Obama claims he was completely unaware that the Reverend Wright’s
trademark preaching style at the Trinity United Church of Christ
targeted “white” America. |
Contrary to Senator Barack Obama’s claim that he never heard his
pastor Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. preach hatred of America, Obama was in
the pews last July 22 when the minister blamed the “white arrogance” of
America’s Caucasian majority for the world’s suffering, especially the
oppression of blacks.
Senator Obama has sought to separate himself from his pastor’s
incendiary remarks, issuing a statement Friday rejecting them as
“inflammatory and appalling” but failing to renounce Wright himself for
his venomous and paranoid denunciations of America.
In his press release, Obama claimed, “The statements that Rev. Wright
made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I
personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity [United
Church of Christ] or heard him utter in private conversation.”
Appearing on cable news shows this past weekend, Obama claimed when
he saw recent videos that have Wright making such comments as “God damn
America,” he was “shocked.” Obama implied that the reverend had not used
such derogatory language in any of the church services Obama attended
over the past two decades.
If Obama’s claims are true that he was completely unaware that
Wright’s trademark preaching style at the Trinity United Church of
Christ has targeted “white” America and Israel, he would have been one
of the few people in Chicago to be so uninformed. Wright’s reputation
for spewing hate is well known.
In fact, Obama was present in the
South Side Chicago church on July 22 last year when Jim Davis, a
freelance correspondent for Newsmax, attended services along with Obama.
”Obama’s Church: Cauldron of Division.”]
In his sermon that day, Wright tore into America, referring to the
“United States of White America” and lacing his sermon with expletives
as Obama listened. Hearing Wright’s attacks on his own country, Obama
had the opportunity to walk out, but Davis said the senator sat in his
pew and nodded in agreement.
Addressing the Iraq war, Wright thundered, “Young African-American
men” were “dying for nothing.” The “illegal war,” he shouted, was “based
on Bush’s lies” and is being “fought for oil money.”
Obama’s most famous celebrity backer, Oprah Winfrey began attending
Wright’s church in 1984. Last year,
Newsmax magazine reported that Winfrey abruptly stopped attending years
ago, and suggested that she did so to distance herself from Wright’s
inflammatory rhetoric. She soon found herself a target of Wright, who
excoriated her for having broken with “traditional faith.” |