrainians successfully removed from power, Russian puppet president, Viktor Yanukovych under cover of the Sochi Olympics. Perhaps this was a coincidence but the timing helped facilitate Yanukovych's ouster. While the world was focused on Sochi, Putin's hands were tied. Now Putin has successfully annexed Crimea with a military overthrow and a rigged referendum under cover of the missing Malaysian flight. Coincidence or just another round of fortunate timing. The MSM is obsessed with the missing plane, Crimea is second fiddle. While Putin amasses 20 thousand troops on the Ukraine Russia border, just an exercise of course, The Obama picks his March Madness bracket and plans his next vacation. He did sanction some more Russian individuals yesterday, that'll teach 'em. The U.S. unilaterally shrinks our military at a time when Russia and China are increasing theirs, coincidence or just the luck of the draw. Strongman at the helm in Russia, helmeted bicycle riding community organizer as our commander-in-chief, coincidence or just fortunate timing? Only time will tell. 3-20-2014 * NASA: In 2010 The Obama told NASA administrator Charles Bolden that his highest priority should be "to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering." This while at the same time retiring the Space Shuttle without a replacement in place. Putting our travel to and from the Space Station in the hands of Putin's Russia. We complained about this at the time and now find ourselves at the mercy of a newly aggressive and tyrannical Russian leadership. While NASA's role was and should've remained focused on science and space exploration, The Obama regime has turned it into another political arm of his illegal reign. Now NASA has sponsored a study that states that we'll need policies to reduce economic inequality and preserve natural resources if we are to avoid the collapses that plagued previous societies. Doesn't sound like NASA's mission to be lecturing us on issues of this matter. The study states, "Two important features seem to appear across societies that have collapsed. The stretching of resources due to the strain placed on the ecological carrying capacity and the economic stratification of society into Elites and Masses." There you have it in a nutshell. It's about global warming and redistribution of wealth. Climate change and have and have-nots. NASA has been the most trusted government agency in part because their mission was apolitical and it is probably for that very reason that this regime has chosen NASA to carry their political hogwash to the people. 3-19-2014 * ObamaCare: The latest twist in the ObamaCare fiasco is the hardship exemption. In essence this delays the individual mandate which was the backbone of the law. The regime has eased it as follows: "Individuals whose health plans were canceled will now automatically qualify for a 'hardship exemption' from the mandate. If they can’t or don’t sign up for a new plan, they don’t have to pay the tax. They can also get a special category of ObamaCare insurance designed for people under age 30." There you have it, another political change to help Democrats in the upcoming elections. No matter how you disguise it, the law is still a pig. 6.8 Million people have had their insurance policies canceled and an estimated 5 Million (with possibly less than 3 Million having paid) have signed up for new policies in the exchanges. That's at best 1.8 Million less insured than before ObamaCare. So much for insuring the uninsured. They can't even keep people who had insurance insured. Thanks to the upcoming midterm elections, the regimes political changes have done more for repealing ObamaCare than all the votes in the House combined. The Obama's attempt to control the American people through an illegal takeover of our healthcare system is self destructing before our eyes. 3-18-2014 * Russia: Putin accuses the U.S. of trying to rule the world at the point of a gun while he was the one who invaded a sovereign nation. Communist hypocrisy in your face and yet it stands. Meanwhile The Obama announced sanctions against 4 Ukrainians and 7 Russians days after threats of sanctions were announced thereby giving the sanctioned plenty of time to move their assets. Putin escaped sanctions even though he is the main player in the conflict. So much for a strong response. The Obama regime, like other progressives, view terrorism and aggression as criminal acts and their response shows their incompetence. When a country invades another, rigs an illegal referendum, then annexes that territory, it's not a criminal act calling for criminal sanctions, it's an act of war. If you're going to apply sanctions they should be strong enough to deter further action and they should be imposed on the country that committed the aggression and not on a few scapegoats. Russia should have to pay a heavy price economically for this aggression while at the same time we should assist our allies in the region to insure their defense. Poland should receive the missile shield negotiated during the Bush administration as well as any other military assistance we can provide them. Only through a strong and defensible posture, and the willingness to use it, can further aggression be curtailed. Unfortunately that would take a leader with character rather than the community organizer we currently have. 3-17-2014 * Surprise: The Crimea referendum was like a North Korean election, no surprises. Vote for the dear leader or lose your head. Vote for joining Russia or lose your life. Putin invades Crimea with incognito soldiers and equipment claiming they were Crimean militia, rigs their parliament then a referendum and viola, a new Russian territory. Foreign policy weakness by a post-American president has led to uncertainty in the world and invited aggression towards America and our allies. Misguided revisionists say things like Ronald Reagan wouldn't do anything now either. The truth is, we wouldn't have gotten to this point. He wouldn't have turned on Egypt's Mubarak and helped bring the Muslim Brotherhood to power. He wouldn't have turned on Libya's Kaddafi which eventually led to Benghazi. He wouldn't have drawn a red line in Syria, but if he had, he wouldn't have caved to Putin. Those actions and more by the first post-American president has invited the aggression we are seeing in Ukraine by Russia. Now The Obama says the people of Crimea have spoken, giving credence to the unlawful referendum. He announced sanctions against 'individuals' in Russia but leaves Putin out. If Russia's actions are the responsibility of 'individuals' the primary individual is Putin. The referendum wasn't about joining 'individuals' in Russia, it was about joining Russia while being held hostages by Russia. Sounds like a fair vote to us. You can't stop a tyrant by backpedaling. We still believe in American exceptionalism, except for the current hapless leaders. The question is can we survive another three years of the 'chosen one'? 3-14-2014 * Unemployment: Senate negotiators have a tentative agreement to extend long term unemployment benefits that were terminated last year. The extension would affect 2 million people and cost $25 Billion. They would be retroactive to December 28,2013 and last through May. The regime keeps talking about how the economy is improving and unemployment has dropped. If that's the case then why do we need to extend unemployment benefits that already last almost two years? Even if this bill passed the Senate and the House they would be arguing it all over again in two months. This is a bad idea and a waste of money. If you want to put $25 Billion to good use then give businesses a tax cut so they could expand and create jobs for those people looking to work rather than settling for a government handout. $25 Billion can buy a whole lot of votes, just like minimum wage increases and forcing companies to pay their salaried workers overtime, it's a political ploy to gain and edge at the ballot box. Instead of wasting their time dealing with the end result of ObamaNomics, Congress should work on finding ways to better the business environment to allow the private sector to flourish and grow jobs that will benefit all. 3-13-2014 * Overtime: Today The Obama is to announce yet another executive act that will further cripple businesses. He is to order the Labor Department to change existing law covering salaried workers. The 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act prohibits businesses from denying overtime to salaried workers making less than $455 per week. The new regulations being ordered by the regime would increase the amount and thereby cost businesses more for their labor. Once again putting big government's power behind dictates that will in the end cost jobs. Millions are to supposedly benefit from the new orders but what is not being discussed is how many will either have their hours cut or will lose their jobs as a result. This move is like all the other ones by this outlaw administration, it's done through the prism of political expediency. It's about buying votes for the mid-term elections. At a time when our economy continues to limp along what is needed is less regulations and government meddling, not more. American businesses are the best in the world. They didn't get that way by being stupid, like this regime is. Businesses are made up of people and people are not static beings. If you change a law or regulation that applies to a business, that business will change or adapt to the forced coercion. Those changes will in turn affect the very people the forced regulations were supposedly intended to help. Once again showing that the private sector runs best when big government butts out. Milton Friedman once said, "If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand." Government's business is not business! 3-12-2014 * Feinstein: Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein goes ballistic on the CIA. A strong defender of NSA's blanket 'gathering' of information on Americans she is now upset that the CIA spied on her committee. Feinstein said, "I have grave concerns that the CIA's search may well have violated the separation-of-powers principles embodied in the U.S. Constitution. How this will be resolved will show whether the intelligence committee can be effective in monitoring and investigating our nation's intelligence activities, or whether our work can be thwarted by those we oversee." Another example of the hypocrisy of our political class. The Fourth Amendment to our Constitution states; "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." According to Sen. Feinstein, and many of her colleagues, it's OK for the NSA to violate the Fourth Amendment but when spying and information gathering gets close to home, you're in for a battle. The privileged political class, which passes laws they exempt themselves from, get hot under the collar when they're caught up in the tangled web they create. It's about time! 3-11-2014 * 18-Months: It has been 18 months, one and a half years, since the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. To date no person or group has been held accountable for the attack and murder of four Americans. To date, The Obama regime continues to cover-up details surrounding the attack and the response to it. Susan Rice and The Obama continue to be unapologetic about lying to the American people and the world over the YouTube video. Last week information came out about the accuracy of the mortar attack and how that attack must have been planned for some time and carried out by an experienced team. Not a bunch of people with grenade launchers out for a stroll looking for American's to kill as Hillary Clinton implied during her Congressional hearing appearance. The mortar attack was carried out in the dark with pin-point accuracy. Where was the president during the attack, who gave the stand-down order, why hasn't any retaliation taken place? Why can reporters find terrorist to interview but our government can't? The Benghazi response and cover-up were a direct result of political decisions being made with a presidential election in the balance. American lives took a back seat to The Obama and his political machine. The most egregious cover-up in American history cannot and will not be brushed away by attacking the messengers. John Adams once said, "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." Facts in the Benghazi case are not going away, it's only a matter of time until the truth is completely exposed. 3-10-2014 * Border-Stupidity: Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed on December 15, 2010 by drug smugglers with guns from The Obama regime's fast-n-furious. Terry was shooting bean bags, the smugglers were shooting AK-47's. Last week the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) office in Washington D.C. issued a new directive called, "use of safe tactics and techniques." The new directive orders agents not to fire on fleeing vehicles and not put themselves in situations that could require deadly force. Nothing more than bureaucratic hogwash which puts our agents at risk. The directive states the following: "(1) In accordance with CBP's current Use of Force policy, agents shall not discharge their firearms at a moving vehicle unless the agent has a reasonable belief, based on the totality of the circumstances that deadly force is being used against an agent or another person present; such deadly force may include a moving vehicle aimed at agents or others present, but would not include a moving vehicle merely fleeing from agents. Further, agents should not place themselves in the path of a moving vehicle or use their body to block a vehicle's path. (2) Agents should continue, whenever possible, to avoid placing themselves in positions where they have no alternative to using deadly force. Agents shall not discharges firearms in response to thrown or hurled projectiles unless the agent has a reasonable belief, based on the totality of the circumstances, to include the size and nature of the projectiles, that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious injury. Agents should obtain a tactical advantage in these situations, such as seeking cover or distancing themselves from the immediate area of danger." These Rules of Engagement (ROE) are the same politically driven ones that have caused our death toll in Afghanistan to surge under The Obama. The Afghanistan war started in October of 2001, from then until president Bush left office in January of 2009 575 US troops had been killed. As of December 2013 after just four years of the Obama regime over 1,500 troops had been killed. That's almost twice the amount in half the time. Politically correct ROE are putting our border agents and military in harms way. We have met the enemy and the enemy is us. 3-7-2014 * Twig: Teddy Roosevelt once said, "speak softly, and carry a big stick." Joe foot-in-mouth Biden in 2012 said, “Now is the time to heed the timeless advice from Teddy Roosevelt: ‘Speak softly and carry a big stick.’ End of quote. I promise you, the president has a big stick.” Seems the VP is getting a little too close to the chosen one. History has proven, and continues to do so today, that the president does not have a big stick, it's more like a little twig. With the current situation in Crimea getting more dangerous by the day he continues to talk loudly trying to make up for the lack of international respect that he's attained during his years in the White House. He was elected saying he would "restore" America's image around the world when he has done just the opposite. He's alienated our allies and emboldened our enemies. His red lines are crayon drawings in his imagination. Respect is like trust, once lost it's very difficult to regain. * Half-Pregnant: The now bastardized, by executive order, ObamaCare law is like being half-pregnant. There have been so many delays and exemptions that it does not resemble the original bill. The regime and its defenders continue to lie about the law while excusing the changes. If it's so great then why all the changes in the first place? They say the law is good for Democrats, the question is how they can say that with a straight face? If it was so good then they would be pushing for full implementation. Abraham Lincoln said, "The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly." Delays are only done to fool the American people again until after the midterm and presidential elections. True reckoning will come after. Either Republicans gain control of the Senate and White House or ObamaCare will finally accomplish the destruction of our healthcare system and elimination of an entire business, that of health insurance companies. The election in November is pivotal for the future of our Republic. 3-6-2014 * ObamaCareDelay: Another day, another delay. Yesterday another ObamaCare delay was announced. This time insurance companies have been given a two year delay so they could continue providing policies that do not meet the one-size-fits-all ObamaCare requirements. Those very same companies have been cancelling policies and ramping up new ones at their own costs to meet the ObamaCare requirements and deadlines. Looks like Republicans don't have to repeal ObamaCare, The Obama is doing it on his own, piece by piece. The only problem is that the delays are scheduled to expire after the midterm's and the next presidential election. Just what the Democrat's needed, a get-out-of-jail-free card. Besides the fact that changing the law, like its been changed by this president, is un-constitutional, this is not being done to benefit the American people, it's being done to benefit Democrats and The Obama himself. Tyrant wannabes act out of their own self interest. The potential of losing the Senate this year is more dangerous to this regime than losing credibility in their signature accomplishment/disaster. ObamaCare is not about healthcare, it's about control. Their calculus is that it's better to give up a little control now than to lose all control later. 3-5-2014 * Lerner: For the second time former IRS director of tax exempt organizations, Lois Lerner, pleaded the 5th amendment and clamed up. Nothing new learned from Lerner. It has been shown beyond a reasonable doubt that the IRS did target conservative groups seeking to get 501(c)(4) status. When the case first came to light even The Obama said that it was outrageous and those responsible would be held accountable. After trying to scapegoat IRS personnel in the Cincinnati office, now The Obama says there's not even a "smidgeon" of evidence of any targeting. I'll give you a smidgeon, Lois Lerner! No smidgeon of evidence of a Benghazi cover-up either. This is par for the course from an administration that targets its political foes, snoops reporters emails, blasts a network (FOXNews), selectively enforces laws and continues to stonewall Congress on its oversight responsibilities. After Lerner took the 5th, Democrat ranking member Cummings went on a rampage condemning chairman Issa and falsely stating that no wrong doing has been determined. If a Republican president was targeting Cummings leftist groups he would be singing a different song. The faux outrage is indicative of a cornered rat, the cat is getting closer. Where there's smoke there's fire and Lois Lerner is the smoke. How far the fire goes is to be determined, regardless of Cummings theatrics. 3-4-2014 * Crimea: Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea has a turbulent history and is the focus of the current turmoil in the Black Sea. In 1954 Soviet Union dictator Khrushchev gave Crimea to Ukraine. After the fall of the Soviet Union Ukraine held a referendum in Crimea in which the people of Crimea favored independence from Russia. This area is semi-autonomous from Ukraine and houses the only warm water port for Russia's Navy. Most of the Ukrainian's living in Crimea speak Russian and lean towards Russia in the current unrest in Ukraine. With the Russian military now in control of Crimea, and part of their fleet stationed there, they are not going to be leaving anytime soon. The question is, will they stop the aggression in Crimea or continue into eastern Ukraine? We should be shoring up our alliances in the region and should withdraw our ambassador from Russia. There is no easy solution here but we are witnessing what happens when the worlds only super power is lead by a weak community organizer intent on shrinking our military and transforming our nation. Weakness invites aggression. The Obama told Medvedev that he would be more flexible after the 2012 elections, we are now seeing that flexibility as he bends over backwards and takes one for the team. 3-3-2014 * Russia: Putin flexes Russia's muscle in Crimea, Ukraine, while The Obama and Biden jog around the White House in their shirts and ties. On one hand you have a show of strength and resolve and on the other you have stretching and whimpering. Community organizer vs. KGB, I wonder how that's going to turn out? We should stand with the world community in condemning the Russian aggression and turn the economic screws on the Russian economy. The Obama should also refrain from anymore speeches of condemnation, it's become a joke. It's time to reset the reset with Russia and commit to providing Poland the defensive shield that The Obama reneged on when he took office. We won the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and The Obama lost the peace. He has alienated our allies and emboldened our enemies with his weakness and incompetence. When the world's only super power unilaterally disarms and retreats a vacuum is formed, one that will be filled by our adversaries. Only through strength can peace be achieved, through weakness and apathy challenges form. We are now facing one of those challenges. 2-28-2014 * Communism: The MSM makes darlings of socialist/communist leaders. Cuba's dictators, the Castro brothers, and the late Chavez of Venezuela come to mind. Venezuela is an oil rich nation without any sanctions on it yet their economy is in shambles. Those shambles are the direct result of Chavez and current leader Maduro's communist rule. They have taken a once prosperous and proud nation and turned it into a disaster zone. Why is the MSM ignoring the current protests and turmoil going on in our back yard while playing up the unrest in Ukraine? Venezuela doesn't fit their model that The Obama regime is following. In their view big government is good and benevolent. In reality the bigger the government the more corrupt, wasteful and destructive it becomes. Our country was based on liberty and freedom from big government and limits the government through the Constitution. The only way government can grow beyond it's Constitutional boundaries is by ignoring those boundaries and the Constitution itself. Nowhere in the Constitution does it mention healthcare and yet we are now forced to buy a healthcare product. Just another step on the road to Venezuela. Maybe that's why the MSM is ignoring the failure in our back yard, it's too close to the utopia that The Obama regime is dragging us towards without much resistance from a passive Congress. In he 1930's Italian communist Antonio Gramsci wrote that taking over cultural institutions was the necessary first step to eventually taking control of the political and economic reigns of a free society. Communism didn't die when the Soviet Union collapsed, it just changed forms. The Gramsci process has been put into action for decades now and we are seeing the results of that process. Russia sends a war ship to Havana, violating the Monroe doctrine and Nero fiddles pushing minimum wage hikes. Congress needs to assert it's Constitutional power before it's late to put the genie back in the bottle. We either return to the principles our founding fathers laid out or go by the way of Venezuela. 2-27-2014 * Idiocy: A couple of days ago The Obama regime announced cuts in our military while at the same time saying we live in a very dangerous time. Those two things should be mutually exclusive. If these times are dangerous, then why are we cutting our military? This is either done out of stupidity or on purpose to weaken our country and put our liberty at peril. $65 Billion cuts over five years is the amount planed for our military. Now these same geniuses, through The Obama, announced they plan on spending an extra $302 Billion on 'infrastructure'. From we learned that, "The United States federal excise tax on gasoline is 18.4 cents per gallon (cpg) and 24.4 cents per gallon (cpg) for diesel fuel. On average, as of April 2012, state and local taxes add 31.1 cents to gasoline and 30.2 cents to diesel for a total US average fuel tax of 49.5 cents (cpg) per gallon for gas and 54.6 cents per gallon (cpg) for diesel." That's close to 50 cents per gallon every time you put gas in your car. Money that is supposed to go to 'infrastructure' maintenance has been misspent and now the regime wants to borrow another $302 Billion while cutting $65 Billion from our military. Following the failed Spendulus $800 Billion spending you would think this would not even be on the radar. It's blatant miss-direction at the expense of those who put their life's on the line to defend our freedom. This regime is betting on us giving up. If they throw enough cr_p at the fan, it's pretty hard to keep up with it all. We're not giving up, no matter how much they throw out, we'll keep fighting it. It's in our spirit, a God given spirit, that overrides their evil ignorance. 2-26-2014 * Arizona: First came The Obama regime siding with a foreign government (Mexico) to sue Arizona for that state's intent to enforce immigrations laws and protect their citizens. Now the politically correct and illogical progressives are attacking Arizona for passing a law to protect their businesses religious freedoms. SB1016 protects businesses from being forced to cater to individuals whose lifestyle conflicts with those of the business owner. Case in point; if a bakery is approached by a homosexual couple to bake a cake for their 'wedding' should the bakery owner have the discretion to deny their request? If the bakery owner is against same sex marriage on religious principles he or she should be able to chose not to participate in the same sex celebration. Without this bill that business owner could be sued and possibly sent to jail on discrimination charges. People oppose the bill on their belief that it allows discrimination against the gay and lesbian community. What the bill does is protect business owners from discrimination against them for their religious beliefs. This is typical for the left/progressive mentality that if they disagree with you it's not enough to leave it at that, their goal is to make it so you cannot express or live up to your beliefs. If that same bakery owner had a member of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), a pedophile advocacy group, come into their store and ask to have a cake made for a meeting should that bakery owner be forced to bake that cake? People opposed to this bill have fallen for the political correctness trap. Common sense would dictate that if one bakery is opposed to serve you on their religious beliefs, don't give them your business, go somewhere else, but don't try to destroy them, for you are only leading to your own destruction. 2-25-2014 * DoD-Cuts: Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced Monday that our military will be cut in order to go along with austerity measures which are necessary in today's economic times. This is code speak for 'we're going to make this as painful as possible'. Remember shutting down White House tours and 'barrycading' open air monuments from our veterans to make political points? This administration is all about cutting where it hurts and crony capitalism where it benefits them, Solyndra comes to mind. Hagel and The Obama plan to cut the active duty Army to its smallest size in 74 years. Close bases and supposedly reshape the force to a more 'nimble' military, camo slippers come to mind. The Army will go from 522,000 soldiers to between 440,000 and 450,000. The Marine Corps would shrink from 190,000 to 182,000. The Navy would keep its 11 aircraft carriers but remove from active service 11 of its 22 cruisers. The Air Force would retire its fleet of A-10 "Warthog" tank-killer planes, the very close combat aircraft that our enemies fear. Hagel said. "This is a time for reality." Unfortunately the 'reality' that Hagel and The Obama see ignore the growing threat from an assertive China, Putin's Russia and the asymmetric challenges brought on by the growing global Islamic terrorist war on civilization. Not to mention Iran, Syria, Egypt and North Korea. Peace comes through strength, for only then does our military superiority deter aggression. We should not strive to be liked in the world, we should strive to be respected, for it's in that respect that our government would achieve it's main purpose, the protection of our way of life, our freedom and liberty. 2-24-2014 * No-Regrets: When asked about her statements on Benghazi during her Sunday talk show appearances the weekend after the Benghazi terrorist attack, National Security Advisor Susan Rice said she had 'no regrets'. Yesterday on Meet the Press she said, “What I said to you that morning, and what I did every day since, was to share the best information that we had at the time. The information I provided, which I explained to you, was what we had at the moment. It could change. I commented that this was based on what we knew on that morning, was provided to me and my colleagues and indeed to Congress by the intelligence community, and that’s been well validated in many different ways since." The September 11, 2012 attack took place on a Tuesday, all video and information from those on the ground called it what it was, a terrorist attack. There was no video showing a demonstration prior to the attack. CIA information was manipulated by then acting director Michael Morrell, through White House manipulation, to support the video lies. Susan Rice appeared on five Sunday talk shows on September 16, 2012, that was five days after the attack. It was clear that she was lying then and continues to lie today. The White House intent at the time was to influence a presidential election, which they succeeded in doing. Susan Rice was complicit in that manipulation and continues to cover it up today. If she truly believed that it was caused by a video then she is completely ignorant and has no business being the National Security Advisor. You can't have it both ways. The cover-up and election fraud will not go away simply by repeating the same lies over and over again. In the end, the truth always comes out! 2-21-2014 * Ukraine: After the Ukrainian government seemed on the verge of closer ties to the west, Russian 'president' Puttin put on the brakes. Through intimidation and brides he was able to 'convince' Ukraine president Viktor Yanukovych to back out of negotiations. This strong-arm tactic led freedom loving Ukrainians to revolt against their government. After Yanukovych ordered the demonstrations repelled and snipers to shoot citizens in the streets, the streets turned bloody. Almost 100 people have been killed since the demonstrations started. The Obama's response was to call for restraint on all sides. Just as he did with Iran, he failed to morally support those fighting for their freedoms and closer ties to free societies of the west. There is no moral equivalency here. We should strongly condemn the actions of the Ukraine government for gunning down their citizens and we should point out that if any military officer orders their troops to shoot on their people they will be tried before the Hague on war crimes charges. It is being reported today that president Yanukovych has made some concessions and has agreed to early election, even though no date has been determined. This could just be a ploy to stop what was becoming the end of his regime. These are dangerous times for the Ukrainian people, we should stand in solidarity with them! 2-20-2014 * ObamaCare: The latest news on the president's prized law is that 3.5 Million have enrolled while 6.5 Million have had their insurance plans cancelled. No matter which way you look at those numbers they foretell disaster for ObamaCare and the American taxpayer. Out of the 3.5 Million that have enrolled the government does not have the figures on how many have actually paid for their plans. We also learned that only 10% of the 3.5 Million were previously uninsured. Since one of the main reasons for ObamaCare was to insure the uninsured, this number is a huge disappointment for those that crammed this law through Congress. A law that was passed without a single Republican vote, in either house of Congress and against the will of the American people, is now showing the results many of us had warned about since it was passed. The Obama sells it as a great accomplishment while at the same time illegally changing its provisions on the fly. When the president takes the oath of office he swears to faithfully execute the lands of the land. Article II, Section 3 of our Constitution states that the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed." There is no room in 'faithfully' to arbitrarily change a law on the fly or selectively enforce only the laws he agrees with. Through executive orders and extra Constitutional measures taken by this regime, we are facing a Constitutional crisis. A president who is ruling outside the parameters set force in the Constitution has to be stopped through remedies outlined in the Constitution itself. Impeachment is in order. If those currently in Congress do not have the will to uphold the oaths of office that they swore to, then they must be defeated and replaced with ones that will. This November will be a watershed moment for our country, our lives and our Constitution. 2-19-2014 * UAW: The United Auto Workers Union (UAW) and their supporters spent millions of dollars to unionize workers at a Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, TN and failed. The vote last Friday was 712-626 against the union. The interesting aspects of this are that Volkswagen did not oppose the union and allowed them to freely lobby the plant workers. Volkswagen also denied access to anti-union representative to lobby their workers against the union. The table was stacked in the unions favor and they still lost. Ads against the UAW showing their lob sided political history in favor of liberal Democrats as well as their crippling affects on American auto companies like GM were too much for them to overcome. The Chattanooga workers were not fooled and did not drink the UAW Kool-Aid. Now union supporters are playing the race card. If you disagree with The Obama's destructive policies, you must be a racist, if you disagree with the UAW, you must be a racist. The left's argument in favor of unionization is devoid of facts and misrepresents history. Workers in the Volkswagen plant saw what happened in Detroit and did not want to follow that failed path. Chalk one up for common sense! 2-18-2014 * ClimateBull: Speaking in Indonesia, Secretary of State John Kerry equated climate change with terrorism saying it was, “perhaps the world’s most fearsome weapon of mass destruction.” While Americans are losing their freedoms, their jobs and their healthcare, our leaders are polluting the airwaves with their pin-headed progressive hogwash. This winter is going down in history as one of the coldest on record while global warming zealots get frozen out of their demonstrations. A classic example of the left's climate lunacy was "the Science Guy" Bill Nye's debate with Rep. Marsha Blackburn this past weekend. Nye held up a picture and spoke of melting ice cover in the Antarctic. The picture he held up was that of the Arctic and satellite images of the Antarctic shows that its ice cover is over 25% of normal for this time of the year. When you hear a politician speak of climate change, reach for your pocket and hold on to your wallet, they're coming for you. We need a government that will focus on improving the business environment not push radical environmental climate change lunacy down our throats. Kerry's speeches are nothing more than weapons of mass confusion. 2-17-2014 * Bias: According to Larry King there's no media bias. In a recent interview he said, “I worked at CNN for almost 26 years. I worked in Mutual Radio for 20 years. I’ve been in the business 57 years. I have never seen a bias off the air or on.” Ignoring the obvious bias in the MSM is in itself bias. Editors don't have to call out a specific point of bias they can achieve their political goals simply by choosing which stories to cover. Ignoring the terrorist attack in Benghazi in the weeks leading up to a presidential election and failing to cover the subsequent cover-up is in itself media bias. When CNN's Candy Crowley was monitoring a debate between The Obama and Romney she covered for The Obama; holding up a sheet of paper insinuating that the president had called the Benghazi attack a terrorist attack the day after in the Rose Garden. In fact, the president had mentioned 'acts of terror' in general and never called Benghazi a terrorist attack. For weeks after the Rose Garden speech his regime was still blaming the video and he went before the United Nations General Assembly and never once mentioned that it was a terrorist attack. This is blatant media bias by the network which Larry King worked for (he must have been watching reruns of 'I Love Lucy'). He is either blind to his own ignorance or is complicit in the bias he pretends does not exist. 2-14-2014 * IRS: Even after the IRS has been shown to have targeted right leaning political groups, Senate Democrats want more of the same. Not only did the IRS delay right leaning groups applications, many as long as 3 years, they also targeted existing 501(c)(4)s, 83% of targeted groups were conservative. Of the groups that were audited 100% were conservative. This strategy was obviously directed from the upper levels of the regime and either directly of indirectly led by The Obama himself. You know the one who claims there's not a 'smidgeon' of evidence that the IRS acted improperly. Now Senate Democrats are openly calling on this same out of control agency to investigate their political opponents ahead of the 2014 mid-term elections. They can't win in the field of ideas as their track record is dismal, so now they have to resort to using the power of the government to intimidate and subvert their political opposition. Like 'king' Obama is ruling out of the bounds of Constitutional restraints, his Democrat allies in the Senate are seeking to do the same. If the president can get away with it, why not them? It's time to bring this abuse of power to an end before the damage is to great to repair. 2-13-2014 * Keystone: Misinformed environmentalist continue their protests against building the Keystone XL pipeline. Their illogical thinking is clearly flawed. They believe building the pipeline is bad for the environment when the reality is that it's the safest and cleanest way to transport the Canadian oil in question. The oil will be used, if not by us then by China or other countries. The question is how to transport it. Pipeline transmission is a much cleaner process than trucking, trains or ships. Those methods of transport create much more environmental impact than the pipeline would. The pipeline would also create thousands of jobs here during the building phase and permanent jobs for maintenance and operations thereafter. Our economy runs on petroleum in one form or another. Those very same protesters get to their destinations on planes, cars or trains, do they believe those forms of transportation run on pixie dust? It's the same hypocrisy we see with Al "an-inconvenient-lie" Gore. He spews global warming lies while traveling in gas hungry SUV's and private jets. It's the "do what I say, not what I do," mindset. The progressive brain doesn't compute reality only idealistic falsehoods which do more harm than good. 2-12-2014 * King of Fools: While president Barack "I can do anything I want" Obama surveys his kingdom he has announced yet another delay in ObamaCare. This time the regime is exempting mid-size businesses with 50-99 employees until 2016, and allowing large businesses with over 100 employees to phase in their coverage over two years. They're also making businesses 'pinky swear' that they are not laying people off to get under the 100 employee threshold. Charles Krauthammer is right when he said, "I mean this is stuff that that you do in a banana republic. It’s as if the law is simply a blackboard on which Obama writes any number he wants, any delay he wants, any provision. It’s changing a law in the way that you are not allowed to do.” Third-world dictators make it up as they go along and their word is final. The Obama is following their playbook and the fools on the hill are letting him get away with it. If ObamaCare is such a wonderful law then why all the exemptions and delays? It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that out but it seems ignorance is the key the regime is counting on. Don't pay any attention to the man behind the curtain, it's all done for your benefit. Useful idiots elected The Obama twice and they are now slowly starting to see the light. The only problem is that the light is that of an oncoming train. All the while the King of fools continues his unimpeded trampling of a once great society. 2-10-2014 * Kearney: American defending Olympic gold medalist Hannah Kearney displays an attitude that is sorely missing in today's America. She was the top ranked women's moguls skier in the world and qualified first for the finals Saturday night. Going into her run she had a slight mishap at the top of the course and ended up finishing in third place behind two Canadian sisters. Normally a bronze medal in the Olympics would be a great accomplishment, for Kearney, it was what she called, "heart breaking." Although she showed humility in defeat, she held no animus towards her competitors only disappointment in her performance. To her it was striving to do her best and represent her country with honor. At a time when the president and his party keep celebrating mediocrity and penalizing success, it's a welcomed sight to someone striving to do their best and not wanting to settle for anything less. We have a government that applauds loss of jobs as an opportunity to spend more time at home with ObamaCare/Medicaid taking care of the rest. Don't worry there's always food stamps as well. We're losing that fighting spirit with political leaders' who push policies that increase the dependent amongst us while blaming the successful. It's class warfare 101 with a heavy dose of socialist shackles which herd people into the government plantation. Hannah Kearney represents the America we knew and must return to. An America that thrived on ingenuity and the spirit of entrepreneurism that rewarded success. Thank you Hannah for that reminder! 2-7-2014 * Religion: Speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast The Obama said, “It’s also clear that around the world, freedom of religion is under threat... No society can truly succeed unless it guarantees the rights of all its people, including religious minorities.” Sounds good, but like other statements by this president it's plain hypocrisy. While pointing out religious intolerance he ignores the intolerance built into ObamaCare itself. When Obama mandates that Catholic institutions meet the requirements to provide abortion producing drugs to their employees it tramples on the very religious freedom the president pretends to rile against. Case in point, The Little Sisters of the Poor is a Catholic organization run by nuns which assist the elderly poor. They don't qualify for exemptions of 'religious organizations' because they employ people of other religions. If they don't comply with the mandate, which violates their religious beliefs, they could be fined $4.5 Million annually. That figure is a third of their annual budget. This is in line with this regime's practice of saying one thing and doing another. After all, they're just words. 2-6-2014 * Immigration: ObamaCare is turning out to be the disaster many of us have predicted, the regime is drowning in scandals and the GOP leadership is looking for a way to save them. The Obama continues his lying ways and even his allies are having a hard time defending his abuses. His blatant lies about ObamaCare, Benghazi and the IRS are an albatross that will not let him escape. He can no longer keep blaming his predecessor or Republicans for his failures, both domestic and foreign. He seeks to change the subject and now Republican leaders are willing to assist. Going along with 'comprehensive' immigration reform is tantamount to snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. After all, 'comprehensive' is code for amnesty. Whenever The Obama and his misguided policies fail it gives Republicans another opportunity to point out the difference between conservative principles and historically discredited socialist ones. When your political enemy is drowning in his own lies you get out of the way, you don't throw him a life-line. Going along with the regime on their 'comprehensive' immigration reform scheme would be just that, saving his political hide. This will not reap the minority votes the leadership is expecting. On the contrary, it will alienate the grass roots conservative movement that gave them control of the House in 2010. What House Republicans should do is demand enforcement of existing immigration laws while at the same time pass bills to secure our borders. If we do not stand on principle and rule of law we can throw away any hopes of taking back the Senate and stopping the transformation that is destroying our great country. This year the choices we make will decide the future we get. It's in our hands! 2-5-2014 * CBO: The just released Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report estimates that 2.3 Million jobs will be lost due to ObamaCare. Reasoning for this shows that some people that work for the health insurance coverage their employer offers will quit their jobs if they can receive 'free' or highly subsidized coverage through ObamaCare. Since ObamaCare is a progressive program which rewards the unemployed and non-productive sectors of society while penalizing the successful and productive ones, these estimates may even be low. It is wealth redistribution in many ways. Not just from wealthy Americans but from young healthy ones to the older and less healthy. Here's where the snag is, the young are starting to realize that they were taken for fools. Specially those that voted for the 'transformation' of America in the form of an extreme administration. The CBO report also shows a cost of over $10 Trillion is ten years. Although these figures are very sobering and alarming they don't show the damage, perhaps permanent, that this law will have on our healthcare system. Thousands of doctors have already dropped out of the system in one way or another. A bad law that was devised in the depths of Congress through manipulation, lies and backroom deals is starting to show its true effects. It wasn't about covering the uninsured because we now know that over 30 Million will still be uninsured after full implementation of ObamaCare. It may be a different 30 Million but that number remains in place. The picture is becoming clearer by the day, it was never about making healthcare more affordable. It was about dependency on big government, wealth redistribution and control. 2-4-2014 * Folks: Seems The Obama is a little confused between 'folks' and terrorists. When trying to explain away the Benghazi terrorist attack he calmly says that some 'folks' were participating in demonstrations about the Mohamed video when there's no evidence that this was the case. Security cameras in Benghazi did not show any demonstrations so why keep up this charade? It was immediately known it was a terrorist attack and he keeps blaming FOX News for wanting to get through the convoluted stonewalling and misleading statements that have been made from the president on down. He blows off questions by saying there have been hearings in Congress knowing full well that his regime has withheld vital information from the committees involved. Blaming the journalists and a network does not excuse a politically driven cover-up in order to influence a presidential election. Americans betrayed by this regime are 'folks' due an apology! Terrorists involved in the Benghazi attack murdering four Americans deserve the justice that is long overdue them. At times this president shows more anger and disdain for his political opponents, and the media that dare question him, than he does for the Muslim terrorists we are fighting. Looks like he has his 'folks' confused. 2-3-2014 * Spin-Zone: Looks like Bill O'Reilly entered The Obama's spin-zone during their pre-Superbowl interview. O'Reilly missed opportunities to pin The Obama down in his own lies but let him spin his way out of it. When the president was asked if after AFRICOM commander General Ham informed then Defense Secretary Panetta that the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack, then Panetta met him in the White House did Panetta inform him that it was a terrorist attack, the answer was a filibustering one. This was a simple yes or no but he went on with a misleading answer about how he and others in his administration had called it a terrorist attack from the very beginning. Here's where the missed opportunity came. O'Reilly should have responded with, 'if that was the case then why did you not mention a terrorist attack when you gave a speech before the UN General assemble two weeks later? And why did you mention the video in that very same speech?' Another good follow up would have been, where were you when four Americans were being murdered by the terrorists in Benghazi? The Obama kept insisting that there wasn't anything there that is was just because of people like O'Reilly and FOX News that anyone is even talking about Benghazi. I guess four dead Americans doesn't matter to the chosen one, and what about his promise to bring the Benghazi attackers to justice? Almost 17 months later and not a single person has been held accountable for the attacks in Benghazi or the cover-up in his regime. When O-Reilly asked about the IRS targeting his political opponents he said there wasn't anything there, no evidence at all. Oh really! Then why did he say he was going to find those responsible for the targeting at the time it was brought to light? O'Reilly missed a great opportunity to pin him down on that lie as well but let the spin master spin out of it again. The Obama got what he wanted in the interview. He got to blame FOX News for his perceived false scandals and his lemming followers ate it, hook, line and sinker! 1-31-2014 * Unemployment: The Obama's focus today will again be blaming Republicans for not extending long term unemployment payments. Those payments have already been extended to 99 weeks. That's almost two years of benefits for able bodied people who could otherwise find a job, even if it's not what they are used to. Is any job beneath you? Why take on a job when you could make more taking the benefits? That is one of the dilemmas; but the primary one is that extending unemployment benefits is not only expensive but it's also counter-productive. For progressive's it means redistribution and government dependency. That's what it's all about for this president as well. The fact that almost two years of benefits seems not to be enough speaks to the dismal state of the economy and a recovery which is being hamstrung by the regime's policies. We don't need another extension of unemployment benefits; we need a better business environment. Provide lower taxes, fewer regulations, projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline and a president who would focus on the underlying cause of unemployment and not on plugging a tiny hole in a dam while ignoring the larger crack. That crack is ObamaCare and until that is removed the problem will only worsen. Extending unemployment benefits is not the answer, it is just another excuse for a White House out of ideas. 1-30-2014 * Unions: Seems unions are now complaining about the law they helped Democrats cram down America's throat. ObamaCare is turning out not be the rosy picture they sold to their members. Two national union leaders, D. Taylor of UniteHERE and Terry O’Sullivan of LIUNA sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi this week. In part the letter stated, "It would be a sad irony indeed if the signature legislative accomplishment of an Administration committed to reducing income inequality cut living standards for middle income and low wage workers." Seems the exemptions they expected are not alleviating the situation that this convoluted law is creating. Unions pride themselves on the concessions they have been able to achieve for their members and a primary one has been lucrative health plans, ObamaCare is going to eliminate those plans, and union members are starting to realize that. To exempt unions from the law would be unconstitutional as it would create an uneven application of the law and make a certain sector of our society 'above' the law. When you sell your soul to the devil there will come a time when he collects on the deal, that time is approaching. Welcome to the monstrosity you helped create. 1-29-2014 * SOTU: The Obama delivered a good State of The Union (SOTU) speech last night, but that state is no where as rosy as the picture he paints. History is riddled with narcissist, power-hungry, tyrants and wannabes that could deliver a good speech. It's not the words it's the actions that set men apart and this president's actions have been anything but what his words intend. He has purposely driven a wedge between Americans on race and what he calls income inequality. Funny how his policies have made things worse, as if that was the intention to begin with. We've seen the results of socialist policies like his in other countries and in Europe, doing the same here will only lead to the same ends. His hypocrisy was palatable. He takes credit for America's oil and natural gas boom knowing full well that this is taking place in spite of his EPA, anti-oil and anti-fracking policies. It's taking place on private lands. He announced that he will work with Congress but is ready to do it alone if Congress doesn't kiss him where the sun don't shine. He announced an executive order to raise the minimum wage for 'future' government contractors to $10.10 and challenged Congress to do the same for everyone else. It's not the government role to dictate what a private employer pays his employees as this will lead to even more unemployment. He talked of the unemployment numbers being the lowest in 5 years without mentioning the millions that have dropped out of the market, the highest percentage of Americans ever. We also have the highest number of Americans on food stamps. This is a president and regime who have studied Sal Alinsky's ways and are implementing them as we speak. It's about control and dependency and the first of Alynsky's rules was to control healthcare. It was also Lenin's! 1-28-2014 * Intimidation: Conservative writer and film maker Dinesh D'Souza has been indicted on 'straw-donor' charges. Straw-donor cases are very rare, they stem from campaign finance laws that limit what an individual can contribute to a candidate in an election. In 2012 D'Souza is said to have contributed $20,000 to a friend running for the Senate in New York by funneling or reimbursing others to make contributions. On its own this would be a simple case but with this regime it's anything but. The Obama regime has shown the propensity to use government power to go after their political opponents. It's like Nixon's enemies list on steroids. They used and continue to use the IRS to target opposition groups like the Tea Party. They use government agencies and the FBI to spy on a FOX news reporter and his family supposedly to uncover the source of leaked information. This from a regime that leaks what they consider politically helpful, even if it compromises national security, while coming down hard on anything that is a political threat. D'Souza has a new film in the works titled 'America' that is scheduled to be released on July 4th of this year. Could that be the reason behind the government's indictment of him? We have a regime that limits reporters and photographers from White House events in order to put their filtered spin on anything associated with The Obama. This is not what we're used to from our White House or what we've gotten in the past. We have a president that personally attacks a network, FOX News, and media personalities they disagree with, blaming their failures on what The Obama calls misleading information. The truth is hard to deal with when your existence is based on a house of cards built on a foundation of lies. There's a reason why the first amendment to our Constitution is freedom of speech and there's a reason why this regime is attacking it. 1-27-2014 * DHS: Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, speaking to the United States Conference of Mayors on Friday said, “It is also, frankly, in my judgment, a matter of who we are as Americans to offer the opportunity to those who want to be citizens, who’ve earned the right to be citizens, who are present in this country--many of whom came here as children--to have the opportunity that we all have to try to become American citizens.” The head of homeland security believes that immigrants here illegally have 'earned the right to be citizens.' If you follow his logic, a person who breaks the law and escapes being caught long enough would thereby have earned the right to not be responsible or held accountable for the illegal act in the first place. Makes perfect sense for someone from this regime since their aim is to garner as many dependent Democrat voters as possible. It's about dependency and control. Johnson also said, “The five core missions of the Department of Homeland Security are guarding against terrorism, securing our borders, enforcing our nation’s immigration laws, safeguarding cyberspace and critical infrastructure in partnership with the private sector, and supporting emergency preparedness and response efforts at every level.” 'Securing our borders,' that another F for the agency and how about 'enforcing our nation’s immigration laws.' This government has selectively enforced laws and even sued a state, Arizona, for that state's attempt to enforce immigration laws that The Obama regime was ignoring. They continue to speak of 'comprehensive immigration reform' whose translation is amnesty. We have the wolves guarding the hen house! 1-24-2014 * PC: We've all either seen first hand or heard about the stupidity of Political Correctness (PC). Like the child that's suspended from elementary school for making a chicken nugget look like a pistol while he's eating it or another pointing a finger and making a popping sound like a toy gun would. This kind of stupidity spreads through society like a disease. That disease has been infecting the Pentagon as well; and the latest form of it comes as a relaxed dress code. Beards and turbans will be allowed if you can show a religious need for them. No longer political correctness, it's now Pentagon Correctness. When you volunteer for the military you do so knowing that you will be leaving some of your personal freedoms at the door. This is a necessity in order to conform to the requirements of the military unit in order to maintain discipline and strength. This cohesiveness has been deteriorating for years now, accelerated by 'don't ask, don't tell' and then openly allowing gays and lesbians into the ranks. The military of the world's only superpower is being turned into an armed three-ring circus. We can picture a future where Muslim women in our military will be donning their freshly pressed camo-Burkas. Oh what a sight that will be. 1-23-2014 * Redistribution: Before being elected in 2008 The Obama showed his socialist core in off-the-cuff remarks to 'Joe the Plumber.' In response to the plumber saying, “Your tax plan’s going to tax me more,” The Obama responded with, “My attitude is that if the economy’s good for folks from the bottom up, it’s going be good for everybody. If you’ve got a plumbing business, you’re gonna (sic) be better off if you’ve got a whole bunch of customers who can afford to hire you; and right now everybody’s so pinched that business is bad for everybody, and I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody." This is the kick that he's on again. Due to his failure as president and with his economic policies, his goal now is to pit Americans against each other to divert from the true cause of the current economic malaise. Redistribution of wealth is not the answer, it is one of the causes of our problem. Economic opportunity through private sector job growth is the way out of poverty for those less fortunate amongst us. Socialists see a finite amount of wealth that needs to be split equally. If that was the case then there would be as much wealth today as there was 100 years ago. Prosperity creates wealth and the pie grows. What is needed is opportunity not punishment for those who succeed and create wealth for themselves and those around them. A business friendly environment allows businesses to grow and thereby create more jobs which in turn provides opportunities for people to advance. This president does not believe in this concept. He believes in equal outcomes and that belief is contrary to the American way and that of freedom. With freedom we can achieve greatness and that's how America was built. 1-22-2014 * NAACP: Celebrating Martin Luther King Day the president of North Carolina's chapter of the NAACP, Reverend William Barber II, displayed the hypocrisy that is clearly evident in today's civil rights leaders. There is one black Senator in the Senate and he is a Republican. Instead of pride in Senator Tim Scott's accomplishment Barber said, “A ventriloquist can always find a good dummy.” NAACP stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People but in reality it's the National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People, conservatives need not apply. Time and time again they attack anyone who strays from the government plantation. One in which keeps the black community down, dependent and sustaining the status quo for the black leadership of today. Success stories like that of supreme court justice Clarence Thomas, decorated war veteran and ex-Congressman Allen West and Senator Tim Scott are ignored or ridiculed by people like Barber who seek to divide in order to maintain their positions of power. They trample on what Martin Luther King called the content of your character. To them it's more about the color of your skin because it's in that division that their existence is based. If we had a society without the race baiters like the leaders of the NAACP it would go a long way towards the dream that Martin Luther King so emotionally expressed. A colorblind society where people are truly judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. 1-21-2014 * Excuses: After five years in office you would think that the President would start taking some responsibility for his failures, he's not. At every opportunity there seems to be another excuse. For years he blamed his predecessor, President Bush for the bad economy, when in fact The Obama's policies are what prevented our economy from recovering normally after the 2008 recession. When he came into office his focus was not on the economy but rather it was on socializing our healthcare system through a government run redistribution of wealth disguised as healthcare reform. He did this knowing that he could blame the economy on what they continually called the worst recession since the Great Depression. After five years the blame Bush excuse has run out of gas, not he doesn't try it occasionally, the difference is that by now it's become a joke. The president has tried and continues to use race as another excuse. After all, his job is difficult because of the color of his skin. No mention of how was it that those evil prejudice Americans elected him twice. If he doesn't get his way in Congress it's because of those racist Republicans that want to starve children, pollute the air and take your social security. In The Obama world, responsibility is not part of the equation, it's always someone else's fault. If something goes right, like the Bin Laden raid, it's I, I, I. If something goes terribly wrong, like Benghazi, he's no where to be seen and it's a video's fault. No responsibility and no accountability. Benjamin Franklin once said, "He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else." Now we know what he meant. 1-20-2014 * Race: Throughout his presidency The Obama has used race like a crutch, and he depends on it. When elected in 2008 many believed that he would be the first post-racial president when in fact he has been the most racial one in recent history. In an upcoming magazine interview The Obama is reported to have said, “There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president. Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I’m a black president.” There may be a few that only look at him through the prism of racial prejudice but the vast majority of people who dislike The Obama base that dislike on his socialist and un-Constitutional policies. Personally, he seems a likable person with a nice family; it's his constant lying to get his way that people dislike. On top of that he surrounds himself with radicals and chooses to appoint them to positions of power where they can do the most harm. When he rules through executive orders and threatens more of the same if Congress doesn't go along with his initiatives, that has nothing to do with race, that's all about policy. The race card is used by the president's defenders and the MSM to attack anyone who disagrees with his policies. It's personal attacks and race baiting that is substituted for an argument when there's no rational argument that can be employed. The race card is the tool of losers and fools like Jackson, Sharpton and The Obama. 1-17-2014 * Stevens: The just released Senate 'Un-Intelligence' Committee report on Benghazi seems to pick on the dead. The report blames murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens for the lack of security in Benghazi when in fact, Stevens had warned the State Department about the security situation on multiple occasions. His request for added security was turned down. It's shameful and irresponsible for Democrats on this committee to place blame on a slain ambassador while turning a blind eye to the President and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. There's no accountability for the failures leading up to the Benghazi terrorist attack and the cover-up since. To date no one has been brought to justice. News outlets have been able to interview leaders involved with the attack while our government has been busy spying on law abiding American citizens. We know who the groups involved in the attack were and we know where they have training camps. They're in the Benghazi area of Libya. Why then haven't we taken any action against them? What difference does is make now? It makes all the difference in the world, specially to friends and family of murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, and U.S. Navy SEALs - Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. 1-16-2014 * CIC: The Campaigner-in-Chief (CIC) is back on his never-ending political campaign trail. Instead of working with Congress on policies that would help businesses create jobs, he chooses to demonize Republicans instead. This may make for good theater on the road, but it does nothing to improve relations with the opposition for the good of the American people and the unemployed. Yesterday the president met with Democrat Senators at the White House and told them that he wants to work with Congress; but he plans to use his executive authority to act when Congress stands in the way. Translation: If I don't get my way in Congress, I'll do it on my own. In other(s) words he said, I'll act with or without Congress. This is not what our founding fathers envisioned when they wrote the separation of powers into our Constitution. While we're distracted by the blatant excesses of this regime, the ObamaCare disaster continues on its path towards a single payer socialist redistribution of our healthcare system. Like the Cloward-Piven strategy of overwhelming the economy in order to change the system (or in The Obama's case, transform it), the president is hell-bent on overwhelming the political system in order to transform it. Now that he has stacked the court charged with overseeing the limit of presidential overreach, it's up to Congress to bring this power grab to an end. 1-15-2014 * Iran: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says the United States and other world powers "surrendered" to Tehran with reference to the new deal in their nuclear talks. He tweeted, "Our relationship w/ the world is based on Iranian nation's interests. In #Geneva agreement world powers surrendered to Iranian nation's will." The Obama regime through Secretary Kerry is doing its best to appease Iran in order to get any deal. Strong international sanctions are what have brought Iran to the negotiating table to begin with, giving in to their demands is in essence to surrender to the Mullahs. The deal would ease sanctions without a meaningful rollback on Iran's nuclear ambitions. Meanwhile 59 Senators, including 16 Democrats, are in favor of a bill which would increase sanctions on Iran. Dirty Harry Reid has vowed not to allow a vote in the Senate on the bill. So much for Democracy. When asked about Rouhani's statement, press secretary Carnival Carney said, "it doesn't matter what they say, it matters what they do." On its face that statement is laughable coming from anyone in this regime. For five years The Obama has been saying what he believes people want to hear while at the same time doing something much different. The Iranians are masters at negotiation, and their religion tells them that they can lie to achieve their goals. You can't negotiate honestly when your negotiation partner is playing by different rules. "It doesn't matter what they say, it matters what they do." Perhaps the regime should start by being honest with the American people; but then again, if they did so, they wouldn't be in power. 1-14-2014 * Benghazi: Declassified congressional hearing documents, obtained by FOX News, show testimony by General Ham, AFRICOM commander during the Benghazi attack. He testified that immediately during the attack they new it was a terrorist attack and he personally relayed that information to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Dempsey. After that information was given to them they went to the White House to tell the president. Knowing this why did the president and his regime keep telling the false story of the video being the cause of a demonstration which then turned violent? You can come to no other conclusion than that the president and his staff deliberately lied to the American people and the world in order to influence a presidential election. For over two weeks the president and his regime carried the false video mantra to all who would listen. The Obama even spoke before the United Nations general assembly and spoke of the video without a single mention of a terrorist attack. With The Obama we have a pattern of lies and misleading statements and promises. At what point do these lies rise to a level where impeachment is warranted? We suggest that we have long passed that point. It's not about the color of his skin it's about the lack of content to his character. The Obama has trampled on our Constitution and continues to skirt our laws through executive orders. What will it take? Congress is in dereliction of their sworn duty. 1-13-2014 * MSM: This past Saturday, January 11, 2014, marked the 16th month since the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. To date no one has been brought to justice and a released Gitmo prisoner of war is believed to have been involved in the attack, if not the leader of it. But if you listen to the regime or the MSM, what difference does it make? The MSM is going after Governor Christie as they were The Obama's guard dogs. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. No matter that Christie took responsibility and fired those involved, they're still after more blood. Meanwhile, four Americans still lie dead from the Benghazi attack and no one, no terrorist and no one from the regime has been held accountable for the failures or cover-up. This shows the power of the media and propaganda and why tyrants control the media in their tyrannies. In our case, the MSM has been a willing accomplice. Shame on them for betraying their responsibility and the people's trust. 1-10-2014 * Accountability: Faced with a scandal in the New Jersey Governor's office, Governor Christie acted forcefully and timely. After it was revealed through email correspondence that a senior aid had called for the closing of the George Washington bridge as punishment for the Democrat Fort Lee mayor not supporting his reelection, and Christie did the right thing. Christie fired the aid and apologized to the people of his state for the actions of his staff. In comparison we have a president who personally lied and watched over his staff lying about Benghazi, the IRS targeting of his political opposition, Fast-n-Furious and other scandals. Not only has he not taken any personal responsibility for any of them, he has not held anyone accountable. In New Jersey people faced a traffic jam for a government politically motivated event. In Benghazi four Americans died for failure of government policies and a presidential election was manipulated by the president and his staff. To date there has yet to be any accountability. The IRS targeting of political foes of the regime is far more dangerous than a traffic jam and no one has been held accountable. We have a rouge executive branch of government that has been unaccountable to the American people or our Constituion to this point. 1-9-2014 * Gates: A president who basis his policies on politics rather than what's best for the country is a fool, when a president who plays politics with the lives of our sons and daughters on the battlefield it's a shameless dereliction of duty. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates tells us what it was like inside the Obama Regime in his upcoming book. The Obama and Hillary Clinton based their decisions primarily on the political consequences. That's the difference between a statesman and a politician. * Promise-Zones: The Obama announced he will be setting up 'promise zones' in certain cities to promote job creation. That's like Pinocchio setting up 'lie free zones' in lala land. The 'promise zones' will most likely be areas where businesses will receive special tax reduction and relaxed federal regulations. The obvious question is, if these things are good for business and job creation then why not have them everywhere. Just another propaganda attempt to deflect attention from his ObamaCare lies. 1-8-2014 * Recession: The Obama's campaign blitz to extend unemployment benefits beyond one and a half years is in full swing. Today he blamed what he calls the worst recession since the great depression, in other words, it's Bush's fault. During every failure of this regime they seem to always fall back to their blame Bush mantra. There are many reasons for people collecting unemployment checks for over 92 weeks, but the main one is the failure of the ObamaConomy to allow the private sector to create jobs. We have the highest percentage of people on food stamps and unemployment ever. This is not Bush's fault and it's not the fault of the last recession. It's the policies of an administration which seeks to not ease the burden on the American people but rather make them dependent on a government which in return depends on their vote to keep them in office. Step back and take a look and it will it becomes easy to see! 1-7-2014 * Class-Warfare: We're in the midst of a propaganda move to divert attention from the failures of socialism in the form of ObamaCare. The current strategy being engaged by the regime is to shift to a class-warfare, rich vs. poor, haves and have-nots, it's not fair media blitz. The talking points will be about the minimum wage because polls have shown that it's a popular topic and most Americans think it should be higher. But, how is the question in those polls framed. If it's, do you think people making someone the minimum wage should be able to feed their family and make a living wage, then the answer is yes. If the question is, are you willing to take part of your pay to subsidize someone who has not worked for over a year, those polls would have a different result. According to the White House this is an emergency need. In other words, the failed Obama economics (ObamaConomy) have led to an emergency situation which requires another extension of unemployment benefits. In essence their class-warfare play is a confession of their own failure. Socilaism/Comunisim doesn't work, in what ever form it's tried! 1-6-2014 * Unemployment: While on vacation in his adopted home state of Hawaii, The Obama criticized Republicans in Congress for going on their winter break and not extending unemployment payments. They already extended benefits to last one and a half years (92 months). Not extending that extension was part of the recent budget deal. The golfing-vacationing LIC said. "Just a few days after Christmas, more than one million of our fellow Americans lost a vital economic lifeline – the temporary insurance that helps folks make ends meet while they look for a job. Republicans in Congress went home for the holidays and let that lifeline expire. And for many of their constituents who are unemployed through no fault of their own, that decision will leave them with no income at all." Someone should tell the president that Democrats went home too! There are many Americans out here working two and three jobs just to make ends meet while part of their taxes are going to free loaders taking a handout for over a year. Unemployment benefits are intended as a short term stop gap support measure for people who lose their jobs through no fault of their own, not as a substitute for a job. There are some collecting those checks who are making more not working than if they got a entry level minimum wage job. In those cases they chose to continue to collect as long as they can. If unemployment benefits are the answer then why not just make them permanent? We're not helping people by extending an already longer than need benefit program. Government should focus on creating the atmosphere for job creation by lowering taxes and removing unnecessary regulations on business. Government can't create private sector jobs, but it can either make the environment a positive one or hamper businesses like The Obama regime has done for the past four years. If the regime really wanted to help the poor they would stop making it difficult of businesses with their policies and their ObamaCare disaster. Extending unemployment is just another way of buying Democrat voters. It's dependency they seek. 1-3-2014 * NSA: Information just came out on another 'secret' NSA program, this time targeting PC's. According to the information, NSA is intercepting 'some' PC shipments intended for the oversea markets. Presumably markets in areas where they could possibly reach terrorist networks. Here's where this, like other overly broad programs, can and most likely do, exceed their original mandates. It's like the massive gathering of 'metadata' to fill a database that can be queried later if the need arises. With all the other programs that have come to light recently are we to believe that shipments of PC's to the domestic market have not been affected? If they can gather all that metadata without prior permission of court orders then why can't they also 'hook' into our computers so when the need arises they can make the link? After all, it's for our own protection and security. What if the PC I'm writing this BLOG on is covered in the blanket of PC's that have been 'bugged'? Benjamin Franklin once wisely said, "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." It's time to start reining in this out of control big brother spying monster before it's ingrained as the new normal. 1-2-2014 * 2014: 2013 was a turbulent year in which the bloom came off The Obama rose. The president was finally caught in his own lies with the MSM doing a little CYA instead of covering his. Now with ObamaCare being shown up for what it really is, a wealth redistribution scheme and control mechanism, 2014 will develop into a prefect storm of progressive statists versus reality. The regime keeps talking up the 1 Million enrollees in ObamaCare while ignoring the over 6 Million who have had their plans canceled. Their goal of covering the uninsured has turned into driving people into Medicaid and the young to accept the penalty rather then subsidize the elderly and poor. Between the multiple exemptions and unequal application of the ObamaCare law, 2014 will prove to be the end of this power grab. The goal in this new year should be to take the Senate back from the likes of Dirty Harry Reid and his corrupt Democrat leadership. A veto proof majority in both houses of Congress will neuter the outlaw Obama regime. |