San Fran Rolls Out Welcome Mat to all Illegal Alien Felons
By Adam Sparks
Border fence? Papers? Immigration reform?
San Francisco has just decided that they will no longer cooperate with the feds when they arrest juveniles who commit felonies. This is being done in the spirit of their Sanctuary law. Sanctuary for violent law breakers, that is. San Francisco has always welcomed illegal aliens and provided them every service imaginable while thumbing their noses at the feds.
President Obama and his lame side-kick, otherwise know as Attorney General Eric Holder recently prosecuted the State of Arizona because Arizona had passed a law, with wording mimicking the federal statutes, to enforce immigration laws. Holder claimed the state was precluded from passing these type of laws as the state was “pre-empted” by the feds. However, Obama and Holder see no “pre-emption” policy violation when states and cities pass laws designed to defeat or circumvent federal laws. That’s apparently lawful according to the brain trusts that run the Attorney General’s office. Do you need more evidence that we live in an Alice in Wonderland world, a world full of left wing rodents running the government?
Not all states are giving into the alien felons. Utah recently enacted a law that would check the citizenship status of all those persons arrested for felonies. This is what the feds want. They allegedly want felons deported. However, this week a federal judge struck down Utah’s attempt to identify arrested illegal alien felons because it’s too much like the Arizona law! Excuse me your honor, but how exactly do we know which felons to turn over to the feds- if we can’t ask for proof of legal presence in our country?
can no longer question a felon’s legal presence in
Utah and Arizona
A 1996 federal law, called the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, requires all local governments to cooperate with Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). It’s hard to believe that such a law exists as there are dozens of cities giving the feds the finger. And the feds, under Obama’s strong and caring leadership, has sat on his hands while cities flagrantly violate the fed statute. These cities have adopted the ”sanctuary” laws, a misnomer, to harbor alien lawbreakers and in many cases, even felons. If you and I harbored a felon, we’d be charged with “harboring a felon”. That is a felony. Yet, sanctuary cities instruct their employees not to cooperate with the feds. Their laws forbid city employees from notifying the federal government of the presence of illegal aliens living in their jurisdiction even after they’ve been arrested. The policies also tend to conflate legal and illegal immigration. These policies give illegal aliens all the rights and social benefits of citizens; welfare, in-state college tuition, free schools and medical, the whole gravy train of the welfare state.
Don’t you love it when cities can simply choose which federal laws they can follow and a wimpy president and an even less effectual Attorney General look the other way? However, if you try to comply with the federal laws, as both Arizona and Utah did, you’ll get the full smack down. Go figure. Why go to the movies to see the latest fantasy production when reality is so much better?
Texas is now trying to find a path that even liberal judges can live with. The Lone Star state now insists that its cities cooperate with the feds or lose state funding. Even big, red-state Texas has its share of loony sanctuary cities, but it pales in comparison to California, the reigning leader of the hate-America, loony left.
When will the new GOP congress act? It’s unlikely any strong penalities against sanctuary cities will occur as long as we have the biggest advocate for law breaking sitting in the White House, passing his time listening to a cop-killer rap artist. However, a rider in a budget bill that penalizes sanctuary cities is long over due. Pssst, GOP, are you listening? Obama said when he was a candidate, that he would fundamentally change America and unfortunately for us, he meant it.