Because of a Cheesy, Anti-Islam Movie? Give Us a Break!
By Gina Miller
this whole terrible ordeal with our American
consulate in Libya and the other attacks on our
embassies and outposts in a rising number of Middle
East locations was because of a
You Tube video that “insults” the murderous,
megalomaniac, pedophile Mohammad by telling some
truth about him? And, the attacks just happened to
occur on the 11th anniversary of 9-11?
Really? The very cheesy video was supposedly made
last year and has apparently been out for months now
(although we cannot be certain, because no one has
heard of it before now), but all of a sudden it’s
“the reason” the barbarian Islamists go on a murder
rampage on 9-11? I don’t think so.
The communist Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) and his equally communist administration really do think we’re stupid. This theme of a silly cartoon or kitsch film setting off the wild animal Muslims in the Middle East was old several years ago. We don’t buy it. These people do not need a video excuse to burn and kill; in their detestable Koran, “Allah” gave them all the reason they need to murder the “infidel.” If they need any more reason, just like the Occupy Wall Street morons over here, a few marching order tweets and a few bucks go a long way in creating a “spontaneous” protest.
Now, we have more Americans murdered by Muslims on another 9-11, including Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens. And our embassy in Cairo, just like the stupid, quisling Left, apologized for our own freedom of speech by issuing the most outrageous of statements before either the Libyan consulate or the embassy in Cairo were breached—strange timing, indeed, ahead of “unplanned” attacks.
Then, the news came out that Ambassador Stevens was a homosexual. This is stunning. Not that he was a homosexual, because the Obama administration is loaded with homosexuals, possibly including Obama himself, but that the brainiacs in this administration saw fit to appoint a homosexual as a United States representative to an Islamic country.
Despite the idiocy of members of the radical homosexual movement here in America who claim that Christians are the greatest danger to their debauched way of life, it is not Christians who routinely impose the death penalty on homosexuals; that would be Middle Eastern Muslims.
Did someone in this administration want Christopher Stevens dead? How could these people justify appointing a homosexual to a Muslim country, especially a country in such disarray after Obama’s illegal war to overthrow Gaddafi? Obama and those in his administration may be evil liars, but they’re not stupid—well, I may be wrong about them not being stupid; after all, they did appoint a homosexual to a Muslim country.
In addition to all this, Barack Obama once again shamefully mistreated our dear ally Israel as he hatefully snubbed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s request for a meeting while the Prime Minister is in the United States this month. Obama’s clear hatred for Israelis disgusting and a threat to America’s well-being. He even went so far as to yank Jerusalem—the God-ordained capital of Israel forever—from the hellish Democrat platform, before it was grudgingly restored over the screaming protests of godless Democrats at the convention.
Regardless, we now have United Nations American Ambassador Susan Rice making the rounds declaring these attacks and protests were (and are) all because of this You Tube video and that they were not pre-planned. Why would she say this in the face of all common sense and three-day advanced warnings? Her ridiculous talking points also contradict the Libyan President’s assertion that the attack in Libya was well-planned and organized. These “spontaneous” attackers also “just happened” to have heavy weapons and rocket-propelled grenades, just in time for 9-11! Yeah, sure.
Whatever is at the bottom of these attacks, besides the usual Islamist goal of murder and chaos, one thing is certain: the obsession by the Obama administration with this You Tube video of mysterious origin is nothing more than yet another attempted assault on the God-given right to freedom of speech and expression that Americans enjoy and that the Obama administration wants to kill. The maker of the video was hauled in for questioning in the middle of the night in Los Angeles. Why? How dare they detain him? On what grounds? This whole thing is outrageous. We are not Nazi Germany—yet!
Did you notice that before we knew more than a few details of the attacks, and well before the body of Ambassador Stevens was even recovered, this administration was already crowing that “the reason” for the attacks was some You Tube video of which no one had ever heard? How did they know this? Whose master plan was this? And, how can Susan Rice run all over the television talk shows and declare these attacks are because of the video and not pre-planned, and at the same time say that the FBI is investigating and will find out the real story? Who needs the FBI when Susan Rice has all the “answers” before the story finishes unfolding?
Whatever diabolical reason the powers-that-be have for whipping the maniacal Middle Eastern Muslims into a frenzy, another point is that the creeping Shariah law movement, hand-in-glove with Obama’s communist goals, is alive and well in the United States, and our freedom of speech to criticize the hell-born ideology of Islam, or to criticize this anti-American Obama regime, is one of its biggest targets.