Water Threats From the Communist Enemies of Freedom
By Gina Miller
better way to control citizens of a country than to
control the water supply? What better way to control
the countries of the world than to control the seas?
As we have been watching the nightmarish
infiltration and takeover of the United States of
America by evil, communist enemies within, I have
dreaded seeing each step they take to impose their
iron grip on the American people. These criminal
traitors in the current federal government are no
longer even trying to pretend that they are not the
America-killing, communist poison we know them to
We have two stories in our face this week that are seemingly unrelated, yet at the same time, they both represent the anti-American, anti-freedom, dictatorial advancement of tyranny. A nation’s water supply is one thing, and the seas and oceans of the world are another. Yet, both America’s drinking, agricultural, industrial and recreational water sources and the seas and oceans of the world stand in jeopardy of a complete takeover by the freedom-hating communists.
Of course, you may know that our own federal government long ago assumed control of the “navigable” waters of the United States under the guise of “protecting” clean water, when it has been about nothing but power and control from the start. You may also know that after Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) took over the presidency, the little dictators in the Democrat Congress attempted to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to delete the word “navigable” from “waters of the United States” in order to seize control of basically all water in our country, right down to the mud puddle in your back yard. That bill is pending on the Senate calendar as of December 2010.
WND’s Bob Unruh had a column published on Monday, which was a follow-up from a report he did last month. The story is one that makes me see red—communist red. In its deranged, power-mad lust to impose a total dictatorship on our country, the Obama administration is targeting the water rights of western states and is fighting the city of Tombstone, Arizona in Tombstone’s efforts to repair its water system which was severely damaged in last year’s forest fire and the mudslides resulting from severe flooding. Because part of the city’s water infrastructure is on federally-grabbed land, the Obama administration is forbidding the use of heavy equipment in the repair of the damaged water collection and supply system, effectively preventing the city from having water.
The facts in this story are outrageous. As Mr. Unruh reported back in April,
“Nick Dranias, head of the Joseph and Dorothy Donnelly Moller Center for Constitutional Government at the [Goldwater Institute], said the issue is far larger than just a dispute over whether trucks and tractors can be used to repair city-owned property inside a federal land preserve.
‘This is a case of egregious federal overreach,’ an institute report on the conflict said. ‘If the Forest Service can effectively seize Tombstone’s 130-year-old water rights during a state of emergency – rights that the service recognized as valid in 1916 – no state or local government will be safe from the feds.’
In the arid West, most cities and towns, including Cheyenne, Wyo., and the Denver metropolitan area, draw at least some of their water from collection systems on federal lands. In other parts of the nation, municipalities have their wells and other critical infrastructure sometimes on federal properties.
‘By denying Tombstone access to its water, the Forest Service is threatening to directly regulate Tombstone to death,’ the institute said”
These communist vermin in the current administration should be locked up in prison for their treachery against the states, the Constitution, America’s sovereignty and more! Everything they have done could not have been done any better by an invading, foreign enemy army! These dirty-rotten, America-hating rats!
This is a detestable story, and it gets worse, as Mr. Unruh reported on Monday,
“Now, a letter contradicting longstanding federal practice asserts a claim to water in arid Western states, such as Utah, Montana, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, that supersedes all other authorities, including decisions by state water courts.
‘Federal water rights are entitled to a form of protection that is broader than what may be provided to similarly situated state law rights holders,’ states a letter from Julie Decker, the deputy state director in the U.S. Department of the Interior to the Arizona Department of Water Resources.
The letter was objecting to state plans to do a routine ‘Designation of Adequate Water Supply,’ which reviews water resources, rights and uses when changes are proposed.
Decker’s letter said water is not ‘legally’ available for some users who may want to develop property in the area, because ‘the expressed federal reserved water right created by Congress is senior to all junior water users who initiate uses after the date of the establishment of the reservation.’”
This is simply astonishing. Who will stop these power-mongering goons under Obama? Who will stop the despicable Obama himself?!
Add to this terrible story the renewed push this week in the Democrat-controlled US Senate to pass the American sovereignty-destroying United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty, and you have a double-whammy of communist water-grabbing outrage.
You may be familiar with the awful Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST), which is an unconstitutional surrendering to the detestable United Nations of our national, military and industrial authority to conduct our business on and under the seas and oceans of the world in the way we have until now—if the treaty is ratified. If the treaty is ratified, 12 nautical miles from land is where the United Nation’s authority would begin.
Arlen Williams had an excellent piece on this subject published on Wednesday at RenewAmerica.com. In his must-read column, he provides valuable information, quotes and links to help us understand what a monumentally bad and dangerous move this treaty would be. We must take immediate action against it by bringing serious pressure to all Senators in Washington to reject this suicidal treaty, which, if ratified, would be one more giant leap toward global governance and loss of American national sovereignty.
It is essential that the Obama administration and Democrat-controlled Senate are defeated in November. It is essential that we kick out of office as many commie dirt bags at the local, state and federal levels as we possibly can. It is no exaggeration to say that the survival of our nation as founded, our Constitution and our freedoms depend on it.